Lazily Yours.

Chapter 393: Foolish Woman!

Chapter 393: Foolish Woman!

"You What did you say?"

The guards stared at each other. It turns out that the woman was only pretty. Sadly, she is deaf. The guard, who was none other than Ma Ping, who volunteered to guard the gates because he was too bored, gave Xu Rong'er a look of pity.

What a beauty.

Sadly, she was deaf.

There should be new technology for hearing aids, right? He should suggest to Miss Lyca about creating small hearing aids for women.

"Why are you giving me that look?"

"Miss Xu, PLEASE GO INSIDE" Ma Ping used his hand to sign, hoping she would understand it better. "INSIDE. YOU. ARE. BLOCKING. THE. DRIVEWAY!"

"Jesus this man just yelled at me! Hey, someone call Chu Munan here! I want to see him! Right now!" Xu Rong'er said. She was done talking to these people and decided to call her cousin instead. "I am not moving my car here until my cousin is here! And someone call that Lyca! I wouldn't tolerate such disrespect from any of you!" With that, she closed the window of her van.

She is not going to talk to stupid people anymore!

"Young Miss, please ignore this person. I believe they aren't aware of your identity. That's why they are treating you like this." her personal servant, Annie, said. "Please don't get too angry. Mind your health and just ignore them."

"Humph! Annie! You have been with me for years now. Since when did people talk to me like that? Disrespecting me is like disrespecting my uncle! How could I allow them to do that?"

Annie just shook her head inwardly.

After a few minutes, Chu Munan arrived at the gates. "Rong'er, what is happening here?"

"Brother Munan! Brother Nan!" Chu Rong'er greeted the twins who approached her car. She immediately got out of her car and started explaining what was happening. "That man said he won't obey my order because I am not paying for his salary. That man over there said that I am blocking the driveway! Then then" Xu Rong'er's face turned red, tears started streaming down her cheeks. "That man shouted at me!" She pointed at Ma Ping. "Brother Munan please help me get rid of that man!"

"Rong'er calm down I am sure this is just a misunderstanding." Chu Munan had an instant headache. The people that Xu Rong'er was pointing at were actually Lyca's people! "You! How come you are here?" He asked Ma Ping.

"I was bored inside." Ma Ping said. He actually wanted to sightsee, but Lyca said it's dangerous right now. The only way he would see something new is to stay in the guardhouse and check out beautiful cars in the neighborhood.

"So So you just decided to work as a guard?"

"Why? Do you think I'm not qualified?" Ma Ping asked.

"That is not my point!" Chu Munan said. "How could you disrespect a guest like that? Even if you are not the security, you still needed to respect your boss' visitor."

"She's not Miss Lyca's visitor." Ma Ping countered. Miss Lyca would never have friends like Miss Xu!

"You "

"Ma Ping can you tell us what happened here?" Chu Nan interrupted his brother.

"Well Miss Xu wanted to let Mr. Huang in. How could I let that man in? Miss Lyca is sleeping, and she doesn't like it when people disturb her! This woman acted surprised that I wouldn't listen to her orders. How could I listen? Is she my boss? She's not giving me my salary, food, and accommodation! So why would I listen to her order? Do you want me to be labeled as a traitor?" Ma Ping was really irritated. Lyca had problems with traitors. She also had issues with people not following her order. Why would Ma Ping want to offend Lyca for some beautiful woman with an awful attitude?

Seeing everyone's jaw dropped, Ma Ping continued. "This woman asked me to repeat my words as she removed her shades, so I did. Then, she got angry! I thought she was foolish. It's such a simple sentence, but she couldn't understand it! So, I told her to just go inside and stop blocking the driveway! Then Then she asked me to repeat my words again! This made me conclude that the woman is actually deaf! So I made sure that she would hear my words."

Ma Ping was looking at them as if they were the stupid ones.

And this type of gaze could make anyone angry.

"AlrightAlright please apologize to Miss Xu. She is not deaf. She was just surprised by how you treated her. She isn't used to it."

"Why would I apologize? Will she give me my salary next month?"



"Brother Munan! See? Do you see this? That man is so disrespectful! How could you allow him to guard this place!? I want you to fire him! Fire him now!" Xu Rong'er couldn't take it anymore. She raised her voice. "I want you to blacklist him! I don't want him to find any work again!"

"Ah? This woman is actually so dumb!" Ma Ping laughed. He couldn't believe it! This woman is more stupid than him! "Hey Why would I apologize to someone like you? Did you expect to be treated like a princess everywhere you go? Wake up, woman! Are you dreaming? Ah, you are pretty, but it turns out you have problems here!" He pointed at his temple.

Ma Ping didn't give anyone a chance to respond as he continued, "Your Brother Munan can't fire me because he is not my boss! He is not giving me my salary, food, and accommodation! So stop acting like a brat! This is not your palace, and we are not your people! If you didn't take your car from the driveway, I would be delighted to call a tow truck to take care of it!" Ma Ping said, unfazed. Aside from Lyca and Shen Qui, he won't listen to anyone else's orders!


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