Escape From Konoha

Chapter 154: 150: The Butchers

Chapter 154: 150: The Butchers

Within a Forest in the Land of Tea, a sinister scene unfolded.

"Go to hell!"

Jinpachi brandished his explosive sword, infusing it with chakra, and numerous exploding tags materialized on the swords's surface before being launched at a Kirigakure ninja.

With a deafening explosion, the Kiri nin was obliterated beyond recognition, and dismembered flesh remained suspended mid-air.

As the sky became adorned with brilliant red from the blast, Jinpachi had an intoxicated smile on his face.

"No matter how many times I swing Shibuki, the exhilaration of the explosion is truly fascinating. I simply can't get enough."

Indulging in the pleasure of torturing and killing humans, Jinpachi hoisted his sword on his shoulder, sweeping it around.

Several Kiri nins dangled invisibly between trees, suspended mid-air as if part of a gruesome puppet show, bound by imperceptible threads.

Their bodies convulsed, they weren't death, they could only moan wordlessly in pain pitifully

Blood trickled down their fingers, leading them to their inevitable descent into the abyss of death.

Kushimaru, concealed behind a mask and armed with Nuibari, tilted his head slightly and let out an eerie, ear-piercing laugh, like an artist admiring his masterpiece:

"Is the pain unbearable? Don't worry, you won't die until you appreciate all my masterpiece. I will cut off your hands and feets one by one to experience the most extreme beauty in the whole world."

After he spoke, he lightly manipulated the silk thread linking his sword, resulting in a spray of blood.

The only thing that remained the same, however, were the kiri nins suspended like marionettes; they didn't die directly, but suffered from the fear of slow death.

"Your methods remains as slow as ever. At this rate, that woman will escape." Jinpachi interjected.

"Don't preach to me, I'm enjoying the thrill of killing people."

In contrast to Jinpachi, who reduced his enemies to ashes instantly, Kushimaru reveled in affording the enemy a slow death, where they pleaded and contorted in pain, displaying a range of suffering.

Though the process was cumbersome, the time wasted was inconsequential, as long as he enjoyed this evocative "tune."

"Very well, as you wish."

Despite the fact that their fallen enemies were fellow villagers, it was evident that these people were not on the same side. Thus, even towards their own, the ruthless duo did not show mercy, resorting to ruthless means for their draths.

After about ten minutes of enjoying in the pleasure of his killing, Kushimaru instructed his subordinates to tidy up the battlefield and recover the bodies.

"I have questioned them thoroughly. They were fleeing towards the direction of Land of Demons." Jinpachi reported.

"The Land of Demons? What business do they have there?"

"I'm not sure. They did seem to have stayed in Konoha for a while."

"Maybe, they're searching for Tsunade, one of th Sannin, to seek her healing abilities. Yet even the top medical ninja in the world cannot mend such injuries."

Kushimaru calmly analyzed.

"What shall we do when we get there? That place is a neutral nation. Will we need to show restraint?" Jinpachi asked with a smirk.

"What's your opinion?"

After that, both of them wore cruel smiles.

As the "ruthless duo." their approach was straightforward – eliminate any one who dared obstruct their path.


"Please stop!"

At the western seaport of the Land Of Demons, a ninja donning a black windbreaker featuring an Purple Rose emblem embroidered on the back intercepted an approaching unidentified ship.

The vessel was small and not a registered ship.

Such unregistered ships had been denied entry into the port of the western sea area within the Land of Demons.

Six guards with ninja swords or short swords at their sides monitored the scene.

"I am Kuraki a jonin from Kirigakure. I'm on a classified mission within the Land of Demons. Please assist us." Te female Kiri ninja spoke, she was the leader of the group on the ship. She proceeded to present a warrant for inspection.

The guard received the warrant and went to a guardhouse-like structure to confirm its authenticity, given that even though the control measures of the Land of Demons were stringent, they were not as lax as rumors suggested.

Soon after, the guard returned, handed the warrant to the Jonin, and assured her: "The warrant checks out. Our country has recently adjusted some procedures. I apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. You may proceed."

"It's perfectly fine. Thank you." She responded .

She directed some other Kirigakure ninjas to disembark, one of whom was carrying an injured young woman on his back. Her condition appeared grave.

Seeing this, the guards promptly arranged a comfortable carriage for the Kirigakure team. Driven by their own personnel, they placed the injured woman within the carriage and headed towards the capital, Oni City.

Given the limited space in the carriage, only one person remained inside to tend to the wounded, while the others provided protective measures at the front and rear.

A woman and a man closely followed behind the carriage.

"It's rather strange how entry inspections in a neutral country have gotten stricter." One of them said.

"That's not our concern. Our mission is to ensure the safety of Ringo and to cure her disease." Responded the leading jonin.

The male Jonin nodded, then closed his eyes for a moment, seemingly detecting something. He reopened them, his expression cautious.

"Whatt's wrong?" She asked.

"I've detected thirteen people tailing us secretly. They all possess considerable strength."

The Jonin responded candidly.

"As you aren't a sensory nin, you can only sense eleven people. Two of them likely used a unique stealth jutsu, making them challenging to detect."

As one of Kiri's few excellent sensory nin, The jonin was well aware of the exact number of "surveillance" operatives secretly trailing them and the direction they were moving in.

"It's just that I didn't anticipate the village's internal conflict would escalate to this extent. The actions of the third have crossed a line. They even maliciously framed an accomplished Jonin from the village. If I hadn't received that letter, I would have assumed that Ringo had an incurable disease and was bedridden in the hospital."

The sensory nin showed an angry expression on his straightforward fave.

