I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 655 Absolute Red

"Did you need my help?" asked Jayna.

"No need. Wait… Hmm… I think I got an idea. This will definitely blow those stubborn dwarf minds." said Angus with a smile.

Leaving the training ground, Angus and Jayna are welcomed by Brigida and Lilith. Unlike the other maid, they are wearing their unique clothes. Brigida wears black-themed leather armor similar to an adventurer, while Lilith wears exposed Altras tribe clothes.

Although Lilith's clothes are pretty indecent, it is so she could use [shapeshifting] ability to the fullest. As for the tight black suit she wore last time, it is actually one of the Red Queen Nabe's prototype suits.

The suit is very sophisticated and could save someone's mana by at least 50%. However, this suit is unsuitable for Altras as it restricts their [Shapeshift] ability.

If Seventh Faces didn't turn the whole Redmore capital city into a restrictive dungeon last time, they might never use this suit.

In addition to her clothes, Brigida also wears a special type of dark-colored glasses. Since Brigida developed her magic eyes, Angus decided to make special glasses for her in case her Magic Eyes went wild.

Through her emotional sensing, Jayna immediately notices the jealousy in her two personal maids despite not showing anything on their faces. These two personal maids notice what Angus and Jayna did inside the training ground by their complexion.

Although Jayna already uses some clean spells, her face still shows a trace of afterglow. With a smirk, Jayna immediately held Angus' hand and got more intimate than usual. Seeing Jayna's behavior, Angus could only release a sigh. But he also didn't stop her.

After their [Allegiance] reaches the first threshold, every physical contact leaves a pleasant feeling. In some way, they will feel warm and comfortable when touching each other.

Ignoring the jealousy of their two personal maids, Angus and Jayna disappear with [Flame Blink] after taking the blanket and refreshment from them. A moment later, they arrive inside the Royal Chamber, where Anna sleeps like a baby.

"You are late. Hurry, wake your little troublemaker and get out of here." chimed King Leon from the side.

"Good to see you too, My King." said Angus with an exaggerated noble bow.

While King Leon and Angus exchange sharp banter, Jayna wakes the sleeping Anna.

"Anna, wake up. You can't sleep all day." said Jayna.

"Mmm… Big sis.. *Yawn* Is it time to eat?" asked Anna while yawning.

"Err… It is too early for another meal." said Jayna, who didn't expect Anna could wake up so quickly.

"Mmm.." replied Anna with a drowsy tone before returning to sleep.

"Ehhh??" reacted everyone at this little troublemaker.

"Wake up!!" roared King Leon as he couldn't hold it anymore.

However, their attempt to wake Anna is futile. Unless they bribe her with food and show her something interesting, Anna will keep sleeping in the comfy bed like a log. In the end, King Leon could only leave the room in frustration.

Although angry at the little monster's daring act, he didn't want to destroy his royal chamber. The whole chamber holds a lot of history and costs a lot of money. Some of the runes in the room are even as old as the Heart Kingdom itself.

It is one of the places that King Leon didn't want to destroy to ensure the history of their kingdom. After a lot of difficulties, Angus and Jayna finally wake the little gluttony and drag her into the private training ground in the Royal Palace.

Angus and Jayna decide to experiment more with Jayna's sudden improvement. After a whole afternoon of practicing, they found no other ability except Jayna's fire manipulation and [Flame Blink]. On the other hand, they find Jayna's mana is increased by leap bound.

If it is converted into numbers with Angus' system, her mana is around 500. Her mana is lower than Angus's but almost twice the ordinary third grade. Unlike Angus, most people break through before they reach the limit of their mana maximum capacity.

Therefore, most third-grade combatants are only around 200-300 when it comes to mana. It is not that they didn't want to maximize their mana capacity, but it is hard to increase it. Mana's capacity from one person to another differs as it is factored by many things.

However, it still could be increased, albeit not through conventional training like muscle training. It is like people trying to strengthen their cells. Most of the time, increasing mana capacity only happens after someone breakthroughs or changes their body significantly.

