I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 115: 5.17 First Violet Star - Display of Strength

Chapter 115: 5.17 First Violet Star - Display of Strength

After the hunting team returned with their spoils. The young leader had all asked them to gather. Once everyone had come Xuebao announced the second goal of today's hunting.

"The first goal of today's hunt had been reached. Everyone is to return back to the tribe. Meizhou and I will now pass the highest authority to Sheya. The moment we separated from the group everyone in the tribe must listen to Sheya unconditionally. Otherwise you shall be punished by Tribe Laws." said Xuebao.

Once this announcement was made. Everyone showed astonishment. Even Sheya who is usually calm was surprised this time.

"Why are you separating from the group Young Leader?" asked Sheya.

"The goal of today's hunt is two. Food and... Shelter." replied Xuebao.

"Shelter?" echoed by everyone in bewilderment.

At that moment Sheya thought of things thoroughly in his head. His eyes suddenly widens as if he had a realization.

Meizhou was the one who responded this time.

"Same reason as your mind. The snowstorm will hit this peak 3 weeks later. In preparation for that Bao'er has been looking for a huge cave where we could temporarily reside until the snowstorm has passed." explained Meizhou.

"You've found the cave you've been looking for but something else resides in it? A huge savage beast?" asked Sheya to clear the confusion in his mind.

Tuzi who seems to get things right away with more details was frightened. His face turned ashen in fright, the target of Xuebao and Meizhou is even more dangerous than the rest know. Only someone from the modern era like him could imagine the horror of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"A-Are you guys planning on fighting that? Only with the two of you!? Baobao!! That's a T-Rex. Tyrannosaurus Rex are the most ferocious and deadly among the dinosaurs. It's their King! It's so dangerous!!?" exclaimed Tuzi as he ran towards Xuebao grabbing his sleeves.

Everyone who is not that knowledgeable when it comes to savage beasts were bewildered by Tuzi's reaction. But his ashen face shows the terror of this savage beast called Tyrannosaurus Rex. At this moment even Sheya who was calm all the time had a frown on his face while looking at the smiling Xuebao and expressionless Meizhou before them. If the words Tuzi had spoken just now are real then the journey these two would have had, had a result of only a battle against that savage beast.

"Among all the savage beasts, T-Rex is the only one among it's race that doesn't live in herds. The reason for this is because it eats too much. As for why I choose this savage beast as a target is because it is better to kill a solitary beast than fighting an entire herd. Tyrannosaurus Rex likes to roam around near the forest or the river because it is an area that most likely to have lots of prey. The cave it lives in would be the most suitable to use for temporary shelter." explained Xuebao.

"B-But... it's biting power is twice the strength of its body. The tail is the strongest part of its body. It has speed and power that is above most dinosaurs. Even if you and Meizhou work together once you get caught even once then... it only means death! Baobao, let's just go down the mountain before the snowstorm. Fighting a Tyrannosaurus Rex is a life-threatening task!!" said Tuzi, trying his best to convince Xuebao in fighting the savage beast.

"Tuzi. A'Mei indeed had the strongest power in our tribe. This is undeniable but... since when did I say that my forte is only speed?~~" said Xuebao as he suddenly controlled the force his small body has and focused it all on his foot.



With a single stomp on the ground under him, a 3 meter size whole appeared under his foot. Those who were near him, except for Meizhou who had expected it, had all fallen within the approximately 3 feet tall and 3 meters wide ditch. Tuzi, Sheya, Lang, Xiong and the rest who had fallen with them were now looking at Xuebao like some kind of God. This obvious show of almighty strength is beyond the means of a strong warrior. Even the strongest of their tribe, Meizhou, is unable to do this kind of thing while not in his beast form.

Gawking at the huge hole and the smiling beautiful female beastman who made such a thing, the rest of the hunting and gathering team were now rendered speechless. Only Meizhou, who stood quietly beside his chosen female, sighed with a hint of helplessness.


Meizhou looked at his fallen tribesmen in the ditch and issued a command, "Stand up!"

Once they've heard Meizhou's voice, those shocked tribesmen return back to reality and stand up one by one leaving the ditch. They were looking at Xuebao with eyes of amazement and reverence.

Xuebao showed a cunning smile seeing their expression. "I looking for that savage beast with the reason for shelter is an excuse. I only wanted to clear this forest of such deadly hunters to keep the area of our tribe's territory safe. Going to kill the savage beast for it's house is only for this season. Once spring arrives once more, I should be able to find the material needed to upgrade the housing of our tribe. Next winter, we wouldn't need to hide in a cave or go down the mountain because by then, I would have solved the problem of housing in our tribe." he explained.

The group was once again shocked by this announcement.

"Anyway stop being surprised by every single thing. Go back to the tribe and wait for us to return home. Well the tribe leader would most likely send back a few of you as reinforcement. When you happen to be included in that group then I will leave the clean up to you guys. For now since the quota for hunting has been completed you guys should return home first. It will be harder for us to protect everyone if you come with me and A'Mei. Be careful on your way back." said Xuebao who walked away deeply into the forest.

"Sheya takes the leadership and makes sure to lead the rest back to the tribe." said Meizhou.

"I will. Please don't worry." replied Sheya.

