How to Raise Your Skeletons

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Better a Weed than a Flower

“Haha! Mr. Necromancer, how have you been?”

“Huh, what’s this? You seem to have changed a bit, and it hasn’t even been that long.”

“Yeah, you look more muscular and even better looking? You look sharp.”

A group of five survivors, consisting of D and C-rank hunters, greeted me warmly. Although I didn’t know their names or much about them, hunters sometimes expressed sudden friendliness like this. Perhaps it’s because we shared a life-and-death situation together.

By the way…

Did they just say ‘better looking’?

I shrugged my shoulders and glanced at my body. Indeed, I had bulked up. I had gained muscle and lost fat. My shoulders were broader, almost as if my skeletal structure had changed.

It was clearly the effect of the great technique the old man performed yesterday.

Is this really the result of just a 30-minute massage?

I was impressed, yet I understood. In fact, it was like undergoing major surgery through punches to reconstruct my bones and muscles without anesthesia.

Thinking about having to go through that again already made me shiver.


Why were they here?

They must have seen me go into the boss room alone, so they knew I was the one who cleared it.

Gi Soyul had mentioned that all matters related to the dungeon were to be kept confidential.

It’s not good if this gets out.

As the saying goes, don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

As I mentioned before, I had no desire to make a name for myself until I was truly strong. I wanted to train quietly like a hidden dragon, preparing to soar.

It wouldn’t be too late to reveal myself to the world once I had built the strength to protect myself. It’s why I hadn’t even gone for a reevaluation of my rank.

So I asked, “What brings you here?”

“Ahem, was my greeting too late?”

One of the five stepped forward—a man with a fierce look and a C-rank green badge.

“Nice to meet you; let me formally introduce myself. I’m Kang Jaeho, a C-rank hunter. Your actions and attitude back then left an impression on me. Since we made it out alive, I marked you down as someone to team up with.”

“…I see. Hello.” I shook the hand he extended.

There was no reason to refuse someone greeting me first.

“As you already know, I’m just an E-rank necromancer mercenary. My name is Joo Donghoon.”

“Well, you’re definitely not an ordinary mercenary.” Kang Jaeho gave a wry smile. “Back then, you showed immense courage. Well, I can’t go into details here.” He glanced at the team leader, Kim Junseo.

It was probably because of the confidentiality agreement.

“To get to the point, there’s another dungeon.”

“A dungeon?”

“Yes, a known C-rank type, and we want to hire you. I heard you’re struggling financially and would accept any job… Is that right?”



I shot a glare at Kim Junseo.

He had sweet-talked them by selling me out to secure the job.

Even as I glared, he just grinned and backed off.

Haah, that guy.

Though he was my senior, I sometimes wanted to smack him.

“Well, it’s true I need money.” I had to admit it.

Even though I got paid for my last job, medical bills, living expenses, rent, insurance… Money runs out quickly.

“As expected, right?” Kang Jaeho smiled contentedly. “This dungeon, it’s a tricky type for a C-rank.”

Dungeon types with assigned ranks are generally standardized. By looking at the field background or mobs, you can roughly gauge the mission’s difficulty, making it easier for subsequent parties to participate.

“Still, it’s worth a try. With some luck, the rewards will be pretty good. Recently, I think some party got an elixir.”

“Elixir, you say?” My eyes widened.

An elixir is a rare reward from dungeons, regardless of rank. It’s a high-level potion known to cure any curse or illness!

“Yes, that elixir. It’s in high demand among high-rankers and wealthy individuals, making it perfect for making a hefty sum.”


I stroked my chin, and Kang Jaeho continued.

“What do you think? Not bad, right? This time, you wouldn’t be a porter but a member.”

“What about the payment?”

“Ha ha, what do you mean by payment? You’re not a porter. Of course, it’d be fair share of the profit.”


I quickly did the math. If an elixir were actually to drop, its average price would be about 50 million won. Divided among six people, roughly 8.33 million won each.*

* ≈ $38,500 and $6,400 USD respectively

It’s definitely a good deal. Mainly because I’m an E-rank hunter. Not just any E-rank hunter, but an E-rank hunter who wants to keep a low profile. And E-rank hunter pay is fixed. It’s a harsh world trying to make big money while hiding one’s identity.

“It’s tempting, but…”

I understood why they approached me like this. At least five C-rank hunters are needed to clear a C-rank dungeon safely. But among their five members, there are also D-ranks. Specifically, two C-ranks and three D-ranks.

They were a somewhat unreliable squad. They’d need to find three more C-ranks or a B-rank to play it safe.

But splitting the share would be less profitable.

So they’d instead take me, who cleared a dungeon that even a ranker struggled with, at a cheaper cost.

And because I still seemed naive.


It could be dangerous.

And they probably knew that as well. But they are a daring enough team to enter an unranked dungeon. They’re taking their own risks for the exploration.

And when it comes to risky exploration… you can’t leave me out of it.

