I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 610 War

"Who knows what they will do behind our back." said Angus.

"It is not a matter of whether we could become their ally. It is when they are going to stab us. Besides, we are still not sure of the turtle's intention. We may be forced to kill some of the Moon Rabbit enslaved by that turtle." added Angus.

"Good thinking. You will definitely become a good king in the future." replied the Duchess with a satisfied smile.

"No, thanks. I have too much trouble on my own." said Angus.

"Anyway, as you know, the war has already begun. I already informed the King about this. He is already on standby and ready to come here anytime. However, there is a chance I will be forced to go out on the battlefield until King Leon arrives." replied the Duchess.

"At that time, I will leave the fortress at your command." added the Duchess.

"Sure, just.. Wait.. what did you say?!!" asked Angus in disbelief.

"When I go to the battlefield, you will be in charge." said Duchess Amberblaze.

"W-What?!! Hold on a second… Aren't they better candidates than me? You realize I am just a newly-appointed Baron, right?" replied Angus in a hurry.

"Well, certainly, there are many people with better rank than you. But none of them is stronger than you. Don't worry. I also called Adeline with my Flash Squad to assist you. They will be here soon." said the Duchess.

"Then, why don't you ask Vice Leader Adeline to take the command?" asked Angus.

"If you and Adeline fight to the death, which one of you will win?" asked the Duchess in a serious tone.

Staring back at the Duchess' searing amber eyes, Angus couldn't help but release a sigh.

"*Sigh* As much as I want to lie that I will lose, my stupid pride will not allow it." said Angus with a defeated smile.

After a moment of silence, "Alright, what should I look out for?" asked Angus.

"You need to…" The Duchess begins to explain all the things Angus needs to look out for and what procedure he must follow.

Fortunately, the Duchess is not teaching Angus anything new but only gives him some critical reminders. As a high noble that attended the royal academy, he already got some lessons about warfare and the Heart kingdom military's code.

In fact, Angus also learns deeply about it when he becomes a temporary teacher at the explosion squad.

Meanwhile, the battle in the Humnia Grassland started to intensify. After Jade's army's preemptive magic cannon attack, all the Duke and Duchess of Nergal decide to charge forward, leaving their soldiers behind to prevent the cannon from shooting out.

The Heart Kingdom army was also ready and sent all their Dukes and Duchesses to intercept them. Still, their number is lower compared to the Nergal. However, the Duke and Duchess of Heart are assisted by other fifth grades.

"Hahaha…. You better call out your stupid King, Emeric!!" laughed Duke Oceanpunch.

"Stop blabbering, Allan. We both know which King is better." replied Duke Crestflare while holding Duke Oceapunch's attack.

Seeing the two old dukes fighting on their own, "Tch.. Boys." chimed Duchess Sunarm.

"You should worry yourself." said Duke Wargrip while charging at the sorcerer.

"No, you are the one that should." said Duchess Sunarm playfully.

Before Duke Wargrip reaches the Duchess, two fifth-grade combatants intercept him. At the same time, the Duchess waved her hand while releasing laughter [3rd Circle - Titan Hand]. A giant fire fist appeared before the Duchess Sunarm and launched towards the Duke Wargrip.

*BOOOM* Instantly, Duke Wargrip is forced back a few meters away before stabilizing himself. He feels like he is getting hit by a charging monster Barculos.

Fortunately, Duke Wargrip has a strong body and is a great martial arts practitioner. Otherwise, he will be injured by this attack.

"Be careful, everyone. The other party is ready to fight us. Who knows what kind of trick they are hiding." warned Duke Coldgust while fighting three fifth grade.

"No, can't do. We can't waste too much time here. Who knows when they could shoot that cannon again." said Duchess Rainscar while fighting Duke Blue.

"Tch… Wil, can you buy us sometime?" asked Duke Coldgust.

"No possible, they seem to be aware of my [Electromagnetic Field] illusion." replied Duke Thunderstride while fending against three fifth grade.

Around the Duke Thunderstride, a few metallic rods are embedded in the ground. Knowing that all of them are preoccupied with their fight, all the Duke/Duchess's Nergal could only wait until their army arrived.

