Genius Warlock

Chapter 121

"Did you really extract mana?"

A sudden question and it did not seem he was just asking.

"Yes, I did."


Forrest, who heard the answer, sighed deeply as if cold water was splashed on his face.

The emotions of concern could be seen shining brightly.

"I've heard it before, but it's still amazing… I didn't expect you to be Rare-case. May I ask why you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't know I was Rare-case either. What specifically is Rare-case? Is it a word that refers to a Warlock who extracts mana?"

"Well, it's kind of like that. In addition, it is also a word that points to those who have characteristics worth researching."


"Yeah. It doesn't suit the situation, but I'll give you a quiz. Who do you think named it Rare-case?”

The question reminded Oliver of Edith Rock's words.

People with no imagination die first.

"Um… Wizards?"

"Correct. Warlocks who pull out mana, Mana hypertrophy, Mana agenesis, Mutants, Ogre, winged pigs, etc. are called Rare-case. Some of them have been studied to a certain extent, and your case falls into that category.”

Oliver showed interest.

"Are there any other Warlocks who can pull out mana?"

"It's small, but there is. Why? Are you disappointed that you are not the only one?"

"No? I'm rather happy. Maybe I can learn something from them."

He didn’t know if he could meet one, and even if he did meet one it was highly likely that they'll teach him, but Oliver said as if he was already going to learn.

He was as bright as a child who found a new toy.

Forrest smiled bitterly as if he didn't want to say anything.

"Um, is that why Mr. Edith warned me?"

"What do you mean?"

“He told me to be careful because I could be in danger. Lonely wolves are more likely to be targeted… Does it mean watch out for wizards?"

"Maybe it is. Wizards love knowledge. For research, they don't care whether it’s water or fire, and they don't care about conscience."

Forrest’s words did not seem to be wrong.

After all, Oliver himself saw a similar lab underneath the contamination zone.

Puppet used it, but its owner was definitely a wizard.

He even heard of wizards dealing with and researching Demons.

It was all Puppet’s words, but somehow Oliver couldn’t think it would be a lie.

And at that moment, Oliver suddenly had a question.

What is the difference between a Wizard and a Warlock?

Magic and black magic – The mechanism of learning is the same, and there was little difference in application.

While Oliver was lost in thought, Forrest suddenly said.

"But you don't have to worry too much.”


"Wizards, you don't have to worry too much…. Sometimes they're rash, but they're not idiots. They won't be able to kidnap you all of a sudden."

Forrest reassured Oliver as if he misunderstood Oliver’s concern.

However, Oliver just listened quietly.

"The city is balanced by the cooperation and checks of various forces. I'm not bragging, but our Brokers Guild also plays a minor part in that. Although you are not a full-fledged member, you are doing business with me, and you have recently made your name known. Even a wizard can't kidnap you.”

"That's a relief.”

"However, apart from that, you should also be careful."

"What do you mean being careful?"

"It's nothing. I'm telling you not to lock horns with the wizards. It's hard for the Brokers Guild to help if you give them a justification. We will sneak out while watching the situation.”

Oliver understood that even the Brokers Guild doesn’t want to get on the wrong side of the wizards.

After all, it was a well-known fact that the Wizard's status in this city was extraordinary.

"Okay. I'll be careful."

"Thank you for understanding. Peace in this city is maintained like a nine-year-old’s ego, it's always on the edge. So you have to be careful, you never know what will happen where or when.”

Forrest said sincerely.

Oliver a few months back could not have probably understood what Forrest was saying, but the present Oliver thought he could understand a little bit what he meant.

This huge city was childish in many ways.

In particular, he felt it in the Edith Rock job.

And Oliver found it fun.

The peace of the huge city, where countless buildings, cars, and people live together, was maintained in such a brittle manner.

He couldn't explain it, but it was fun in a way.

Oliver got up from his seat, packing the anonymous bankbook, business card, and book he had received as compensation.

"May I take my leave, if you don't mind?"

"Of course, I have nothing more to say anyway. I'll look for a decent job in the meantime. Do you have any job you want or a reward?"

‘What I want.…’.

"It's hard to answer right now.”

"I understand. Well, I'll sort out the work. If you happen to have one in the middle, please contact me and tell me. I'll set it up as much as I can."

"Thank you.”

Oliver bowed politely and left Forrest’s office.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

About 30 minutes after Oliver left Forrest's office.

Al, the waiter, knocked on the door of the office.

Knock, knock

"Come on in."

When permission was given, Al gently opened the door and came inside.

He closed the door and looked at Forrest, who was struggling with numerous papers.

All are job offers, and 30% of them were direct commissions to Dave.


"Yeah, what's going on?"

"I think we have to order again. We ran out of lamb."

"Yes, order it. Do it at the usual place. The lamb of that place tastes great.”

"Yes, I will….. And… what about the check? I think you should answer it soon."

After hearing the question, Forrest stopped what he was doing.

The check was something he received from the Mattel Research Lab official who visited two days ago.

Even though it was a long distance, he bothered to come and had a quick meal, after which he handed Forrest a check.

He said he gave it to him because he liked the taste of the food, but Forrest knew it was a blatant lie.

After all, he survived in this field thanks to his wits.