Otherwise, the growth will be minuscule. Even with Angus' special breathing and customized mana core, it didn't increase much after his growth period. In fact, Angus' huge mana pool is because his system somehow keeps his growth.

For example, by combining Angus' special breathing and customized mana core, he could regenerate and absorb the mana from nature. During this period, if the mana in his body reaches the limit, it will increase his mana slightly.

When the increase reaches a certain threshold, the system will automatically keep the growth rather than revert it back to its previous mana capacity. Still, increasing mana capacity is a very hard task to do.

"Hmm… I think I know why you suddenly get this power up." said Angus after [Analyze] Jayna's condition.

"Hmm??" asked Jayna.

"Did you remember the black gooey soup Anna made during the Nirvas test entrance?" asked Angus.

"Ehh.. You don't mean?" asked Jayna.

"Yes. In simple words, now you are just having a growth period. Anna's soup definitely fuels your growth and arouses it to develop faster." said Angus.

"Really?! Anna, thank you!!" said Jayna before catching Anna, who was running around.

"Huh?! Huh?" replied Anna in confusion but still enjoyed Jayna's embrace.

The day of her marriage contract is slowly approaching. If Jayna could get stronger fast, she would definitely be happy. Then, they continue practicing together while playing around with the naughty Anna.

Another month passed by as the season changed. The Heart Kingdom has quite a unique season and weather. Most of the major cities and areas have their own season. Some areas only have one season without change, while others have unpredictable seasons and weather.

The Ashdun capital city is the most stable area in the Heart Kingdom. It only has two weather seasons. One is the hot season, while the other is the rainy season. The hot season will happen during the first half year and the other half is the rainy season.

As it is the start of the rainy season, the air becomes more humid and rain often falls down out of nowhere. During this time, Angus and Jayna are inside one of the research chambers in the Research Center.

Both are covered in sweat while focusing on the glowing fire globe. At first glance, the burning globe looks like smooth marble. However, it suddenly transforms into a uniform shape before returning to become a globe in a split second.

Each time the globe changes shape, Angus and Jayna groan as if they are expending more power. Not far from them, experts like Master Valeron, Old Dwarf Balrug, Vigo, and Gilford looked at the young couple in silence.

Even the naughty Anna, who is riding a big piggy, stays silent while watching the young couple. After a while, a sharp, piercing whistle was heard from the globe before it shone brightly. The bright globe hovers in the air while the young couple slumps on the ground exhaustedly.

"Did they do it?" asked Vigo.

"Hmm… Looking that it no longer changes shape and stabilizes in the air, it should be. Besides, we don't have any record about this thing." replied Gilford while fixing his goggles.

"It's finished!! Haha…" declared Angus happily.

"Congratulations, Master Angus. You just found new material." said Master Valeron with a smile.

"Brat, you are really crazy. But, good job anyway. This will definitely shut up those old folk. So, what will you call it?" asked old Balrug.

"Hmm… How about Absolute Red." said Angus.

"Absolute Red? Hmm… Is it the counterpart of Absolute Blue? Well, since it is made of pure Fire elemental, I think it is not wrong to call that. Anyway, we should celebrate it." said Balrug.

"Yeay!! Meat!!" said Anna while urging her pinky pig to jump around.

Soon, they start having a small party while keeping a record of Absolute Red's condition. As Balrug said, Absolute Red is the crystallization of the highest form of Fire elemental. The creation of Absolute Red is very simple but very hard to do.

All it needs to do is compress the pure Fire elemental into one point without letting it go until it stabilizes. However, compressed high-density Fire elemental is a tough task even for expert fire manipulation such as Angus and Jayna.

During this month, they already made over a hundred fire explosions when trying to compress and stabilize Absolute Red. In fact, Angus almost gave up and was already planning to create a unique high-grade weapon rather than this material.

However, he knows this material is also one of the essential materials for Jayna's sword. Moreover, Jayna also participates in making Absolute Red. This material is more suitable than other fire materials.

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