They hope the magic cannon has a long recharge time or can only be used once. After a dozen minutes, various warhorns could be heard, along with the sound of a marching army.

Some of the Nergal's army finally arrived at the Duke and Duchess's battlefield. Seeing the hard fight between their Duke and Duchess, some fifth-grade Nergals decide to help them.

Suddenly, five hideous figures appeared before them while clapping their hands together. Seeing the familiar hideous figure, all the fifth-grade Nergal stopped in their tracks and were ready to clash with them.

[Formation Magic - Terror of Battlefield] Before the fifth grade could reach them, a bright red blood magic circle appeared in front of the hideous figure. The magic circle immediately summons a misty Blood Terror.

*ROOARR* All the Nergal's army immediately clutched their heads when they heard the thunderous roar. Unlike before, Blood Terror is already fully developed and strong. It is the same Blood Terror before being unsummoned in the previous battle.

"Fuck!! That misty demon again!!" cursed one of the fifth-grade Nergal.

The Duke and Duchess of Nergal also notice this, but they are not in a position to help the army. On the other hand, Nergal's army became in disarray. Most of the soldiers here are at least high-grade, but none are magicians.

All of their physical attacks are incapable of hitting Blood Terror. On the other hand, Blood Terror could easily harvest their lives with its gigantic strong body. It also releases a mild fear aura towards the surroundings, slowly burdening the soldier's mind.

'Such a terrifying spell. I wonder where His Majesty got it.' thought Duchess Sunarm with interest.

"Ignore that monster and help us get away from them first!!" shouted Duke Coldgust.

The Duke knows most of their high-grade combatant is here. It means no one could protect the marching army from the twenty magic cannons. They couldn't let the magic cannon shoot another time. Otherwise, the Nergal will be genuinely weakened.

However, he knows the situation is not optimistic. He notices the five hideous figures are as strong as sixth grade. Although their mana density is relatively low, their body speed, strength, and casting speed are more excellent than ordinary sixth grade.

'It will take a long time before the other fifth-grade Nergals can beat one of them. Guess we don't have a choice but to call for their help. I hope they are as strong as they are rumored to be.' thought Duke Coldgust while fighting.

In a split second, he took out a particular magic tool before pressing a button. The magic tools immediately send a particular signal toward the Nergal's army in the back. At the same time, the Nergal army in the rear also gets notified by this signal.

"Hmph!! So, it's finally our turn?" said the Mad Monk Orpus.

"Hahaha… I thought you were afraid of fighting against Heart Kingdom, especially after your pathetic escape last time." said another person.

"Shut up, Asvog!! I didn't lose against them. Besides, all that happens because of that Vampire King and silver-haired brat. If it is not for them, I will kill that Crimson Flash and those brats by myself." retorted the Mad Monk.

"Yeah.. Yeah… Yeah… And I will kill the dragon tomorrow. What rubbish!!" mocked Asvog.

"What did you say?!!" glared Orpus.

"Enough, both of you! Remember what we are paid for. We are leaving now!!" said a woman while wearing a veil.

Hearing the woman's voice, Orpus and Asvog could only be silent in obedience. Although they didn't know her identity, they knew this woman was dangerous.

Their instinct even warns them that the woman is more dangerous than King Andvari. Even hearing her alluring voice could make their body shudder in fear. Then, the three and the other mercenary leaders leave the slow marching army towards the Duke's battlefield.

Meanwhile, Angus decides to visit the girls to inform them about the current war situation. Arriving at the training ground, he finds someone familiar talking to Anna while lying on the flying pillow.

"Ahhh… Angus!! Here!! Here!! Look, Mira is back." called Anna excitedly.

"Err… Yeah. I could see that." said Angus as he knew trouble was coming.

"Hmmm…. Did Angus not like Mira here?" asked Anna innocently.

'This girl!!' cursed Angus inwardly.

"Nonono…. Why should I not like Master Mira here? Of course, Master Mira is welcome here anytime. I'm just surprised she will be back soon." said Angus.

"Bored. Anna." chimed Mira.

"Err…" replied Angus while glancing at Anna for translation.

"Ahh… Mira said it is boring in Mira home. So, Mira decided to play with Anna here. Right, Mira?" replied Anna happily.

"Mmm." replied Mira with a nod.

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