I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 147: 6.8 Third Green Star - Arriving at the Capital

Chapter 147: 6.8 Third Green Star - Arriving at the Capital

Ximena Xueya, Ximen Chino and Zhi Yue had visited a few more towns on their way to the capital. At every town they've visited, they were like locusts eating everything on their way. As usual Ximen Xueya flunked his money as he hoard every useful resource they could get in those towns. Of course! Everything was placed in his dimensional space but he left some filled warehouse in case of emergency for the government. As he could already imagine them not believing his words anyway.

After sending a message to Cao Junye about their arrival to the capital, the latter had sent his complete address to the Ximen father and son. This time the one driving the car is no longer Zhi Yue but Ximen Xueya. Following the address he was given, Ximen Xueya drove to the most luxurious area in the capital. At the entrance of the Subdivision, few soldiers were stationed holding weapons. Once Ximen Xueya's car approached the gates they were stopped by the soldiers.


Ximen Xueya still drove the car over the gates, a soldier was about to raise his weapon in an attempt to scare them off when suddenly a higher officer came running over.



The newly arrived officer glared at the soldiers who were about to raise their weapons just now. Though they were just doing their jobs, this esteemed guest is still their General's personal guest. The rudeness just now was their fault.

The soldiers heard their officer's command and lowered their weapons. They've stood straight in attention and saluted him. But the officer didn't return their salute right away and the soldier could only stand as straight as a rod. The soldiers could only watch as their higher officer approached the car's driver's side window and smiled towards it. He slightly bow his head as if paying respect to the person inside.

The car window slowly went down revealing a handsome and exquisite face of Ximen Xueya. At this moment there is no smile on his face but only coldness and indifference but that didn't stop the soldiers from feeling awe and attraction. To the soldiers and the officer, Ximen Xueya feels like an aloof Winter God ascending before them. The officer who is about to welcome them was left in dazed of his beauty.

In the officer's mind, 'Damn! The Lieutenant General didn't tell me that the General's guest is this hot. But this man should be a person with a child, where is the child?'

Subconsciously, the officer looked inside to check. He saw another beautiful creature inside. It's an adorable little milk bun whose features are similar to this Winter God. But if the father is like a Winter God, the little cutie inside is like a small snow fairy instead. Such contrast but similar features made the father and son even more attractive to his eyes.

Ximen Xueya finally spoke, "According to Junye's message, his house address should be in this direction. Are we on the wrong road?" he asked.

The cold yet gentle voice was heard, Xueya's voice is so nice here that it made the officer and soldiers blush for a moment. Now they're experiencing the feeling of hearing a beauty's bewitching voice.

The officer stuttered for a bit as he averted his eyes to avoid embarrassing himself further.

"N-No, esteemed guests, you are on the right path. Please drive towards the last and largest mansion at the end of the road. That is the General's place. The general has been awaiting your arrival!"

"Thanks. Continue the good work." said Ximen Xueya before closing his car window once again.

The officer saluted until the car had entered the Subdivision. This area is owned by their general. The whole unit under him also lives here including their Lieutenant General Wang and his lover.

As soon as the car had passes by the soldiers who finally got released all looked at their officer with curious looks on their faces

"Don't look at me like that. That person is the general's guest. He had especially given orders to give the person and his son a proper welcome. They would be staying at the general's mansion for a while." said the officer.

"Father and son? There's a child inside the car!?"

"Yes! An adorable little milk bun! He looks so while and chubby so cute to be pinched. Cough* Anyway you would be seeing them for a month or so. Treat them kindly and respect the distance. That person's identity cannot be spread in the capital. We are now given orders to block any elite family or people of the government except for the heads to allow entrance. Remember this command, no one is allowed to enter the Subdivision without the appointment approved by the general!"

"Yes Sir!"


At the general's mansion.

The mansion owned by General Cao is made with mixed modern design. It is not completely modern, there's a hint of classic architecture mixed with it. There's a huge gate in front of the mansion. On both sides were Maple Trees which are now in full bloom. The mansion building is colored in black adding up the maple trees surrounding it, seeing the scene in the sky one could see a red carpeted like piece of land among the green lands. Like a hidden paradise within a forest.

