I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 160: 6.21 Third Green Star - A Huge...

Chapter 160: 6.21 Third Green Star - A Huge...

S District.

Ximen Mansion.

Before the sun had completely set. The group had finally reached the old mansion owned by the Ximen Family. Everyone was looking at the clean and flawless mansion standing before them. Even the steel gates of the mansion remain undamaged except for some few speck of sand and dirt covering it, the place is completely intact and unbroken.

Among the houses and buildings in the whole S district only this mansion and the land it stood on was left untouched for some reason. Everyone, even Cao Junye, felt something was wrong with this place. They had seen the ruined areas in this district. Some the houses were completely ruined as if it was left incompletely demolished. There are even some nearby villas which lost its roof as if pried off by something. Only this Ximen Mansion remained untouched for mysterious reasons.

The little bun who saw his old house happy ordered his dog, Oreo, to move towards the door. Following behind him is Lou Lan and Cao Junye who worries about his son's safety.

"Father, come this way. This is our old house~" said Chino as he gestured to Cao Junye to come over to him. Then he looked at his uncle Lou, "Uncle Lou~ hurry. Open the gates~"

Lou Lan helplessly smiles as he approaches the mansion's gate inputting the original security code he remembers. After entering a few series of codes, the steel gates made a clicking sound and slowly opened for them. Seeing this Lou Lan sighed in relief knowing that he had entered the right codes.

"Father hurry~ hurry! Let's go inside the house! Chi-chan will guide~"

"Haha~ then Chi-chan has to tour around father inside the place. It's father's first time visiting." said Cao Junye who carried his son in arms after taking him from the back of the now whining huge dog, Oreo.

Oreo only whined for a few seconds but didn't dare to attack Cao Junye. Not only his master treats this man the same as he treats that godly person, this man had an even scarier aura. He could only instinctively lower himself in Cao Junye's presence.

Everyone took a rest and resides inside the mansion. The mansion had been left alone for months and some places were covered in dust. The females and children, even the men, were tasked to clean the mansion. It doesn't need to be clean thoroughly as they only planned to stay one night over. As long the dust was wiped away and swept the dirty on the floor and walls, everything would be usable.

For the cold evening, they even light up the fireplace within the mansion. This was able to keep them warm for the whole night.

Past midnight as the sky had fully darkened and when most humans had gone to sleep. A sound of something crawling could be heard within the S District. The subtle sound cannot be easily perceived by human ears but it is a different story for animals with enhanced hearing. The movement was done carefully yet it cannot be ignored fully.

There are few sounds and male survivors tasked to do some night vigil. Since the soldiers were tired from the whole journey as they continuously fought zombies this morning, the first half of night vigil was left to some male civilians.

The civilians accepted the jobs without fuss as they were in awe yet frightened by the general's existence. The survivors had seen how the general eliminate those zombies that chase after it.

Within the mansion at the Master's bedroom, Cao Junye and Ximen Chino were peacefully sleeping on the bed. The small one was sleeping serenely besides his father. But the child's sleeping figure is a bit not good.

Chino slept upright facing the ceiling but his arms and legs were stretched widely at each side. One of his legs was pressing on his father's stomach. Sometimes kicking as if fighting something in his dream. But as his skin is thick, Cao Junye was able to sleep peacefully even as he got a kick in the gut from the child.

The puppy Tibetan Mastiff named Oreo is currently sleeping beside their bed not far from his sleeping master, Ximen Chino.

All of the sudden, Oreo who had his eyes closed suddenly woke up and ran towards the window connected to the veranda of the room. Just outside the veranda is the gates of the mansion. Oreo looks around at the dark horizons and starts growling as if seeing an enemy.

Growls~ Grr~~ Growls~~

This sudden animal sound Oreo started producing had immediately woke up Cao Junye who was in the same room. At the beginning the general chooses to ignore it as none of the soldiers come to report to him. There are few soldiers left on night vigil. They were tasked to report immediately at any changes in the surroundings.

When a scream was suddenly heard from outside the mansion and the bark of Oreo had gotten serious, Cao Junye finally realized that something had happened. He instantly woke up and picked the gun he placed at the side table. He cautiously approached the window and peered to see what was happening outside.

