I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 136: 5.38 First Violet Star - Savage Beast Kings

Chapter 136: 5.38 First Violet Star - Savage Beast Kings

Warrior Lang and Apprentice Priest Xiong had arrived in the Mountain Tribe's Camp carrying a wounded Laohu on their backs. For some unknown reason Warrior Leader Shizi and their boss Meizhou are not with them. All three were familiar faces which is why those Solune Tribe's Warrior who were on duty guarding the entrance didn't stop the arrival of the three instead helped them get inside and call for the doctor and their high elder.

Warrior Lang and Apprentice Xiong's state is not good as well. There are open wounds on their legs and waist. Obviously scratched by some wild beasts or savage beasts. The worst out of three of them is Warrior Laohu. He had lost consciousness. there's a huge claw mark on his back which continues to bleed.

This is the scene Zhubao had seen when he ran over to the entrance with the head doctor. The head doctor of their group instantly gave them first aid before asking someone to carry all of them in a tent.

Head doctor while giving them first aid, "You got varying claw marks. Did you guys get surrounded or something?! Carry them in a tent!!"

No one answered him as they were groaning in pain while being treated.


Tribe Doctor's Tent

As soon as the three warriors were carried inside the head tribe doctor's tent. He first treated the wounds of Warrior Lang and Apprentice Priest Xiong as they were the lightest among the three. He had already given them first aid by the entrance. There is no problem of Warrior Laohu losing his life at the moment. It didn't take long for Warrior Lang and Apprentice Priest Xiong to have their wounds covered in healing herbs. After treating the two the tribe doctor focused on his last patient with a huge wound on his back. He left the other two patients to his apprentices to look after.

After waiting for the two warriors to be treated, High Elder Zhubao with a serious expression on his face had gone to meet them.

Zhubao with eyes full of worry, "Tell me what happened? Where's Meizhou and Shizi!?"

Warrior Lang and Apprentice Priest Xiong reported everything that happened to Zhubao.


Few hours ago.

After the whole group had split into two, Meizhou led the other four warriors deeper in the forest. In the beginning the others didn't realize something was weird going on in that forest. Laohu, Lang and Xiong were happily hunting the wild animals coming over their group. At first it was a flock of wild pheasants, then a herd of wild boars, few wild cattle, wolves until they'd meet a group of bears running towards them as if running away.

"Bears? These one should still be in hibernation. Why is it awake?" said Shizi as he readied in weapon while on guard.

Meizhou had a serious look on his face as he tried looking past the running animals beside them. He even climbed up a tree to check on the situation. But except for the dust and sand flying around, Meizhou didn't see anything. Not seeing anything made him listless instead.

"This task is to be cancelled. Grabbed those we had hunted and..."


System Yue's voice echoes all of the sudden in Meizhou's mind. He was at first startled to know that his wife had let System Yue to come with him. Meizhou was unable to complete what he wanted to say as a huge tail was suddenly flying towards him. He was intending to block it when System Yue's voice resounded in his mind once again.

[Don't block it. The gene evolution of that dinosaur had been upgraded. It's strength is almost equal to those dragons in an A rank Cultivation World!]

Tsk! Meizhou clicked his tongue as he jumped away to avoid the incoming tail attack.

Seeing the situation, Shizi knew that something was wrong with the dinosaur his lord is fighting. Not only its skin suddenly grew some dragon scales, its original color turned to red as well. This dinosaur is obviously modified by something. This is supposed to be impossible as only their group of four were certified as outsiders of this world. But now that this kind of dinosaur appeared there is clearly another outside aside from them and this outsider wanted to harm them.

Shizi responded right away, intending to support their boss. "You three. Get ready we're going to support the boss!"

"Yes!" The other three warriors answered.


The Tyrannosaurus Rex saw its attack failed and roared in anger. After evolving, its intelligence had heightened greatly. Even it didn't know why that human had helped it upgrade, a command was left in his brain.

