I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 169: 6.30 Third Green Star - Blood Rain

Chapter 169: 6.30 Third Green Star - Blood Rain

Before the sun had completely set. The clean up group had destroyed all the frozen statues of the zombies inside the hotel. Thanks to Zhi Yue's detecting abilities they had finished their task earlier only to see their General and his wife kissing.

The man called Xu Lin with his cat on his lap averted their gaze from the shameless couple showing their love to the world. The little bun Chino on the other hand had his eyes covered by his Uncle Lou Lan when the latter had noticed the situation of that group gathering by the small table.

Lou Lan ordered his lover Wang Lei, "Go... Stop that shameless couple before things between them get even hotter. They are outside for God's sake!"

"Hehe~ This... couldn't be helped. They've just made up after all." replied Wang Lei.

The understanding old butler had looked at Zhi Yue standing beside him.

"It seems that the young master must sleep with you tonight, A'Zhi. Hoho~" said Uncle Wu with a grin on his old face.

Zhi Yue, on the other hand, had his eyes sparkling when he saw his host and Lord God exchanging intimate gestures without a care for the world. It seems his collection will have a new one after tonight.

"I agree. I definitely agree. Please leave Xiao Chi with me!" replied Zhi Yue.

When the couple noticed everyone's return, Xueya lightly pushed his clingy husband away and went inside the hotel to unfreeze the whole building. Of course, he left not even a drop of water in the building. At the same time, he had made sure his ice had disinfected the whole hotel before he walked inside.

"Ah~ wife. Wait for me~" said Cao Junye as he followed Xueya after him. H

He also didn't forget to glare at the group who made him cut off that kiss with his wife. It's been a long time since he was able to exchange intimacy with his wife. Chino had been getting away lately and he had just recently woken up. He missed his wife the most.

Before he gets inside the hotel, Cao Junye stops in front of Zhi Yue.

"Look after the brat tonight." he said.

Zhi Yue nodded his head like a pecking chicken but his eyes were glowing with excitement and expectation. "Yes, Sir!"

It didn't take a while for the rest of them to enter the hotel. As soon as they get inside the Ice as if alive, move to block the whole ground floor doors and even windows preventing anything from coming inside and going outside. After splitting into groups, pairs or solo, they had all chosen their rooms.

Afterwards Uncle Wu and a few soldiers look for the kitchen to start preparing dinner. Those who had no things to do had taken a nap in their rooms, or played some cards. Chino had run around the building riding on Oreo's back. Zhi Yue is tailing him the whole time playing tag with his nephew.

Evening. Just before dinner is served.

A sudden loud thunderclap was heard.


Few soldiers noticed that the thunder's falling had gotten bigger and louder each time it fell. With the generators working and some solar panels still attached at the light post outside, everyone could see the scenery outside the building. The whole central area is still covered in ice but it started melting freeing the zombies imprisoned within it.

Fortunately, the ice wasn't completely melted, only the ice restraining the zombies had melted. A heavy red rain had started falling mixed with the sound of thunder and lightning. It made the whole atmosphere eerie and scary. Some lightning even hurled towards their building thankfully Ximen Xueya had spread his ice surrounding the whole hotel protecting it from rain and thunder. Only the building was isolated from the calamity outside.


The peals of thunder become concurrent and the wind picks up blowing like a hurricane.

Before their group dispersed, Wang Lei had warned them to listen to Zhi Yue's warnings. The youth had informed them never to open the window when it started raining and that they must avoid the crimson rain which seems to be made of blood. He said that no one knew where they learned that the blood rain is filled with concentrated viruses that cause zombification and they were told that this rain would help those disgusting zombies to evolve and get stronger.

After being caught by the rain, those zombies would have a huge leap of changes when it comes to strength and speed. When the blood rain ends, modern weapons like guns would be useless when confronting zombies. Only destructive weapons like RPG, grenade and explosive would be useful against these upgraded zombies. Ordinary humans who hadn't awakened their abilities yet would be in danger when that comes. It would be harder for them to deal with these upgraded zombies unless they've awakened their abilities.

This is the reason why the soldiers watched this crimson rain with ugly faces. They knew it would be hell once the rain had stopped. The only good news they've received is that these upgraded zombies would have something called crystals inside their heads. These crystals would be able to help them upgrade their abilities or awaken those ordinary humans turning them into an ability user. Right now except for Ximen Xueya and Cao Junye who have strong abilities, only Wang Lei is level 2 after his awakening.

Most of them had only awakened as level 1 ability users. Their General who woke up late among them had awakened as a level 3 ability user. As for Ximen Xueya, his abilities are so Godly that they were afraid of hearing the answer of the question: 'What level is he?'. Even their cute and cuddly young master Chino is level 2 which is a mutation caused by his mixed bloodline.

The blood rain continued to pour for the whole night. The people residing in the hotel had no problems with food and resources. Not only did they loot the few districts before this, with Ximen Xueya with them, fresh fruits and vegetables were available for them to enjoy.

They only need to ask permission and Xueya would bring them inside his space. After picking a few baskets of fruits and vegetables, they've even brought out a few chickens, fishes and beef from the dimensional space. Once everything was cooked in accordance with Uncle Wu's commands, a huge grand feast was laid on a long table and the soldiers had moved to the dining area.

