I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 127: 5.29 First Violet Star - Varying Perspectives

Chapter 127: 5.29 First Violet Star - Varying Perspectives

Sheya was invited by Shizi to talk about it in his place. Laohu whose duty is to protect his tribe kin followed unconditionally behind Sheya like a guardian. Shizi paid no mind to him. He showed them the way to his own tent. It was the largest tent in the whole Soleil Tribe. Shizi is the tribe leader which is why he owns the biggest place to live in.

The interior of the tent felt empty as the things inside are too minimal. There's only a wooden table at the side with few wooden cups placed in it. On the other side of the place is a huge stone bed covered with thick fur blankets mended together with amateurish crafting. In one corner of the room, weapons made of stone and wood were neatly placed. Aside from those mentioned nothing else is found inside the tent. This is a typical living situation of a bachelor beastmen. As long the male beastman had no female on his side, a dull grey life is the only ending. Laohu didn't react much with this kind of living condition. His place isn't that much different than this.

Sheya on the other hand had looked around with a slight frowned between his eyes. He is clearly showing expressions of disbelief on his face. Shizi chuckles secretly when he sees that. He prepares some hot water and dried tea leaves made from herbs to serve his guests. Well he only literally served a tea cup for Sheya only. Laohu had to pour his tea on his own.

"My place must have looked empty. As I only used this place to sleep and most of the time I am outside doing my duties as a leader. I also help in hunting for food as well." said Shizi.

Laohu who got a cup of tea on his own. "It is obvious as your place isn't that much different from mine. Only those who have females to help them decorate their place like Meizhou would have a house full of things." he said.

"Thank you for the tea." said Sheya who got a cup of tea served by Shizi.

Shizi keeps looking at Sheya through the latter treats him like air.

"This is my private space. You can speak whatever you wanted in here. But first I would like to apologize with how the elders of my tribe had treated you. As I am the only pillar of this tribe it is a bit hard for me to control the elders from gaining authority as well. But I've spoken to them about this, you won't need to attend the tribal meetings for the next day if you don't wish to. I could just send someone to tell you the details of the meetings. But if you want to attend then, I would do my best to control them the next time." said Shizi.

"This..." Laohu is unable to say a word, he truly doesn't wish to continue attending that boring task but he couldn't leave Sheya alone in that place.

Seeing Laohu's expression, Shizi could mostly understand what was going on in his mind. He could only speak words to clear Laohu's hesitance.

Shizi said, "As I have sworn to protect you two while you are in my tribe as representatives I promise that I would protect you guys if you wish to attend the tribe meetings or join the hunting of my Soleil Tribe."

Laohu's eyes sparkled when he heard this, he had wanted to join the hunts of the warrior of this tribe. Unlike the elders inside the tent, Laohu had gotten along well with the warriors of Soleil after fighting with them a few times. They are warriors; they could easily understand the consequences of war and the reason for it. They might hate those who killed their loved ones but it doesn't change the fact that they've also killed the love ones of their enemy. Knowing this the warrior could easily treat the other warriors with less malice than those who had no understanding of war.

"Then I will join the tribe meetings, Laohu could join the hunts and help them collect food. The second week of this month is about to be reached. The Young leader had said that the snowstorm would be coming in the third week." said Sheya.

Laohu grinned happily, he is a battle maniac himself. "Okay~"

"This is indeed right. I will ask a few more warriors to collect more food. But the problem is shelter, I need to look for one ahead of time." said Shizi.

Sheya looked at him for a while before speaking. "As for that problem It could be solved as long as the elders of both tribes cleared their problems."

Aside from saying these words Sheya gave no further explanation. Laohu even gives Shizi a meaningful smile. Shizi instantly understood that the problem for shelter had been solved thanks to the young leader proxy of the Lune Tribe.

"I see... For now let's talk about what you wanted to inform me, the things that regard the health of my people." said Shizi.

"AH! That... Why do you let the children of your tribe play in this kind of season wearing too little and without shoes? Aren't you afraid of those brats losing their toes?!" said Laohu.

