I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 144: 6.5 Third Green Star - Poor Wang Lei

Chapter 144: 6.5 Third Green Star - Poor Wang Lei

Amusement Park

Time 12:30 pm

The Ximen father and son were conversing with System Yue in their minds when they were suddenly picked up by someone and took them away from where they were standing. The roller coaster ride is the location where the said bomb is placed.

When Ximen Xueya and Chino both looked up to see the man's appearance, they were surprised by how handsome the man is. Seemingly perfectly sculpted and refined face, angular and clear yet with his sternness, this person looked like an authoritarian. His hair was tinted with dull grey shade paired with a hooded shaped eyes hiding within are tyrian purple irises. He is a strict adult man who is oozing with mature and male hormones. He looks sexy and stern built in one succulent body.

After placing them under the protection of some of his subordinates, the man walked away to do his duties.

"You should be safe here. Escort these two outside the park and protect them." the man ordered as few men wearing universal special forces clothes gathered upon hearing his orders.

The special force replied, "Yes sir!"

In an instant the father and son realized who just saved them. But before their minds returned in reality the man had left them.

"Please come this way."

Before Ximen Xueya and his son called for the man they saw him going towards the location of the bomb to continue the supervision of the other team whose task is to secure the rest of the bombs. Seeing him all busy with work, the father and son could only leave for now. They've let some of the special forces escorted them away.

They had a conversation with the system.

"Daddy! That's father right? He feels so much like father!!" asked Ximen Chino.

Ximen Xueya smiled and responded, "Yes~ it's your father~"

"Father didn't recognize Xiao Jing just now~"

[Young Master have you forgotten you look different than your original appearance? Unless the Lord God's main soul wakes up he wouldn't be able to recognize the Young Master.]

"Don't be sad~ our baby~ didn't your father still protected us just now even though he doesn't have memories? I'm sure your father will like our Xiao Jing the same way daddy does~"

"Daddy when can we meet father again? Xiao Jing wants to see father more~"

"But even if we meet with your father again we can't stay with him until the midst of the apocalypse."

"Why? Daddy~"

"This is because if we stay with your father before the end of the world arrives, he would most likely not allow you or me to fight zombies. Didn't Xiao Jing pick this world to fight zombies?"

There's a mischievous smile at the corner of Xueya's lip when he says these words to his son. He is obviously teasing the innocent boy.

"Un~ Xiao Jing wants to fight but... Xiao Jing also wants to be with father. Daddy what should Xiao Jing do~??"

Seeing the adorable face of his baby, Ximen Xueya couldn't help but feel amused with his words.

"How about~ we let your father pick us up instead~ He would most likely be busy these few months. Only when the apocalypse arrives then we will go look for him if your father still didn't come to pick us up~"

"Okay daddy~"

Afterwards Ximen Xueya and his son were escorted out of the amusement park. After they've seen that these two were now out of danger the special forces soldiers return back to help their comrades in dealing with a serial bomber. Before they leave, Ximen Xueya tells them to pass a message for him to their savior.

In wanting to give his gratitude, Ximen Xueya left his call card with his private number to be given to the man who saved them. He told them that if they wanted his help as long as he could repay the man who saved them then Master Ximen would do anything to help them.

Seeing his identity, the special force gulps in shock but still restrains their expression. This young looking man in front of him is supposed to be someone in his mid-thirties. He even has a son in kindergarten. This is a man that is supposed to be the wealthiest in their country.

After saluting at Ximen Xueya once they finally return to their duties as civil servants. On the other hand the father and son met with the rest of their group. Yun Suisen ran towards them with tears in his eyes. He was so worried when the chaos suddenly began before they could meet his master. He's a bit angry with Shi Moye for carrying him away without allowing him to look for them. Shi Moye had to apologize countless times since a while ago.

Yun Suisen said, "Master! Young Master! Thank God you're safe!!!"

"Butler Yun, are you crying?" asked Ximen Chino as he saw tears in the corners of his butler's eyes.

"Not crying anymore. Seeing the Young Master and Master alive, Suisen is a relief!!"

"Hahaha~ Butler Yun is weird~"

Meanwhile Shi Moye spoke to Ximen Xueya, "Master Ximen, you know people from special forces as well?" he asked.

"I know lots of people but... this unit is something I've seen for the first time today. They should be higher ranked ones." replied Xueya.

Recalling the badge on those special forces soldiers who just escorted the father and son, Shi Moye knew that Master Ximen's guess might be correct.

