I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 134: 5.36 First Violet Star - Lowland Tribes

Chapter 134: 5.36 First Violet Star - Lowland Tribes

At dawn the next day.

Few warriors were standing in front of the cave fully geared. In lead were Meizhou, Zhubao and Shizi. This group consists of at least 20 warriors and 5 doctors as well as apprentice doctors. Later before they reached the foot of the mountains this group would be split into one. 10 warriors would be coming with Meizhou and Shizi and head to the south forest while the rest of the group would follow Zhubao and check on the lowland tribes. If there are survivors then, they would help them if none then... they could only return back to the cave ahead of time. This is a plan approved by Xuebao, the current tribe leader of the Solune Tribe.

Right now the rest of the elders together with Sheya and Xuebao were seeing them off. Some females also helped prepare the necessities this group will need. Everything was prepared and the group only needed to depart after a short farewell.

Meizhou looked gently at his wife as he helped him properly cover himself with his coat. "Baby, I will be back soon. I promise."

"I know. If you find strawberries bring it back home. I'm craving to eat more and I've almost eaten all that is stored in the cave." said Xuebao.

"Hahaha~ I will definitely bring some home for you. Keep safe." said Meizhou as he kissed his wife on his forehead and lightly on his lips.

Xuebao said, "Be careful. Father and rest of the tribesmen as well. Remember your top priority is your lives. This above any others. I will only wait for 3 days at least and 5 days at most. If none of you guys are back after 5 days then I will lead people to look for you. There might be few unpredictable snow storms coming but don't worry those are just small ones and it's weak."

Then he passed two white jade crafted into a snowflake. Giving one to his father and one to his husband.

"Keep this one you. Break it once if you're in danger. Once it broke the ice and snow would protect the whole group at least once. I've made it as an amulet. During this season even if I'm not by your side I could somewhat know what is happening." said Xuebao.

Priest Anbao asked, "Baobao, are these jade made from your ability?"

"Yes. My abilities are at peak during this season. I could provide them cover even faraway as long they were surrounded by snow and ice." replied Xuebao.

Priest Linshe murmured in awe, "Amazing! The tribe leader's ability is too heavenly defying."

"It can only work once. Only use it at life threatening moments. I made these because I fear that the avalanche would happen again. Just for reassurance." said Xuebao.

Zhubao smiled once he heard his son's words. He knew that if not for his pregnancy, Xuebao himself would like to join them and protect them himself but unfortunately his current situation doesn't allow him too. He gently pats his son's head.

"We will be careful. Extra careful when treading inside the forest. Then we will try to come back as soon as possible. Father promised okay?" said Zhubao.

Xuebao nods his head and replies, "Okay. You promised. I will not forget."

"Yue, come with my husband. Help him finish his task as soon as possible. Something makes me uncomfortable these days." said Xuebao to his system in his mind.

[I understand, Host.]

"Let's depart!" said Meizhou.

System Yue in his invisible mode for the original residents had hovered towards his Lord God keeping even his presence to everyone else except for his host. Even Meizhou didn't know that System Yue had come to him. After a few more words of farewell the group had finally departed.

Somewhere within the primitive world, a man in forest green and black robes walks in front of a huge cave in some forest. The humongous cave is strangely familiar. A towering entrance of almost eight meters tall. Pile of bones scattering around the cave and a huge loud roaring coming from within the cave. This cave is obviously a place for a large type dinosaur to live in.

The man in robes stood in front of the cave with no emotions on his face. His long black hair is half prompt up with a jade hairpin while the rest is flowing on his back like a silk. His features were a quarter part similar to that of Hei Anjing's original face and then that familiar argent colored irises as if his eyes were dyed with the same shade as the color of the moon. Observing closely this man's foot never touches the muddy ground under him, he keeps himself afloat, this person is obviously not a mortal.

The man in robes murmured, "As long as one of that man's soul fragments dies, he would be safe."

After uttering these words this man disappeared in thin air as if he didn't exist in this world. The only thing that was left is the painful groans of a huge beast coming from the large cave he left behind. The agonizing low moans of a beast continues for a while as if this beast is undergoing some evolving process which leads it to suffering such pain. This kind of scene happens not only here in the south forest but in the east and west side of the forest as well.

roa-oar-growl~ roar~ urg! roa-ar~ ROAR!!!

The journey of the team on their way down the mountain is a bit smoother than they've expected. Except for a few ice wolves that came attacking them, they've trekked the mountain successfully by the time the sun had completely risen, they were already halfway down the mountain.

But this weird situation of less wild animals attacking them felt weird. Normally, a group crossing the mountain would meet several wild beasts and even savage beasts on their way down but in their journey, they've only bumped a few wolves and nothing more.

"Sir, this situation is weird. How come there are too few beasts roaming around at dawn? We've only met wolves on our way down." whispered Shizi to Meizhou.

Meizhou's expression remained calm but his gaze was serious as if thinking about something. He then surveyed the near river they will need to pass through to reach the foot of the mountain.

Meizhou's thoughts, 'This river... is too murky. There are too many bones flowing together with the current. If I remember it right, those savage beast kings like to live near a water source as they've used it for their prey as bait. This is really weird. Should I summon 13 and ask him to check the cave where the nearest beast king resides? But if I do my wife will know my plan of killing off those lizards before he could do so.'

