Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society

Chapter 198. Second Season (1)

Chapter 198. Second Season (1)

Rabbit ears, dog ears, wolf ears, cat ears, bears ears. With five beastman children and two cute girls in the house, mother screamed in joy.

“Where did so many children come from!? Are they yours?”

“I’m only 21, Mom!”

“Animals ears, how cute! They feel so realistic!”

“Let me go!”

“They’re real, Mom. Don’t try to pull them out!”

After I returned, I first reported to the guild and Loretta. As I also brought Ren and Lebuik from the dungeon, the house was full. Mother happily went off to cook for the guests, while Yua went to help her.

Ren, on the other hand, sat in my room depressed. I had to stay and talk to him without being able to eat.

“Sorry, Crown Prince... When I saw the enemy that took Father’s body, I felt like my blood was flowing backwards. I should have trusted Crown Prince’s plan. I have no excuses.”

“Right, you don’t.”


“I told you before, right? A warrior has to be cool-headed. I didn’t think you’d charge at the world’s enemy with no plan.”

“That, Kang Shin has, no right. Kang Shin is far from, being cool-headed. It’s just, Kang Shin’s ability is overwhelming, so no problem.”

When I was admonishing Ren, Daisy appeared out of nowhere and refuted me. I wanted to say something, but seeing what was in Daisy’s hands, I became lost for words.

On one hand, she had a beer can, and on the other, she had a thick sausage. I remembered seeing the sausage before. After seeing that Ren and Lebuik were safe, the children sat around the living room table and ate with Mother, Yua, and Father. Before I came in my room, I remembered being surprised how adaptable they were. If I remembered correctly, the sausage was on the table. The sausage in Daisy’s hand had undoubtedly come from there.

“Kang Shin’s mother, gave me sausage. Kang Shin’s father, gave me beer.”

“Well, I’m happy you’ve gotten close to my fa... Why are you here!?”

I shouted in shock. Why was Daisy on Earth!? She then answered as if I was being dumb.

“Kang Shin used Return, with me too. Barely put Aikan, in my inventory.”


“I like this place. I stay still, and I get food.”

“I, I see... That’s good...”

She looked like a middle-school student, so it was somewhat strange seeing her drink beer. Though I wanted to say something to her, I held it in. I looked at Ren again and spoke.

“Ren, it’s time. The second season of thrashing phase!”


“Even if you say no, your body is shaking from excitement!”

“I’m shaking because I’m terrified! Stop saying weird things!”

“What’s thrashing phase, Rookie?”

“It’s a special training I make Ren do.”

“T-Training? No, if it’s training, I’ll do it! Ren-nim is my disciple!”

“Lebuik is too soft. Plus, I feel like Lebuik will end up doing some other training, so no.”


With a face saying, ‘how did you know?’, Ren took a step back. I was just joking, but this woman... how scary. On the other hand, Ren tilted his head. With a virgin-like innocence, he asked.

“Some other training? What’s that? Lebuik is an excellent warrior. If there’s something I can learn from her, I’d like to learn it. Please, teach this foolish one.”

“R-R-R-Ren-nim. If that’s what you wish, this Lebuik will....”

Seeing Lebuik drooling and fiddling with her clothes, I flicked her forehead and shot her down. Then, I took out the crystal bottle containing the world’s power. All eyes became focused on the ball of light floating in the bottle.

“Crown Prince, could this be...?”

“Yep, it’s your world’s power.”


“I’m Earth’s Hero. I can do at least this much.”

“Why didn’t you take it for yourself?”

“Don’t be absurd. This power belongs to Panan continent.”

“Crown Prince...!”

Ren sounded touched. Annoyingly, he was tearing up. I knocked on the table catch his attention and continued.

“Let me explain. I trapped the world’s power in an Elixir bottle. The bottle’s special material is preventing it from leaking out, but it won’t be last forever. The moment it’s taken out, it will probably start to assimilate itself as Earth’s power. Do you want the Panan continent’s power to be absorbed by Earth?”

“No... of course not.”

I grinned. I of course brought up the topic to prevent that from happening.

“As Earth’s Hero, I can vest this ownerless power to someone. It’s much easier and less time-consuming to transfer an ownerless power than transferring it from one human to another. But as more times passes, this power will start to weaken and it’ll get harder for me transfer it to someone. Now, what should I do with it?”

“You’ll need to transfer it to an explorer as quickly as possible.”

“Correct. And it just so happens that there’s an excellent candidate in front of me.”

“Lebuik is here too.”

I stared at Lebuik, who sleeping on the ground with a happy expression. It made me shake my head. That said, I had to acknowledge her courage of risking her life to help Ren, and charging in in the midst of battle to stop Ren who had lost his sanity.