"Seeing the situation. The children might have been frightened badly. You can go home ahead of schedule. I will send some psychiatrist to look at the children. Suisen goes to buy the children some food and toys to calm their nerves. You should also prepare to leave the mansion. We would be taking our leave during weekends." said Xueya as he remembered his plan to take vacation as an excuse to buy more resources in some cities.

Yun Suisen who was already informed about this vacation plan replied, "I will do as you order."

Ximen Xueya plans to bring his son to some joy ride for the next few months. He plans to thoroughly enjoy the remaining days with his son visiting all kinds of places and tourist spots before the ruin begins.

Hearing what Xueya just said, Shi Moye frowned. He couldn't understand what the man in front of him was really planning.

"Major Shi I will leave Suisen and the orphanage in your care." said Ximen Xueya.

Shi Moye asked, "What are you really planning on doing?"

Xueya just gave him an amused yet mysterious smile but didn't give an answer to his question.

"If fate allows us to meet. We shall meet again when that time comes. For now instead of asking what I plan to do, you should focus on your own tasks first."

"We are running out of time~"

Hearing the last sentence Ximen Xurya had said made Shi Moye frown. He knew what those words meant the most. There are only 4 more months before the world end arrives.

Xueya walks away with his son towards the newly arrived car and chauffeur that serves the Ximen Family. The father and son took their leave after saying their farewell to the protagonists of this world. Their mission is after all simple and could be completed easily by them. There is no need to get involved with the world plot unless they were dragged into by fate.


As planned the Ximen father and son took only a low-key black BMW with them as they left on the road. Before they leave they've sent all the servants away with a reason for a long vacation. Of course it is a paid vacation. In the middle of their joy ride, Xueya asked Zhi Yue to materialize in his human form and task him to work as driver, bodyguard and babysitter.

Their first target location is the P District. Is a rural district where farming and animal farms were used as livelihood. Ximen Xueya plans to buy a few more seeds and small fruit trees to be planted in his dimensional space. At this moment is dimensional space is nothing but a bare fertile land with nothing on it except for grasses.

Upon arriving in the P district, Xueya asked Zhi Yue to check in at the most expensive hotel in the place. They've paid for 5 days and checked in with the presidential suite of the hotel. Afterwards Xueya left his son to Zhi Yue to babysit. The duo left for the scrubs to practice Chino's control over his elements.

Meanwhile Xueya roamed the district buying the things he wanted in wholesale. He first went to an animal farm in full gear. Long sleeves and military boots.His slender fingers were hidden within a gloves. Wearing a cap over his head and a face mask to cover half of his face especially his nose. Only when Xueya wear this kind of clothes that he heads to the animal farm after. Buying countless chickens both hen and roosters. Pig, sheep, cattle, lambs and more. Knowing he couldn't just bring those animals in his dimension while in front of the others, Xueya bought the nearby for sale land and asked them to make him a mini farm. He told the sellers he would ask people to take the animals away. They should just place his orders in that temporary farm for now.

Waiting for the animal farmers to fill up his temporary farm with his orders, he went to his next destination. He bought small fruit trees of apples, oranges, peace, bananas and more. He also didn't forget to buy vegetables seeds for his husband and son, root crops and all things that could be planted. Even the common herbs weren't spared. They've asked them to deliver the things in his newly bought land as well. They returned to the hotel waiting for his orders to be completed. They've stayed at the hotel for 5 days as they've planned.


On the other hand, in the military barracks. At the locations where higher ups reside, the man with purple eyes narrowed his eyes on the paper he held in his hands. In front of him is his right hand man, Lieutenant General Wang Lei, sweating buckets seeing his boss in a bad mood.

His boss has been in a bad mood ever since his subordinates sent that person home without informing. He was told to escort the man and the child to safety but didn't ask them to send him away. The boss who had finished his simple tasks that day was anticipating to talk with that father and son which is why he hurriedly finished his task with the serial bomber. Only to return with the group and see that the duo had gone home.

Wang Lei would never forget how dark and gloomy his boss faced that day. The subordinates who were tasked to protect that person received intensified training because of their boss' pettiness. On the other hand his lover has been ignoring his attempts to video call and voice mails ever since that last ruined date of his. But that wasn't even his fault, his boss just happened to be punished by the head of state for declining the blind dates he had prepared for him.

It is because of this that his boss and their unit had to capture a serial bomber which is usually done by metropolitan police instead of the military. The case of that bomber was the last task before his boss could resume his original duties.