Meizhou's eyes wandered to Laohu who now has an expression of ambivalence. The strength Xuebao had just shown is beyond any warrior even his, had shown. Based on this little show of strength alone could land Xuebao's rank as someone stronger than him. For some reason Meizhou doesn't seem to mind the fact that his beloved is stronger than him. As if in his heart he had longed accepted the fact that Xuebao has always been the strongest one between the two of them.

For Meizhou, he doesn't really care who is stronger than the two of them. As long as he knows that Xuebao loves him the most, the rest doesn't really matter to him.

"Laohu. Work with Sheya. After the I and Bao'er left you would be the strongest in the tribe. You must protect the rest well. Understood?" said Meizhou.

Hearing his name despite being in a state of trance, "U-Understood." Laohu responded.

"Pack up and return to the tribe." said Meizhou before following after his beloved who took off earlier. He also disappeared within the deepest parts of the forest while following the scent of his future mate.

Once Meizhou had disappeared from the deepest part of the forest, The silence from the group he left behind had suddenly turned chaotic. A commotion took place. These people had surrounded the ditch made by Xuebao looking like excited children as they looked at the proof of undeniable strength before them.

"Wow~ this is amazing!!!"

"A hole was made with a single stomped from the young leader!? Just how much strength does he have in that small figure of his!!!?"

"Powerful enough to turn you into a meat paste if you got hit by the young leader!?"

"Who are you calling a meat paste!? You would be one too if you got punched by the young leader using his real strength!"

"I wonder who is the strongest one between Warrior Leader Meizhou and Young Leader Xuebao?"

"Don't think much about it? We can never know about it."

"What do you mean? Wouldn't we know if they fight each other once?"

"Are you a fool?! Have you forgotten what relationship those two have!! They are future mates!! I've never heard of mates fighting even in the whole history of our races. So give up the idea of asking the two to fight!"

"Well~ that is also true~"

"Just be thankfully that this couple is from our tribe. As long as they exist our tribe will continue to remain."

"Their offspring would be the strongest in the future."

"Hahaha~ indeed!!!"

Sheya had to scold them for these fools to pick up the pace of packing. Meanwhile without him noticing, Tuzi was called by the female beastman named Sia to come with him somewhere. Lang and Xiong were dragged by the rest of the hunting team to talk about their boss and young leader's strength, didn't noticed their female leaving their side. Sheya, on the other hand, got preoccupied with controlling the group and ordering them to pack up fast so they could return back to the Lune Tribe and report to the tribe leaders and elders about the current situation.

Once everyone else just finished packing only then Sheya noticed that some female beastmen from the gathering team had disappeared. Tuzi who is supposed to be under his observation was now missing together with that female beastman named Sia from his report. Seeing this he could only ask for Tuzi's guardians where their female is.

"Lang! Xiong! Where is Tuzi?!" asked Sheya with urgency.

Warrior Lang showed confusion on his face as he looked around for his suddenly missing female. Xiong scanned his surroundings as well but unlike Lang's bewildered expression, he has worry imprinted on his face.

"I don't know! Tutu was just beside us just now!" replied Lang.

Xiong who showed panic upon not seeing even that female beastman named Sia, "That female beastman called Sia is also gone! That wretch! Did he bring Tutu away while we are distracted!!?" he exclaimed.

Sheya's expression turned ugly in this moment.

"Lang! You have the sharpest nose among the group and know Tuzi's scent well. Could you try picking up Tuzi's scent!? We must find him or it will be too late!" said Sheya.

Bewildered Lang asked, "What the hell is happening? Why would Tutu be in danger!?"

"That female called Sia is your admirer. He wanted Tutu to disappear so his chances with you remain!? Go pick up Tutu's scent. Our female is in danger!!!" explained Xiong in a few words.

"That damn female fox!!!" yelled Lang.

The words Xiong had said made Lang's expression turn dark. He instantly transformed in his beast form. Instantly a huge grey wolf appeared before the group. He started sniffing around to pick up the scent of his female. Xiong was following closely to him intending to go with him as they looked for their female together.

"Lang. Xiong. Go ahead and look for Tuzi. I will escort the rest of the group back to the tribe and rejoin you guys as soon as possible. Lit this flare when you found Tuzi. Once this flare is lit, the young leader will know and come over or I will go see where you guys are. Good thing the young leader gave me two. I'll leave one with you." said Sheya as he passed one of the flares to Xiong.

They watched as Xiong and Lang separated from the group to look for their chosen female, Tuzi, whose location and situation is unknown.

Meanwhile Sheya and Laohu escorted the rest of the group back to the tribe. As soon as they got back, they reported the whole thing. Everything about Xuebao and Meizhou plans and Tuzi's sudden disappearance. Upon hearing the culprit is a female beastman named Sia, Sia's father, one of the elders in the tribe, had a hideous expression upon hearing this news. This elder immediately ordered his female son's capture and allowed the tribe to issue that son's punishment.

The reinforcement team was led by Sheya and Laohu. This team was split into two. One to assist Xuebao and Meizhou. The other one is help with looking for the missing female Tuzi. Tuzi is quite important to the Lune Tribe as he is the successor of the Tribe Priest. His importance to the tribe is only second to Xuebao and Meizhou. Because of this, the mastermind of Tuzi's disappearance, the female beastman called Sia is now deemed as a criminal of their Tribe.

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