To become a ranker, I needed to endure countless challenges. I never intended to grow up like a flower in a greenhouse. A weed that bloomed robustly amid harsh winds and storms seemed much cooler.

“So.” Kang Jaeho watched my face closely. “Will you join us? The choice is yours.”


With all that, was there anything to hesitate about?

“Sure. I was getting tired of being a porter anyway.”

I accepted the offer with no hesitation. Besides, I was curious to see the power of my evolved skeletons in action.

* * *

Reaper Scans

Translator – Dawn

Proofreader – BringTheRayn

Join our discord for updates on releases!

* * *

The dungeon exploration was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

After getting the promised meal from Kim Junseo, I returned to the clearing.

[Using skill ‘Teaching of All Techniques’ (S-rank).]

[Consuming 20 energy.]

[Summoning ‘Master of All Techniques.’]

“Has it already been a day?”

The old man appeared like a ghost.

“Yes, elder. I completed the tasks you gave me. But…”


I told the old man about what happened today. That I might be joining a new dungeon expedition. And that I might miss a few days of training while exploring.

I had to make sure he knew it wasn’t because I was scared of the “massage.”

“A dungeon? I see, similar to the space I used to exist in.”

“Yes. For some reason, the hunters here grow stronger through those dungeons.”

“Hmph.” The old man snorted at my answer. “Laughable. A novice who hasn’t even mastered the basics is already running around. Trying to run before you can walk?”

“Please understand, elder. I need to earn a living, too.”

“Well, it’s not bad.” The old man scratched his cheek with a bony finger. “I prefer practical experience over studying at a desk anyway.”


“However.” The old man’s expression became stern. “I won’t tolerate skipping training.”


“Are you trying to slack off? I know you can summon me inside the dungeon!”

“W-Well, yes?”

It’s a skill, after all.

“And it’s only an hour. No matter how urgent, it doesn’t make sense not to spare that time! Summon me no matter what happens. If you disobey, I’ll make last time’s massage feel like a light pat compared to what I’ll do then. Do you understand?”



His stern warning made me hiccup involuntarily. I couldn’t even imagine the agony if it was ten times more painful than last time.

Not summoning him wasn’t an option either. I couldn’t give up on this hard-earned opportunity just because it was painful.

“Alright, there’s no time; let’s start the massage.”

“Huh? Already?”

“What do you mean already? Have you forgotten we only have 60 minutes?!”


The old man’s beating, under the guise of a massage, began without preparation.

—Bang, bang!

The world started shaking as if bombs were exploding inside me.


It hurt, as expected. It felt like throwing my body at a speeding train repeatedly, like being pummeled by Mike Tyson wearing iron gauntlets.


But… one comforting fact was that it was more bearable than last time.


I remembered a skill.

[Skill: Pain Resistance]

[Rank: C]

[Effect 1: Resist pain.]

[Effect 2: The more pain, the more numb your senses become.]

It was the new skill I got for free last time.

It’s actually amazing.

The skill ‘Teaching of All Techniques’ had spawned another skill. It was like a goose laying golden eggs.

People usually need extraordinary luck to get a single skill. But I just produced a skill. And it wasn’t just any skill.

[This skill has the potential for further growth.]

It had ample room for improvement.

“Oh? Now you’re enduring it.”

After what felt like an eternity, the old man wiped his hands, looking satisfied.

The moment the torment ended, I genuinely felt relieved.

“Urgh! All thanks to you, elder,” I huffed, breathing heavily through the pain.

“Impressive. From tomorrow, we can increase the intensity.”

“What? Did I hear that wrong?”

I sweated at his reply, but… Anyway.

Next was physical training time.

At the old man’s signal, I summoned my adorable skeletons.


They stretched naturally as if they knew it was time. But why do these skeletons, who don’t have muscles, stretch? Was it a memory from their living days?

“Alright, everyone, take the horse stance as we did last time,” the old man ordered. “But from now on, I’ll teach a technique to one skeleton each day. Who wants to go first?”

“A technique?”

Ah, the proper tutoring begins. Surely, even if the old man was a transcendent being, he couldn’t teach all classes simultaneously. He’d have to teach them one by one.

Not bad. Let’s learn slowly.

“So, who wants to go first? The one with the sword?”

He pointed at Boney 1.

The rest were taking the stance the old man had taught.


I nodded immediately. Of course, the first would be my eldest summon, Boney 1.

“They’re a swordsman with only the ability to slash.”

“No problem. We’ll build from here. Go ahead, show me a slash.”


Boney 1 seemed cautious, but I smiled.

[Name: Bonehead 1]

[Energy: 100/100]

[Unique Ability: Awakened Skeleton]

[Class: Swordsman]

[Rank: D]

[Strength: 23] [Dexterity: 19] [Constitution: 20] [Magic Power: 10] [Technique: 21]


– Low-level Slash (Lv.2)

“Don’t worry, Boney 1. He’s here to make you a great bone warrior.”

The serious training for Boney 1 had begun.

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