How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 286

Chapter 286

They just swept through it all. Even Bemos wasnt as bad as this Edmund muttered with a frown as he looked around at the ransacked village.

Hmm Eugene carefully examined the village. They had stopped by to replenish their quickly dwindling food and supplies due to the addition of three hundred cavalries to the expedition. He hadnt expected to procure enough supplies to replenish their entire supply but had hoped to restock to a certain extent.

This is rather troublesome, Eugene muttered softly while looking over the ruins. He could see crumbling wooden walls and fences, as well as houses partly eaten away by fire. The various household items spread across the ground, and the dark brown stains of blood seemed to tell the tragedy of that day. At least hundreds of monsters had to have attacked the village.

Your Majesty!

A group of cavalries returned after scouting around the village.

There are wagon wheels and horse hoofs tracks. It appears that some of the residents succeeded in escaping.

Hmm, Eugene thought for a moment, then turned around.

Sir Blanc. Where is the largest village closest to here? he asked.

Blanc answered with a pale expression, Its Byrne. Its the village under the administration of Sir Grigon

According to Baron Blanc, Byrne was the largest village in the Demeire region. It couldnt be called a city with a population of less than ten thousand, but the entire village was protected by a sturdy wall of about five meters high. As such, many residents of the nearby villages had already fled earlier to avoid the monsters.

If some of the villagers successfully escaped, they would have headed toward Byrne. Its the safest place around here.

I see. How many villages are there in Demiere? Eugene asked.

About twenty. There are a few that are bigger than this place as well.

In other words, an entire region housing tens of thousands of people had been completely ravaged. It meant that the Tywin territory had been headed for a similar destructive outcome without early intervention.

And it will continue to spread to other areas like a raging fire. In the end, a small country will crumble.

Moreover, most of the affected countries shared borders with the Roman Empire and had a relationship with the empire on many fronts. Like it or not, they would have been forced to ask the empire for assistance without Eugenes intervention.

Youre a real evil bastard, Eugene said.

Thats right. I dont know who you are talking about, but if youre calling them evil, then they must be so much eviler than you, sir. What an evil, corrupt, hideous bastard. Mirian chimed.

You arent wrong, but your words offend me for some reason, Eugene responded.

K-kiehh! Eugene shoved the spirit into the leather pocket and turned around.

Well head to Byrne first. We do need to resupply.

Eugenes decision was convincing. After all, with the increased number of troops, their suppliesfood in particularwere only two days away from being completely exhausted.

However, Baron Blanc responded with a perplexed expression, But Your Majesty. We already know exactly where the monsters are, so why dont we get rid of them as soon as possible? Its not too far from here either.

Baron Blancs words were reasonable. It was because Demieres monster uprising was unlike the others, and the monsters behavior was different as well.

Theyre all there? Eugene asked after turning his face to one side of the sky.

Thats right. Baron Blanc nodded. Although it was very far away, Eugene could clearly see a giant mountain solemnly standing with a ring of clouds on its head. Mount Felipoait contained both the Demiere regions only evil land and its water source, and it was a dormant volcano as well. About half of the villages in the Demiere region were located close to Mount Felipoa, similar to the village where they were right now. The lake located at the top of the mountain served the land well to keep the farmland fertile, and the volcano itself was tall and wide enough to raise livestock. However, the two sole evil lands of the Demiere region were also located in the middle of the volcano. What was even more unusual about Demiere was that the monsters did not spread throughout the region like in other places. Rather, the monsters took refuge in Mount Feliopa and attacked nearby villages, pastures, and roads whenever they wanted, as if they were a band of bandits.

Its not like those monsters are bandits Eugene muttered.

"Yes, exactly. The count has judged that theres still time, which is why he did not send in a large number of troops, Baron Blanc responded. If the monsters had spread, Count Hisain would have taken immediate action. And since that wasnt the case, he had waited for Eugene and the expedition.

If Lord Hisain judged that he could afford to wait, isnt that the same with us? Eugene asked.

Uh Thats right, but

And you said almost all the villagers near the volcano had already taken refuge, right? Then that gives us even more time. Byrne isnt that far from here. Three or four days should be enough to head to the volcano after we resupply, Eugene said.


Despite Eugenes reasoning, Blanc seemed unsatisfied. Eugene noticed his displeasure and asked with a puzzled expression. Sir Blanc. Is there a reason why I shouldnt go to Byrne? You dont seem to like it.

A-ah, not at all!


Eugenes eyes glimmered coldly. Baron Blanc felt his heart sink. After spending some time together with Eugene, he had a rough idea of what Eugene disliked. Among them was the act of keeping a secret and trying to deceive him.

Well Its not that I dont like it. Truthfully, I am a little worried about Your Majesty going to Byrne, Baron Blanc confessed.

Worried? Eugene asked.

Yes. Truthfully In the end, Baron Blanc had no choice but to confess why he was worried about Eugene heading to Byrne.

Hmm. Hmmm. Hooh. I see. So thats what it was Eugene responded after listening to Baron Blancs explanation.

