Investment Return System, Start by taking Demon Empress as a Disciple

Chapter 106: Yourong, Senior Sister misses Master, how about you?

Chapter 106: Yourong, Senior Sister misses Master, how about you?

Leng Yanran halted her preparations upon hearing Li Yourong's call, redirecting her focus toward the newcomers. Meanwhile, Li Yourong maintained the formidable form of the Holy Dragon, her entire being enrobed in dragon-scale armor. Even her aura exuded a subtle yet distinct draconic pressure.

At the recognition of the familiar voice, a crease appeared on the Second Elder's brow. His scan across the scene, however, yielded no trace of the anticipated figure.

"Second Elder, it's me, Yourong! I'm right here!"

Li Yourong once again beckoned to the Second Elder, her hand raised in a welcoming gesture. This time, the Second Elder swiftly responded, blinking to Li Yourong's side, where he stood cloaked in draconic armor.

"You, you are Yourong? What mystic artistry is this?"

The Second Elder's visage twisted in astonishment as he observed Li Yourong. Only a faint glimmer of familiarity within her aura prevented him from outright disbelief.

The Second Elder had just finished retreat, and he left the retreat on purpose because he learned that Li Shenruo had obtained the inheritance of an immortal. He had even been informed of Li Yourong's abduction. He even originally proposed to go to the Northern Region to snatch Li Yourong back, but was told by the Great Elder that the other party was an existence in the Void Refining Realm, so he had no choice but to give up!

And now, by unexpected twists of fate, he found himself responding to a distress call from the Ren Family, only to stumble upon Li Yourong here!

What was all this about Senior Sister just now?

The Second Elder's mind reeled, but his bewilderment was short-lived. Shortly after, another elder joined Li Yourong, scrutinizing his draconic transformation with narrowed eyes.

"Ah, Great Elder, you've come too!"

Li Yourong greeted the Great Elder with a courteous gesture.

"That's right. Great Elder, I implore you to arbitrate," Li Yourong continued with urgency. "Ren Family resorts to hiding within their formation, refusing to emerge. Great Elder, please shatter their barrier, allowing Senior Sister to discipline them!"

After seeing the Great Elder's aura, Li Yourong waved her fists and bared her teeth and said without waiting for the elder to ask.

At the utterance, the Great Elder shifted his gaze towards the silent figure beside, Leng Yanran. A brief glance revealed an astonishing revelation: in scarcely a month's time, she had surged from the realm of Profound Sky Seventh Heaven to the Unity Realm!

"Young friend, I am aware of the feud between you and the Ren Family. However, it must be noted that the Patriarch of the Ren Family has already been killed by your master. Is it truly necessary for you to take matters into your own hands?"

Great Elder's acknowledgment of Leng Yanran's master's dreadful prowess infused his words with a sense of diplomacy, even prompting a modest arch of his hand in her direction.

"Are you here to help the Ren Family?"

Leng Yanran, noting the courteous tone, inclined her head slightly in acknowledgment before addressing the query that weighed upon her heart.

Should these individuals seek to shield the Ren Family, it could potentially complicate matters; after all, Holy Mountain was also entwined with her junior sister.

Yet, the Ren Family had to be eradicated. To have incited the wrath of the Heavenly Dao Pavilion meant forfeiting all chance of survival. If they set a precedent by allowing this, wouldn't it embolden other powers to trample over the Heavenly Dao Pavilion's dignity?

And where would that leave her master's honor?

"Well..." Great Elder's response faltered, uncertainty visible in his expression. "Young friend, what if the Ren Family were to offer reparations? Could this not be seen as a face-saving gesture for our Holy Mountain?

"While it is true that the Ren Family bears the initial fault, they are nevertheless a power within my Eastern Domain. Holy Mountain cannot simply turn a blind eye to their plight."

Though visibly torn, Great Elder ventured forth with his proposal.

"I'm sorry, I cannot comply," Leng Yanran responded.

"Since the Ren Family has offended our Heavenly Dao Pavilion, their fate is already sealed. However, as you, the esteemed senior, have stepped in, I am willing to grant the Ren Family a second chance. If they solemnly swear an oath to sever ties with the Ren Family, abandon their cultivation, they may live."

Leng Yanran pondered briefly before ultimately yielding to the compromise. The scene unfolding was undeniably absurd – a mere cultivator of Unity Realm, discussing the fate of the foremost family of the Eastern Domain, the Ren Family.

But the Great Elder was well aware that this was no jest. With a master who stood as a formidable Void Refining Realm expert by her side, Leng Yanran possessed the qualifications to act freely within the Eastern Domain.

Moreover, the Great Elder knew all too well the terror that lay in wait behind Leng Yanran's master – a guardian and a force that could reach into the very depths of one's heart.

"Hahaha, how laughable! Even if the Ren Family lacks a Divinity Separation Realm expert, what of it? Do you take us for feeble pushovers?

"Since you already know about the fall of our Clan Patriarch, I'll be forthright. The Ren Family oversees one of the Eastern Domain's spiritual veins. If you force us into a desperate corner, I'll simply detonate the spiritual vein. We'll all perish together!"

Upon hearing Leng Yanran's words, the Ren Family's patriarch retorted with a mocking smirk, his demeanor unshaken.

Indeed, it was their spiritual vein that had been their secret weapon. Without their ancestral figure to safeguard them, the Ren Family would have succumbed to the voracious appetites of other powers long ago.

So long as that spiritual vein remained, even if the enemy wielded a Divinity Separation Realm expert, they could only meet their doom in mutual destruction. No Divinity Separation Realm expert would recklessly assail the Ren Family when faced with such an outcome. Given a few centuries, they could readily cultivate another Divinity Separation Realm expert.

"Alas, young friend, this is the current situation. If you persist in confronting the Ren Family, it will not benefit you. Why not consider my proposal, have them offer reparations, and lay the matter to rest?"

Great Elder sighed, his head shaking in resignation, as he advised once again.

From his perspective, the Ren Family had already revealed their trump card. Surely, Leng Yanran wouldn't persist in her unyielding stance.

"Tsk… No need for further words. If you insist on intervening, then act. Otherwise, I kindly request that you step aside."

Casting a glance at the scornful expressions of the Ren Family members, Leng Yanran's irritation grew. The Heavenly Dao Pavilion never initiated conflict, but if provoked, was it not reasonable to strike back?

"Senior Sister, perhaps... perhaps it would be best to let this go. We could report back to our master and seek their judgment. Or... or we could refine our skills further before returning to deal with them."

Li Yourong, uncertain of the extent of damage a spiritual vein explosion might cause, gleaned from the Great Elder's words that even the elders might be powerless against it.

Would it not be risky for Senior Sister to insist on taking action?

"Yourong," Leng Yanran responded, realizing her junior sister's worry. She mustered a rare smile and patted her head affectionately. "Hmm?"

Li Yourong replied, her gaze slightly dazed.

"Master once said, in the face of danger, there's no need for worry," Leng Yanran assured gently. "Everything is under Master's watchful gaze. Perhaps you've heard this saying before?

"Considering you've only recently started your cultivation journey, you might not fully comprehend its depth. It's not about seeking vengeance whenever we're wronged. Master won't necessarily take action for that purpose. Today, just observe.

"By the way, Yourong, we've been away from the mountain for a while. Senior Sister has started to miss Master. How about you?"

Leng Yanran smiled warmly, her tone filled with sincerity as she addressed Li Yourong.

"Senior Sister, I've been missing Master too!"

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