But the scenery outside had stunned him. A huge olive snake with brown spots all over its body but the size isn't a joke either. The snake had the length that could wrap a huge building and it's height could stretch up to a 2 floor building.

Hiss~ Hiss!

Cao Junye murmured, "Anaconda?!"

The general watched silently as the huge snake swallowed the guards who were tasked with night vigil. It only took two gulps for an adult man to gulp down one human. At this moment the snake had its body wrapped around the mansion's building but for some unknown reason it didn't dare to destroy the house.

All it did is slurp humans inside the mansion and eat them. Clearly this huge animal is the cause of the ruination of the whole S District yet it is somewhat afraid of touching this mansion. If not before there is food inside the mansion Cao Junye was sure that this snake would dare to come out.

The loud barking of Oreo made the snake stare at the room where Cao Junye and Ximen Chino reside. The general even met eyes with the anaconda. But aside from looking, the snake didn't dare to approach the room where Cao Junye and his son are.

Now chaos had fallen and hell had risen from within the house. The children and ordinary people were screaming their lungs out seeing a humongous snake before then. While the soldiers and other ability users attack the snake with guns and elemental attacks.

AAHHHH! A huge snake!!

It's a mutated snake!!


Bang. Bang. Bang.

Unfortunately, guns and bullets weren't of any use as the skin of the snake only issued a sound when hit but bullets. The same sound when a bullet proof metal was shot by guns. It left no trace on the snake's thick skin. Thankfully the elemental attacks were useful. It was able to leave a scratch on it but sadly not that much. The abilities of the awakened were too low and this mutated snake's level is too high.

It was at this moment that Chino woke up and Uncle Wu barged in the room.

Bam! The sound of the door being forcibly opened.

"Father? What is that sound? yawns~~"

"General!!?" yelled Uncle Wu.

Cao Junye approached his son and carried him in his arms. Then he passed the boy to the Old Butler in front of him and got out after wearing his armor. Chino securely followed the side of the old butler as his master is with him.

Cao Junye spoke, "Uncle Wu, bring Chino and the rest to safety. Bring them to the inner place of the mansion but don't get out. For some reason that snake is not willing to destroy this mansion."

"Yes! As you ordered." said the Old Butler.

Chino calls, "Father?~"

"Baby stay with Grandpa Wu for a while okay? Father has work to do." said Cao Junye with a smile.

"Oh~ I will. Father be careful." replied Chino. Hearing this concern Cao Junye gave his son's forehead a light kiss.

As soon as they got out of the room, they bumped into Wang Lei and an ashen face Lou Lan who came over to check on them.

"General!" called Wang Lei.


"According to some of our people. They heard a sound of something crawling and a certain feeling of danger hit them. When they were about to check the outside of the mansion, they were welcomed with the scene of the mutated snake snacking on the guard at night vigil! There are now 10 deaths and most of them were survivors that ran out of the mansion to escape. It seems that the snake had wrapped itself to the whole mansion!"

With a dark face, Cao Junye strides to the entrance of the building. Behind him were ability users from his unit and some courageous survivors who wanted to avenge the deaths of their friends and family. Wang Lei ordered the soldiers to continue attacking the snake without getting out of the mansion.

Wang Lei murmured, "Why is it not entering the mansion? Not even daring to touch the mansion?"

Cao Junye's eyes narrowed as if he thought of something.

"Stay here. I need to check on something."

"Yes, general."

Then everyone watches as their general walks out of the mansion towards the snake. His steps were slow but it shows no indication of fear at all.

"G-General what are you... doing!?"

"Stop!!!" But Cao Junye turned deaf ears on them and continue to walk forward.

Seeing Cao Junye walk out of the mansion the snake only stares at him. The general stood before the snake but for some reason it didn't attack the general at all.

This scene shocked everyone inside the mansion.

Lou Lan spoke, "W-What is this!? What is happening? Why isn't the snake attacking the general!?"

"That... I don't know either." Replied Wang Lei bewildered.

Cao Junye frowned as he looked at the huge snake with bright eyes.