The command was saying: 'Kill the human with black hair and golden eyes in the South Forest.'

Following this command Tyrannosaurus Rex had left its cave and ran around looking for his prey. He had eaten almost every animal and beasts that blocked him. It is because of this that the south forest was in chaos and the rivers in this forest turned murky because of blood and other components of the remains of those things he killed. The small beast tide is because of his uncontrolled eating as well. Thanks to the commotion it made, most animals, even those in their hibernation, had awakened. This is the beast tide that Meizhou and his group had seen.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex once again attacked Meizhou with his tail this time with more strength and a bit faster. Just from this second attack Meizhou knew that this stupid lizard's prey is him. But he couldn't understand how this overgrown lizard sudden got intelligent when it used to be so stupid. In his confusion, it was System Yue who was hovering by his side, that gave him the answer.

[My Lord. This dinosaur is a modified one. It was given an gene enhancer that isn't supposed to be found in this primitive world. Gene Enhancers can only be bought in System Malls. It is available in both God System and Nether System.]

Meizhou spoke, "Which means the culprit's target is me. Who is it?"

[Executioner 13 had not found any other entity nearby.]

"Which means it is hiding." replied Meizhou nonchalantly.

[My Lord if you want to fight you need to go somewhere further from where people of this world live. I've already checked the other two Tyrannosaurus Rexes and their states are the same as this one. Currently it's moving towards this place. Obviously its target is also you.]

"Look for a desolate place. I will lure it there."

[Scanning the world topography. Currently in progress... Request for desolation lands found. Northwest the Death Gorge. Southeast the Dessert. Northeast the Trench under the sea.]

"Send me the direction to the Death Gorge. Tell Shizi to bring away the rest of the group and wait for my return."

Meizhou upon receiving the direction towards the Death Gorge in his mind had immediately left while luring the Tyrannosaurus Rex. He ran around the forest for a bit waiting for the other two Tyrannosaurus Rexes to arrive as well. When he saw all three Tyrannosaurus Rexes, he taunted them to follow him.

"COME OVER HERE YOU OVERGROWN LIZARDS!!!" Yelled Meizhou as the three Tyrannosaurus Rexes.


The three Tyrannosaurus Rexes had roared in anger upon hearing their prey call them lizards. It might have not known what lizards are, but they could clearly feel that their prey is looking down on them.

Seeing the three Tyrannosaurus Rex get lured, Meizhou instantly ran away to the direction where he would be fighting the Tyrannosaurus Rexes. He heads northwest where a gorge is located. The place is called Death Gorge because nothing is able to leave that place alive when one enters. It is a deep cleft between escarpments or cliffs resulting from weathering and the erosive activity of a river over geologic time scales. There's cliffs on both sides and a river or lake in the middle. The space in this place is limited and there are exotic fishes living with the river like fleshing eating fishes like piranha.

The remaining four warriors were shocked with what was happening before them. Seeing one Tyrannosaurus Rex doesn't surprise them as it is something they had experienced before. But seeing three towering Tyrannosaurus Rexes, with those huge open mouths with full teeth bearing at Meizhou stunned them. They were shocked enough that they didn't notice the enlarging beast tide coming over them.

Shizi on the other hand is frowning while looking at the direction his lord had left. He could even see those three Tyrannosaurus Rexes coming after him.

"So the target is the lord. But where is the lord going?" murmured Shizi.

It was at this moment that System Yue had passed the message from Meizhou.

[Warden Lou. A message from the Lord God. He said to bring the rest of your group back to where the others are and wait for his return. The message had been passed to the respondent. Executioner 13 will now leave.]

"Message received." replied Shizi in his mind.

But before he could react, a huge sound of collective roaring from the beast tide behind him had gotten stronger. When he looked back he saw that the beast tide had gotten wilder and larger due to the appearance of three Savage Beast Kings. Though the beast tide isn't as large as in the revelation dream, it's still enough to destroy a single tribe campsite if not stopped.

