I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 142: 6.3 Third Green Star - Countdown: 4 months

Chapter 142: 6.3 Third Green Star - Countdown: 4 months

At the end of the month of August, a special guest finally requested to meet with Ximen Xueya. The special guest is none other than this world protagonist gong, Shi Moye.

Suisen reported to his master per his duty, "Master. Someone called Major Shi is outside waiting for permission to visit. According to the record he had made an appointment a week ago. Should I let him in?"

"Yue, why is that heavenly son here? Is he here for Suisen?" asked Xueya in his mind.

[He is here to see Suisen but his real goal seems to be you, host.]

"Oh~ and why would he? Don't tell me my husband in this world is the ML? You got to be kidding me!" complains Xueya to his System Yue.

[I don't think the Lord God would allow his soul fragment to be the world's beloved son. Ever since he failed to protect the host countless times in the second world because of the heaven's will restraining his actions as the heavenly son, he made sure to not let his remaining soul fragments become the heaven's beloved child. Moreover, based on the Lord God of doing things first before thinking of the consequence later. He would have come as soon as he was reborn to meet his destined lover only to fall in love at first sight with the host. Then the plot would be broken before the apocalypse even started.]

System Yue recited his lines like it was something he had practiced saying countless times. He knew that what he said would definitely happen if his Lord God became the world's beloved son. Didn't the Lord God get punished by the host in the second world for accepting the divorce for following his script as the Protagonist Gong of that world. The host had left the Lord God for three years to live alone. Letting him suffer watching the person he loves the most get hurt thrice while under his protection. His host is merciless whenever he is angry or jealous.

Ximen Xueya smirks secretly when he hears this. He did remember leaving his husband alone for 3 years for accepting the divorce in the second world. He also allowed himself to get hurt by that stupid bitch and let his husband clean up his own mess.

"Suisen, let the guest enter. Afterwards, prepare some drinks and snacks." said Xueya.

Suisen responded, "Yes, Master." Then he walked away to welcome the guest.

At the entrance of the Ximen Family's Mansion, Shi Moye stood tall wearing semi casual clothes of denim jeans and white shirt with dark blue overcoat. He stood tall with the guards and enjoyed his tobacco. He got along so easily with the guards at the gate. Despite Shi Moye being a soldier, he isn't like others who is too rigid with the laws. As long as one didn't do anything illegal Shi Moye is friendly almost to anyone.

At a certain distance, Shi Moye's eyes always wander by the door which leads inside the mansion. He wanted to act natural but his eyes couldn't help but peek towards that direction. He knew that the person he missed the most would be the person he would see escorting him inside the mansion.

As expected, waiting a while he saw the figure of that person who brought him endless nightmares and yearning. He always dreamt of that death scene in that future where this person died and at the same time yearn to see him in this timeline every day.

A man wearing a formal three piece suit walks out of the entrance of the mansion. Under the sunlight his navy green hair glints with the same shade as the forest paired up with blue green irises. Yun Suisen is only in his mid-twenties but his gestures and poise were already trained to perfection. This is the reason why the original Xueya accepted him as his family butler despite his young age. Moreover he is used to children, he wouldn't treat his son too rigid like those overly professional adults.

Seeing the familiar face of his beloved, Shi Moye's gaze on Suisen turned sharp and serious as if this figure would be gone the moment he blinked.

Yun Suisen also felt the hot gaze on him. Once he felt the source of such a piercing gaze, he saw a handsome man standing with the guards. Those golden brown orbs were staring at him as if locking on his prey. The stares coming from the man that should be his Master's guest made Suisen a bit uncomfortable but at the same time delighted? The mixed emotions in his heart made Suisen uncomfortable but he still kept his face calm for other emotions except dullness.

Suisen observed the guest closely. The man had masculine features because he was from the military. His clothes couldn't completely hide his firm muscles underneath. His features were sharp and a bit wild. Based on what he witnessed from the distance he is friendly and doesn't judge by someone's appearance.

The guards at the gate of the mansion were personally chosen by the master. They all had intimidating and fierce looks. Ordinary people wouldn't even dare to approach them. The man's dark brown hair was comb messy but made him look refreshing. No matter who saw him would say they've met the Male God of their dreams.

Yun Suisen approached Shi Moye and gestured to him politely.