He knew that the check was a sort of price, a price for shutting his eyes as they kidnap Dave.

And at the same time, a warning not to do anything.

It was the arrogant behavior of someone who believes in their power.

And now, Forrest had to answer this.

In fact, no matter what his answer was, it won't affect their decision, but at least it could affect their next move.

Forrest took out the check stored like a bomb in his drawer.

Mattel's M sign was written on the check, along with the number 300 million.

As if he had made up his mind, Forrest wrote a letter that politely declined the check, and put it in the letter cover along with a check.

"Drop it at the post office. Express delivery."

Al politely received the envelope and asked back anxiously.

"Will it be okay?"

Al's question seemed cowardly at a glance, but it was indeed a common sense response.

A check from Mattel Lab was a greeting and a warning.

By no means, they were asking for Forrest's permission.

It was obvious, they were a powerful group in this city.

They were supported by Magic Tower’s School of Life magic, and a huge amount of capital, and have been exerting influence in various fields with numerous patent rights.

Although they were obsessed with mage supremacy and eugenics, it was indeed dangerous to reject their proposal.

In some cases, you have to put up the shutters, and in others, you'll lose your life…..

There was nothing more foolish in this city than to go against the strong.

However, Forrest stuck to his initial choice nonetheless.

Only this could make them think twice before moving forward.

If he delayed answering due to his fear, he wouldn't be able to ask anyone for help in the time he needed it.

Silence was virtually the same as consent.

That was why he had to answer right now.

"Don't worry if the store goes bankrupt. At least I'll give you a good severance pay and find you a job.”

"That's not why I asked, Boss."

Forrest saw Al, Al with red skin.

"Of course, I know…. Will you go to the post office?"


Al answered, bowing his head politely.

Inside the office, after Al went out, Forrest was left alone again.

Forrest organized his thoughts while cleaning his messy clothes.

Honestly, there was no need to worry too much.

The competition among Wizards was so severe both inside and outside Magic Tower, so it would not be easy even for the Mattel Lab to act recklessly no matter how much of a big force they are.

In addition, Dave was a fast-growing Solver. There were so many eyes on him which would make it difficult for them to kidnap him openly.

If it was an unnamed solver, the Brokers Guild would also let it slide, but they won’t stay still if such a disaster would fall upon a Solver whose name has gone beyond District T.

If they let such a case slide, they will lose their face, lose credibility and finally, the business itself could collapse…

Organizing his thoughts, Forrest looked at the commission documents.

Among them, it was necessary to select a request with the most favorable conditions and connect Dave with a powerful client.

A well-established network will be a shield for Dave and himself.

Recently, thanks to Dave, Forrest’s status in the Brokers Guild has risen beyond simple income, so it was a natural action.

"Yes, I’m doing it for me, not paying back the debt I owe to Kent."

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

"What the hell are you doing?”

In the corner of the black market that Edith Rock recommended to Oliver, he got surrounded by the people doing business there.

They were drug dealers who handle drugs, and when Oliver asked some questions about the Pilgaret [Gift], they stared fiercely at him as if they were displeased by Oliver’s question.

He never thought people would get offended just by asking where they got [Gift].

"Why aren't you answering? Why did you ask me where I bought [Gift]? Why are you not answering, dammit."

A man as thin as a skeleton asked again.

He also seemed to be a Warlock.

Before Oliver knew it, big men, who seemed to be his employees, glared at Oliver while holding iron pipes as if they would swing it any moment.

Oliver politely tried to solve the problem through conversation since he thought it would tarnish the name of Edith Rock, who became his guarantee.

"Did I offend you?"

"Offend? Haa… I'm going crazy. Hey, where are you from? It’s that motherfu*ker Rudy, right? Did he send you here?”

"Who's Rudy? Um, I'm sorry. I just asked because I wanted to check something."

"Ugh… what do you want to check?”

"It's a little personal, so I can't…”

“Ahaahaha… Well, don’t worry, we'll make you talk. Guys?"

At those words, the big guys surrounding Oliver came closer, one guy lifted Oliver up by his collar, while one tried to take away his quarterstaff.

"I think it’s rude."

In a tight grip, Oliver held his quarterstaff.

A fairly strong-looking guy pulled it a few times to take it away, but the quarterstaff didn't move an inch from Oliver's hands.

The strong-looking guy stared at Oliver as if he was angry and said in a low voice.

"Hey sh*t face, you're not going to let go of this?"

"…I'm sorry. It's something I got as a gift."

At that moment, there was a strange tension.

Oliver once again said politely.

"I apologize once again. If you can't tell me about [Gift], I'll just go away. And I won't interrupt you again. I'm sorry."

The man who looked like a skeleton took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and said.

"You… I don’t think I can just let you go."

As the man was about to do something.

"I won’t recommend that."

A voice suddenly interrupted what the man was going to do.

As the man turned his head, he saw Knuckle Joe in his suit and messy hair.

Oliver looked at Joe and spoke.

"Um, hello, Joe."

"Yes, it's been a while…..”

The man who looked like a skeleton also asked Joe.

"What? Do you know this guy?"

"Yes, and a piece of advice, Don’t touch that guy."

(To be Continued)

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