How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 362

Chapter 362

To help improve the health of the farm family members, I introduced daily morning exercises, adjusted their three daily meals, and stopped them from eating the snacks they usually munched on without much thought.

As a result of the new diet, those who had gained weight started to show some changes. Andras's belly, which Speranza used to playfully poke, began to shrink, while Lia and Lilia appeared to be noticeably lighter.

However, the diet didn't always lead to positive results. For instance

Tak tak tak.

Someone enters the empty kitchen, glances around, looking left and right, and then starts searching through the cupboard above the head.


Clank, clank.

The sound of dishes clattering fills the kitchen. After carefully examining the cupboard for about ten seconds like a stealthy visitor, the person seems to find something and shudders.


With a swift motion, the object was taken out of the cupboard. As it was held in the hand, a triumphant expression appeared on the person's face, as if they had finally found what they were searching for.

However, their moment of joy was short-lived as I gently called out their name.


Startled, she gasps and wobbles, struggling to catch her breath. When she finally calms down, she turns her head awkwardly, as if she were a doll's head turning. Her face is pale and full of fear, as if she has just seen a ghost.

Despite her fear, she tries to hide the object in her hand behind her back quickly, but I have already noticed.

"Lia, what's up? Why are you here?"

"Oh, me? Um, I just thought the kitchen needed a bit of cleaning, you know?"

"Cleaning? Looks pretty clean to me already."

"Really? Haha."

Even Speranza could definitely tell her laugh was a bit off.

"And what's that you're holding? Doesn't look like something to clean with."


"Let me see it."




With a teary face, Lia hesitated for a moment before finally relenting and handing over the hidden item.


It was a cream-filled bun from the convenience store, known for being super creamy. It was one of the snacks bought for everyone at the farm.

But finding it in the kitchen cupboard

"When did you stash this away?"

"Before starting the diet Thought I might want it when I got hungry later"

Lia mumbled, her face down. I felt bad, but couldn't help chuckling.

Cause, this wasn't the first time.

Her job had her all over the house, hiding food in spots where people rarely looked.

She was good at hiding, but not so smooth when it came to sneaking a snack. This was the third time she'd been caught.

As for me?

Just doing my duty as a dorm supervisor.

"I'm taking this away."


Her sad eyes followed the cream bun as I took it. I felt sorry for her, but I knew I had to be firm.

Lia wasn't the only one trying to get around my watchful eye.

-Crunch crunch.

-Slurp slurp.

Speranza was happily enjoying some snacks.

Then, a mysterious figure came over.




"Enjoying those snacks?"

"Un! They're super tasty, Sister Lilia. Want some?"

Speranza looked innocent, not realizing Lillia's hidden agenda. Lillia's eyes twinkled as she spoke in a hushed voice.

"Speraz, I made this cool toy. Wanna check it out?"

"I wanna see the toy!"

Speranza's fox ears perked up, curious about the toy. Lillia grinned, pleased with herself.

"It's a toy made with some really fancy gadget."

In her hand, she held a butterfly-shaped toy. Speranza's eyes went wide at the tiny, glittery butterfly.

"Is it a butterfly?"

"Watch this"

Lillia flicked a switch, and the butterfly started moving its wings like it was alive.

The toy butterfly took off and flew around the room.

"It's really flying like a butterfly!"

"Hehe! Cool, huh?"

Speranza was amazed by the flying butterfly toy, and Lillia looked proud of her invention.

"But wait, there's more. If you reach out your finger like this and give a signal"

Lillia held out her index finger and made a gesture with her other hand. The butterfly that had been zipping around the room came to her finger and landed gently.


The butterfly toy completely won over the fox girl with just one flight and landing.

"What do you think, Speraz?"

"It's so awesome!"

"Do you want this toy?"

"Are you giving it to me?"

Speranza's tail wagged excitedly, and Lillia smirked, nodding.

"I made it for you from the start."



"Wow! Sister Lillia, you're amazing!"

Speranza hugged Lillia. She patted Speranza's head and whispered softly.

"Speranza, can you do me a favor in return?"

"Un, I'll do it."

"Well I haven't had snacks in a while. Can you share some with me? But don't tell your dad, okay?"


Speranza tilted her head, puzzled. Sharing snacks with Lillia was no big deal, but keeping it a secret was confusing.

Speranza was the only one on the farm not on a diet

"Can you do that for me, Speraz?"

"Un, it's fine. Here you go."

Speranza nodded and handed Lillia the snack she was eating. Lillia took the snack, her face full of emotion.

"Ah! Thanks, Speraz. Here's the toy! You'll share snacks later too, right?"

"I'll share everything except my favorite ones."

"Hehe! Good, good!"

Speranza held the butterfly toy, and Lillia clutched the snack bag. Grinning, Lillia cautiously asked Speranza one more time.

"Speranza, remember what I told you earlier? Don't tell your dad, alright?"

"Who shouldn't she tell?"

"Your dad. Don't tell Brother Sihyeon- Huh?!"

Lillia spotted me standing behind her and made a strange noise. Then, she hid the snack behind her back, trembling.

Why do they all react the same way

"Papa, Papa! Look at this. Sister Lillia made it for me."

Speranza, not catching on to the tension, proudly displayed the butterfly toy.

I quickly put on a warm smile and responded.

"Wow, really? You're lucky, Sweetheart. Your sister made you such a beautiful toy."

"Un! In return, I gave her my snacks Oops! I wasn't supposed to tell Papa that."

"It's fine, it's fine. Don't worry. Instead of Speranza, I'll share some snacks with Sister Lillia."

I comforted Speranza and patted her head.

"Speranza, how about going downstairs and showing everyone your amazing toy?

"Hehe, okay!"

Excited to show her new toy, Speranza hurried to the first floor. As soon as her silver tail vanished from view, I grabbed the snack Lillia held.

"Caught you!"

"Ah! My snack!"

"How is this your snack? It's Speranza's snack. You really wanted snacks so badly you'd take Speranza's?"

"It's not taking. It was a fair exchange."

"Oh? A fair exchange? Then why'd you tell Speranza to keep it a secret?"

Lillia pouted, unable to come up with an answer.

"I'm letting this slide because you made a lovely toy for Speranza. But if it happens again, I'll tell Andras and you'll be in big trouble."

It was worse that she tried to make innocent Speranza lie.

I spoke firmly, annoyed by the thought.

"Sniff I was wrong."

She quickly admitted her mistake, as if realizing something.

Seeing Lillia's sad face made me feel bad. She must've really wanted a snack My heart almost softened, but I shook my head and stayed strong.

If I let her have even a small treat out of pity, her diet would never work. I had to be strict, for the health of our farm family.

Before things got more awkward, I headed for the door. As I tried to leave with the snack bag, Lillia grabbed me from behind.

"Brother Sihyeon, can I at least have one snack?"

"No, you can't. We promised not to have snacks for a while, remember?"

"Ugh. I know, but I stayed up all night making that toy yesterday. Please let me have one snack."

"Just hold on a bit longer, and I'll make a delicious dinner for you."

"Uwaaah! I want to eat snacks!"

Lillia threw a tantrum like a child, flailing her limbs. It was such an embarrassing scene that I worried what would happen if Speranza saw it.

After watching her for a bit, I finally scolded her.

"What are you doing, acting like that? Stop forcing it and get up."

"Eek! Brother Sihyeon, are you really going to be like this?"

Lillia stopped her tantrum and stood up abruptly. She glared at me fiercely and snapped.

"Hmph! I have a plan too."


She stomped past me, her anger evident in her heavy footsteps. Just before leaving the room, she yelled at me.

"We'll go on strike together!"


(To be Continued)

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