Ximen Xueya and his son were welcomed by a group of servants led by an old butler. Behind this old butler were servants of both genders. It is unlike in Ximen Mansion where the servants can be counted in two hands and except for Butler Yun no other servants are able to stay at the mansion after 6. This is because the original Ximen Xueya had trust issues when it comes to outsiders.

The servants were given their own place, a condominium unit, not far for the mansion. While the hired guards were allowed to sleep in the guard's sleeping quarters detached from the mansion itself.

A black BMW stopped right in front of the mansion. The servants were all curious about the owner of such a low-key yet expensive car. Just based on its design, clearly the car is a limited edition and a fully customized vehicle.

The whispers from the servants cannot be controlled.

"Wow~ a limited edition car."

"Is that the said car to be made which is said to be the one only in the world!"

"But it doesn't look any different from other BMW cars I've seen thought."

"Stupid. Look closely at the car's body and tires. Those are made from rare materials and the price for it is something we would never achieve in our whole life of working. Even the windows of the car are made with bullet proof tinted glass that would even break if it was hit by an RPG!"

"H-Hey! I think.. I've seen this car on television before. Isn't that the car that is customized by an international car dealer and said the full price had reached almost 40 million dollars. Twice the price of the current most expensive car, Bugatti La Voiture Noire!!!"

[A/n: Just a nonsense to portray the extreme wealth of the Ximen Family.]

The old butler looked at the line of servants behind with him a stern and warning gaze. All the murmuring in between had all halted. Instead they've concentrated on focusing their minds towards the special guests their master had ordered to be treated the same as him.

The door to the driver's seat had opened. The person who got out of that car is a man who looks like in his mid-twenties. Soft looking light chocolate dyed hair. Those phoenix shaped eyes squinted for a moment when the sunlight lightly welcomed him as soon as he got out the car. Handsome and refined features as if he was personally sculpted and loved by Gods. His every gesture is full of grace and elegance, it shows that this is a man who grew up in nobility. That tall nose perfectly fits his small face, thin lips with a slight hint of red which show his healthy state.

On that alluring face is nonexistent emotion as if looking at a living doll adding up his cold and detached temperament. It made it harder for others to approach him. When those pair of blue-violet orbs which can be compared to a polished tanzanite gemstones

Once those pairs of tanzanite orbs landed on the servants most of them felt like they were thrown in an ice cold pool or thrown in a north pole. There is nothing within those eyes but coldness and indifference.

But the old butler had served the General for years, he instantly went out of dazed and bowed his head in greetings towards the esteemed guest before him.

"Pleasant greetings, sir. Wel---."

"A moment." said Xueya, cutting off the words the old butler is about to say.

As a professional butler this old servant shut his mouth immediately and just smiled at Xueya. He waited for a moment as he was told. Then they've watched him walk towards the other side of the passenger seat then open the door.

Once the car door is open they hear a cute and bubbly voice coming from inside the car.

"Daddy~ are we here already?~" asked the sleepy Chino.

Then Xueya, as if the glaciers melted, had softened his gaze and looked at the adorable sleepy milk baby inside the car. There's a smile on his handsome face making him even more attractive this time.

Xueya helped his half asleep son take off his seat belt and carefully carried his baby in his arms.

"We are here in your Uncle Junye's house. Are you still going to nap, sweetie?"

Slightly rubbing his eyes, with his hazily covered fire opal irises, Ximen Chino looks around to see unfamiliar surroundings and groups of servants smiling at him.

Chino responded, "Hm~ we are here. Daddy, Chi-chan will not take a nap anymore."

"Good~" Xueya gives Chino's forehead a soft kiss. "Let's go to sleep after dinner okay? For now let's meet your Uncle Junye first."


But once the eyes of Xueya had landed once again towards the servants his emotions had become nonexistent once more.

"Please park the car somewhere and take our things to the car trunk. There should be some souvenirs for everyone. Just bring over the box with wine. That's my gift for Junye." said Xueya as he passed his car keys to the servant. The old butler had a gesture with his eyes to take the keys.

The old butler spoke, "Please leave everything to us, sir. May this old servant ask what we should call the esteemed guest?"

"What do you call Junye?" asked Xueya to the old butler.

The old butler responded humbly, "This old servant calls him master in front of others and Junye-gongzi or Childe in private."

