I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 627 Plotting Each Other

For the captain rank of the Extermination Squad, his punishment could be from demotion as the lightest and torture to death as the heaviest. Even if Aldo wasn't punished by death, he still would get a harsh punishment for this negligence.

Therefore, Captain Aldo is very nervous at this moment. Noticing Angus still didn't reply to his question and smiling playfully, Aldo decided to calm down and not make the matter worse.

"B-Baron Victory, let's go inside and talk about it first. I will definitely find the person responsible for this." said Captain Aldo anxiously.

"Sure. Lead the way." replied Angus leisurely.

While Angus follows Captain Aldo, an event happens at the royal capital.

"You did what?!!" shouted Crown Prince Eric to the young nobles before him.

"I-I create a fake order for the Extermination Squad to catch him. I-Is there any problem?" replied the young noble, who didn't expect such a reaction.

"Is there any problem, you say?! Did you realize what you have done?!!" shouted the Crown Prince angrily.

"M-My Lord, you don't need to worry anymore about him. He will be tried in front of everyone tomorrow. All you need to do is testify in front of everyone." said the young noble.

"W-What?!! Are you really out of your mind?! Not only do you create a false order, but you also drag me into this mess. Did you really think Angus will just sit idle and let himself get caught, Paul?!" retorted Eric.

"H-He didn't have any choice. Any noble must be obligated with the Extermination Squad or they will become a wanted criminal." replied Paul without thinking anything wrong.

"Yes, you are right. That is if it is the other noble. Angus Victory is not an ordinary noble!! Why would someone who survived fighting against my Father wait to get caught?" said Eric helplessly.

"T-That's just a baseless rumor, right? There is no way someone could survive against His Royal Highness." replied Paul anxiously.

Hearing this, Eric couldn't help but shake his head and release a deep sigh.

"Alright, that's enough. Let me handle the rest. You should go back now." said Eric as he dismissed Paul.

Paul couldn't help leaving Eric's room dejectedly. He knows Eric didn't like what he did behind his back. But, it is necessary to avenge his mother.

As soon as Paul leaves the room, "From now on, I want to cut off all ties with the Gonzalet family. Also, find all the things that fool did this time." said Eric to the butlers near him.

"As you wish, Crown Prince Eric." replied the butler before leaving Eric alone.

"Tch… What a waste! Why are none of them useful?! All they did was make trouble. I guess it is true. What matters is true power." muttered Eric.

*Clank* Suddenly, someone intrudes Eric's room through the front door.

"Oh my… What's up with the long face, brother?" said Dietrich Heart, the second prince of Heart Kingdom.

"What did you want, Dietrich?" snarked Eric.

"Can't I meet my brother after his long mission?" replied Dietrich playfully.

"Go away, Dietrich. I am busy now." said Eric coldly.

"How cold… No wonder Jayna always has such a rebellious attitude when I am gone." said Dietrich.

Eric didn't reply, only raising his eyebrow in silence. He knows Jayna is already one of the people off-limit in the Heart Kingdom. However, Eric will not speak if Dietrich wants to dig his grave by himself.

'Perhaps, I could use Angus to get rid of him.' thought Eric inwardly.

Anyway, I heard some news about a particular military trial tomorrow. Well, I hope to see your testimony tomorrow." said Dietrich before leaving the room.

"Bastard!!" shouted Eric as he finally lost his temper.

He knows his brother will ensure the trial tomorrow happens no matter how he tries to hide it. He even assumes Dietrich is somehow helping Paul in secret, as he knows Paul has no connection or enough authority to create a fake warrant order.

Meanwhile, Angus sits inside Captain Aldo's office while the captain inspects the warrant order. Angus didn't need to worry about the latter part playing a hand to him as he knew little about Extermination Squad's inner work.

Now, all captain Aldo wants is to find the perpetrator to lessen his punishment as low as possible.

"Hmm… This is truly an authentic warrant order, be it the paper, ink, or stamp seal." said Captain Aldo helplessly.

