I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 125: 5.27 First Violet Star - The Immature Elders

Chapter 125: 5.27 First Violet Star - The Immature Elders

Each representative had arrived in both tribes to fulfill their duties as observers. During the observation period each representative had attended the tribe meetings of their respective clan to observe. Chiya and Rina from Soleil Tribe attend the tribe meeting of Lune while Laohu and Sheya from Lune Tribe attend the tribe meeting for Soleil. This monitory will continue for three days until the temporary alliance meeting. There were no problems from the side of the Lune Tribe as no one would really dare to go against the words of their Tribe Leader proxy, Xuebao.

The one who attends the meeting together with the representatives happens to be Meizhou while most of the time Xuebao stays at home to rest as they daily play the lover's game at night. Meizhou is really working hard to plant his seeds. They were serious about wanting to have a child. Normally the world would reject this notion of making descendants as both he and Xuebao's souls were originally outsiders. But this doesn't mean they wouldn't be able to have children outside of their original world, it just the percentage of creating new life with their combined soul origins is hard. If the children they were planning to have is one that is connected to their original bloodline. This is the kind of offspring this couple is trying to create.

Since the words that Xuebao had sworn to the Beast God to keep the two representatives from Soleil Tribe safe while they were in their territory, no one dared to make things hard for Chiya and Rina. Instead the two were treated like esteemed guests despite being from an enemy tribe. No one is foolish enough to anger one of the chosen one.

Meanwhile the case for the attempted murder accident of Tuzi had reached the final verdict. The elders had lessened the female fox beastman's punishment not only due to the incoming disaster but also because female beastman Sia had seriously repent for his actions. He was willing to live in the outskirts of their tribe's territory and be considered as heretic as his punishment. Knowing that Sia had shown obvious remorse to his actions Tuzi decided to forgive him which lightens his punishment. Sia was punished to help with cooking and sewing for the tribe for 5 years. He will do volunteer work without payment. Because of this the idea for his banishment was abandoned.

On the other hand, in the Soleil Tribe.

Unlike Chiya and Rina's relaxed position within the Lune Tribe as representatives, Laohu and Sheya received eyes of resentment from the Soleil Tribe members. Though Shizi had already warned them before about not touching the Lune Tribe's representative, those whose hatred for the tribesmen of the Lune Tribe still exist. The eyes Laohu and Sheya receive from the Soleil Tribe is not friendly. There's a case during one of the tribe meetings where Sheya and Laohu were standing on the sides while listening to the meeting discussion. Eyes from the people of Soleil couldn't help but wonder about them. Elders attending the meeting were glance at them with judgmental eyes.

Sheya's thoughts after listening to the contents of the meeting happening before him, 'They're not progressing much because they fret of my and Laohu's presence too much. Even stealing glances while talking made the progress of this meeting halted countless of times.'

He then observes Shizi, the Soleil tribe's leader by the corner of his eyes. 'This man doesn't have full control of his own tribe. It's understandable after all he is the only pillar this tribe has.'

A Soleil Elder spoke, "Please keep your eyes on you. You are only allowed in here to observe and nothing more." the old man warned Sheya.

Sheya nonchalantly gave the grumpy old man a friendly smile despite of it being fake. He gave the elder a slight nod indicating he understood his meaning then closed his eyes as if he intends to just listen only for this meeting. Seeing this action rendered some elders inside the tent speechless while some reacted badly thinking that Sheya is looking down on them.

"See how you treat us elders like this! You are rude!"

"Stop, what could you expect from barbarians~"

Two elders from Soleil started taunting Sheya. They wanted to have a logical reason to kick these two representatives out of the tent and started to talk about the real topics of the meeting. They were clearly defensive towards Sheya and Laohu's presence. Laohu didn't understand the meaning of the elder's words and thought that the old men were looking down on them right now. Sheya stops Laohu from getting involved.

"If you want to have privacy during your tribe meetings you are free to ask us to not attend. I only need someone to inform us of the details of each meeting for me to have something to report when we return to our clan. But it seems that our presence is not welcome here, I would like to ask the tribe leader of Soliel to give us permission to return to our rooms." said Sheya with a smile though obviously his expression is opposite of the coldness within his eyes.