Shizi stayed silent for a moment and thought of things through. He couldn't immediately understand the meaning of Laohu's words as he explained it vaguely. Only when he saw Sheya and remembered what kind of job he has in the Lune Tribe. He stood up in the hurry and ordered someone from outside his place to tell the tribe doctor to come over in his place. Only then he returned to his seat.

"If it's about things regarding medicine, sickness and illness, it is better to have our tribe's doctor for easier exchange of knowledge." said Shizi.

Sheya responded, "That is indeed true. It will make things progress faster if I talk to a doctor instead."

Shizi didn't reply but just served Sheya another cup of tea while waiting for Soleil Tribe's Doctor to arrive. Once the other tribe's doctor joins them Sheya starts explaining things about frostbites and ice burn. He specifically mentioned the children who easily suffered such problems during winter.

Sheya said, "I advise your tribe to practice making the children bundled up with more clothes and make sure to let them wear closed shoes during winter season."

"Yes. Yes, I will have someone to inform the people of the tribe about this." Suddenly the tribe doctor of Soleil grabbed Sheya's hand and stared at him with a pair of fanatic eyes, this tribe doctor is obviously treating him with reverence.

"Sir please talk more about medicine and herbs with this old man. Why don't we exchange experiences about things like illnesses and unique sickness?" said the tribe doctor of Soleil.

Sheya smiled kindly at the doctor in front of him. He understood his thirst for knowledge. When the young leader explained a few things with regard to medicines his reaction isn't that much different than this one.

"That will be wonderful. I currently have free time right now. Why don't we continue this conversation in your tent or my place?" said Sheya.

Soleil Tribe's Doctor joyously replied, "It will be my honor. Let this doctor show you the way to my place. There's more suitable things in my tent which will make the conversation more interesting. Do you wish to visit now?" he asked.

Sheya wanted to agree but he first took a peek at Shizi and Laohu who stayed silent during the whole conversation.

Laohu's response, "Ah! You guys can go ahead. I would be resting for the whole afternoon today." he instantly decided to leave these two doctors alone. Just listening to them talking about herbs and medicine just now made him dizzy with all those unusual terms. He didn't want to listen for the second time.

"You guys should go ahead. I accompany Warrior Laohu and show him around the tribe's territory to pass time." replied Shizi.

Laohu said, "Then I will have to thank the tribe leader of Soleil in advance."

"T-Then let's go! Tribe Leader we're going now!" said the tribe doctor of Soleil.

Shizi nodded his head once, "Go ahead."

After getting permission from the highest authority in the tribe Sheya was pulled away by the other doctor. The Soleil Tribe's Doctor wishes to continue their conversation as soon as possible. Shizi and Laohu had no other choice but to see the two take their leave.


Meanwhile at the Lune Tribe.

The Tribe Meeting had just finished. Chiya and Rina who were representatives from Soleil Tribe had watched the whole meeting by the side of Meizhou. No elders had treated them badly the moment they entered the Lune Tribe. Though they could sometimes see grievances from some eyes, those only came from some females or children who lost their warrior partners from the war. Even then those people did nothing aside stare at them weirdly. What surprised them is the reaction of the tribe elders and warriors in Lune, they were treated as esteemed guests.

They could roam around anywhere they've wanted within the territory as long they knew their limits. The tribesmen of Lune Tribe treated them amiably as long they didn't harm anyone. There is that rumored female Tuzi who even waits every end of the meeting to show them around together with his two partners.

Scene during the end of the tribe meeting.

Tribe Leader Zhubao, "Okay. This will be all for today. Those who have duties can go ahead and continue your tasks. Those who are idle can help with the things in the tribe for now."

"Yes, Tribe Leader!" The other elders responded.

Zhubao who saw his future son-in-law hurriedly wants to take his leave, frowning for a moment within his eyes was an annoyance that couldn't be hidden.

"Meizhou! You stay here for a bit." said Zhubao.

Meizhou who heard his future father-in-law's grumpy voice did as he was told.

"What is it, old man?" said Meizhou with his usual close intimacy to this childish tribe leader.

"You-!... Sigh~ why is it only you again attending the meeting? Where's my darling son?" asked Zhubao.