Shizi ordered, "Follow my command. We are going to stop this beast tide in this place. We couldn't allow it to come down to where the lowland tribes reside!"

"B-But what about Boss!? Those are three Tyrannosaurus Rexes!! We need to help him!" exclaimed Lang.

Shizi responded, "The boss said to leave it to him. He would be okay? He is a chosen one, those savage beasts wouldn't be able to harm him! Get ready and fight!!"

"Yes!" The other three warriors yelled.


Warrior Lang and Apprentice Priest Xiong had told of every event their group had experienced. Zhubao and the rest of the people inside the tent were looking at the two with widened eyes in shock and disbelief. Even the head doctor's hands stopped treating the unconscious Warrior Laohu in front of him.

Warrior Lang spoke, "I got my wounds from getting surrounded by wolves at some moment. Xiong's were clawed by a few hyenas while Laohu got clawed by a mountain bear which came out of nowhere."

"Warrior Leader Shizi after sending us by the entrance had left right away to report to the tribe leader. He said that if there is someone who could save Meizhou, It could only be Tribe Leader Xuebao." said Apprentice Priest Xiong.

The head doctor yelled, "Is he crazy!!?? The Tribe Leader is pregnant and he couldn't fight properly in his current state!!!"

"B-But... I-It's still winter... With the unique ability of the leader... Maybe the tribe leader could at least support the boss in fighting at least. That is three Tyrannosaurus Rexes!" retorted Warrior Lang.

After the tribe leader's unique skill, most tribesmen of the Solune Tribe inside the room had shut their mouths. They had all witnessed how heaven defying their tribe leader's ability is. It is said that his ability is especially strong during the winter season.

Zhubao spoke, "Baobao joining Meizhou to fight might be the right way but... what worries me is whether Meizhou would still be alive the moment Baobao came to look for him. Three savage beast kings against one warrior? I couldn't even imagine Meizhou successfully escaping from those savages!!"

"High elder what should we do now!?" exclaimed Warrior Lang.

The old warrior could only sigh helplessly. He knew that even if leads the group now back to their tribe would be useless. They would just be wasting their time and causing the people of the Mountain Tribe to suffer more. His only choice is to leave this problem for his son to solve.

"We are doing nothing! Stay here! Leave the problem of Meizhou to the tribe leader to solve!!" said Zhubao.

"But!!? ---"

Warrior Lang is about to complain but his mouth was covered by Apprentice Priest Xiong. Warrior Lang could see Apprentice Priest Xiong shaking his head with an ashen face. Seeing his friend's reaction, Lang realized that at their current state even if they returned to the Solune Tribe's Camp, there would be nothing they could do. After all by the time they've arrived there, it will already be too late for them to help. This is also the reason why Shizi didn't wait for the High Elder to meet them and instead left right away. He needs to report to Xuebao about the situation right away.

Knowing that he could do nothing to help his boss made him upset. Warrior Lang could only lower his head to hide his tears. Seeing this High Elder Zhubao had patted both Lang and Xiong's shoulders in comfort.

"Meizhou would be okay? Just think of this. Did Baobao give him an amulet? As long as he made the right action he would be able to survive. At least until Baobao finds him." said Zhubao.

Only then they've remembered the special amulet their tribe leader had given them. It is a special item that could save a life in peril. They remember that one of them was left in Meizhou. Knowing this they've seen a tiny spark of hope that the result wouldn't be what they've thought.

Zhubao spoke, "There should be lots of fresh meat from the place you have fought. The beast tide must have scattered by now. I will send a few warriors to retrieve those ingredients. As for now... you guys should rest to heal yourselves. I would send someone to send you guys food."

The high elder said before leaving the tent to continue issuing orders to their group. He had left in a hurry just now when he heard that three warriors of his tribe had returned covered in blood. After learning what happened Zhubao could now resume his duty as the proxy leader of the Mountain Tribe while waiting for his friend to wake up.

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