"Please follow me. The master had decided to see you. This way!" said Suisen.

Except for meeting the guests eyes to get his attention, Suisen didn't treat Shi Moye specially. He had treated all the guests of Master Ximen this way. He would only smile at those close friends of his Master like Lou Lan. But treated the rest of the guests professionally.

Shi Moye helplessly smiled but didn't comment much. He knew that the Yun Suisen of this timeline had only met him today for the first time. It is normal that he would get treated as a stranger.

"Then I will let Mister show the way. Mister what is your name?" said Shi Moye with a smile. He wanted to portray a gentleman's smile but it seems that Suisen took it in a different way.

With a slight frown on his forehead, "Major Shi. Please don't call me mister. I am only 26 years old. My name is Yun Suisen. Please call me Butler Yun." responded Suisen.

"And please don't smile that way... It's scary!"

Shi Moye froze from a moment when he heard the last sentence Yun Suisen had said. He touched his face as if checking which part it was scary.

Seeing this kind of reaction from a supposed military man, Yun Suisen thought that Shi Moye must be a fake soldier. Most soldiers were serious types but the Major in front of him acted silly.

Yun Suisen escorted Shi Moye until they reached the door to the living room. Thanks to Shi Moye's friendly approaches Suisen had stopped treating him professionally as a butler but treated him as a weird older brother with some problems in the head.

Suisen spoke, "Enter this room and you will meet the Master. Listen here dage you must not act the same way you did to me when talking to master or he would just ignore you. If you ask a question, wait for a while because the master rarely replies. Do you understand?"

Shi Moye with a grin on his face nodded his head at Suisen's every word.

"I will remember your warning Sui-chan!" said Shi Moye.

He had already heard from his superiors how much Ximen Xueya doesn't like talking. He hates noise and crowds. Moreover they've specifically warned him not to offend the Master of Ximen Family.

Suisen raised his eyebrow at him. Since the young master is half Japanese he could sometimes hear his master call the young master Chi-chan. He knew that chan is used to show endearment towards young children, family and lovers.

By the way the name Suisen is also a Japanese name with the meaning of daffodil. It's a flower name. This is a name the dean of the orphanage had chosen for him. Actually most children in the orphanage were given a Japanese name because the dean grew up in Japan. His own name is half Japanese as well.

Suisen responded. "Don't call me with chan! Just get in and finish your business. By the way what do you want to drink?"

Even thought the interior of the mansion has heater, "A hot cappuccino please. It was too cold outside." replied Shi Moye.

"Snacks?" asked Suisen once again.

Shi Moye replied. "Anything sweet."

"Tsk! An old man with a sweet tooth. You'll get along well with the master and young master this way. Get in. I will need to prepare the drinks and snacks." said Suisen before walking away to head in the kitchen and prepare some things for the guest and his master.

Then moment Suisen was already out of his sight. The friendly temperament and smile on Shi Moye had disappeared. He needs to be serious if he wants to speak with the person inside the room. He couldn't joke around like how he did with Suisen or else the master of the house would throw him out. Rearranging his clothes, Shi Moye knocks on the door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

A cold voice from inside the room is heard, "Who is it?" it asked.

"It's Shi Moye from the Military. Asking for an audience with Master Ximen."

"You may enter." said the man from inside the room.

Shi Moye entered the room and met a young man whose age was not much different from him. He is only 30 but he looks older than the gorgeous man in front of him. According to the profile Master Ximen is 34 years old, he is older than him by 4 years but for some reason this Master Ximen looks like he is in his mid twenties. He looks only a bit older than Suisen who is only 26.

"Greetings to Master Ximen."

Xueya only glanced at him once before returning his eyes on the paper in his hand. "Have a seat. Then you can say what you came for."

Shi Moye took a seat at the couch at the opposite side where Master Ximen sat.

"Then I would speak straight to the point. Master Ximen, I only need to check a few things would you please clarify?" said Shi Moye.

"Depends. Continue asking."

"Then I will start asking. Master Ximen did you sell your companies for money?"


"Is the money used to buy resources like food, clothing and such?"


"Last question. Is Master Ximen a reborn person?" asked Shi Moye. At this last question his nervousness and anxiety could be felt. Based on the investigation he got about Ximen Xueya.

