Escape From Konoha

Chapter 169: 165: Lightning Beast

Chapter 169: 165: Lightning Beast

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Overwhelmed by a sensation like dizziness, Ayane found herself in an entirely unfamiliar location in the blink of an eye.

The excruciating pain coursed through her body, as if countless knives were simultaneously piercing her from within. It was a torment unbearable for most ordinary individuals.

The sea breeze tousled her hair, and she remained near a coastal area by the sea.

"I never expected Kumo to possess ninjas capable of utilizing this type of space-time ninjutsu. They are indeed one of the Five Great Ninja Nations. I mustn't underestimate them."

Ayane lightly wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, looking rather disheveled.

To prevent the forced tspace-ime transfer and the tearing apart of her body, she had infused her limbs and bones with a significant amount of Senjutsu chakra, making her body tougher than steel.

In terms of chakra control, even Ruri and Shiraishi couldn't rival her. She could release chakra from every pore of her body, using it for both direct attacks and enhancing her physical abilities with great finesse.

Despite this, the impact of the space-time ninjutsu was not something to be trifled with. Ayane had paid for it with a quarter of the Senjutsu chakra stored in her body.

Attempting the reduce the damage of the transfer with low chakra reserve while using senjutsu would have led to her body being torn apart due to the excessively rapid transmission speed.

This space-time jutsu was indeed powerful, yet it had its drawbacks. It required prepared seals to increase its binding effect on ninjas with high speed, and when facing stronger opponents, it was necessary to prepare sufficient prerequisites in advance. Otherwise, a skilled enemy could evade the jutsus range by using the Body Flicker, rendering the space-time ninjutsu ineffective.

The dizziness gradually faded from Ayane's mind, and she took a deep breath, regaining her focus while surveying her surroundings.

Suddenly, her body tensed.

The location seemed to be an expansive and boundless strait, but what truly captured her attention were the countless Kumo ninjas, densely scattered in her field of vision. Their sheer number was so large that even with her Byakugan, Ayane couldn't accurately determine their exact numbers.

Based on her estimation, there were more than 2,000, likely even more.

"Are they kidding me? This is a huge situation. That damned Tsuchikage was utterly careless. This was undeniably a trap carefully devised by Kumo."

Had she not known that Iwa and Kumo couldn't conspire due to the Third Raikage, the sight before her would make her question if Iwa had intentionally lured her into Kumo's trap, subjecting her to the siege of so many Kumo ninjas.

Ayane's mission was to destroy the Kumo supply point, and the burning supplies she had taken along indicated partial success. It appeared that Kumo had strategically sacrificed those supplies as bait.

However, this mission had also failed for a simple reason.

Faced with an overwhelming number of Kumo ninjas and already depleted chakra reserves, Ayane's body was severely damaged from the space-time jutsu. No matter how she looked at it, the outcome was inevitable - death.

Even the Third Raikage, who surpassed her in strength and defense had died when besieged by numerous ninjas.

This experience emphasized that when facing a large number of ninja troops, even those of the "Five Kage" level would struggle to survive.

Despite Ayane being confident in her strength, she couldn't guarantee surpassing the Third Raikage.

Quantity could truly transform the equation, where the collective power of ten ninjas using ninjutsu and a hundred ninjas using a ninjutsu was an entirely different dimension of force.

On the flat terrain of the strait, the sea breeze blowing across the border, countless Kumo ninjas fixated Ayane with mocking and smug smiles, evidently convinced of their victory.

Without the need for words, they lunged forth with the rallying cry of "charge." A horde of Kumo ninjas surged forward with an intensity that caused the earth to tremble, while the accompanying gusts of wind howled, driven by their collective momentum.

In this moment, Ayane couldn't help but feel empathy for the Third Raikage. The despair that had enveloped her now mirrored what he likely experienced in the past..An overwhelming sense of isolation, surrounded by enemies on all sides.

Despite the daunting odds, Ayane refused to be intimidated. While evasion was a valid tactic, her unshakable psychological fortitude prevented her from succumbing to fear. In the face of this monumental number of enemies, she stood her ground with determination.

Dodging an incoming ninja's sword, Ayane swerved to the side, avoiding the confrontation but opting not to retaliate immediately. Instead, she continued to evade, distancing herself, and a flash of lightning danced in her eyes.

Even in close combat, other ninjas were providing cover for one another, a testament to the efficient coordination among these Kumo ninjas.

"What a hassle."

Ayane mused, finding few opportunities for effective counterattacks against the Kumo ninjas.

Her defensive abilities were based on an extensive consumption of senjutsu chakra, allowing her to resist Taijutsu attacks. Nevertheless, she couldn't continuously endure the attacks, because it was different from the Lightning Armor used by the Third and Fourth Raikage.

This challenge forced her to strategize carefully.

