Lazily Yours.

Chapter 336: A Dirty Fighter

Chapter 336: A Dirty Fighter

"He will," Lyca's words interrupted his stupor. She turned towards him. "Feel free to inform your old man about it." Finished speaking, Lyca turned towards the door. Of course, Chu Nan followed her out.

'The elements"

"Can you tell me at least thirty of them?"

"Of course not!"

"Then not teaching. I don't have dumb students."

"You "

"How're your martial arts?"


"Then if you can defeat my people, you can learn."

"What people?" Chu Nan asked, confused. Cleo is not good at martial arts. Ronan might be good, but that man always has his eyes on his computers. Then was it the guards? "Your security can't beat me." He said, confidence accompanied his tone. How could a mere security personnel beat him? He was trained in both hand-to-hand combat and other fighting skills. He even had a black belt in Karate and excelled in mixed martial arts. This was something he was very proud of.

"Not them. Come with me." Lyca said while using her phone. Her relaxed behavior only made him irritated.

"How dare you use me to check if they are capable?"

"Not using you. Can you stop talking?" Lyca uttered. He was already calling Shen Qui. After a few rings, Shen Qui answered her call. "Hey How come you are still not home?" Her tone instantly turned sweet and gentle. The changes were too quick. It made Chu Nan frowned. He quietly walked next to Lyca, not even moving away.

Honestly, Chu Nan didn't know what to do. He felt that walking away would be appropriate, but right now, he wanted to follow Lyca. He is afraid that this woman would once again disappear once he walked away. So, he shamelessly walked next to her as she spoke with Shen Qui.

When Lyca was finished speaking, they were already in Huang Sheng Hong's office. Lyca quickly told her parents about her plan to visit Ma Ping and the others before leaving with Chu Nan and Cleo.

"I have never been to Ralia."

"Hmmm," Lyca just nodded. "It's good."

"" What was that supposed to mean? This woman is really so weird. Earlier, she was talking a lot to her husband! The most surprising thing was she actually talked like a normal human! When the call ended, she went back to being weird!

"So you are going to teach me poisons in Ralia?"

"If you can beat my people."

"Of course I can beat them!" He rolled his eyes. Of course, this statement was proven wrong the moment he started fighting with Ma Ping.

When Lyca and Chu Nan arrived, everyone already finished their training for the day. Lyca immediately instructed them to form a line as she wanted to check their progress. Almost immediately, the already tired group suddenly turned active. Smiles can be seen in their faces, each of them excited to show off to Lyca.

She had been gone for so long, the group actually thought she had forgotten about them!

"Alright, first fight with Ma Ping."

"Where are we fighting?" Chu Nan immediately eyed the four-story building to his left then the two-story building across it. They are currently in the middle of the buildings. A bonfire can be seen in front of the group.

"Here," Lyca said. She took a bite of the burger that was given to her by Cleo and gestured for Chu Nan to fight in the middle, near the bonfire. "There fight there."

"This " Chu Nan squinted when he noticed a man walked out of the crowd. He was shorter than Chu Nan by a few inches. "I already " he wanted to tell him that he remembered him but was cut off by Ma Ping's words.

"Let's fight. This trick won't work on me. "

"" Chu Nan looked at the people watching them. Men and women actually showed excitement. Maybe they are not aware who he was? But this man in front of him and a few people in the group have accompanied them when raiding Lord Olfan's house. They should know that he was working with the police.

"What are you waiting for?" Ma Ping stood proud, eyes squinted at Chu Nan. He was wearing all black clothes. A black tactical pants paired with another black tank top that showed his firm muscles.

"How arrogant," Chu Nan heard enough. He walked towards the space. "Don't blame me for not showing any mercy!" Without waiting for Ma Ping to say anything, he charged towards him. His goal? Grappling!

Chu Nan was obviously bigger and bulkier than Ma Ping. He was confident that once he gets ahold of Ma Ping and pinned him into the sandy soil, he would immediately win. "Huh?" Chu Nan had to stop when he realized that Ma Ping was no longer in the space before. "Too quick?" He frowned. However, before he could turn to look for him, he already felt someone kick his back. He stumbled but quickly gain his balance. "You " Such a dirty fighter?

"Mr. Chu, there is no right way to fight someone. It's only death and survival." Ma Ping said, his face serious.

"Good!" Chu Nan uttered as he sprang forward. He refused to believe that this small man could defeat him using his agility alone! This time, Ma Ping met his fist. He dodged, kicked, and sent one of his palms.

Of course, Chu Nan's experience didn't disappoint. He was already bigger and stronger, he was also older and more experienced. It was already expected that he would eventually win. However, Ma Ping wasn't planning on giving the man an easy win. He fought, gaze resolute as he studied each and every movement of Chu Nan.

"Time's up!" Lyca's voice rang. Ma Ping and Chu Nan immediately stopped fighting.

"There's a time limit?" Chu Nan asked, confused.

"Not earlier, but it's already three minutes. Are you planning to make me wait here all night? Ma Ping, you lost." Lyca stood and walked towards him. "Although you are younger and more inexperienced than Mr. Chu, you still lost."

"" What was she talking about? Why does it feel like Lyca was insulting Chu Nan instead?

"Well Miss Xi"

"I don't accept reasons," Lyca said sternly. "The mission is to finish people as fast as possible. Use every method. You could have used the sand to blind him, kick his balls. But you didn't you wanted to fight fair and defeat him with your ability. In a war, do you think people do that?"

"" This isn't a war. Isn't this a practice match? Chu Nan became more and more confused. Why was she talking about wars and ending people? Just... Just what kind of place is this?


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