There is a short silence between them before Xueya replies.

"My answer to your last question is... No."

Shi Moye frowned when heard Ximen Xueya's last answer. He couldn't believe that someone who made that much preparation isn't a person who underwent rebirth like him.

Seeing the ugly expression on the protagonist gong, Xueya knew he didn't believe him.

Ximen Xueya explains, "My situation is not much different from yours but it is not the same. So I know what you know but not all the clear details. The actions I have taken are preparations just in case. I also have no plan on leading you should work hard to achieve what you want."

"What do you mean by..."

It was at this moment that Suisen knocked at the door to serve drinks and snacks.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Master, the drinks and snacks are here." said Suisen.

Xueya responded, "You may enter Suisen."

Butler Suisen entered the room pushing a tray. The moment Shi Moye saw his beloved his anxiety and restlessness of knowing the incoming apocalypse fades at this moment.

Shi Moye smiles, "Chi-chan is a bit slow. I'm already famished."

"Then just starve for all I care." whispered Suisen as he didn't want his master to hear his complaints about his guest.

"Master. Here's your Iced latte and cream puffs." said Suisen with a smile.

"Latte and cream puffs?!" uttered Shi Moye in astonishment.

Seeing that he is about to become rude towards his master Suisen grabbed a huge cream puff from the plate he served to Shi Moye and blocked his mouth with it. He stared at him with warning to keep his mouth shut.

Shi Moye on the other hand could only nod his head in response to his beloved's warning.

Meanwhile Xueya ignores the secret flirtation between the two protagonists in front of him. He already put down his work on the table and was looking through his tablet checking some details about amusement parks. He wanted to bring his son to an amusement park to enjoy the remaining peaceful days before the end of the world.

"Suisen. I plan to bring my son to the amusement park this weekend. You should ask the children from the orphanage if they wish to come too. If they are coming I will need to hire some guards and nannies to look after them." said Xueya.

Suisen eyes sparkled when he heard that. Last time when the Master had brought the young master to the park he also asked the children to come as well. His little brothers and sisters had enjoyed playing in the park with the young master that day.

Suisen responded with excitement, "We'll accompany the young master to play."

"Good. I will arrange some nannies and some bod--..."

"I will arrange the bodyguards!" exclaimed Shi Moye.

Yun Suisen and Ximen Xueya looked at him at the same time which made Shi Moye feel embarrassed. There's a slight hint of scarlet on his cheeks but he didn't deny what he just said.

Shi Moye explained, "My vacation will only end on the 3rd day of the first week in the month of September. The unit under me had gone on vacation with me. There is no need to hire bodyguards. I and my team could protect you guys secretly. The children could play around without worries."


"I will prepare the vehicle for the journey as well." said Shi Moye but before he could say he would pay for the food and tickets as well, Yun Suisen finally responded.

Yun Suisen said, "Okay. Dage can prepare the vehicle and fetch me and the children in the orphanage. I will prepare the food. Master can pay for the amusement park and nannies."

Smiling as if receiving a pardon, "Okay~ I will make the necessary preparations." said Shi Moye.

"Plausible. Let's schedule it for this weekend." replied Ximen Xueya.

The three adults happily planned for the outing. After splitting the duties, they were now talking about what they would eat and make the whole event's schedule. Of course it is only Shi Moye and Yun Suisen planning the whole thing. Ximen Xueya let them talk about it freely while he listens.

Shi Moye had completely forgotten to continue his conversation with Ximen Xueya. After knowing that Ximen Xueya seems to have information about the incoming apocalypse, Shi Moye had decided to focus on wooing his beloved instead. The apocalypse could not be prevented as it was rumored that at a scheduled time countless meteorites which will be the source of the virus would fall all at the same time all over the world. It wasn't just one in each country but numerous instead. Precaution is impossible. They could only prepare for the worse.

This is why a reborn person like Shi Moye had started hoarding resources secretly like how Ximen Xueya had done. They could only prepare for the incoming disaster. Well there are still a few months of peace. These people decided to enjoy the last few moments of tranquility.

It means elder brother in Chinese.Chan expresses that the speaker finds a person endearing. In general, -chan is used for young children, close friends, babies, grandparents and sometimes female adolescents. It may also be used towards cute animals, lovers, or a youthful woman.

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