The elders inside the tent were stunned as they didn't expect Sheya to really leave during the meeting. Because of this sudden change in situation, most of the participants of the meeting were looking at the smiling representative in front of them.

Among those in authority in the place only Shizi responded to Sheya's request.

Shizi spoke, "You may go ahead. I will have someone to come over later to report the details of this day's meeting to you." he said.

Hearing this Sheya nodded at Shizi, "Then we'll go ahead for now. Please continue your meeting." said Sheya before pushing the bewildered Laohu out of the tent and left the area without hesitation.

Once the representatives from the Lune Tribe had left the tent, the elders started feeling they'd done something wrong. Knowing that flaunting their seniority towards the esteemed guests is quite rude, made it hard for them to even meet the gaze from their tribe leader who was unconsciously acting like the middle man for the Soleil and Lune Tribe's representatives.

The tribe priest spoke, "T-Tribe leader? Is that alright?" he asked.

"There is no problem. I would just need to personally inform the guest of the details of this meeting later. It's not like you guys would listen even if I told you to treat them as esteemed guests. There's a history between tribes and I understand your prejudice but... at least remember our current state and future problems. The chosen ones were both from their tribe, we had nothing we could use to have an advantage over them and they have nothing to lose even if they don't accept our tribe." said Shizi.

Hearing this the elders felt sting on their faces. The words their tribe leader had spoken were truths they didn't wish to believe. Obviously the young tribe leader of the Lune Tribe had no need to send a representative to their tribe, as a chosen one, Xuebao only needed to fulfill his mission and there are tons of ways to do so. Their Soleil Tribe isn't the only big tribe in the area, there's still the mountain and river tribes at the foot of the mountain. The Mountain Tribe obviously had a closer relationship with the Lune Tribe, it just happened that their tribe leader, Shizi, had openly requested to meet them that the Lune Tribe's Young Leader had accepted this meeting of concession. It was an opportunity their tribe leader had grabbed for them.

Now knowing the incoming trials from the Beast God of this world. Only the Lune Tribe had the biggest advantage for this event. After all the two chosen one from the revelation comes from their tribe.

Shizi spoke, "I just do not understand what you guys wanted to hide from the representatives of Lune. From basic necessities like food, clothing and shelter, none of this is lacking in their tribe. Their food comes from them planting it. I think farming is what they call it. Their clothing was unlike rugs piled up together as their craftsmanship is better than ours. As for their shelter according to the reports of my spy, the Lune Tribe had temporarily put it on hold as the season is not suitable for making changes in their houses. I heard most of these ideas were approved by their elders thanks to their young leader and that female beastman called Tuzi."

The elders who were rendered speechless. "..."

He still continues to explain things. "Not only that. They have the strongest warrior Meizhou for hunting. Which is why they would never lack food. There is also their young leader Xuebao who seems to be the source of their knowledge. I heard that his intelligence is even higher than their tribe's greatest crafter named Tuzi and even smarter than their tribe priest. Which is why I want to ask you again? What were you trying to hide from the representatives that you would even treat them that rudely?" asked Shizi as he looked at his tribe elders with hidden irritation within his eyes. He is obviously pissed off with the way they are acting.

An elder expressed his side, "B-But... But they've killed my child!?"

The elders upon hearing this had nodded collectively only the tribe priest had sighed helplessly.

'Had these old men started losing memories? That was war. It is inevitable for the two sides to suffer consequences. The tribe leader had lost his father from that war and... the chosen one had lost his mother as well. People from both tribes had lost something but didn't gain a thing because there is only death or victory in war.' Thoughts of Soleil's tribe priest.

Hearing this Shizi finally snapped. He started pointing at the elders inside the tent one by one due to anger.

"You've lost your child But you've killed a father from their side."

"You've killed a warrior from that side while they've killed your warrior friend as well."