Meizhou with a calm but haughty smile on his face replied, "My wife is tired. Only I would be attending the morning meetings. I want to let Bao'er rest more in the morning and let him catch more sleep." The meaning in his words were obvious to an experienced married man like Zhubao.

Zhubao angrily pointed at this shameless bastard in front of him.

"You! You brat!! You are not forcing my Baobao to do those things, if you do! This old man will fight you!" said Zhubao who was about to jump on Meizhou only to be stopped by the elders with them in place.

"C-Calm down, Leader!"

"You old man don't bother the young pair so early in the morning!"

"Let me go! I want to beat up that smug face of his!"

Meizhou continues to taunt at the old man, "What's wrong with you old man? I'm doing my best to give you a chubby grandchild!!" he said with a smirk on his handsome face.

Zhubao's anger flared even more when he heard that.

"You damn brat! Stay still for this old man!!!" yelled Zhubao who was being held back by the elders.

Tribe Priest Anbao had to step in and calm down his elder brother.

"Brother you calm down for a moment. A'Zhou stop teasing this hot headed old man." said Anbao.

Meizhou raised his hand in agreement to the tribe priest's words. "Okay~ I'll stop. Old man, Uncle Anbao, Bao'er said he'll cook dinner tonight. Are you coming over?"

"Of course!!" said Zhubao.

Tribe Priest Anbao replied with his usual kind smile, "I would go as well."

"Then I'll inform him. I'll go now." said Meizhou as he respectfully gestured farewell to his elders.

Aside from teasing his wife's old man, Meizhou still doesn't forget to show his respect to the elder of his tribe. This is a scene which startled Chiya and Rina who were silently watching in the corner. Afterwards they've followed Meizhou out of the tent after bowing slightly to the Lune Tribe Elders to show their manners.

As soon as they left the meeting, a small group of three had blocked them on the way. It was Tuzi and his two fiancé, Lang and Xiong.

Tuzi smiles as he approaches them, "Meeting is finally over. Good! Baobao told me he wanted to eat this which is why I've taken some from the farm."

He passed a basket of scarlet strawberries to Meizhou which the latter accepted without question.

"Dinner is at our place tonight. You guys should prepare the ingredients. Bao'er said he wants to cook dinner tonight." said Meizhou.

Once the three heard this, their eyes brightened as if seeing the heavens. Xuebao rarely cooks nowadays as there's Meizhou for everything with regards to his daily necessity. Even though Meizhou's cooking is not bad, it isn't as heavenly as Xuebao's cooking. Moreover whenever Meizhou cooks, he only makes his and Xuebao's part. They had to cook their own meals whenever that happened.

"What are we eating for dinner?" asked Tuzi with a glowing expression on his face.

Meizhou replied nonchalantly, "He said he wanted to eat pork and seafood tonight. The Mountain Tribe had sent a few seafoods. Get some from the food cave. Take at least 15 people worth of meat and seafood. The old man and Uncle Anbao will be joining us as well. Don't forget the vegetables and fruits."

Tuzi and the other two nodded their heads like pecking chickens.

"Ah~ before I forgot. The two can join as well if you wanted." said Meizhou to Chiya and Rina.

The two showed startled expressions when they heard Meizhou's words.

"W-We can join?" asked Chiya.

"Really!?" exclaimed Rina.

These two esteemed guests had first tasted delicacy in last night's evening banquet. Last night's dinner was Buddha Jumps Over the Wall with side dishes like white rice, clams in chicken soup, dried scallop with radish and meat strips with green pepper. When they saw the served food last night, Chiya and Rina thought they were plotting something. They've didn't eaten dinner until they've watched Xuebao and Meizhou eat first which they've regretted badly after. After all these two eat slowly by the time they've realized that the food is safe to eat, more than half of the served food in the banquet was already eaten. They were only able to enjoy a few mouthfuls of such a grand dinner.

When they've thought that the Lune Tribe had made such a luxurious dinner to welcome them, they've overheard children talking about how delicious the dinner is today but last banquet's spicy roasted beef was good too. Only then Chiya and Rina realized that evening banquets in the Lune Tribe always had this kind of food. Even normal day's meals were flavorful, they realized that the way food is cooked in this tribe is more advanced than theirs.