While her defensive capabilities could surpass the Lightning Armor, it wasn't an infinite resource due to the excessive drain on Senjutsu chakra, and Ayane could only rely on it during critical moments.

Hence, under standard conditions, she remained vulnerable as long as her opponent's precision was sharp enough. Facing a legion of two thousand ninja troops with just her flesh and blood, it was a foregone conclusion that she would sustain injury. Furthermore, her chakra couldn't endure such an extended battle.

Ninjas like the third Raikage and the fourth Raikage, who possessed chakra levels on par with Tailed Beasts, were exceedingly rare in the ninja world.


Seeing the dozens of oncoming adversaries, Ayane had no alternative but to use her powerful area of attack, dispatching the attackers in a single motion.

After repelling the enemies, long-range ninjutsu followed. Lightning, storms, flames, and floods dynamically reshaped the strait's landscape.

The ground trembled as smoke and dust rose like ocean waves, an unrelenting downpour of kunai and shuriken converging on Ayane. Numerous figures relentlessly dashed across the rocks and sea, their expressions fierce and ominous.

Unbeknownst to her, the battleground had shifted to the coast. Gazing at the downpour of kunai and shuriken, Ayane couldn't help but force a grim smile, her enemies leaving her with little time to take a breath.

If it continued this way, she would deplete her chakra reserves rapidly, creating a precarious situation.

A protracted battle against a large numb6 of enemies wasn't Ayane's forte. Her large-scale gentle fist techniques needed considerable chakra expenditure.

While she managed to defeat a few Kumo ninjas in her immediate proximity, their primary objective was to delay her progress, giving openings for long-range attackers. Even if she incapacitated one group, another swiftly filled the void.

But she understood one thing clearly,the longer the battle, the greater her disadvantage.

Among the Kumo ninjas, several skilled jonin specialized in melee combat. Their swords were exceptional wrapped with lightning rslsase6 fueled by chakra to increase their power.

Rumor had it that Kumo was home to several Kenjutsu masters, and Ayane's perspective confirmed these rumors. From her vantage point, theKenjutsu of these Kumo jonin were indicative of their instructor-level proficiency.

"Vacuum Palm!"

With a swift hand motion, Ayane unleashed an invisible air cannon that sent a Kumo ninja flying, coughing up blood mid-air.

"No, there are too many people!"

Ayane's face was stained with blood, and her white dress was also stained with blood.

Nevertheless, the Kumo ninjas continued their relentless onslaught, unswayed by the blow.

Scores of them had fallen in battle, perhaps seventy or eighty or even a hundred, although Ayane hadn't kept a deliberate count. The chaos and urgency of the battle didn't afford her the luxury.

Suddenly, a figure from the Kumo camp rapidly closed the gap with Ayane. She was shocked by the enemy's speed, twisting her body to grasp the ninja's fist as it barreled toward her.

With a booming impact, Ayane was propelled by the force of the Kumo ninja's punch, an embarrassing image as she was knocked back.

Shuffling to her feet, Ayane fixed an earnest gaze upon the Kumo ninja. He was a fair-skinned man in his thirties, his long yellow hair gathered in a single ponytail, sporting a stern expression.

After his arrival, the surrounding Kumo ninjas had a noticeable shift in attitude, exuding a high degree of confidence in his strength. Their eyes were filled with reverence and admiration.

Ayane thought about the stranger's identity, the Kumo ninja stated, "Let the two Yubimen of Kumo deal with you."

He vanished from his position at the end of his declaration, a Body Flicksr so qyick that Ayane couldn't be careless.

Little had she expected to encounter such a hidden powerful ninja in Kumo.

As expected of the Ninja Village of the Five Great Nations, it has a profound heritage. During crucial moments, there will always be one or two unknown but powerful ninjas.


A collision ensued as both sides struck their opponent, then swiftly retreated.

Ayane's body felt unusually strained due to the unexpected space-time teleportation, causing her combat ability to suffer. Her speed hadn't deteriorated to this extent before.

The Kumo ninja known as showed surprise at Ayane's speedy response after sustaining an injury. Even with the Byakugan's assistance, not everyone could withstand his blow unscathed.

With bloodstains on his lips, the Kumo nin sensed the gentle fist technique infiltrating his chest, recognizing it for what it was.

"This is incredible. Your gentle fist is the most powerful and vicious I've ever encountered. Are you truly using the fist?"

Indeed, it was both powerful and fierce. A taijutsu meant to overcome hardness with softness, yet it concealed a powerful internal force. The attack felt as if it were set on rupturing the opponent's body from within.

No wonder the intelligence said that the traditional Hyuga clan gentle fist shouldn't be used for comparison, otherwise they will undoubtedly die.

"Of course, i use the genuine gentle fist."

Ayane responded with a confident smile.