He still hopes the warrant order is fake. But, the order is real and even recorded in their system. There is even a military trial for Angus tomorrow. If it is only this, Captain Aldo is not worried since it seems it is not his negligence.

However, he noticed the warrant order was too fast to be issued. With their bureaucratic system, it needs at least a few days for the warrant order to be released unless it is an emergency state.

Yet, it took less than a day for it to be released and he didn't know about it. Even an idiot will notice this strangeness.

'The other party knows what they are doing, and the Extermination Squad inner working.' thought Captain Aldo inwardly.

"So, what did you think, Captain Aldo?" asked Angus playfully.

"It's hard to say. You may not know this but the warrant order is separated into three important parts. The paper, the ink, and the stamp." said Captain Aldo.

"The paper and the ink is a special product only used and produced by our squad. These materials are usually stored and guarded at our warehouse. Although we can track anyone coming from our warehouse, it is difficult for the other base warehouse."

"It will take time and manpower to do that, which leaves us for the stamp. Only a few people, such as myself, have this special stamp. Each of these stamps will have its own signature. It will be easier to track who issued this order from it." explained Captain Aldo.

Captain Aldo is trying to say that this warrant order is not from him and that he didn't know anything about it. However, Angus didn't comment on Aldo's justification.

"But, there is a little problem." added Captain Aldo.

"Such as?" asked Angus.

"As you know, our squad deals with the enemy spy and espionage. So, to shorten the capturing process."

"Few high-ranking people in the squad usually bring it with them to issue a warrant on the spot. These people's identity is hardly known even for us except the Squad leader himself." explained Captain Aldo.

"So, there is nothing you can't do?" asked Angus with a cold frown.

"B-Baron Victory, w-we could still check the other base leader." said Captain Aldo in a hurry.

"Hmm… Can't you just check the stamp signature and which one it belongs to?" asked Angus.

"Umm… We can. B-But…" replied Captain Aldo reluctantly.

"But what?" asked Angus impatiently.

"Only the Squad Leader Flamewaver could use this method and know which stamp signature belongs to." said Captain Aldo.

"Count Flamewaver?! Tch… Forget it. This matter is not so important for the count to get involved with. Alright, check the other base leader for now and keep me informed. Also, I don't think I need to tell you this, but I will watch you." said Angus coldly.

Suddenly, Angus disappears from his spot like he was never here in the first place. At the same time, Captain Aldo feels he is being watched but doesn't know where it is coming from.

'Fuck!! Just what a mess I get into!! I should never accept this position in the first place. I knew those nobles were outrageous, ' complained Captain Aldo inwardly.

After silently leaving the Extermination Squad base, Angus decided to go towards the Royal Palace. Based on the warrant order and the letter he received a few days ago, he knows this matter involves Eric.

However, Angus feels the case is more complex than that. Although Eric is quite a pain in the ass, he is still the crown prince. Moreover, he also knows Angus's relationship with King Leon and his high authority in the army.

'Unless Eric only inherited Leon's inferior and idiotic gene, I don't think he will be stupid enough to do this. Besides, if he is truly this stupid, Leon should never make him crown prince unless the other princes are dumber.' thought Angus inwardly while going towards the Royal Palace.

Unbeknown to anyone, Angus secretly curses and bad-mouths every prince in the Heart Kingdom. Arriving at the Royal Palace, Angus immediately went towards Jayna Palace. Just as he enters the palace, Angus hears a far-away commotion. *Boom* *Boom* *Bam*

"Angus!!" called Anna from far away while running naked.

"Anna, stop!! You are still naked!!" shouted Jayna from far away.

Angus could only shake his head before catching the naughty girl.

"Gezz… How many times have I told you not to run naked around? What if you get kidnapped by a pervert?" rebuked Angus.

"Ehh… No!! Anna still wants to stay with Angus and Big sis." said Anna while snuggling at Angus.

At this moment, Jayna approaches them while bringing Anna's clothes.

"Anna, wear your clothes first." said Jayna while taking the naughty girl from Angus' arm.

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