How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 359

Chapter 359

Come to think of it, this is the flower garden Speranza created, isn't it?

I had completely forgotten about it.

Time had passed, and my memory of this flower garden was faint due to the shock of Speranza collapsing.

Since that incident, I hadn't paid much attention to the garden, but the flowers Speranza made were still fragrant and boasted a bright atmosphere.

Could that be the reason?

It felt a bit more fascinating that the fairies were obsessed with this flower garden.

But my leisurely thoughts were short-lived.

I quickly put on a serious expression and pulled myself together. I didn't want to relive the shock of that time.

"Speranza, what did you just say?"

Speranza quickly noticed my change and carefully continued her words while checking my reaction.

"So Can I make more flower gardens? Then the fairies won't fight and can get along well."

"So you want to make more flower gardens, Speranza?"

"Un Can I?"

Speranza swayed her fox tail and shot me a look that said, Please allow it!' with her eyes full of pleading.

Normally, I would have melted at my cute daughter's charm, but this time was different. As Speranza's guardian, I couldn't stand idly by and let a dangerous situation occur.

"No, Speranza."

"Why Papa?"

"You collapsed while making the flower garden last time. That's why Boss had to hurriedly take you back. He even brought a doctor from far away, and everyone on the farm was worried all day."


Disappointed by my firm stance, Speranza drooped her swaying tail and fox ears.

But she hadn't given up on making the flower garden yet, so she asked me again with a strained voice.

"I, I think I won't collapse this time, Papa. So, can't I try just a little bit?"



The fox girl rhythmically shook my leg back and forth, making a pleading sound.

Oh, this is really

I made a troubled expression at her surprisingly persistent attitude.

I didn't want to scold her outright because I understood her pure desire to help the fairies.

While I was pondering how to deal with Speranza, Cheese, who had been watching the situation from behind, interjected.

Why not let Speranza do as she pleases, nyaa?


Speranza needs to learn to control her power, nyaa. You shouldn't prevent her from having that opportunity, nyaa.

"Cheese, are you saying that Speranza making a flower garden will help her?"

Didn't I say it earlier, nyaa? That incident happened because she was inexperienced. Now that she's grown a bit, there will definitely be a different outcome, nyaa.

Cheese explained with a serious expression that it was necessary for Speranza. Following him, Ashmir added her thoughts as well.

"I also agree with Cheese."


"Although it's hard to guess where her power comes from, there's no doubt that Speranza has a special influence on this world."

"I understand your concern for your daughter, but the actions Speranza wants to take now will certainly hold great meaning and value."

Ashmir also actively voiced her opinion.

"If you're hesitating because Speranza might collapse again, you don't need to worry, nyaa. I'll keep an eye on her, nyaa."

"Please trust us, Sihyeon."


Cheese, Ashmir, and Speranza all looked at me with eyes full of expectation.


Feeling my heart waver, I slightly furrowed my brow. I looked away from their gazes and towards the still bustling flower garden.

After a moment of silence, I opened my mouth with a determined expression.

"Fine. I'll allow it."



Speranza happily hugged Cheese tightly. Ashmir looked at me and smiled faintly.

"Speranza, just don't overdo it. If you feel tired or uncomfortable, let me know right away. Promise me, okay?"

"Yup! Got it."

Contrasting my worried expression, Speranza nodded with a beaming smile. It felt a bit bitter that she didn't seem to understand my concerns.

Speranza headed towards the vacant lot next to the bustling flower garden with light steps. She closed her eyes and slowly stretched her arms forward.

Soon after, a rainbow-colored radiance burst from Speranza's body.


"Wh-what, Pipo?!"

"This energy isKapi"

All the noisy fairies stopped fighting and looked toward Speranza. As the rainbow-colored radiance grew bigger, surprise spread across the fairies' faces.


An even greater amount of rainbow-colored energy spread out compared to last time. The energy that spread out in all directions quickly seeped into the vacant lot.

Around the time the energy from Speranza's body subsided

Changes began to occur in the previously empty lot.

Small sprouts grew from the ground, quickly forming flower buds and blooming beautiful flowers.

"I knew it would be like this, nyaa."

"Truly amazing."

Cheese and Ashmir briefly expressed their admiration. Even I, watching for the second time, couldn't close my mouth at the sight of this mysterious atmosphere and the overwhelming scene.

In just a few minutes

A new flower garden appeared before our eyes. As soon as the mysterious energy subsided, I quickly rushed to Speranza to check on her condition.

