Lazily Yours.

Chapter 341: Jealous Person

Chapter 341: Jealous Person

"Sir, Miss Lyca had been in the Chu Family's ancestral house after the new year. She was also seen with Mr. Chu Nan for a few times. Our team who had been watching in Ralia also confirmed this matter. I already checked the background. It is indeed Mr. Chu Nan from the Chu Family of Ath Province."

Long Yi's brows furrowed as he snorted. "Lyca ah, I wonder why you have been silent lately. Turns out, you wanted the support of someone powerful. I wonder if you already knew about the Xu Family?" He continued to mutter. "Well what about the 'accident' that we prepare for them?"

"Everything is prepared sir, we weren't able to get into their camp as the securities were really tight but we can do it on the road. We already analyzed their most logical route. The accident will happen in Ralia."

"Good. Did you already tell father about this?"

"About the list? No, sir. But Patriarch Long is already aware of the accident."

"Good. Keep it that way."

"Yes, Sir also"

"Hm?" Long Yi lifted his gaze. "What is it?"

"The Madam's stomach is getting bigger. She she asked if you could accompany her while she gave birth."

"No." Long Yi said. "Just gave her the best doctor. Tell her I'm busy."


With this, the man respectfully took a step back and left him in his office alone. He eyed the file of paper on his table and let out a sigh. Lately, his father had been very busy with his own company that he let Long Yi handle the assembly. There were a lot of things that he needed to take care of. Thus, he was very busy.

He eyed the list and decided to put it in the drawer of his table.

At the same time, Lyca was staring at the map of Shun Regions. In this Region, there are four cities. The Kong City, Ralia, Long, and Xie City. Aside from the Kong City, who is considered the most chaotic part of the region, the others were led by 'aristocratic' families. Ralia was led by the Tan Family, Long City was led by the Long Family, and Xie Family ruled Xie City.

Right now, Kong City was still chaotic, but it would soon change after the election. Especially after Lord Olfan's disappearance. Meaning, another family would rule Kong City soon. Lyca already promised Santa this, so she doesn't have any problem. Surely, that man won't betray her if the time comes.

Now, she needed to get back to Long City. She thought about her fun childhood in Long City and sigh. In the City, there were a lot of prominent families, but none of them dare to face the Long Family. Even the prominent Huang Family suffered after they dared decline Long Family's good intention.

"There might be an ambush here," Lyca suddenly pointed at one route leading to Long City. "By now, they already know that someone from the Chu Family is here. So they will attempt to teach me a lesson. The goal this time is to make my people wounded. In that way, they won't be able to attend the assembly." She sneered.

"This route is quite remote," Cleo immediately added.


"So? What are we going to do?"

"Set up two tinted buses. They will leave ahead of us. Prepare six SUV. The team will use the SUV and use an alternate route. We will take the long road and turn towards Kong City before going to Long City." Instead of the shorter route that would go directly from Ralia to Long City, Lyca chose the longer and safest one.

"We will leave the day before the scheduled time," Lyca added.

"Got it. Do we have any arrangements for Boss Q? Shall I inform him about this matter?"

"Hmmm, yeah." Lyca yawned. "Tell him to come here and get his armor suit."

Cleo stared at Lyca. Why not call the boss herself? Was she too lazy to call? Or the two had a fight lately? Now that Cleo thought about it, she hadn't seen Shen Qui for four days now. Did the two really fight?

Lyca turned towards Cleo. "We are not fighting," she quickly explained. She could easily read Cleo's face, it was so easy for her to guess. "He is currently in Aiba, he is trying to close a deal. This restaurant is going to be the first restaurant that we have in that Region."

"Oh" Cleo nodded. But this doesn't explain why she wouldn't call her husband no? Suspicion laced Cleo's gaze. As if sensing her thoughts, Lyca laughed.

"The person that he is trying to negotiate with is a woman." Lyca beamed. "If I call him that woman might get jealous and not close the deal."

Cleo frowned. "Are you trying to sell your husband?" She remembered something. A rumor It was something that Santa said himself. The man said that Lyca actually made Shen Qui negotiate with Santa because of his preference for younger, handsome boys.

Now that Cleo thought about it. That is indeed something that Lyca would do.

"Aish what are you talking about?" Lyca sneered. "I am a jealous person. If he likes someone else, I will kill him."

"Then? Why don't you call him?"

Lyca snorted. "Because I'm a jealous person!" Isn't that enough explanation? If she called him and asked for his day, she might get jealous and leave everything to follow him around!

"Oh! So you you are already jealous and you are scared that you will get more jealous and become crazy?"

"" Lyca glared at her. She wasn't jealous She is just being careful! After all, prevention is always better than cure. "I trust him."


"Betrayal means death, and he knows this," Lyca said before she gestured her to leave the office. "Don't forget to call him. Tell him to go to Long City with me. I need support." She sat on her chair and yawned. Ah, thinking about Shen Qui talking to some beautiful woman is making her angry.

It's better to find something to eat to pacify herself.

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