Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 161: Enjoyment

Chapter 161: Enjoyment

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations


Just as the Luna Nova Magical Academy began large-scale cultivation of peas, brewing a piece of news that could shake the entire magical world, the distant city of Berger remained as usual.

Inside a gloomy and silent castle, Edward, with his upper shirt undone, sat on the bed with a pipe in his mouth, intoxicatedly indulging in the swirling clouds of smoke.

The white smoke produced by the burning of high-quality tobacco was drawn into his lungs, the irritating substances in it brought considerable pleasure, Edward closed his eyes, thoroughly enjoying the sensation.

On the bed, a black-haired woman lay under silk sheets, her smooth back forming an elegant curve that was tantalizingly visible through the satin. The woman was asleep, with a slight sweat on her forehead, indicating that she had just experienced some intense activity.

Suddenly, the door opened, but Edward remained unfazed. It wasn’t George who was strict and conservative nor his stubborn father William who entered; instead, it was a young man of similar age to Edward.

His deep brown curls were somewhat disheveled, his complexion wasn’t great, and he wore a completely different outfit from the Albione family. On his emblem, an image of surging waves.

Most concerning thing was the crutch he leaned on with his left hand. Despite appearing healthy, young Cologne Le Francois walked with an unusual limp, hobbling along.

Seeing the newcomer, Edward smiled and gestured towards the woman on the bed with his cigarette holder and spoke.

“Cologne, want to give it a try? A new product from Brenhill in the North, extraordinary technique, especially that tongue…”

“Are you trying to mock me?”

The young man, Cologne Le Francois, was a little annoyed and furrowed his brow.

“Sorry, I forgot you’re not the stud who could go seven times in one night anymore.”

Edward shrugged unapologetically.

Cologne Francois, Edward’s former friend, was once the shining star of the Francois family, even higher than his non-magical brother. However, an accident completely shattered Cologne’s prospects.

Unexpectedly, without venturing into dangerous dimensions, encountering attacks from hostile mages, or doing anything outrageous, Cologne Le Francois, serving only as a thesis review committee member, suffered a cognitive collapse due to a thesis, transforming overnight from a fourth-circle mage into a mere mortal.

Normally, a cognitive collapse for a low-level mage wouldn’t have such terrifying consequences. But many accidental factors converged to result in this tragic incident.

Firstly, the Francois family was one of the twenty-seven pure-blood families with a history of over a thousand years. Their bloodline ability, opposite to the Albione family, was water manipulation—the very source of their power.

However, the paper that caused Cologne’s cognitive collapse was about electrolyzing water!

While this thesis might have been groundbreaking for other mages, for Cologne, it meant the disintegration of the water that constituted the source of his power, dealing a devastating blow to his understanding.

Due to the pervasive nature of bloodline power, Cologne, now devoid of mage abilities, had a physique even inferior to an ordinary person. He needed a crutch to walk, let alone exhibit his former vitality.

Thus Cologne, the original star of hope, plummeted to become garbage that the family couldn’t bear to mention.

Unable to endure the family’s criticism, Cologne chose to leave, mingling with his pure-blood circle. In the last two days, he came to Berger City, visiting his good friend Edward.

These two used to frequent some unspeakable places, they were like twins growing up. Naturally, Edward felt sympathy for Cologne’s plight.

This sentiment turned into hatred upon meeting the culprit, the author of the electrolyzing water thesis, Reiner Ian Gray. He was the first to make Edward suffer in his own territory.

“Reiner Ian Gray, would this guy really give up so easily?”

Cologne had heard about the feud between Reiner and Edward. Although he harbored deep hatred towards the Hohenheim Cup winner, the family showed no inclination to avenge him, fearing Mercury Scale and the legendary mage behind it.

“So what if he doesn’t give up, what’s he going to do? Write a paper to blow up my head?”

Edward blew a smoke ring, speaking nonchalantly. He stood up, glanced at the sleeping woman on the bed.

“My half-sister is quite stubborn. She thinks she’s voluntarily staying because her bitch mother owes something to the family, she really is an idiot. Although she looks good, unfortunately, enjoying her will have to wait until she’s an adult.”

“Adult? I thought you already…”

Cologne was surprised. He remembered Elymia, that girl was indeed a beauty. If it weren’t for her being his friend’s sister, he might have made a move long ago.

Of course, Cologne had now lost that opportunity forever.

“That bitch mother used all her bloodline power to impose a protection only a high-level mage can break. Before she comes of age, no one can violate her. Troublesome, even after she’s dead.”

Edward shook his head. If not for this protection, he would probably have taken Elymia long before Alymia was of age. Why else would he have waited.

“Anyway, in two weeks, she’ll be yours.”

Cologne sighed. Originally, his one sister and three younger sisters were supposed to be his wives. But after the incident, he might have to let his foolish younger brother have them, which was truly heartbreaking.

“It’s okay. We can share when the time comes. Besides, she, a bastard like her, can’t bear children for the Albione family anyway.”

Edward said ‘magnanimously’, making Cologne lick his lips.

“That guy George, last time he ruined my mood. This time, he probably won’t be able to speak.”

Remembering the past incident, Edward expressed dissatisfaction.

“He has a high status in your family, right?”

“Heh, it’s just because he and I are the biological children of my mother. That rigid guy deserves to stay single forever.”

Edward put down the pipe, his expression somewhat sinister.

“Stop talking about such unpleasant things. I got a type of tobacco from the North that’s much more stimulating than what you’re smoking.”

Cologne took out a packet of dry tobacco from his pocket, wearing a mysterious smile.

“Really? I don’t believe it. Give me some too.”

Approaching, Edward immersed himself in this comfortable life, unaware that in the distant sky, dark clouds were gathering, thunder rumbling, poised to strike.

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