"I will allow you to call me by my name. The other can call me Master Ximen. This is my son. Ximen Chino. You may also call him by his name but the rest must call him Young Master." said Xueya.

"Ximen!!?" exclaimed by one of the servants from the background.

The old butler instantly glared at that servant but immediately asked for forgiveness towards Ximen Xueya.

"Xueya-gongzi please forgive that servant rudeness. Leave it to this old servant to punish him for it."

Xueya didn't even glance at the servant. "Then I will leave it to you. Is Junye still at work?"

It was at this time that the father and son heard that familiar magnetic and charming voice of Cao Junye. His way of speaking is still a bit stern but his tone softens when speaking towards the newly arrived duo.

Cao Junye spoke, "I've just finished."

"Master!" The servants collectively greeted each other.

Cao Junye just swept his eyes on the servants eyeing the one who exclaimed Xueya's family name just now. Then his eyes landed at the old servant standing beside the father and son.

"Uncle Wu, fire that servant. He broke his work protocol when meeting with the guest." said Cao Junye.

"As you wish, Master."

The old butler gestured to the guards waiting in shadows to get the servant away from the guests and their master.

The servant who exclaimed just now was about to beg for forgiveness only for the guards to block his mouth and pulled him away. No one spoke for him. After all, every servant in this mansion had to sign strict work protocols that mustn't be broken even twice. That's how strict the master of the house is.

Only that servant was punished as he broke the protocol twice. He is also among the first group of servants who murmur loudly at the first sight of Ximen Xueya's car.

Cao Junye spoke once again.

"Uncle Wu you may continue the rest of your duties. I will look after Xueya and Chino personally. While you're at it invite Wang Lei and his lover over for dinner."

"Everything will be as you command." replied the butler with his head down like the rest of the servants.

Only then did Cao Junye approach the father and son with a small smile on his face. When the orbs of amethyst and tanzanite meet, the owners of those irises smile at each other gently. There's hidden yearning and affection within those eyes of two people.

Cao Junye spoke first, "Finally here..."

"Yes, we're here." replied Xueya.

It was at this moment that the half-asleep baby fully awakened when he saw his father's figure in this world. With those short pairs of arms reaching towards Cao Junye, the little milk baby calls for the title he wants to call an adult man.

Ximen Chino yells, "Father!! Chi-chan and daddy come over to play!"

Everyone who heard the way Chino had called the General even the most professional and oldest servant among the audience were rendered speechless. They were shocked that the little young master of Ximen Family is calling their Master, father.

Just when they thought that the general would scald the milk baby and angered Master Ximen. They saw their own General chuckles as if delighted that he was called father by the little baby.

"Hahaha~ Yes. Yes. Chi-chan and his daddy can come over to play anytime." responded Cao Junye to Ximen Chino as he took over the job of carrying the little milk bun from Ximen Xueya.

"Let me carry him. You've been driving for hours. Take a rest until dinner. I have prepared a bigger room as per your request. For now let's get inside." said Cao Junye as he carried Chino on his right while indirectly placing his left arm behind Ximen Xueya. He lightly pushed Xueya towards the interior of the house.

Xueya responded, "Sigh~ fine carry him. I wouldn't be able to take him away from you now that he finally met you again since that incident in that amusement park."

"You're tired for that long journey. Let me carry Chi-chan for now. Go inside?"

"Let's go."

Only then that the three of them had entered the mansion as a group. Their backs look like an image of a family for those who can see it. The servants were especially astonished and in disbelief with what they had seen. Only when the three had left the servants line of sight that a silent excitement and confusion was shared among the servants. Even then no one dared to comment loudly in fear of getting fired for having a loose mouth.

In the end the old butler had returned to normal from his dazed and started issuing orders.

"Get the things inside the car. To the guest room. Pass to me the black box Master Ximen had requested just now. The rest of the things placed in the guest room the Master had asked to be prepared for the guest."

Old butler's thoughts. 'If I remember it right. The guest room the master had chosen is the closest to the Master's bedroom. After the relationship between Child and Xueya-gongzi is what I thought it is? If so then... this old man has to warn the others from approaching that floor.'

After a while the servants moved in unison and followed their designated orders. Only then the crowd in front of the General's Mansion had dispersed.

childea youth of noble birth.Gongzison of an official son of nobility your son (honorific)

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