I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 108: 5.10 First Violet Star - Scarlet Fruits

Chapter 108: 5.10 First Violet Star - Scarlet Fruits

The group enjoyed their lunch well. They didn't return to the tribe camp as soon as they've finished eating but instead loiter around the riverside for few minutes. This is to help them with digestion. Tuzi agreed to this as he knew the consequence of indigestion especially in this primitive world without no source of medicine except for herbs.

They've stayed by the riverside for half an hour and when they felt the food in their stomach is halfway digested Xuebao asked everyone to go return to Lune Tribe's camp. On their way back, Lang is still trying to get Xuebao's permission to join them during their future hunts.

Lang speaks, "Young Leader~ Please let me join your future hunts next time~ I will definitely follow all your orders and protect Tutu the whole time. I swear I won't bother you and the boss lovey-dovey time!"

Xuebao could ignore the few sentences except for the last one. He didn't agree that he and Meizhou were flirting during their last hunt which almost resulted of Tuzi nearly getting trampled under the dinosaur's foot. At most, he did care much of his surroundings because his husband is beside him and that he is busy teasing his man. That's all!

If Warrior Lang and Tuzi heard Xuebao's thoughts they would definitely say, 'Young Leader. That's what you call flirting!!!' Unfortunately only his system Yue heard this host thoughts which is why Yue voice the same thing in his host mind.

[Host. If I'm not wrong teasing your lover while ignoring the rest is what you call flirting.]

"S-Shut up, Yue!" yelled Xuebao in his mind. He still doesn't accept it as fact. Hmph!

Tuzi who had remembered the huge face of that dinosaur at close up suddenly pales.

"X-Xuebao. Let's allow Lang to join our future hunts next time. I'm afraid that accidents might occur when I get separated from you two." said Tuzi with a pleading gaze towards his friend.

'This silly rabbit forgets about his friend because of his lover!!!' Thoughts of Xuebao.

'[Host. You cannot say such a thing. You are in top ranking under that kind of list.]' System Yue's thought that he didn't dare to say out loud. Afraid of being thrown by his host in anger and embarrassment.

This time the always silent and cold man strongest warrior Meizhou spoke, "How about this? Whenever I lead the hunting party of the tribe next time. Let me bring Bao'er and the rabbit with us. Is this okay with you, Bao'er?" asked Meizhou as he looked tenderly at his chosen female.

Xuebao, who saw the softness within those golden eyes couldn't help but agree to this man's request.

His thought at the moment, 'Damn! I don't remember having weakness towards this kind of gaze. Like the kind gaze or those illusionary puppy eyes! Aaah!!'

"O-Okay, Fine. I agree! You guys are happy!!?" said Xuebao.

"YES!" replied Tuzi and Lang who wanted to jump on Xuebao for a hug only to be both grabbed on their back collar by Meizhou who was smiling so dark towards them.

With a scary smile on his face, "What are you silly pair trying to do?" said Meizhou with a threatening tone.

"N-Nothing, it's just impulse! B-Boss I'm sorry!!!" said Lang as he raised his hand as if raising a white flag.

Tuzi on the other hand entered his fantasy mode at this moment, they could hear his mumbling nonsense. Meizhou was used to it but for Lang this is the first time.

"Demon king mode~~ Hehe~ Kyaa!! hihihi~~"

"Tutu? What's wrong?" asked Lang.

Upon hearing his new friend's voice, Tuzi immediately returns to normal.

Tuzi replied with a normal expression, "Nothing just playing around a bit~"

"Anyway you two come with us. We need to plant those things we got this morning. Let's go meet my father first. You... Let go of them." said Xuebao. He is talking to Meizhou for the last sentence.

This small group headed to the Tribe Leader's place to ask the old man to lend them a piece of land for farming. Without them knowing someone from the distance is watching their group specifically at Tuzi. There's an obvious envy and rage in this person's eyes. He clearly hates Tuzi for a reason.

"Why? Why are you a useless and weird female is able to join a group led by the Young Leader Xuebao and the strongest Warrior Meizhou? Now you even have Warrior Captain Lang on your side!!? This is so unfair!!! I don't believe you are that special!" The man murmured maniacally.


Tribe Leader's House.

As the female son of the tribe leader, Zhubao, this place would be called his home. Xuebao took the lead and entered his house with the rest following after him. Meizhou remained calm and indifferent as always. This man's expression only changes when Xuebao is involved. If Zhubao isn't Xuebao's father this man would surely ignore this doting father like the rest of the elders.

Unlike Meizhou's calmness, Lang was a bit afraid of the old man and elders. Not only Zhubao is the tribe leader, most male grew up adoring this person. Only unique warriors like Meizhou who were born talented don't really care about his other relationships with the rest. The uncomfortable feeling in his heart made him unease only when he leaned a bit towards Tuzi's side that he felt calm.

"Are you okay, Lang?" asked Tuzi as he witnessed the stiffness in his body.