"In that case, I see no other option. Though I haven't mastered it yet, allow me to let you get the firsthand experience. So you won't accuse Kumo of lacking competent ninjas after this encounter."

Under Ayane's surprised eyes, the Kumo nins expression grew more serious.

An incredibly ominous atmosphere filled the air, like the anticipation of an impending storm.

Ayane had experienced a similar sensation years ago when the One-Tail had gone on a rampage against Suna. It was the same suffocating atmosphere.

"Could you be..."

Ayane's eyes widened as she seemed to deduce Kumo nins true identity.

It wasn't surprising that someone so mysterious possessed such formidable strength to keep pace with her instant body flicker. The enemy was one of Kumo's two Jinchuriki.

Blue chakra flames erupted from the Kumo nins body, engulfing him entirely before rapidly expanding and shaping into the monstrous form of a gigantic beast.

A heavy and oppressive aura pervaded the area, a mere side effect of the chakra emanating from the tailed beast within.

Restless seawater lapped against the reef, and the foamy waves surged. The massive cat-like creature was now the size of a hill, encircled by blue chakra flames.

Two tails swung behind it, and the Kumo ninjas retreated, leaving enough room for the Jinchuriki to play.

"Two Tails? I made a slight mistake. I didn't expect you to be a perfect Jinchuriki."

Ayane sighed softly, unsure if her current situation was good or bad.

"No, it's far from perfect. If it was perfect, it will be a complete transformation. The body will be even larger. Even with this size, I can barely control it. Perhaps I lack the talent in this area."

The Kumo nin voice emanated from the cat-like monster's mouth.

"You're quite honest." Ayane remarked, chuckling.

She had previously dismissed the rumors about Kumo having the most effective jinchuriki power training method. She couldn't fathom how the intense hatred found in tailed beasts could peacefully coexist with humans.

But now, she was realizing her own ignorance.

Controlled by the Jinchuriki, the Two-Tails charged forward, the earth quaking beneath its weight. Though it was still broad daylight without a hint of looming dark clouds, even the Kumo ninja, who were technically on the same side, couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

The beast's momentum and power were beyond exaggerated.

Ayane retreated as the Two-Tails continued to advance. She was different from the dead Raikage, so her only recourse was to dodge an engagement with the tailed beast, as she didn't possess the strength to contend with it further.

The Two-Tails unleashed a massive blue fireball. The air grew increasingly hot as it soared, turning seawater into steam and vanishing it.

"Are you pushing me into a corner like this?" Ayane mumbled as she continued to evade.

Confronting a tailed beast in her weakened state was a perilous endeavor, especially with numerous Kumo ninjas spectating.

"I didn't look at the situation before I went out."

She sighed, attributing her bad luck to the unfortunate day she had experienced.

"Don't try to escape!"

A large number of Kumo ninjas surrounded her.

"Water Release · Water Dragon Bullet"

The sea water churned, and the water dragon condensed from the sea and swooped down from the sky.

Ayane leaped to evade the attack, feeling seawater splashing upon her body and hair.

Then the Two-Tails 's massive claw, enshrouded in blue chakra flames, struck from behind.

Ayane squinted, realizing it was the forelimb of the Two-Tails. With everyone watching in disbelief, she turned around facing the massive claw and pressing her slender palm against it.

"Air God Strike!"

She retaliated with vicious force, driving the Two-Taild to the ground. The forelimbs hit by the Air God Strike head-on twisted and deformed, leading the Two-Tails to cry out in pain.

The attack stalled the advance of the Kumo ninjas.

The paw fragments scattered as they shattered, turning into white pieces that drifted away. Ayane gathered a few fragments in mid-air before retreating to a rocky hideout.

She examined the fragments in her hand, housing the chakra of the Two-Tails. They would have huge research value when brought back. After all she couldn't return empty-handed after her adventure.

As she pondered, Ayane couldn't help but remember the habits of someone on the battlefield, instinctively seizing opportunities when encountering good items. She seemed to have gotten his habits.

"It's a shame the Eight-Tails isn't here; I could make some Takoyaki when I get back."

Ayane tucked the claw fragments into her bosom, safeguarding them carefully.

Even a minute amount of chakra from a tailed beast possessed significant research value. These condensed claw fragments can be said to be the crystallized high-density tailed beast chakra, holding even greater research potential.

"It's almost time to retreat. My chakra has reduced to less than half, and I need time to rest for recovery. If I continue fight, it might become dangerous."

The deterrence caused by Air God Strike wouldn't be wouldn't last for long too long. The enemy consisted of thousands of ninjas and a Jinchuriki who could use most of the Two-Taild's power. Honestly, it was a highly disadvantageous situation for Ayane.

