Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 57: Shin's Story - 2

Chapter 57: Shin's Story - 2

Buster stepped in and said, "You don't remember anything else? Did you not once think about the things that you were doing? You might not have seen the facility before but didn't you question the job?" 

Shin shook her head when she heard Buster, "I don't really know. I don't remember a thing. All I remember is wanting to go home, they approach me, and then even without thinking, I said yes. At times It felt like I wasn't even thinking for myself, it was someone else thinking for me, making my every decision for me and I just followed their orders."

Sir Fire looked at Buster and said, "We'll need to send out this information to everyone out there. It's better to prevent any more victims before anything else happens. They must have some method to influence the thoughts of a person I'm more than confident that It might not actually be the awakened powers of the person behind this all It might not even be awakened powers but some other method to influence the thoughts of a person and the main sign for that or even the main reason might actually be the parasitic blobs." 

Sir FIre quickly looked towards the doctor and said, "Can you take her blood test again?" The doctor was surprised but he nodded and quickly got the syringe. Sir Fire looked at Buster and said, "We might have a method to prevent any future victims once we figure out how this mind control works. I think you have the same suspicion as me on what could be the thing that is mind controlling the victims."

Buster nodded, "I know, The reports of the other intruder will also come soon, It's probably arriving right at this moment. So we can take the blood test of Shin once more and check something. But if it's still in her system, we might need to prevent her from going outside until we fix the issue." 

Sir Fire nodded when he heard Buster. Alex and midnight looked at each other, not knowing what the two are talking about. They looked at the doctor, who brought the syringe and took Shin's blood once again. He didn't even look at Sir Fire and ran back to process the test. 

Buster looked at Shin and said, "Can you remember what they wore, or if they had anything in their hand. Did they physically touch you in any way before asking you to come with them?" He was trying to get as much information as he could. Sir Fire also nodded when he heard Shin's question, he wanted to know the answers as well. 

Shin looked at Buster and Sir Fire and tried to remember as much as she could. "It was dark, nearly 11 pm yesterday. I was trying to find a taxi to go back to my apartment but it was eerily quiet. I didn't see any taxis around the hospital. So, I walked to the nearest street to find a taxi. But what I saw was a huge black jeep, just parked in the middle of the street. A few people walked out the jeep when they saw me. I didn't know what was happening but looking at the jeep, I assumed it to be a few teenagers who wanted to act rebellious and park in the street. But as soon as they exited the jeep, I didn't feel comfortable anymore. The people who exited the jeep were in all black. They wore suits and had pale lifeless faces. They walked towards me and asked If I was Shin, a C rank Awakened under Sir fire." 

Shin looked down and continued, "I replied that I was and I inquired who they were. They looked at me with their pale faces and smiled. They put their hands out to shake hands and as a part of formality, I complied and shook their hands. Then they replied saying that they worked for the government and that they needed me for a special mission. The next thing I know, my mind was muddled and I could no longer think properly and well, you all know from that moment onwards." 

Sir Fire and Buster nodded when they heard Shin. Alex looked at Sir FIre to see his flame to light up even brighter and intense. 'He must really be angry now. Even I would be if I had a student who would have been forced to do things against the law, that also by mind control. But hearing her words, I can think of one thing that's very possible From the way Buster put his question, I think that physical contact, like that handshake, must have done something to help them control her mind. But I don't know what that thing is. I guess I have to wait for the two to find that thing that's been the reason behind the mind control.' Alex thought when he heard Shin's words.

Sir Fire wanted to say something but he was cut from the sound of the door opening. He looked at the doors out of the Medical room and saw a man in full black attire enter. Buster looked at the guard and asked, "Have the medical reports come?"

The guard looked at Buster and said in a loud voice, "Yes Sir, the medical reports for the intruder has come!"

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