Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 53: Awakened Energy

Chapter 53: Awakened Energy

The doctor nodded and looked at Sir Fire, his eyes showed fear, "She needs to recuperate so let her rest. She will be up in a few minutes but until then all we can do is wait Checking the brain at this moment wouldn't be appropriate." Sir Fire looked annoyed by the answer but he expected that answer. He walked back up to the wall and leaned on it. He looked at Shin with sad eyes but his sadness only lasted for a few moments. His face now only showed anger. 

The Doctor took a sigh of relief and walked over to the computer. Buster looked at the doctor and said, "How long specifically for her to recover and wake up?" The doctor looked towards Buster and said, "I'd say around 20 minutes She didn't suffer much from the battle but some of her energy seemed to have been absorbed by the parasites." Buster nodded when he heard the doctor's answers. 

He looked towards Midnight and smiled, "Midnight, It seems like you left all the explaining to me" Midnight laughed in reply and said, "Well, You're the one in charge of this place. I've never been here as well, I just know about the place from your random rambles." 

Buster shook his head, "Knowing about this place and working here had nothing to do with explaining the energy of awakened or even how serums work. It also doesn't have to do anything about the blood report You're just being lazy, aren't you?" Midnight looked at Buster and giggled in return. 

Buster looked at Alex and smiled, "Well, We have some time on our hands before we do anything else. The investigation reports for the deal intruder will also come soon, as soon as the guards do a complete search So, I guess I can fill you in on all the important things. From human energy to that parasitic blob." 

Alex smiled back and nodded when he heard Buster, he was very curious about everything. "Okay!" Buster smiled back and walked towards a seat. Alex and Midnight followed behind him and sat down. 

Buster looked at Sir Fire and said, "Let's start with the big topic at hand The parasitic blobs, We don't have a name for it but it's extremely devastating." 

Buster took a deep breath, "it essentially takes an awakened's life force, their energy, and uses that energy to reproduce to create even more blobs that absorb more energy and the cycle continues. You can imagine the huge effect it can have on the victim of these blobs but the thing is We have never had any cases of these blobs before except Axa, Sir Fire's former student. That's why We took these blobs as a sign for the person behind that mind control." Buster took out the blood report paper and pointed towards small black circles, "These are the blobs. The square around the center of the paper is the sample and the small dots and the blobs. The larger, lighter tone dots are the blood cells. So you can see that the blobs are smaller than blood cells. Which is extremely small You can see that there are only a few blobs in the blood sample, If we compared this report to that of Axa's, it would be completely filled with black dots." Buster explained. 

Alex looked at Buster and said in a confused expression, "What do you mean by energy?" 

Buster smiled when he heard Alex's question, He looked at Alex and said, "After deep research on Awakened, it seems like the energy surges from the gates sometimes get absorbed by us humans. When that happens, our bodies adapt to these energies. And that's where our powers come from. Although we can't explain how this caused some of us to control fire or turn into animals or just manipulate surfaces, We can say that the sign of being awakened is that we can see that energy inside of your body." 

Buster took a deep breath, "When the energy is taken, the awakened body which had already adapted to the energy would no longer be able to work properly. And soon, they would die from organ failure as the body wouldn't have enough energy to support the organs."

Buster then looked at Shin, "That's where the disgusting thing comes The serums These serums are illegal for a certain reason, they are made from a very powerful drug. This drug enhances the physical abilities of a human being as well as an awakened. It was very popular to use for the military. Think of the drug as a steroid But Alex, when the intruder took the serum, do you think that only their physical abilities were heightened?" 

Alex shook his head in answer to Buster's question. "No, I saw the man's awakened powers also become stronger. It seemed like they had heightened physical and awakened abilities." 

Buster nodded, "That's where it begins. Awakened powers increase along with the increase of this energy within a human's body. So for the abilities to be more powerful, the serum needs to have that energy The problem is that this energy isn't found anywhere else but in an Awakened Person's Body"

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