Shizi asked, "Sir, your orders?"

"Keep your guard at the highest. Send a few more guards for the elders team. Except for Laohu, Lang, Xiong and you, the rest of the warriors will accompany the other team." replied Meizhou.

"Yes, boss!" The warriors said.

Only Zhubao thought that this son-in-law of his, acted weirdly for some reason.

Zhubao asked, "Brat, is there a problem?"

"Nothing yet. But something feels ominous. Old Man as soon as you've checked the other tribes returned back to the north forest immediately." answered Meizhou.

"Isn't its normal for some beast to be asleep during winter? Obviously the animals roaming around at this time are lesser as well." said Zhubao.

Meizhou responded, "Yes. There should be less wild animals and beasts during winter but too less means there's a problem. This is not the first time we've crossed down the mountain. But on our past journeys we've bumps into some other animal other than wolves. There were some ice bears and arctic foxes. We should be seeing countless of snow hares and squirrels but on our way down those weak animals had all hidden themselves despite the snowstorm ending."

Zhubao and the rest of the group had observed their surroundings closely but they didn't hear anything around them. Normally there should be some small movements from the trees as those small animals move around but right now their surroundings are too quiet. The silence is too eerie.

"T-This is... indeed weird. Why are the other animals hiding as well?" said Zhubao.

Meizhou spoke with urgency, "Old man. Let's hurry up a bit on our way down. We will accompany your group first before we split up."

"Okay." said Zhubao.

Their trip way down was done with urgency. The breaks were stopped and they've just focused on reaching the foot of the mountain instead. As long as they've reached the lowlands, it should be safer than being in the middle of the forest. After a few more hours, the group finally saw the territory of the lowland tribes. Seeing the few tents gathering in one place, Zhubao was a bit relieved to see that the Mountain tribe didn't get fully buried under the snow.

"High elder! We can see small tents come from here. It is different from the usual land the Mountain Tribe lives in but that crest is clearly the Mountain Tribe symbol!" A scout from their group had reported.

"Good. Let's make the necessary preparations. I ask to meet the leader after reaching their campsite." said Zhubao.

Then he looked at Meizhou. After reaching the lowlands, Zhubao and Meizhou's team would split. Zhubao's team would be entering the territory of the lowland tribes while Meizhou's group would head deeper into the forest.

Zhubao asked worriedly, "Are you sure it's okay to bring only Shizi, Laohu, Lang and Xiong with you?"

"Yes. A small team is enough. It will be easier to escape with a small group. Don't worry. I could defeat a T-Rex on my own. There should be no problem." replied Meizhou.

"Sigh! Be careful. Keep your lives as the top priority. This is the tribe leader's command. Follow it!" said Zhubao.

Meizhou and the other four nodded before saluting towards Zhubao.

"We will remember!"

Only then the group had split into two. The larger group heads down to the lowlands while the small group enters the forest once again. Their goals were different but even then both goals were for the sake of their tribe.


Lowland Territory.

Unlike the Solune Tribe, lowland tribes live at the flat surface land at the foot of the mountains. They don't use small caves as their houses inside create tents and place them in rows. Unlike those who like to climb mountains, the house's distance from each other varies. In the lowlands the houses were placed in rows and the distance in between was kept proportionally, which is like row houses in the modern era.

Zhubao took the lead of his group and carefully approached the entrance of the Mountain Tribe Camp. On their way, they've observed that there are too many wooden crosses outside the camp. This scene is obviously traces left above the land where the dead are buried. In short it's a cemetery. Seeing this the group led by the high elder Zhubao could somewhat guess that the Mountain Tribe had suffered quite enough casualties.

Looking at the wooden crosses above the land, "High elder this... don't you think its too many?" A Tribe doctor asked.

Zhubao with a frown on his face replied, "My guesses had really happened but how did they escape that calamity?"

"Calamity? High Elder did they suffer from the avalanche as the Tribe Leader had said?" A warrior asked while his expression is gloomy as well. He is one of the few who had close relations to the people of the Mountain Tribe.

The Mountain Tribe is the friend tribe of their former Lune Tribe. Every winter season the mountain would suffer the heaviest during the snowstorms and hails. Because of this the Lune Tribe would always go down the mountain before the storm arrived and waited in the lowlands for it to pass. During those times the one who always led their help is this Mountain Tribe. They've let them reside in their territory until the storm passes in exchange for food and labor.

While staying with the Mountain Tribe, the tribesmen of the Lune tribe always bring over food from the mountain and help the Mountain tribe with hunting and patrolling. They've exchanged meat the most. The Mountain Tribe isn't proficient with hunting wild animals or beasts like the highland tribes: Lune and Soleil tribes but they were expert in fishery. Their ample food is fish and seafood. Most lowland tribes were expert swimmers and divers. They know more about the bodies of water than the landscapes.

Thinking about his old friend who is also the Mountain tribe's leader, Linma, Zhubao could help but worry. Seeing this now he knew that the Mountain Tribe had suffered quite a bit.

"Let's go. We will only know the situation once we meet them!" said Zhubao as they headed towards the village. This time there's urgency within every step.

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