Of course! They've also heard the rumors that a female named Tuzi taught most of his tribesmen how to cook but the legend of Xuebao's cooking is even rarer. They've heard that Xuebao's cooking is even more delicious than those served during the evening banquets.

Meizhou replied to their questions unconcerned and said, "You can. Just go with these three when the time comes. I need to go and see my wife now. You guys can continue with your tasks." he said before leaving them on their own.

Tuzi, Lang and Xiong who were tasked to show around the guests in the tribe had left as a group.

"Last time you guys saw the tribe's kitchen and warehouse. We'll show you the farm for today. Fortunately, there are some fruits ripe enough to be picked." said Tuzi.

Rina as a female like Tuzi likes sweet things the most. He likes fruits like apples the most. "Are there apples?" he asked.

"They are some ripe ones. Let's go pick some~" said Tuzi.

"Yes!!" said Rina with a smile.

Behind these two excited females who dashed all of the sudden are three male who looked at each other's helpless expressions. They had no other choice but to follow the two female beastmen.


A cut scene from when the Mountain tribe had came over to their territory to send some seafoods in exchange of meat. The Mountain tribe and the Lune Tribe had always been close to each other. Especially when the old man of the Lune Tribe, Zhubao and the tribe leader of the Mountain tribe Linma were close friends. These two tribe usually share foods to each other. Lowland Tribe like the Mountain tribe had abundant source of seafood as this is their source of food. They got most of their food from the waterscapes like rivers, lakes and seas.

The Mountain tribe had come over to the Lune Tribe after receiving the message that they wouldn't be coming down the mountain for this year winter. In worry the tribe leader of Mountain tribe, Linma, had even personally visited his friend, Zhubao about this event. Of course Zhubao told everything to his friend and invited him to join them for winter but sadly tribe leader Linma rejected this offer. The two tribes had enjoyed the short reunion for 3 days. On the last day when the Mountain Tribe had just departed from the Lune Tribe, they were stopped by a couple on their way down the mountain. It was Meizhou and Xuebao.

Tribe Leader Linma smiled happily seeing the two especially his nephew, Xuebao.

"Dear Baobao, are you here to see uncle off?" said Linma with a gentle smile on his face.

Xuebao while keeping a playful smile on his face nodded his head in agreement.

Linma spoke, "At this distance is enough. There is no need to see us off further than this. It is dangerous as the sun is about to set."

"Uncle Linma... are you sure you don't want to join us for winter? I'm sure you know the contents of the trials. I and A'Mei would be able to support you and the Mountain Tribe if you join us for the rest of this month. Please do not worry about food. We could just hunt more before the storm arrives." said Xuebao.

Elder Linma just ruffles Xuebao's hair dotingly, "Baobao we had passed winter season in lowlands in these past years without problems. You had experience it right? The lowlands doesn't suffered much during the winter season except for too much accumulated snow. Moreover, we couldn't become a burden for you when we aren't really suffering any crisis. Listen to uncle this time okay? If something really happens then... uncle would just considered it as bad luck and join you guys for the next winter. Okay?" he said.

Seeing that they couldn't convince the Mountain Tribe to join them Xuebao had no other choice but to warn them instead.

"If its like this then Uncle can you listen to my selfishness just this time." said Xuebao.

Sighing helplessly Tribe Leader Linma couldn't continue rejecting the child and nodded his head this time.

Xuebao spoke, "Please listen and remember my words. During the snowstorms there might be case of the land shaking. Once you felt it shake uncle must looked above the mountain. If you see clouded white fogs covering the mountain please relocate as soon as possible. Uncle please listen to my warning. You mustn't bring anything with you when that time comes. Just run!"

The words of warning from his nephew made Linma anxious but he still keep this young man's warning to his heart. Only once he had promised the young man he would remember and spread the word to the rest of the lowland tribes that only then the couple had let them leave. Tribe Leader Linma's heart was restless on his way down the mountain.

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