Eugene spoke with a glimmer in his eyes, So what youre saying is that the governor of Demiere is in Byrne and that he is Lord Hisains second son. Moreover, he is like Lord Hisain in every aspect?

Thats right. And aside from everything else, hes exactly like Lord Hisain when it comes to his prudence with conserving money Baron Blanc responded. Baron Blanc was worried about this. Grigonthe counts second son and governor of Demierewas as stingy as his father. Naturally, frugalness wasnt a big weakness as the governor of a region. In fact, thanks to his sound financial management, Demiere was coping very well without experiencing a shortage of supplies despite the crisis attracting thousands of refugees. However, that was a different matter altogether. Baron Blanc had a hunch that he could not allow the eccentric vampire to meet the counts replica. Otherwise, something big would happen. Baron Blanc already felt as if he were walking on thin ice because of Carmiers death. He could do without Grigon causing another problem. As such, he couldnt help but oppose Eugenes plans of going to Byrne.

With all due respect, I dare to suggest that I could head into Byrne with a portion of the troops and workers to procure the supplies, Your Majesty, Baron Blanc said.

We came all this way, didnt we? How could we do that? Let us all go together. And since hes the son of Lord Hisain, it would be better for me to inform him of Sir Carmiers death and seek his understanding, Eugene responded.

Ah Yes.

Damn that Carmier!

Baron Blanc had to swallow his tears and nod. Thanks to the late Carmier, he couldnt even squeak.

But why the hell is he trying to go there personally? Carmiers matter seems to be an excuse I dont understand.

Baron Blanc was rather puzzled as he watched Eugene exit the village on horseback.

Eugenes intention was very simple.

Hes exactly like Count Hisain? Then it will be better for me to meet him.

Although Baron Blanc was a decent man, he was also Count Hisains vassal. He would never say anything bad about his own monarch. Even now, he had described Grigon with unnecessary words when he could have simply called Grigon for what he wasa miser. So, if he got to meet the son before the count, he would come to a better understanding of Count Hisains true face as well.

In addition, things will work out even better if hes the counts son.

Eugene smiled. He had come up with a good plan after Baron Blanc had described Grigon to him. He felt even prouder and happy to think that he would get to rip off a miser.


Sir Grigon! Reinforcements! Reinforcements have arrived! What? What do you Grigon was more bewildered than pleased at the news of reinforcements. Reinforcements wouldnt have appeared out of thin air, which meant his father, Count Hisain, must have sent them over here. However, he had heard no such news from his father. The Knights of Dawn had set off, but it was to greet the King of Maren

Sir Blanc and the others have returned together with the expedition of the King of Maren. Haha! They joined forces with the Knights of Dawn when they heard that Demiere was facing a crisis!


The officials of Byrne were delighted at the news. Byrne essentially served as Demieres capital, and the officials were very worried about the monster uprising. They were still doing well regarding the food required to feed thousands of refugees, but they felt faint as they anxiously waited for the day the monsters left Mount Felipoa and invaded their village.

Even though news of reinforcements was something to be pleased about, Grigon felt somewhat uncomfortable.

I have a bad feeling Why is it?

Grigons shoulders trembled slightly. He felt chills similar to when he sometimes had an audience with his father. His obsession with goldthe misers instinct that had been passed onto him through blood was strongly warning him. However, it wasnt as if he had any other choice but to welcome the reinforcements, especially when there was a foreign monarch and prestigious nobles in the mix as well.

Hurry up and welcome our esteemed guests into the castle. No, I should go myself.

According to Baron Blancs letter, The expedition of Marens King even included a prince of the Roman Empire. As such, he couldnt be impudent and stay in the castle when such celebrated figures were visiting him.

Lets go.


Grigon left the hall with Byrnes officials. They quickly reached the castle gates with hastened steps.

Grigon narrowed his eyes.

What is it?


He could clearly hear a cheer from afar. He hurried out the castle doors and became wide-eyed. Hundreds of mounted, large warriors were proudly marching across Brynes streets. Several knights, considered to be the commanders, stood at the forefront.

The Knights of Dawn were clearly at the center of the group. The flag embroidered with their crest was flying at the highest point.

Oh! It appears that the King of Maren thinks very highly of our warriors.

Thats right! I thought they would be a proudful lot because they came from abroad, but they seem to be honorable knights after all!

Or maybe they were intimidated by the majesty of our knights

Oh! Thats certainly plausible.


The officials couldnt hide their pride as they burst into laughter. Anyone could tell that the Knights of Dawn were the protagonists of the day.

But why?

However, Grigon couldnt join in their laughter; his instinct was still warning him.

Why is the energy I can feel from there stronger than my fathers?

A flag embroidered with the crest of a dragon proudly fluttered right beneath the flag of the Knights of Dawn. Grigon began to sweat when he saw a knight in black armor leisurely riding his horse next to the flagbearer.

Kiehohoho! Unbelievable! Gold power level over 42,000. Hes on a completely different level from the previous monies.

Grigon might have even been afraid if he saw the spirit standing on Eugenes shoulder. The spirit was giggling while wearing a monocle made of water[1]

1. Clearly a reference to Dragon Ball~! If you didnt get it, then you made me sad.

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