With this in mind, Ayane bit her finger without hesitation, performed hand seals, and lightly pressed against the rock wall.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

Accompanied by white smoke, a pitch-black cub appeared, just slightly larger than an average adult domestic cat.

It was Shiraishi's Lightning Clone, the black beast Raimei Maru.

"Where is this....."

Raimei appeared to be puzzled, not quite understanding what was going on.

After feeling for a while, his body trembled, and the black hairs on his body stood on end on sheer terror.

'Where did this large number of ninjas come from? Why would they recklessly surround someone with such a dangerous aura?'

Moreover, he sensed a highly ominous chakra, like what he'd encountered during the attack of the Nine-Tails in Konoha, though not as intense.

A tailed beast? There couldn't be any other explanation. However, faced with numerous ninjas and a raging tailed beast, they had no hope of changing the dire circumstances.

"Use your full powered Sage Mode." Ayane said calmly, although she was cautious.

Raimei reacted swiftly, relieved that the plan was to retreat, avoiding confrontation.

"I understand. However, there's one thing you must bear in mind, Mother. Even when I activate my full power mode, I can maintain it for no more than five minutes, possibly ending in three minutes. This isn't a power i can easily use. Tch!! I also hate the illusionary and intangible form."

Raimei gritted his teeth as the Senjutsu chakra within his body started surging.

"Hey, did you feel that?"

"Yeah, there seems to be a change in the wind."

The Kumo ninjas who had surrounded the area toward the reef suddenly halted, seemingly cofused by an unusual sign.

They read a strange signal in the wind.

The Jinchuriki appeared to have sensed something, gazing at the dark blue sky. Limping due to one injured forelimb, it would take a while to recover naturally.

But suddenly, without warning, everything went dark.

One moment, the strait was bathed in sunlight, and in the next, it transformed into a deep, dark night. Thick clouds enshrouded the entire area, turning the sea a pitch-black hue.

"Why is it so dark?"

"No, is this a thundercloud?"

"But this is land, not the sky. How did a thundercloud form here?"

Within the dark clouds, ferocious lightning strikes rained down, and there were faint lightning sparks in the atmosphere.

Over 3,000 Kumo ninjas were now lost in the dark thunderclouds, they were like headless chickens. They exchanged confused glances, struggling to understand what was happening.

"My sensory ninjutsu has failed! This thundercloud environment is disrupting sensory ninjutsu! This is terrible!"

With their sensory ninjutsu rendered ineffective, they couldn't pinpoint the enemy in this chaotic environment. Attempts to use ninjutsu against the surrounding thunderclouds caused their jutsus to vanish and be consumed by the storm.

Suddenly, bolts of lightning erupted from the thunderclouds, causing the Kumo ninjas to panic and writhe as they were continuously electrocuted. They jumped around, their bodies paralyzed by the lightning.

The Jinchuriki leaped into the sky, piercing through layers of thunderclouds and arriving at the top. To his shock, the top of his head was still shrouded in the endless black thunderclouds.

What kind of ninjutsu was this?

When the initial confusion stabilizef, the Kumo ninjas began to devise a plan to escape the situation by dispersing.

"No, it's to the east, right? Why does it feel like west? Maybe south or north!"

"Never mind that, just get out!"

They kept running, seeking to exit the thunderclouds in the most direct manner. They believed it couldn't be endless.

Their concerns, to some extent, were not unreasonable. Although it wasn't infinite, it felt like it was.

Regardless of their direction, they couldn't locate an exit within the thunderclouds. Hindered by incessant lightning strikes and ineffective sensory ninjutsu, it was an immaculate cage.

Meanwhile, Ayane had traveled across the sea beyond the area covered by the thundercloud.

She wasn't certain which country's coast lay before her, but she was confident it wasn't the Land of Fire. Her guess was that it might be the strait in the Land of Lightning.

Her immediate priority was to escape to an uninhabited region, given her exhaustion, the lingering physical consequences of the space-time transfer, and her encounter with Kumo. She was determined to be careful when facing Kumo in the future. The barbarians not only fought with brute force, but they also used dirty and cunning strategies.

Looking back at the strait enclosed by the pitch-black thunderclouds, she was marveled.

This was the first time she had seen Raimei's full Sage Mode transformation which had exceeded her expectations in combat. She was intrigued by how a typically small creature could manifest into such an ethereal, invisible and boundless form.


The full-body transformation of the vast thundercloud ended.

Raimei sighed with immense frustration. While Ayane had escaped unscathed, he had no means to return to his original state anytime soon. He could only float in the sky as a thundercloud, meandering aimlessly across the world.

It would take approximately a month for him to revert to his normal state. During this time, he was incapacitated, unable to engage in battle or nor can he nullify the time limit.

Looking down from the sky, the Kumo ninjas appeared no larger than sesame seeds. Raimei found himself disinterested in Kumo's future actions because his mission had been accomplished.

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