Lazily Yours.

Chapter 354: False Accusations

Chapter 354: False Accusations

"The goddess of love, Aphrodite, considered Crape Myrtle tree sacred. The blooms of these trees are now commonly used in royal weddings. So, I wanted to plant these types of trees outside of our house. We could also add some cherry blossoms, Wisteria the pink one symbolizes romance. Jasmine would be good too. And of course, the elegant redwoods which symbolize forever." Shen Qui said as the air blow past them. Lyca nodded in response. She looked at the trees on their way.

Earlier, they were talking about their cringy feelings. Now, he was talking about trees the trees that he will plant once they finally buy a house. Once they would finally decide to start a family. Lyca inhaled his familiar scent as he walked towards the building. Of course, he was already carrying her in a piggyback.

"How about flowers?"

"Do you like flowers?" he asked.

"The poisonous ones," she answered without batting an eyelid. "The poisonous ones are really beautiful."

"Your preference is really weird."

"Isn't that why I married you?" she retorted and laughed. "I am not good with plants. Too lazy to take care of them." She would only take care of them if they have any use to her. Lyca wasn't really someone who loves plants and flowers.

"Why are you so ruthless? Plants are symbols of life."

She rolled her eyes. Lyca thought about her training when she was still in the other world. When she was a child, she was already tasked to kill people. At the tender age of ten, she was asked to kill a bandit who murdered and rape a woman in the village. The bandit was already weak and was even blindfolded.

At that time, the small Lyca hesitated. In the end, she wasn't able to kill him. As a punishment, he was given five more people to kill. Every time she failed killing one, five more people will be added. It was cruel, but in that world, it was considered perfectly normal. While all of them were murderers and evil, the small Lyca thought about their lives and their families.

In the end, she still killed them.

Since she was young, her family taught her that the lives of humans are just like plants. You have to kill them if they started to rot. Or else, they would damage the other plants. This philosophy had been instilled into her until now.

"I think you have gotten heavier." Shen Qui's words brought her back from her stupor. "Did you eat a lot of seafood again?"

"Are you calling me fat?"

"No. I actually think it's good. Your face is too small. It's smaller than my hand. You should eat more and gain a few more pounds."

"" She pursed her lips into a tight-lipped smile. "We are almost there let me down."

"The room will be on the second floor. You sure, you don't want me to carry you?"

Lyca giggled. She was really tempted to ask him about this. But they are here for a serious matter. Oh, well in the end, she still nodded and hugged his neck like a small little spoiled monkey.

When they arrived at the door, Shen Qui finally put her down. "Don't smile too much." He even reminded her before they went inside the room.

"Why?" she asked. Does her smile look crooked? Of course, Shen Qui didn't answer her and walked ahead of her as he opened the huge wooden door of the room.

"Ah, Mr. Shen I am glad you finally decided to show yourselves." Xie Jun's words welcomed them, animosity painted all over his handsome face.

Shen Qui only snorted and looked at the man with a few white strands of hair. "Mr. He, I wasn't expecting that other people that are not a part of the committee would come here." He squinted at Long Yi before turning his gaze towards the older man. "Oh, may I know if you finally decided to disqualify them after what they did?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Xie Jun hissed.

"Mr. Xie calm down." The man named Mr. He sent a warning glare to the man wearing purple before he smiled at Shen Qui. "Please take a seat. Mr. Shen Miss Huang."

Lyca and Shen Qui sat in front of a long rectangular table where the six members of the committee were seated. Aside from them, Long Yi, Xie Jun, and Zhang Zhi were also seated at the table.

"Were you able to determine the culprit who sent those people?" Shen Qui asked. He decided to go straight to the point and save himself and of course his lovely wife from all nonsense introductions.

"This This isn't about that." Mr. He said. "This is about you killing those people. Right now, tracing them back is hard because obviously, they can't talk anymore. They can no longer defend themselves. We already examined the crime scene and we notice that those people were killed directly. Two things. First, you are too strong to be able to subdue four people your height in a few seconds. Second, they weren't given any opportunity to fight back simply because they can't."

Shen Qui lifted an eyebrow. "You wanted to say that I planned everything. I killed those people and created false accusations to frame someone?"

Mr. He pressed his lips together. His gaze was enough to confirm Shen Qui's thoughts. "Mr. Shen there were no signs of forced entry. Nor signs that they struggled. It was as if they just let you kill them. May I know why is that?"

"Wait I am confused." Lyca frowned. "So you are saying that we should have let them fight back and give us a few cuts?"

"This This is not what "

"Then, why are you asking that question? The fact that we could kill them in a few seconds means that they aren't capable to fight back. Are you trying to doubt our abilities?" Lyca asked. "Are you trying to say that it is best if we have created a messy fight just to prove that they fought back and we didn't just kidnap them for the purpose of framing someone? Say, Mr. He are you here to disqualify us because we didn't let the criminals fought back?"


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