"Speranza, are you okay?"

"Un, I'm fine."

Speranza reassured me with a smile, though she looked a little tired. She didn't seem as exhausted as the last time she had collapsed.

The lingering anxiety in my heart slowly dissipated, and I unconsciously smiled with relief.

"Did I do well, Papa?"

"Yes, you did great, sweetheart. You're the best."


I hugged the proud, smiling fox girl tightly in my arms. It seemed like she had grown much more than I had thought, which made my heart ache a little.



"Who are you, Pipo?"

"Did you really create that flower garden, Tapi?"

"I told you, Pyopi! That mysterious energy just burst out of her earlier, Pyopi!"

In an instant, fairies gathered around Speranza and me. They all showed interest in Speranza and asked her questions.

"Sihyeon, who is she, Pyopi?"

"She's my daughter. Speranza"

The fairies' eyes widened at the mention of her being my daughter.

"Wow! Sihyeon's daughter, Pyopi?"

"She doesn't look like you, Kapi."

"No, Tupi! Their eyes are a bit similar, Tupi!"

The excited fairies began to chatter away. Their never-ending chatter was starting to make my ears hurt.

Speranza, wrapped in my arms, seemed to enjoy the noisy fairies as her eyes sparkled.

The fairies never stopped talking.

In the midst of them, one fairy cautiously approached Speranza.

"Speranza, can you do me a favor, Fupi?"

"A favor?"

"Can I make my home in that flower garden, Fupi?"

"Sure, that's fine. But you have to get along with the others and not fight."

"Kyaa! Thank you, Fupi!"

The fairy, unable to contain her joy, clung tightly to Speranza. She expressed her gratitude by planting a series of kisses on Speranza's cheek.

"Kyaha! Stop it, it tickles."

"Hehe! Come visit anytime, Fupi! I can play with you all day, Fupi!"


Seeing one fairy get permission from Speranza, the other fairies swarmed around her.

"I want to make my home in that flower garden too, Pyopi!"

"Speranza, please allow me, Kapi!"

"I came first, Pipi! You should allow me first, Pipi!"

Speranza nodded her head nonstop, granting permission to the flood of fairies. Many of them expressed their gratitude with happy expressions.

But perhaps due to the sheer number of fairies that gathered, the second flower garden wasn't enough for all of them to make their homes.

"Aw, I'm too late, Tapi."

"I wanted to make a home in the flower garden Speranza created too, Lipi"

The remaining fairies looked disappointed. Speranza looked at the saddened fairies with sympathy.



Speranza called out to me again.

She hadn't said what she wanted yet, but I could quickly guess what she was going to ask.

"Papa. There are still many fairies who haven't made their homes yet. Can I make one more flower garden for them?"

Speranza asked with a concerned expression, wanting to create another flower garden.

"Hmm are you sure it's okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm totally fine!"

Speranza energetically waved her arms, showing that she had plenty of energy. It was hard not to be touched by her determination to help the sad fairies.

"Alright. Just don't push yourself too hard."


With my permission, Speranza left my arms and headed towards another empty lot. Cheese, Ashmir, and the other fairies followed her.

Speranza found a suitable empty lot and stretched her arms out once more. Perhaps she had gotten used to it, and the colorful energy quickly burst from her again.

"Stay strong, Tapi!"

The fairies who wanted a flower garden encouraged Speranza with hopeful expressions.


However, the colorful energy emitted seemed much weaker than before. Speranza tried to muster up her strength, but the colorful energy barely increased.

"It seems like her energy has drained a lot."

"Creating two flower gardens at once must have been too much for her, nyaa!"

Ashmir and Cheese also realized it wasn't easy and expressed their concern. I looked at Speranza's struggling figure with sympathy.

Deciding that it seemed too difficult for her,

I was about to step in and stop Speranza when suddenly,


-Biip! Biip!

-Pow woo wooo!

"We'll help you, Popi!"

Captain Beetle, baby griffins, Akum, and Gyuri appeared.

"Wha What?!"

Without giving me a chance to stop them, they quickly gathered around Speranza and clung to her as if to protect her.

The children banded together tightly in an instant.

Thanks to them, a sense of comfort settled on Speranza's face, who had been struggling.

And then, an amazing thing happened before our eyes.


Just a moment ago, it seemed like the weak energy would cut off at any moment, but after the children gathered, the colorful energy burst out more intensely and powerfully than before.

The energy emitted from the children spread beyond the small empty lot and began to cover the entire surrounding area.

(To be Continued)

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