
Chapter 532: Priorities

Chapter 532: Priorities


As second bell rang from the distant temple tower in Esmouth, Martel and Eleanor walked through the gate of the camp. On the small stretch of land between the wall and the river, they saw a gathering of soldiers. Too many to easily count, but Martel imagined it was a full centuria, as he noticed both a centurion and two optios nearby. He wondered what task lay ahead that required a hundred soldiers.

The mageknight Avery approached them, giving a greeting which they returned. She was among the older prefects, being somewhere in her forties. She looked typically Asterian, except her hair had a lighter shade of brown. Her features were stern, like someone accustomed to military life and giving orders.

"Is this your first mission?" Avery looked from one mage to the other.

"Other than patrols, yes. What is the task?" Eleanor asked.

"Sir Lara will send us off, but we can discuss the details once we are on our way."

The sight of about thirteen Tyrians crossing the bridge to their side made everyone fall quiet. The mercenaries appeared in good mood, talking in their own tongue while laughing. Martel noticed nearly all of them were armed with a bow. Curiously, as they continued past the legionaries, moving northeast, one of the Tyrians peeled off and remained with the soldiers. The look she gave Avery, and the lack of surprise on the mageknight's face, suggested this was preordained, making Martel wonder what exactly the plan was.

Moments later, the legion prefect appeared. "Attention!" The legionaries jumped to, moving into formation, and the three mages already present straightened their backs. "Your task today is the destruction of a Khivan encampment. The area has been scouted extensively, and you will attack under the cover of night. Sir Avery has command." She glanced at Martel and Eleanor as she spoke the last sentence; apparently, the comment was for their sake, as the soldiers presumably were part of Avery's cohort and already under her leadership. "Malac preserve you all. Aster Invictus! Move out!"

Avery nodded to the centurion, who saluted and barked orders. The Tyrian mercenary swiftly walked to the head of the column, joining the centurion, while the mages took position in between the two halves of the centuria, each led by an optio. With another command shouted by the centurion, the column set into motion.


As they marched, side by side, Avery addressed the other two mages. "Our target is a Khivan encampment of about fifty, though it could easily be ten or twenty more. It is the staging point of their patrols in the area."

"Defences?" asked Eleanor.

"Very little. They have dug ditches and earthworks to create a cauldron-like formation, but no palisades or the like, choosing secrecy over fortifications. From afar, it simply looks like a part of the landscape, while their camp is hidden inside the ring," Avery told them. "At least, that is how the Tyrians have explained it."

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"This is based on their knowledge?" Eleanor almost sounded neutral.

The other mageknight nodded. "They were brought for this purpose, acting as scouts. Snow and cold weather do not trouble them, after all, on the contrary. It only made the task easier."

"Will they participate in the assault?"

"Not directly. They will be positioned further out, intercepting any Khivans that might escape. They have gone ahead to catch any patrols that could notice us and prevent them from warning our target."

"Very well." From her remark, Martel could not tell whether Eleanor considered it good or bad to have the Tyrians absent from the actual fighting.

He thought about his own role. From afar, he might be able to start a fire in the camp, distracting the Khivans and making them night-blind as the Asterians snuck up on them. But if their camp lay secluded and surrounded by hills, it could prevent him from being able to target their tents or belongings with his magic. With a clear sky above, he could not summon lightning from any clouds either. Perhaps best to defer to experience. "Sir Avery, what will our role be?"

"I will lead the attack," she replied. "You and your protector stay close to me and provide support as you can. But do not use any fire until the enemy has discovered us. We shall approach as closely as we can and charge once we are discovered. Understood?"



They walked for hours before taking a rest, eating provisions and replenishing their water in a nearby stream of meltwater. While snow still covered the ground, the days had grown warmer, promising to remove the white blanket in the coming fivedays.

Chewing on bread, Martel looked around. The legionaries appeared relaxed, all things considered; some talked and laughed among themselves. It was strange to think they were marching towards a fight, and that not all could be expected to return. Glancing from one face to another, Martel wondered who might end up being carried back. The young lad over there, whose armour looked too big for him? The veteran next to him, perhaps old enough to be his grandfather? Maybe both, and others as well.

A skirmish this size, there was nothing Martel could do about it, regardless of his powers. Someone would die, and at most, Martel could ensure it was not him.


They marched on for the remainder of the day with the occasional break until their Tyrian guide finally made a variety of gestures. Signalling a halt, the centurion approached his superiors. "Based on all the flailing, we must be approaching the Khivan camp."

Avery gave a slight nod. "Wait here. Tell the men to rest and get ready. The scout and I will assess the terrain. Upon my return, as soon as it is sufficiently dark, we attack." She left along with the Tyrian, and the soldiers sat down to catch their breaths.

"Any thoughts?" Eleanor looked up at Martel.

"I'm not sure there's anything clever we can do. From the sound of it, that hill they're inside will keep them shielded. My magic won't be useful until we get up close. I'll have to be over the slope to find good targets."

"I feared as much. That will make you rather vulnerable. No matter what, you stay behind me," she impressed upon him. "I will shield you, and if at any point I tell you to turn and run, you do so immediately."

It seemed that Eleanor agreed with him in terms of prioritising survival over victory. "I will."

They waited a while longer, the mood growing tense. Nobody spoke, let alone laughed or made jest. A few ate or drank, but none of the younger soldiers, which Martel understood. The knot in his stomach did not encourage imbibing anything.

After half an hour or so, Avery returned. "It is as described," she told the other mages and her junior officers. "From afar, it looks to be a hill. The Khivans are on the inside, like a primitive ringfort. We will approach from two sides. Those under my command attack first." She looked at the centurion. "You charge from the other side when you hear the noise. Is everything clear?"

The centurion and both the optios slammed their fists against the chest in response.

"Everything is clear," Eleanor responded.

"Good. Move out."

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