"My father was killed in that battle but a few months later the while devil from Lune had also died. Now you ask me! Which side should be really be blamed in this case when both sides had suffered the same consequences? You continue to engage war towards the other side for that reason and the latter also fight back for the same reason. Lots of young beastmen lost their parents in war. It is not only in this tribe but from Lune Tribe as well!"


"I wanted to stop this endless bloodshed but none of you are supporting me!

I am willing to go to war for this tribe but you guys are not willing to carry future responsibilities with me.

I've lost a father who chose to fight for this tribe but in the end I still have to become the tribe leader and take my father's place to lead you.

I made this opportunity to have a peaceful relationship with the strongest tribe for the future of our tribe's young beastmen. As long the war ended between two tribes we would be able to increase our population. Isn't that what you guys want!?

But what did you guys do? You've treated the representatives the Lune Tribe had sent to our tribe with malice when they are only here to observe the situation in our tribe. I was the one who asked the Lune Tribe's Young leader for this opportunity because I wanted them to find something useful in this tribe that might interest them. As long as they've found something useful here I would be able to exchange things for it!

I am the only one person I wouldn't be able to protect this tribe with just me alone during the animal stampede. The preparations for trials of snowstorm aren't complete either. Damn! You guys are making things harder for me! Did you really want to survive or not!?"


Quietness ascended in the area. The elders were unable to speak a word. Not a suggestion nor a complaint. This is the first time they've heard the side of their young tribe leader. They've never expected that the reason for their tribe leader's plan for peaceful talk with the Lune Tribe had this kind of meaning. They've thought that the tribe leader is getting weak and wanted to condemn him for it.

"Continue the meeting. Tribe Priest, report to me the details of the meeting afterwards." said Shizi.

"As you wish my lord." replied the tribe priest.

The elders could only watch as their tribe leader left the meeting only for them to continue it themselves. Like what they've wanted to do. No representative monitoring them. It's just that even their tribe leader left them alone to plan things alone.


Sheya and Laohu who were kicked out of the tribe meeting were roaming around the Soleil Tribe's territory. Shizi had given them permission to look around the place as long as they didn't destroy anything. Laohu has been grumpy ever since they've left the tent. He had enough with the way this tribe had treated them.

Laohu with a frown on his face complains, "What is wrong with them?! They were the ones who suggested for representatives to be sent in each tribe but the way they've welcomed us is like this! While the young leader had welcomed their representative with a smile."

"This is a normal reaction. If not for our young leader the representative from this tribe would be treated the same way." said Sheya.

"I do not understand why Xuebao is able to accept this peace talk between tribes so easily. His dad died because of this tribe." murmured Laohu.

Sheya responded, "Well, this might be the reason why Xuebao is able to control the whole tribe, even our elders. He had full control on his emotions and feelings. For the sake of the children and the tribe's future he is willing to accept things that are intolerable. With great power comes great responsibility."

Suddenly they've seen children playing with mud not far from them. Seeing this these two adult beastmen watch them from a distance with a smile. But noticing these children to be bare above waist without even wearing shoes made them worried. They got too used to seeing the children of their tribe to be bundled up looking like small fat dumplings while playing.

As a doctor Sheya is able to see that the children are suffering from mild frostbites. The symptoms can be already seen. Skin becomes reddish, then numb, hard and pale. Clearly the toes of these children had this appearance. Sheya couldn't help but frown.

Laohu asked in confusion. "T-This... Is this alright? For these children to play like this wearing so little on them? They don't even wear shoes! Wouldn't they suffer frostbites like this? Don't they know this?"

"They didn't. We also wouldn't have known if not for Xuebao informing me about it. But even if we know this we couldn't just treat these children. They might think we are trying to harm them." said Sheya.

Laohu retorted, "Are we going to leave things this way? These are children!"

Sheya's face turned dark in response to Laohu's words. While he is thinking of something to solve this problem a looming presence was suddenly felt from behind them. When he and Laohu turned around they've meet Shizi's emotionless face was surprised.

"Whoa!! You've surprised me! W-What do you want?" asked Laohu as he instantly put Sheya behind him. He is fulfilling his duties of guarding Sheya.

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