Seeing Tuzi's carefree expression, he could help but asked, "Are you not afraid of the tribe leader, Tutu?"

"Afraid of Uncle Zhu? Haha~ Of course not! Uncle Zhu is a kind and cool old man." said Tuzi with an angelic smile.

Seeing this smile left Lang an assuring feeling and all of his negative thoughts started to fade bit by bit.

"You call my father kind, Tuzi? That old man is only kind to you because he had longed treated you as his second female son. Would you believe me if I told you that your future suitors will have a hard time thanks to that old man." said Xuebao.

Tuzi pouted cutely, "Buh~ I don't think Uncle Zhu would do that~~" he said.

"Hmp! Well then let's see in the future then." replied Xuebao.

Few steps behind them Meizhou looked at Lang with an understanding gaze. As someone who is in the lead of getting bullied by that cranky old man, he knew what kind of hardship Lang would face if he ever decided to pursue the silly rabbit in the future.

He as Xuebao's Protector was given countless tasks from the Tribe Leader and elders. Those tasks were more of an errand with endless duration. Like gathering firewood for the tribe. Helping his guarding duties when his female is safe at home. Carrying this and that. Cleaning the food warehouses and etc. More things like this that involve the whole tribe as a whole.

Meizhou pats his second in command's shoulder.


"Good Luck, Lang! Let's do our best." said Meizhou. He didn't even wait for the captain to react before following closely at his chosen female.

Warrior Lang was left agape in confusion and incredulity. Tuzi had to pull him in with him else he would just stand where he is.

Tuzi's expression is also peaceful. He had gotten closer to Uncle Zhubao because he is his best friend's father. This leopard family had already accepted Tuzi as an extended family. This is because Xuebao treated Tuzi the best while ignoring the rest of the females. He got along with Tuzi the most in their tribe. What this old man didn't know is that Xuebao is only letting the silly rabbit by his side because he is the target of his mission in this world and that this brat is willing to do all the chores in his instead which is why he treated Tuzi well. Because he is useful to all.

For Xuebao, strangers can be separated into two kinds: Useful and Useless. For the former, he might treat the person with a bit of kindness if he is in mood. As for the latter, it's better if the person doesn't offend him as long as the person didn't offend him, Xuebao wouldn't care what the person does. Nor will look after that person. He had a clear definition of likes and dislikes. Though lately Xuebao tends to lean Tuzi into the side of people he likes. That's why he didn't ignore most of his requests.

They've headed toward the tribe leader's office.

Once they've entered the room with permission, the group saw Tribe Leader Zhubao talking to his younger brother, the priest of their tribe, Anbao. They were obviously talking serious business but still had a smile on their old faces.

"Uncle! We're back!" exclaimed Tuzi as he knew his friend wouldn't do so.

Xuebao was direct to the point as always. "Father lend me a piece of Land."

"Oh~ welcome back, Baobao, Tutu. How's the forest? Eh? Baobao, what do you need a land for?" said Zhubao as he greeted them back, welcomed them home and listened to their request.

"Hoho~ the children are finally back~" said Anbao.

Tutu spoke first. "Ah~ Elder Anbao is here as well. Greetings to the Priest!"

Lang greeted, "Greetings to the Priest!"

Meizhou and Xuebao only gestured a salute.

Only Meizhou and Xuebao remained indifferent and the tribe priest doesn't seem to mind it though. One happens to be the strongest warrior in the tribe and the other is the tribe's strongest female beastman and the Priest nephew. It's enough for these two to just greet the Priest lightly.

"Okay~ you children. No need to be formal at home. Hohoho~" said Anbao with a delighted expression on his old face.

Tribe Leader Zhubao asked, "Baobao what do you need the land for?" but he didn't look at his female son but instead at Tuzi who always explained things for his lazy son.

Tuzi was the first to explain things as always. "We found something delicious in the forest Uncles!"

The two elders watched as Tuzi brought out a few apples and wild berries from his carry on bag. He took these fruits as snacks. They've already eaten a third of it after lunch and the rest was only enough for two people. He didn't hesitate to offer it to the two elders as they are some more at home.

The elders look at the scarlet fruits Tuzi placed on the table. The fruits vary in sizes and shapes with only the largest at the size of an adults fist. There's a bewildered expression on the two old men before them.

"An, do you know what are these? Fruits?" asked Zhubao to his younger brother who was deemed as the smartest in their tribe.

Tribe Priest Anbao frowned for a bit, "Must be fruits but... the color is deep red. This is..."

Usually in the primitive world, bright colored things with the shade of red, orange or violet were considered either poisonous or inedible. They could see the obvious hesitation on the two old men's faces. Lang and Tuzi understood their hesitation, even Lang who was served to eat it as snack after lunch few moments ago hesitated to eat those bright colored fruits. If not because Xuebao had Meizhou forced the apple into Lang's mouth that he would never believe such ominous colored fruit would be that delicious.

