I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 553 Climb Down

"Did Big sis get sick like Anna before?" asked Anna innocently while approaching the couple.

"Anna, Big sis is fine. Come here and don't be naughty." said Jayna while slowly rubbing Anna's head.

"Okay." replied Anna shortly while enjoying the head pat.

Jayna's movement is no longer stiff or awkward as she adapts to the pressure. However, she is still unable to move further from her spot. After resting for a few hours, Angus finally wakes up and feels better.

Although he is still not fully healed, it could be solved with his special healing technique or his superb regeneration over time. Then, they decide it is time to climb down and return to the embassy.

They didn't expect to spend much time on this monument, but it was still worth the trouble. Not only is Angus able to increase his strength attribute without Soul Points, but Jayna's physical strength also greatly improves.

Moreover, Angus felt he didn't need a month or more just to let his body adapt to his new strength, unlike when he increased his strength with Soul Points.

While climbing down the monument, they could feel the pressure getting lesser. It makes their body a little bit imbalanced and hard to control. Still, this is nothing since the couple is constantly training their body control and balance.

They just need a few seconds to adapt to the environment. Using this opportunity, Anna is happily playing around while hopping down the stone slabs, followed by Mira, who is still on Flying Pillow like usual.

"*Sniff* *Sniff* Ahh.. Isn't it Nice Flashy Red? Why are Nice Flashy Red sitting here?" asked Anna after noticing a familiar smell nearby.

As Angus and Jayna follow the carefree troublemaker, they find Aunt Extalia sitting on the stone slabs, sweating and glaring at them angrily.

"Four deaths?!! And Nirvas' elders on top of that!! Is this what you mean to not get in trouble?!!" said Aunt Extalia in a chilling tone.

"Err.. Aunt, this…" said Angus.

But Aunt Extalia didn't let him finish his sentence.

"Shut up! All of you return now!! No more outgoing and excuses!!" rebuked Aunt Extalia as she stood up with stiff movement and a trembling body.

Everyone noticed she still had not adapted to the pressure in the high area. If Aunt Extalia tries to climb slowly like Angus and Jayna, she may be fine with the pressure.

But she is too angry and anxious to meet them, which forces her to climb as fast as possible. She also didn't want to fly up to their location and couldn't reprimand them, leading to her current situation.

Now, she is stuck at her current spot, unable to move further and feels like she is getting pressured to death.

After they get down a few more levels, Aunt Extalia starts to lash her pent-up anger at the three of them. She didn't stop nagging and lecturing them verbally. She also didn't hesitate to pull their ears. Even Anna is not spared from getting her ears pulled.

"Oww… Stop.. Stop.. Anna's ears are going to fall off." said Anna as her ear was pulled by Aunt Extalia.

"Then, you better behave yourself or next time I will confiscate all your snacks from Angus and Jayna." rebuked Aunt Extalia.

"No.. Not my snacks!!" said Anna as Anna stopped pretending to get hurt.

Everyone knows Anna's ridiculous physical body. There is no way a simple pulling from Aunt Extalia could hurt Anna.

Yet, Anna pretends to get hurt by her. She didn't even have a pained expression. In fact, she was smiling and enjoying the feeling of her ear getting played by Aunt Extalia.

Fortunately, the Crimson Flash has adapted to handle Anna and knows her weakness. She is too gluttonous for her own good. Darren and Mira are the only people spared from her continuous verbal lecture.

By the time they reach the ground level, it is already past midnight time. The whole area is quite empty, with only a few Nirvas' elders and Red Guard nearby.

"W-Welcome back. I hope your visit to the monument is... p-pleasant. Is there any place you want to go?" asked Elder Tedar towards Mira and Darren with a forced smile.

At the same time, the other elders decide to distance themselves and try not to interact with them for fear of being unable to control themself. Four of their elders and friends are killed on a whim. Not only is it a massive loss to Nirvas, but it also tramples their pride.