Although Ren still seemed oblivious, Lebuik’s actions came from her love for Ren. At some point, loyalty seemed to have become love. Regardless, to Lebuik, Ren was more important than Panan continent. On the other hand, even when all hope seemed to be lost, Ren stayed in Panan continent.

“Between Ren and Lebuik, I’m going to have to choose Ren.”

“But I’m foolish. Because of me, both Lebuik and Crown Prince suffered. When I’m watching Crown Prince, I can’t help but think why I can’t be like Crown Prince. Kuhuk!”

I flicked his forehead strongly. His head was so hard that it made my finger hurt slightly. I held the pain in and told Ren.

“I already said what you did was foolish. But... it was understandable. Mm, well, he was your father... Kuhum. In any case, Ren is different than before, and I know Ren can get stronger. As for your rash personality, it can be fixed through another thrashing phase.”

“But I—”

“I hold Ren in high regard because Ren managed to save eight children from that hell without losing hope. Ren’s full of spirit and hungry for battle. That’s exactly what I want. That’s not something that can be taught. You have to be born with it.”

“Crown Prince...”

“I won’t take no for an answer. I won’t change my mind anyways.”

“... Can I really not avoid another thrashing phase?”

“Is that what you were worried about!?”

I gave Ren the world’s power. It was simple. I opened the bottle and shoved it in Ren’s mouth. Then, using my power as the Hero, I just had to settle and energize it. Compared to the time and effort it took for a Hero to transfer his own power to someone else, it was extremely simple.

After obtaining the Hero’s power, Ren rubbed his belly and spoke.

“Uu, I feel dizzy. I can feel that this power hasn’t settled in. It’s nauseating almost.”

“It’ll be better once you get used to it. Congratulations on becoming a Hero. Quite the pressure, huh?”

“I’ll be sure to fulfill my duties.”

“Well, the kids are here now. Don’t go back for a while.”


Everything Ren wanted to protect was on Earth. Although I couldn’t say it was safe to be on Earth, I was at least sure that it was more safe than the Panan continent, which was dominated by the El Patiz.

“There’s nothing Ren can do alone anyways. If you die and have the world’s power stolen again, that would be disastrous. They said so themselves. That they needed time before an El Patiz that can contain the Hero’s power was born. In other words, one would eventually come to being. I’m not sure how they can reproduce without the world’s power, but that’s what they said. Maybe they’ll fuse or evolve or something.”


“Going back alone is simply stupid. Or what, did you plan on hiding in the ocean? Who knows if they can still reproduce?”

“That’s... true.”

“So Ren, help me.”

I said bluntly.

“I’ll deal with the danger Earth is facing in 2 years. After that, I want to save other worlds. Ludia’s Luka continent, Daisy’s Sylon continent, and yours, the Panan continent. All of them.”

“Do you know what you’re saying, Crown Prince?”

“Of course. You weren’t thinking of hiding for the rest of your life, were you? Then there would be no meaning to having the Hero’s power.”

Ren’s face was dyed red. He shot up and shouted.

“Impossible! Do you know how many worlds were ruined and how many worlds are being ruined!? If you did, you wouldn’t say something like that!”

“If strong explorers come together, I’m sure it’s possible. People like you, Daisy, and me. So help me, Ren. Help protect Earth. I’ll help you too.”

I spoke calmly as I stared into his eyes. There was no room for joking. I wanted Ren to reply with seriousness.

At that moment, Ren’s expression became strange.

“Crown Prince. Your... Your guild...”

“Didn’t I tell you? Revival. It means rebirth.”


Ren fell. Seeing the hint of flames that began to burn in his eyes, I smiled.

“I’ll... try. After all, I owe Crown Prince a debt.”

“Good. Welcome to Revival, Ren.”

Ren joined my guild. I was somewhat curious how Lebuik would react, but I decided not to pursue the thought. When Ren and I shook our hands, Daisy, who was watching from the side, slammed her emptied beer can down.

“Long, arduous journey. But, I’m looking forward to it.”

“I’ll be sure to save Sylon continent too. Then, you’ll become its Hero. Get ready to feel the pressure.”

“Hmph, I welcome it anytime.”

With that, she left the room. Perhaps she just wanted to hear Ren and my conversation. Or perhaps, she wanted to confirm my resolve. I got up. Ren also followed me up and asked.

“U-Um... Is the thrashing phase starting now?”


I said bluntly.

“Let me climb the dungeon first!”

Author’s note:

The arc title isn’t really that meaningful. I represents the beginning of a new story with business in other dimensions being over with for now, and it also represents Shin being able to climb the dungeon again... oh, and also Ren’s thrashing phase being resumed. Oops, the last one ended up being emphasized!

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