"Tuzi this... you know that things with this color are most likely dangerous!" scolded Zhubao.

Tuzi flinched as he didn't expect to get reprimanded all of the sudden but he could feel the worry of the old man before him.

"Did you guys eat this?" asked the Tribe Priest with worry on his face.

No one directly answered. Lang and Tuzi were afraid of being scolded more while Meizhou concentrates on reading his beloved's expression. For some reason he felt things would get worse if he didn't stop his female. But he was still a few steps late as Xuebao suddenly disappeared in front of him as he got mesmerized by the sight of that slightly upturned lips of his Xuebao.

Xuebao stood before the table and grabbed an apple with speed beyond normal. The two old men weren't able to stop the child from biting and swallowing the scarlet fruit.


Chew! Chew~ Chew!


"I've been eating this since last night. Tuzi shared some to me as snacks. He had this fruit for a week and he is still alive. If I remember it correctly this fruit is called apple. It grew as a tree and bears this kind of fruit. When unripe it's sour and the color is pale red. It will be unpalatable to be eaten in that shade of color. Only when it is this bright red that it could be considered as ripe. It tastes very sweet~ Father~ Uncle~ why don't you try~~ Do you not trust Tuzi or me?" said Xuebao as he tried to feed his father the first of his half eaten apples.

But before it could reach the old man's mouth a hand held Xuebao's wrist and changed its direction to left. It was Meizhou who finished the half eaten apple of Xuebao.

Meizhou finished the half eaten apple in few bites and even licks the residue juice on Xuebao's fingers. Xuebao remained calm in the midst of this shamelessness from his husband. They've watched Meizhou pick a few of those small sized scarlet fruits and hand feed his beloved. Xuebao cooperates with him this time and opened his mouth every time a berry or a finger touch his lips.

"Bao'er eat more." said Meizhou while giving the two old man a cunning and taunting gaze.

Thoughts of Zhubao and Anbao, "This evil brat is really~~"

Seeing the tribe leader and tribe priest's easing expression he knew now that the elders are willing to believe them with two living proofs before them. He smiled in relief knowing that.

"So it is indeed edible..." said Zhubao as he tried an apple by biting it. The taste of sweetness fills his mouth.

"So sweet~ With this we can preserve it for a long time when dried." said Anbao who tried the cherries.

The two even lightly smacked away Meizhou sneaking hands to steal a few more fruits for his beloved.


"Enough! Didn't you brats ate enough before you came here!?" said Zhubao.

Xuebao held his husband's slapped hand and gently rubbed it. he then gives his father an intentional glare without ill intentions.

"You didn't want to try it before! What's wrong with us eating a few more~" said Xuebao.

"Tutu gifted it to us! This is our share!!!" claimed by the unashamed Old Tribe Leader.

The priest looked at Tuzi and Xuebao. He was dazed just now thinking about something. He could somewhat understand what these children planned to do.

"Are you planning to plant these fruits? What are the things needed to be remembered to grow this fruit? Any special requirements? It's almost winter, would these still grow?" asked the curious old priest.

Xuebao smiled mischievously as he pushed Tuzi to do the explaining to the old men.

"Tuzi will explain. Father, I want that piece of land near the frozen pond. These will grow well there. Actually there are few more fruits we picked up from the forest but it wasn't as sweet as these. It could be used for cooking instead."

"There are more!? Can it be used for cooking? Tutu let these uncles see those too!" said Anbao as he pulled Tuzi to sit with these two old men.

Zhubao instead looked at his mischievous female son with a blaming gaze but still fulfills his request.

"Go now. I will inform the elders myself about that unused piece of land near the frozen pond. Those old men didn't even care about that land any way. You guys can have it."

Xuebao hugged his father in delight. "Thank you, father~" but his goal is to steal the largest apple on the table.

"Hey! No touching of my fruit!" said Zhubao who slightly slapped his son's hands as well.

"Tsk! Stingy~~" said Xuebao as he dodged his father's hand and instead disappeared from his side and appeared behind Meizhou. "Hehe~ Tuzi lent me Lang for a moment. I needed a few more people to plant things for me." he said.

"Okay~ Lang help Xuebao okay?" said Tuzi with a smile.

Lang blushed in that moment and slammed a fist to his chest.

"You can leave it to me, Tutu!" said the loyal wolf Lang.

"After we got the other elders' permission, in few days I'll send you guys few male to gather few more of these things from the forest and help you plant it here in our territories as well." said Zhubao while beside him the tribe priest and Tuzi was already under heated discussion about the fruits and vegetables Tuzi brought with him.

On the table now not only has fruits like apples and wild berries. There are some lemons, celeries, cabbages etc. These were plants that grew during the winter season. Tuzi was tasked to explain the things. The taste, cooking used and more. While Xuebao took Meizhou and Lang to Tuzi's place and got those tree roots and plants to be replanted as soon as possible. There's group innovative farming in the Lune Tribe for the first time in this primitive world.

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