I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 568 Perilous Situation

*Splat* *Splat* *Splat* All the weak Altras that try to step on the trap area have their heads explode. During this time, the other strong Altras and elders are surprised at Angus' cruel act, but they don't comment anything and can only release a deep sigh.

They decide to not talk about this matter and think about it later. They have a more urgent matter, such as [Miasma Ball] bombarding their barricade. Jayna's [Phoenix Rain] only manages to fend off the first wave of attack.

However, as the masked person said, the strange monster fish could launch [Miasma Ball] at short intervals. [Miasma Ball] is a basic skill that any monster with a core has. It is just gathering miasma at one point and shooting it.

It is a crude skill but very destructive because of the miasma properties. Normally, monsters couldn't keep spamming this skill since it takes time to gather their miasma.

Sometimes, the monster is weakened if they use too much miasma. Hence, the monster rarely uses this skill unless they are forced to. Unfortunately, the monster fish could somehow bypass this limitation.

Arriving at the Earth Wall, the strong Altras and the elders didn't continue their previous banter with the masked person. They decided to help Angus' group fend off the monsters.

Everyone that reaches the Earth Wall is not stupid, especially the three injured elders.

Despite getting exhausted and heavily injured from continued battle in the past hours, they were still pseudo-seventh grade and could feel the incoming monster horde. The monster they could see now was only the beginning of the long battle.

If they keep fighting each other, everyone in this place will definitely die. In the end, everyone has a tacit understanding of making a truce and focuses on surviving against the incoming monster horde.

"Fuck, there is no end to them!!" cursed elder Jojin.

"Oii.. Seven Faces bastard?!! Can't you do something about this? Isn't all this mess happening because of you?" asked elder Razi in anger while fending another incoming [Miasma Ball].

"Can't you see?! I am struggling to survive here. If I could do something, I would have done it long ago." Retorted the masked person while not stopping shooting the monster fish.

Ignoring the bickering Altras, Angus worried about something else. Most of the monsters are usually close combat fighters. Hence, he designed and put all the traps for these monsters.

The monster fish group is definitely out of his calculation, especially with their agile movement. Angus and Jayna may not have trouble shooting them from a distance by calculating their move. However, the others didn't have their [Analyze] and marksmanship skills.

Most of the time, they will miss their hit as the monster fish could sense their attack from hundred meters away.

"We need to kill those monster fish before stronger monsters reach here." said Angus.

After contemplating for a moment, "Hervy!! I leave the command to you." said Angus before going towards Jayna's side.

Angus immediately takes out a long-barrel magic gun and gives it to Jayna.

"Use your mana at a minimum and keep trying to recover it as much as possible. I will be back, My Love." said Angus.

"Take care, My Love." replied Jayna while nodding.

Then, Angus takes out his two sword artifacts and jumps out from the Earth Wall towards the incoming group of monsters.

"What the hell is he doing?!!" called Elder Razi.

*BLAARR* The moment Angus impacts the incoming monster, Angus is covered by strong fire mana and explodes his surrounding area. Since he didn't need to worry about the surroundings, he let his fire mana turn wildly and burn everything.

Unbeknown to him, his twin sword artifact reacts to this, making his fire mana more potent and destructive.

Angus notices his impact is bigger and stronger than he thought, but he doesn't think much about it since he is surrounded by monsters. Rather than being overwhelmed by this situation, Angus shows a big grin.

"It's been a while since I went on a rampage. [Beast Walk]." said Angus.

His figure suddenly disappeared without a trace, but the nearby monster stopped moving before slumping onto the ground with its body cutting into pieces.

Some monsters even turn into charred meat after getting slashed by Angus' twin sword. This scene keeps happening whenever Angus' figure flashes in the area.

"Such speed and strong skills!! Is he really only a human?!!" thought Elder Jojin.

Unfortunately, the monster horde came rapidly from the cave path, especially after Angus Fire Oil died down. While Angus was on the ground and attracting all the monster's attention, Jayna and the masked person didn't stay idle.

