Evil Samurai In Cultivation World

Chapter 126: The Mystical Realm (2)

Chapter 126: The Mystical Realm (2)


The blade sliced through the woman's neck as though it was butter, and blood began bursting out of the opening, as the woman stared at her husband in disbelief.

"Why..." The woman asked with a painful expression as she leaned on the wall next to her and fell down. 

"Because you're already dead." Claude replied coldly, and all of a sudden, the painful expression on the woman's face was replaced by a hideous grin as the blood stopped flowing from her neck.

"Hahahahahaha!!" The woman began emitting a dark and insidious sounding laughter as her body began morphing into a dark black blob, and Claude watched as the blob evaporated into the atmosphere, leaving him alone in the room.

"Ha ha ha ha You're amusing! I found an amusing human!!" The dark and insidious voice began echoing throughout the room and Claude looked around, trying to find the source of the voice but to no avail.

"Ha ha ha.. And here I thought it would be another boring prey! I guess I got lucky!" The creepy voice erupted with laughter as the room that Claude was currently in began to morph suddenly, and the walls began moving in towards Claude.

"Hmph! Cheap tricks!" Claude let out a snort as he swung his katana once again, this time aiming for one of the walls in front of him, and all of a sudden, a burst of spiritual energy erupted from the blade and shot towards the aimed wall.


The attack burst through the wall in an instant, completely destroying it and causing a loud explosion, which resulted in dust and debris flying all over the surroundings of Claude.

"Bwa ha ha ha! Interesting! Very interesting!" The sinister voice continued to increase in volume as Claude dashed forward through the still morphing room and moved towards the hallway which seemed to be twisting and twirling as well.

"Ha ha ha! You are unlike any other human cultivator that I've met!" As Claude was running through the hallway, desperately trying to balance himself due to the irregular motion, all of a sudden a giant hand burst through the window next to him!


The giant mostrous hand burst through the wall and the floor and headed towards Claude, quickly approaching him. 


Claude immediately pulled up his katana to try and block it and the giant monster of a hand collided with its sharp blades resulting in a loud noise!

"Don't think that you can overwhelm me with this!!" Claude yelled out with fury as the katana in his hands burst into blue flames that were made up of spiritual energy, and the monster hand that was pushing against it began to crack like a vase, as a thick black goo started to ooze out of the openings.

"I must say, I'm impressed by your skills and your steady mind!" The sinister voice suddenly began whispering into Claude's ear, which sent a chill up his spine.

"Where?" Claude turned his head back swiftly only to find no one there. He immediately turned back but much to his dismay, the giant hand that was in front of him just a few seconds ago had also disappeared.

"But you see..." The voice spoke once again, and this time it came from in front of Claude, and all of a sudden, the floor below him began to shake uncontrollably, causing Claude to steady himself to make sure that he didn't lose his grip.

"You're still no match for me! Ha ha ha ha ha..." As the sinister voice laughed maniacally once again, the floor beneath Claude began to split into two parts, forcing him to kneel down and clutch onto the floor.

"What in the name of..." Claude's words trailed off in the end, as he simply couldn't form any words to express what he was feeling as he watched the sight in front of him with disbelief in his eyes.

Claude looked on in disbelief as the floor beneath him began transforming right in front of him, morphing into two giant hands, as a humongous figure appeared from the darkness in front of him.

"Scared, human? Afraid of losing your life? Ha ha ha ha!" The figure was mostly enveloped in darkness, but Claude could see the silhouette of a giant cat's head above him, and he looked at the enormous figure in disbelief.

The cat-like monster had a hideous grin on its face, as it stared at the shocked Claude with glee. "Stunned? I should imagine this is a terrifying figure for you humans, huh?" The giant cat figure said with delight evident in its voice as it moved its head towards Claude and pulled its hand closer to its monstrous face.

The cat-like figure flashed a devilish smile, showing its sharp teeth as it spoke,"That is what you'll be feeling until I consume your soul completely! Fear, despair and hopelessnes-" 


Before the giant cat-like demon could finish its words, Claude immediately summoned his katana once again and struck the face of the demon which was now in close proximity to him.


Claude's katana sliced through the giant eyes of the demon like it was paper and the demon, whose vision was now blocked, screamed in agony. "AHHH!! IT HURTS!"

The screeching voice of the giant cat-like entity echoed throughout the surroundings, and Claude, taking this chance, charged forward and leapt up into the air as he raised the katana up above his head, aiming for the crying demon's face.

"Aaaah! It hurts, it hurts so much!" The demon who was screeching loudly, then burst out with an angry expression as the figure of Claude descended from the sky. "You are going to regret this, you puny human!"

The loud and angry scream of the demon echoed in Claude's ears, and with hatred on its face it turned its gaze towards Claude, who swung down his katana in order to strike the giant cat's face.


Claude's katana collided with the gigantic cat-like demon's face instantly. However, instead of slashing its face, the sword passed through the demonic figure as if it was made of water, which caught Claude off guard.

"You'll pay for what you've done. You hear me?" Claude watched as the giant demonic figure dissolved into the atmosphere like paint that was mixed with water, leaving Claude alone in a pure black void.

Claude looked around, trying to find where the demon was hiding, but right then, the surroundings began to warp again, and Claude watched as the previously pure black void magically morphed into a small neighborhood, filling the space with multiple houses and stores.

"You piece of shi*t.." Claude cursed at the demon under his breath, gritting his teeth as he turned around and fixed his gaze at the house that was directly in front of him.


All of a sudden, the flames erupted from underneath the house, engulfing the entire structure within mere seconds, and a loud scream was heard from inside the building as a crowd began to gather around it.

The crowd began whispering and murmuring to themselves as they looked at the burning building with horror in their eyes. 

Claude turned his gaze to the side, where he could see another version of him, who was wailing and screaming loudly as he tried running into the house, but he was being stopped by the people around him, supposedly stopping him from killing himself.

"Puny human, how do you feel now?" All of a sudden, the flames burst out into the sky and took the shape of the cat-like demon from before, who stared down at Claude, who returned the gaze with a cold expression. The demon grinned devilishly as he began speaking, "I told you, didn't I? That you are going to regret trying to attack me!"


Randall was walking back from the training grounds sector after wishing the young master good luck and bidding goodbye to him. 

He knew that the young master would only exit the closed seclusion chamber after a whole week, which meant that he would have minimal chores to do during this period.

Of course, he had to look after the young master's residence, but with more than a dozen servants under him, this was definitely not a hard job for Randall.

Suddenly, the expression on Randall's face changed. He turned to his left and spoke loudly, "Whoever it is, come out right now. Or else, I'll do it by force."

"Wow! To think my junior's servant has such a good intuition. I am impressed," A figure appeared before his vision, revealing himself to be Ian Jefferson.

Randall knew that this was the senior who had lost to Claude. He frowned and said, "What the hell do you think you're doing, following me? Are you trying to attack my master, because I am not going to let you do that!"

"Oh, I think you misunderstood my intentions. I would never try to attack my junior, especially since my master has strongly advised us to not endanger each other's lives." Ian dismissively waved his hands in the air as he looked at Randall with a calm smile on his face.

"However..." As he spoke, eight figures appeared from the shadows, surrounding Randall who was now on high alert. "Master didn't say anything about their servants..."

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