Unlike the previous fight in their council room, everyone could see and notice the death of four elders. Everyone also sees how Yawan gets trampled by Darren without being able to fight back.

This incident will create more turmoil in the future, especially among the young generation. Furthermore, everyone in the capital city and nearby could feel the terrifying seventh-grade pressure as they clashed. Even the most ignorant people will notice this incident.

No matter how much they try to cover it up, this news will definitely spread around, even to the outside. Nirvas' pride will get a massive hit when that happens, especially their elder council.

Seeing Elder Tedar ignore Angus and the others, Darren raised his brow slightly.

"It seems my warning fell on deaf ears. Did you think my words could be taken lightly? If I wanted, I could turn this entire city into a dead city. I suggest you speak and act appropriately next time, O' elders of Nirvas." said Darren coldly.

Hearing this, Elder Tedar and the others immediately bow to Darren before addressing Angus' group appropriately.

"Y-Yes… We are sorry for our rudeness. Duchess Amberblaze, is there anywhere your group wants to go? We will gladly offer our best service." said Elder Tedar in a hurry.

"That is not necessary, Master Tedar. It is also my mistake to let these kids wander on their own. I will definitely punish them when we get back later." replied Duchess Amberblaze like a renowned politician.

"Weird?? Angus, Big sis, Why is Nice Flashy Red talking and putting on a weird expression? Did Nice Flashy Red eat something bad?" commented Anna innocently.

"Hush.. Anna, That's rude. Also, don't bother about it. You are still too young to understand it." said Jayna while carrying Anna in her arm.

"Okay." replied Anna shortly.

Aunt Extalia and the other elders also heard the little troublemaker's comment but decided to ignore it. The Nirvas' elders know all the trouble they get is always starting from her.

Unlike Mira and Darren who are mostly inactive and do not care about their surroundings, Anna is too active and always creates trouble. Even slight trouble will lead to a complete disaster like the current incident. Hence, it is better to ignore her and hope she leaves them alone.

Then, they decide to return back to the Heart Kingdom's embassy. Apparently, this incident forced the elders to complete their agreement and sign the contract in the hope their group would leave Nirvas as soon as possible.

As a result, they could leave Nirvas tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, Angus and others spend too much time climbing the Thousand Hurdles Monument. The next day is also the last day of the Maroon Eternity festival. It is the most important day when a disaster hits this whole area.

At first, Aunt Extalia decided to leave this city as soon as possible after returning to the embassy. But she knows everyone is too tired after climbing the Thousand Hurdles Monument.

'It is better we rest and be at our best before we return. Moreover, we don't know when the disaster will hit us.' thought Aunt Extalia as she noticed everyone's tired condition.

During their walk returning back, they notice the street is completely empty with all the shops closed. At this moment, Angus' group and the two elders following behind them see a colorful bright shop still open at this very late hour.

The shop's showy, colorful, and the unique architectural building looks enticing. Unlike the nearby closed shop with ziggurat shape or stone buildings with red decoration, this shop has a more modern and colorful design.

They also find various colorful cotton candies displayed outside, along with the store banner. On the banner, they could see a beautiful calligraphy word in red color. The word is Rosemade.

Unlike the menacing and overbearing red color of the nearby buildings, they find this red color in the banner soft and gives a sense of elegant tone.

"Angus, Big sis, Look, it's so colorful?!! Can Anna eat that?" asked Anna while pointing at the cotton candy.

"Weird?? I don't know if there is a shop like that still open at this hour." commented Elder Tedar.

Hearing this, Angus and Jayna glance at each other in wary while communicating through their bond.

"Big sis, Can Anna eat that? Please…" said Anna with begging puppy eyes.

The couple could only release a sigh and decided to approach the strange shop. They can hardly say no to Anna when she does something like this.

"Angus…" called Jayna in a wary tone.

"I know. Let's see what this shop offers to us." replied Angus.

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