Using Angus' magic gun, she shoots down every monster fish she finds. The masked person also didn't want to lose and kept killing monster fish left and right.

On the other hand, the monster fish couldn't even dodge properly and fight back as their attention was focused entirely on Angus. As newborn monsters, they didn't have much combat experience and relied more on their natural instinct.

They could hardly ignore the dense mana in Angus. Knowing this, Angus decides to become the bait and attract all their focus with the intense fire mana in his body while butchering everything on his path.

"Come on!! Is that all?!! My magic guns could do better than this." mocked Angus while dodging the [Miasma Ball] from the surroundings effortlessly.

With his superb skill, Angus could dodge any incoming attack and slaughter any monster on his path. His movement is very graceful yet deadly. Not even the monster's blood touched his clothes or body.

"B-Beautiful!!" muttered the masked person while seeing Angus.

The masked person shakes her head before focusing on killing the monster fish. She knows how troublesome this monster would be if she left it alone. Still, she often takes a glance at Angus' movement.

"Huff… I think that's enough for now." said Angus as he took out a rune card.

[Rune Magic Card] [4th Circle - Fire Salamander] *BOOOM* *GROOARR* a giant salamander made of fire appeared from the Rune Magic Card and ran havoc on the surrounding. The new appearance of the giant fire creature caught the monster's attention and they forgot about Angus.

Using this opportunity, Angus immediately returned to the Earth Wall to recuperate. His continued onslaught only happens in a few minutes but already consumes a third of his mana.

He still needs to keep his mana in check for the stronger monster. Angus believes a horde of monsters like this has a leader or something similar.

Fortunately, Angus also brings some of his rune magic cards. An elemental creature spell couldn't think of itself and needed to be controlled.

However, it is a different case if it comes from rune magic. The elemental creature from the rune magic will be moving and attacking everything.

Angus could still control the Fire Salamander using [Firecast]. But he didn't need to since the rampaging Fire Salamander was also attracted to all the monster horde in the surrounding area.

Like monsters, creatures made of pure mana often bore hatred and sought the destruction of monsters.

Arriving back at the Earth wall, "Huff… Huff.. Don't slack off. Keep attacking the monster that passes through the Fire Salamander." warned Angus.

"Welcome back." greeted Jayna and the masked person.

'This woman…' thought Jayna towards the masked person.

The two of them look at each other and Angus is sure there is a spark between them. Still, Angus didn't comment and focused back on the field. Seeing Angus already cast Fire Missile to help eliminate the incoming monsters, the two women go back to killing the monsters.

The battle between the survivor and the monster horde continues as the monster keeps pouring out from the cave path.

After half an hour of fighting, 'This is insane… How come they keep appearing at this fast rate?!! We will be overwhelmed if it stays like this. But there is also no way out. Every path is full of monsters.' thought Angus worriedly as he killed the monster that managed to climb up.

All the obstacles and rune traps are already destroyed and filled with dozens of monster corpses.

Yet, they still didn't find the end of the monster horde. Just as Angus finds it hopeless and decides to escape with only Jayna, he feels a familiar presence approaching their location at a fast speed.

*BOOOM* Angus looks above and finds the cave ceiling destroyed as a familiar little girl falls down.

"Anna!!" called Angus and Jayna.

"Where are Angus and Big sis?!!" screamed Anna before charging towards the cave wall blindly.

She didn't care about all the monsters as she passed through them like an unstoppable train. Before anyone noticed, the little girl slammed the cave wall and broke through it. At this moment, the couple finally realizes the little girl didn't see them there.

"Tch… How troublesome. [Domain - Asura]" grumbled Angus as he took a deep breath while gripping his twin swords tightly.

Instantly, the whole area is covered by an invisible force with Angus as its center.

"[Twin Sword Art - Marauder Pandemonium]." muttered Angus in a low voice.

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