As soon as they returned to their barracks, the boss had asked for that father and son's information. Only for him to be shocked to see that the identity of that man isn't simple. His information is highly classified that only the head of state and the prime minister had authority to view that man's profile. When he reported this to his boss, for some reason Wang Lei was confused not to see him surprised.

He could still see his boss eyes telling him 'Are you stupid?'

Wang Lei had to get out of his boss's office to try his best to gather that person's identity in another way. It's not like he could ask those old men (State Head and Prime Minister) about that person's identity. He doesn't want to get court martialed.

Only when he got home to visit his lover, Lou Lan, that he understood the meaning of his boss's reaction towards his report about that man. Lou Lan upon seeing his plans for investigating someone had suddenly grabbed his collar pushing that paper with that person picture which his boss asked to be investigated to his face.

"Why are you investigating Xueya? Do you want to die!!?" asked his lover, Lou Lan with a worried expression.

Wang Lei was caught off guard just now but he didn't dare to harm his lover and let him grab him by his collar, "S-Sweetie~ you know this man?" he asked.

"Of course! Don't tell me you don't know him!? He is extremely famous. He controls more than half of this country's economic budget. A super billionaire. But I remembered the old man minister telling me that Xueya's profile is classified! Why do you want to investigate him? If Xueya knew you might die if you offended him. When that comes I could only prepare for your funeral you fool!!" scolded Lou Lan.

Wang Lei's face turned ashen when he finally noticed his lover calling the man's name. "Xueya? You don't mean that Ximen Xueya!?"

Bewildered, "Yes. It's him. You didn't know what he looked like?" asked Lou Lan.

"I didn't! I've just come back from a secret mission and I've only heard his name. It's not like his photo is spread for everyone to see right?" said Wang Lei.

Hearing this reason Lou Lan couldn't help but roll his eyes at his lover, "Only commoners don't know what he looks like. But those elite families including those who work for the government and military everyone should know how he looks. Did you live in a cave or something!?" said Lou Lan.

Wang Lei looked wilted after being scolded countless times, "N-No... I really didn't know. It's the boss's fault. He asked me to investigate him. I have to complain to my boss!!"

"Your boss? You don't mean General Cao? Why would he want to investigate my friend?" asked Lou Lan.

"Wait! Ximen Xueya is your friend?" exclaimed Wang Lei in shock.

Lou Lan replied, "Yes. I have been his family's household accountant for years. He is my childhood friend as well. I am also Chino's only uncle. Of course I know him!!!"

"T-Then can you tell me the answer to these please. I still need to report to my boss about him." said Wang Lei as he passed a list of questions about Ximen Xueya.

{List of questions about Xueya from the great general Cao}

{*Is he married or divorce?

*Is that baby his biological son? Who is the mother?

*Is he in a relationship right now? If he is, who is the person?

*What are his likes and dislikes?

*What are the baby's likes and dislikes?

*What are his hobbies?

*Can I call the number he gave me?}

When Lou Lan saw the list of questions, he was flabbergasted. Is this still the authoritarian and stern General Cao? Are you sure he isn't possessed or something? These are questions that Wang Lei could see on his lover's stunned face.

Wang Lei with a helpless smile spoke, "It's true. The boss writes those himself. It's handwritten right?"

"Is he ill here?" asked Luo Lan while pointing at his head.

"Don't speak nonsense. Walls have ears~" said Wang Lei.


Back to the current time, the report on his boss' hands was something he compiled from his lover's answer. The answers were hand written as well. There's a signature of his lover authorizing the report himself.

"This report. Your lover was the source?" asked his boss.

Wang Lei averted his eyes before replying, "Y-Yes. They were friends so~ the things written on the paper must be real. I've also rechecked the numbers on the calling card you've got from Master Ximen. It was indeed his personal number..."

He could see his boss pulling out the calling card from Ximen Xueya from his breast pocket. Obviously he and his boss carried that card 24/7 ever since he received it. He wanted to suggest that he could just save the number on his phone but afraid of getting punished he just kept his mouth shut. Loose mouth has never been good.

"I will try... You are free to go." said his boss.

As if receiving an amnesty, Lieutenant Wang Lei left his boss's office with a huge grin on his face.

Finally he is free. He could now go on a date with his lover, Lou Lan. He also needed to buy a washboard which he would kneeled at the evening as his lover's punishment for breaking his promise of going out for dates.

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