His Dearest Wife

Chapter 680

Chapter 680

Ji Youran seems to be able to settle down only when she stays in his arms. Otherwise, her mind is full of pictures of the blood of the dead, which is terrible.

Ji Han took her to the room, put her on the sofa and looked down at her. "I'll go to the bathroom and let the water go. Are you afraid?"

Ji Youran shakes her head. She is not afraid of this distance.

Put the water in the bathroom, Ji Han also went to hold her, Ji leisurely like a can't walk little girl, by the tall him, hold to hold.

Ji Youran was put into warm water, and her clothes didn't come off, but the water temperature made her feel very warm, which also made her feel refreshed.

She is wearing a light yellow gauze dress. The water is deep over her chest. The clothes are attached to her body, which makes her skin especially white and bright. It is like a newborn baby. It can be broken by blowing and playing. The transparent underwater makes her more imaginative lines.

"Shall I go out?" Ji Han Mou color looked one eye after, immediately moved gentleman's, voice line has no reason dumb voice a few minutes inquiry.

Ji Youran looked at him, thought about it again, then nodded, "you just stand at the door?"

"Good." Ji Han light should be a, slender figure out of the bathroom, pull up the door, really honest stand in the door.

In the bathroom, Ji Youran hugs her body uneasily. She forgets to take off her clothes. Until the water temperature gets colder, she turns to heat the water, then takes off her clothes and takes a bath seriously.

As if by those blood on the body, she washed back and forth several times.

When she came out, Ji Youran was much better. She said to Ji Han, "go and take a bath, too!"

"Are you not afraid?" Ji Han Mou color falls on her face, low ask.

Although Ji Youran is still afraid, if she doesn't think about it, it's better. She shakes her head. "I'm afraid I'm not afraid. Will you make fun of me as a coward? You see, I'm scared to death, and I'm always bothering you. "

"You are a girl. You shouldn't have seen these cruel and bloody pictures. Don't worry, I won't let you see these terrible things in the future." Ji Han said softly, as if to protect her as a princess.

Ji Youran's heart trembled slightly, her eyes filled with gratitude and a trace of affection. She pasted her small face to the man's heart gently: "thank you, Ji Han, with you by my side, I feel I'm not afraid of anything. Don't leave me in the future, OK? Please, I don't know if I can live well without you

Ji Han subconsciously put out his hand to hold her, with the first soft answer: "OK, I won't leave!"

Ji Youran suddenly laughed at himself: "what I just said, don't take it seriously, OK? I admit that I am a very poor self-care and timid person. How can I ask you to accompany me all the time? You still need to find your life experience. You must not be an ordinary person. Ji Han, I really want to know who you are? What's your life experience

Ji Han is slightly stunned. The next moment, he presses her little head into his arms and says in a low voice: "no matter what my identity is, I won't leave you."

"Well, you said that. I'll remember that. Go and take a bath." Ji Youran turned red from his arms and left, said with a smile.

Turn around and walk out of the bedroom door, with a trace of cold wind blowing. Ji leisurely encircles her arm again. Damn it, she is afraid.

She grew up, never seen such a tragic picture, even if her parents had an accident, her grandfather did not let her see, how could she have seen such a bloody scene? I saw Ji Han kill himself.

Ji Youran wants to make a phone call to his brother. Some time ago, his brother said that he would go abroad for training. Once he went, he hasn't come back for a month.

My elder brother wanted to make achievements in medicine, which was all inspired by my grandfather. My grandfather studied medicine and was the head of a hospital. My elder brother was fostered in his grandfather '.

Ji Youran admires his brother very much. She thinks that his brother can give up everything for his ideal. What about her?

What is her dream?

By the way, her dream is to sell her mother's favorite roses all over the world.

Now, her rose garden has made a small achievement, and is becoming more and more famous.

In a few years, maybe her dream will come true.

I was kidnapped by someone. I don't know if my brother is safe abroad.

When her brother returns home, she should find a bodyguard for him.

Find one as powerful as Ji Han, so that my brother can be safe.

Thinking of his brother's safety, Ji Youran still takes out his mobile phone and makes an overseas call.

Obviously, it's early in the morning over there, and my brother's voice is still sleepy and sleepy.

"What's the matter, Ranran."

"Brother, it's disturbing your sleep, isn't it? I'm really sorry. I'm fine. I just want to hear your voice. " Ji Youran whispered."Silly girl, do you miss my brother?" Ji Zhengyang asked with a smile.

"Well, I miss you. I really miss you." Ji Youran said from the heart.

Ji Zhengyang Leng Leng, then, gentle comfort way: "well, another half a month, I will return home, at that time, I go home every day with you, must not let you think of me."

"Well, brother, you haven't encountered any dangerous things in foreign countries recently."

"No, what's the matter? Did you meet him? "

Ji Youran knows that her brother has always been very sensitive to her security.

In order not to let my brother worry, Ji leisurely said: "brother, don't think about it. I have Ji han to protect me. What danger can I have?"

"That's right. I'm really convinced of Ji Han. He can not only protect your safety, but also take care of your life very carefully. If he wasn't unidentified, I would really like to marry you to him." Ji Zhengyang said jokingly.

"Brother, what are you talking about? How could he marry an ordinary girl like me?" Ji Youran's two little faces have turned red.

"Where are you? You are so beautiful and lovely. There are many men pursuing you. I think you deserve him. " Ji Zhengyang confidently said.

"Well, brother, if you are OK, you must take good care of yourself when you are abroad. Don't let me worry." Ji Youran doesn't dare to talk to his brother about that topic any more. He wants to hang up in a hurry.

"Don't worry, your elder brother. I'm very sensitive to danger." Ji Zhengyang very proud said.

"All right, be careful, hang up!" Ji leisurely hangs up in a panic.

There is a complex emotion in my heart.

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