Unlike the impending calamity outside the hotel, this group had enjoyed the dinner to the fullest. After all, they would need to work harder tomorrow as soon as the rain had stopped pouring. Only when the sun had completely risen that the rain had finally eased.

After dinner, the couple spent time with their son until the little baby got tired of playing and fell into a deep sleep. After bathing the little bun, the couple had let Zhi Yue look after the baby in the other room. Thereafter, Cao Junye had carried his wife away and locked themselves in their room. Everyone looked at their backs with a knowing gaze. Even the old butler was smiling the whole time after watching the interaction between his master and his wife.


Inside the hotel room, Xueya, who was carried like a bag of sacks on Junye's shoulder, didn't even struggle as he was gently laid on the bed. Falling on the soft bed behind him, Xueya looked at the man hovering above him. He cornered him on the bed, leaving no place for him to escape. But the man above him isn't even making his move at all. Cao Junye just stared at him as if he wanted to ask something or say something but was reluctant to do so.

Xueya noticed his husband's weirdness, "What's wrong?" he asked while reaching his hands to touch his husband's hair and pat it gently.

Cao Junye fell on him with his head landing on the top of his chest listening to his heartbeats.

"Just ask if you want to ask and speak if you want to speak. I am willing to listen to anything you want to say." said Xueya.

Cap Junye asked while listening to his wife's heartbeats. He wanted to check if there would be changes in it when he asked him questions and check his reactions to every question.

"Who is Hei Jue to you?"

"My elder cousin from my father 's side. A blood related one. Don't thing anything stupid. Jue-ge is a married man." [Normal heartbeat]

"Why does he want to kill me?"

"Well~ he just hates you because... I chose you. Because he knows my bloodline traits. It would be impossible for us to love another one after choosing one. Aside from my uncle, Jue-ge had looked after me the most. He treats me like a baby brother which is why he hated you because he thinks you stole his carefully cultivated cabbage. Don't you know your nickname? He calls you a pig. Hahaha~" [Slightly excited heartbeat from laughing]

"That jerk~~"

"You know that even if you listen to my heartbeat it wouldn't change much unless... you are involved."

The words Xueya had spoken startled Junye as he immediately raised his head to look at his wife. He could see Xueya giving him a helpless smile yet there are hints of pampering and tenderness within his eyes.

Xueya hold Junye's face preventing the latter from moving away his gaze on him.

"My love, what is really bothering you?"

Junye didn't reply right away. He wanted to avoid his wife's gaze but he couldn't even move his head much less his neck or body as Xueya's legs locked over his body by wrapping his slender legs on his waist like an octopus.

"He said that... I will regret it... Once all of my souls have merged, I would regret it. Hei Jue said."

Xueya frowned for a moment when he heard that but based on his current expression, he couldn't understand the meaning of Junye's words.

"This... I don't know. My memories aren't completely unsealed yet. All I know that it wasn't me nor you had sealed my memories but my Uncle Baojun. As for why, I also still don't remember but I'm sure it involves you."

"Baby~ what do you mean?"

"The reason I came to Nether System is because of you. Because you split your soul too much just to look for me in most worlds that you've ended up being in coma. I just don't recall yet why my uncle is involved in this. He normally wouldn't care about our family member's counterpart as long as we had already chosen. But for some reason as long as you are involved my uncle will involve himself as well. This is all I remember for now."

The two who had both problems in their memories couldn't fully understand their situation. All they knew was that the connection between the two of them was even deeper than they expected.

Seeing that nothing could be done at the moment, Cao Junye had to keep things ending here for now. He laid next to his wife and pulled him in his embrace. After exchanging a hot and deep kiss the couple looked at each other full of obsession.

"Sleep. Not today." said Xueya.

Cao Junye smiled, "Because there is no clean water?"

"Yes! Better do it inside the dimensional space next time. Water in there is clean!"

"Yes. yes. Not today. Tomorrow, we will be busy. Sleep baby~"

"Un. Goodnight my love." kissed the corner of his husband's lips.

Cao Junye kissed his wife's forehead. "Goodnight, baby~" then they entered their slumber peacefully that night.


Z District, Hope Base. The blood rain had frightened many individuals all over the world. No one knew the reason why the rain had turned red. But since it looked ominous that most living things had avoided being hit by it. Bu there are still some stupid people who went out while the blood rain is pouring down. Those people had either gotten eaten alive but those excited zombies or turned to one and joined the other side. Whatever it is, the number of zombies has once again inflated.

Most bases who had no idea about the blood rain had suffered greatly from their residents turning to zombies. Only the Hope Base was completely free of those stupid people as the leader, Shi Moye and the old general Sun, had issued a military order. During the blood rain everyone is forbidden from going out of their house no matter whatever reason it is. Or else they would be shot down without a question.

At first they were few rule breakers but all of them were killed. No question asked. Only when Shi Moye had explained the reason for avoidance of such a weird event did everyone understand the lethality of the scarlet rain.

They only had to prepare themselves as they were informed that the zombies after this rain would no longer be ordinary human flesh eating monsters. They would evolve ones that ordinary guns would be useless against. Only ability users would be able to contend in opposition to it. It was because of these that some ability users would have their ego's inflate and suffer from a superiority complex. Because of this lots of problems have risen which involve ability users. Shi Moye had a hard time controlling the base due to this event.

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