"Uncle Wu, come over without Chino." said Cao Junye.

The Old butler said, "Please look after the young master."

"I will." replied Lou Lan. They didn't even notice the eyes of the young child and the big puppy Tibetan Mastiff sparkled at seeing the huge olive colored snake outside the house.

Hearing this the old butler had passed the young master to his Uncle Lou as he walked fearlessly towards the general. Even without understanding the weird situation this old butler still approached the snake with his usual smile. Everyone watches as the old butler walks forward and reaches the space beside the general. Unexpectedly the snake once again didn't attack.

"One more attempt. Wang Lei, you come over. But if something happens, immediately run inside the mansion." said Cao Junye.

Wang Lei's eyes widened in astonishment and could now somewhat understand the reason for the general's actions. "Yes, general."

Everyone once again closely watches as their Lieutenant walks towards their general but unlike the first two, the steps of Wang Lei is full of vigilance as he stares at every gesture the huge snake makes. It's long tongue slitters each time a human approaches him. When the general and the old butler had gone out of the mansion the tongue of the snake slitters as well but it's eyes remain dull.

The beaded vertical irises of the snakes narrowed as if showing annoyance at the two presence yet when it was Wang Lei's turn, that snake reacted differently. As before Wang Lei even took a step outside the mansion, the huge snake attacked out of nowhere with its mouth open wide intending to bite Wang Lei.


But Wang Lei had expected this and instantly formed a small tornado in front of him which pushed away the huge head of the snake and jumped back inside the mansion. Everyone else was surprised with this event. They couldn't understand why the General and Uncle Wu weren't attacked by the snake but the lieutenant did.

Cao Junye spoke, "Just as I thought."

"What is happening, Master? Why is this snake not attacking us but wanted to eat Wang Lei?" asked the Old Butler.

"I am not sure but... I think this snake is afraid of someone. It's fear made it not able to harm those connected to that person. But Wang Lei had not much interaction with this person but I, you, Lou Lan and Chino would most likely not be attacked because..."

"Because we had a lingering scent of Xueya on our bodies which made the snake afraid. Is that this the reason?"

It was Lou Lan who suddenly appeared beside them now looking at the frustrated huge snake in front of them. Chino was left inside the mansion riding on the back of Oreo. Cao Junye nodded his head agreeing to every word Lou Lan had spoken.

"It didn't dare to destroy the mansion for the same reason. The problem is this snake would attack anyone aside from the four of us and this snake is quite intelligent. It would camp outside the mansion waiting for its prey to come out one at time. Aside from us, it would attack and eat everyone else." explained Cao Junye.

"How about going out with us? Will this snake still attack?" asked Lou Lan.

At this question not only Cao Junye but even the old butler frowned. There is a possibility of the snake not attacking the group like how they've entered the mansion but thinking of this snake sneaking at this moment made them think twice. If that is indeed the case, why would it start attacking now. They were afraid to take the risk of coming out of the mansion with someone else because of this.

While the adults were thinking of how to solve this problem, none of them had noticed that their naughty young master who is currently riding on Oreo's back let some of his few friends ride with him. Now on the top of Oreo's back is not only Chino but another boy whose name is unknown.

Then without anyone noticing Chino ordered Oreo to run out of the mansion with that child. His intention is to play around by running all over the place with Oreo and his friend. Oreo dashed outside the mansion before Wang Lei even noticed him leaving.

"Chino!? Wait, it's dangerous!!" yelled Wang Lei.

The child ignored him as expected. "Hahaha~ Oreo, run faster!!!"

"Chi-chan! (Young Master!!)"

What they've feared the most has happened. Chino who was riding on Oreo's back dashed out of the mansion if it's only that then there is no problem. The issue is, there is another child behind Chino. This child is one of the survivors they had saved on the way. The snake didn't attack right away but stared at the children for a few seconds as if it was confused with the scent of the children and the dog.


But suddenly it dove towards the children with its mouth wide open, the mixed scent coming for the children had completely removed the fear Ximen Xueya had instilled within the snake. The snake might have mutated and been quite intelligent but it is still an animal. It wouldn't know the meaning of scents being mixed.


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