"All of this is the result of a conspiracy by the third. Currently, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are divided into three factions: those supporting the third , those opposing him, and those maintaining neutrality. However, given the present circumstances, the neutral factions could easily sway towards the third, becoming his puppets."

After all, the third was Kirigakure's rightful Kage. His amassed prestige over the years made it difficult for anyone to challenge their influence.

"We must attract more ninjas to our side, particularly those who were deceived by the third. They were manipulated and remain unaware of the truth."

The sensory nin spoke with solemnity.

While acknowledging the difficulty and understanding the imminent risk to their lives, he knew that if this continued, Kirigakure would ultimately descend into an abyss of endless internal conflict, depleting its resources in endless internal discord, and ending up as the weakest of the five great ninja villages.

At that point, the situation would become dangerous.

"We'll address this in due time. If Ringo's disease can be healed, she will significantly increase our ranks. We are desperately short of powerful ninjas who can contend with the third. Most of the remaining Seven Ninja Swordsmen are either colluding with the third or ruthlessly targeting their comrades. Particularly the sadistic duo and that damned nonster!"

Kuraki was also raging about the matter.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen, originally tasked with protecting Kirigakure, had become corrupted, prioritizing personal ambition and desires. They reveled in killing their own comrades and willfully descended into darkness and an endless cycle of violence.

As a member Kirigakure, she felt deeply ashamed of these people.

Among them, the sadistic duo, composed of Kushimaru Kurirare and Jinpachi Munashi, and the wielder of Samehada, Fuguki Suikazan, were among the most depraved. They continued to eliminate their fellow ninjas on false charges, poisoning Kirigakure with an ominous atmosphere and terrorizing its villagers.

The relentless killing needed to be stopped.


The messenger from Kirigakure had arrived, and the news swiftly reached Shiraishi's ears. To be honest, this news took Shiraishi somewhat by surprise. Before long, he learned the reason for the visit of the Kirigakure.

They were hoping for the Purple Rose Company to provide active body medicines, not available on the market, that had superior efficacy. These were required for the treatment of one of their wounded comrades in Kirigakure.

"Who is the sick person they wish to treat?" Shiraishi asked.

"Ameyuri Ringo." The staff replied.

"Is she the wielder of the Dual Lightning Swords Kiba? Didn't rumors in Kirigakure suggest she had an incurable disease?"

"The medical company's preliminary test results indicated that."

The staff placed the test sheet before Shiraishi.

Shiraishi looked through the data therein, which was rather strange. The data didn't seem to suggest a disease at all; instead, it seemed to result from excessive consumption of a certain drug, leading to a decline in physical function. This suggested that the internal strife within Kirigakure was more intense than Shiraishi had imagined.

Shiraishi observed various data on the lab test sheet, indicating that Ringo wasn't afflicted by an incurable disease but had been framed by her own people using an unknown drug.

This had worsened her health, and she was now terminally sick. Even the ninja of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen had descended into such dire circumstances, underscoring the intensity of Kirigakure's internal conflict.

"Yes, the company's medical ninjas reached a similar diagnosis. Furthermore, according to them, they initially sought out Tsunade in Konoha."

"Have they failed? Naturally, this extends beyond the scope of normal medical ninjutsu. If her vitality has deteriorated to this extent, her physical function may be weaker than that of a 100 years old. Recovery, if possible, would only be through compensating with vitality."

Even with more powerful active body medicines from the medical company, it wouldn't be a complete remedy.

At best, it could alleviate the injured's suffering. Tsunade had referred them to the Land of Demins, as the medicines developed by the company might be insufficient for treating injuries of this magnitude.

Shiraishi was still pondering whether to intervene. However, he was indeed intrigued by Ringo's peculiar condition. It provided him with unique patient data that could benefit his research.

"Give the active body medicine to her. I—"

Shiraishi abruptly rose from his seat and glanced out the window in the distance.

"That's it for now. I have an important matter to attend to."

With those words, Shiraishi vanished from the office.


In the vast forest near Oni City, a team of over a dozen people darted forward.

Leading them were the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Kushimaru and Jinpachi, bearing the exploding sword, stitching needle sword, Shibuki, and Nuibairi, respectively.

They were chasing another group of Kirigakure ninjas who were escorting Ringo. They had determined that the others were bound for the Land of Demons.

"Haha, the roads in this country are so wide; it makes you want to destroy them." Jinpachi said with a cruel laugh, recalling the broad main road he had seen in the Land of Demons.

"First, let's locate the woman. If I'm not mistaken, after leaving Konoha, their destination should be Purple Rose Company." stated Kushimaru.

Compared to Jinpachi, who had an intense desire for explosive destruction Kushimaru was more of a military strategist. A clear-minded and flexible thinker.

He believed that if effective treatment couldn't be obtained in Konoha, their primary goal upon reaching the Land of Demons would be the Purple Rose Company, renowned in recent years. It was difficult to fathom whom else they might turn to for the treatment of Ringo's disease.

Although he had his doubts about the Land of Demons possessing a new type of medicine capable of treating Ringo, they had wasted too much time on their journey. They needed to complete the mission as soon as possible and return to the Third Mizukage.

The trees flanked their path, quickly retreating as the team made swift progress.

Suddenly, high-speed shurikens sliced through the air from the depths of the forest. Kushimaru and Jinpchi hadn't even moved when more than a dozen of their subordinates rushed ahead to intercept them.

Each ninja unsheathed their swords to block the barrage of shurikens that had come upon them suddenly.

However, at the moment of contact, they all sensed that something was wrong with their bodies. Their movements grew stiff, and the world before them distorted, filling them with a powerful urge to sleep.

Their bodies gave out, and they fell helplessly to the ground.

"This..... is this Genjutsu?"

One Kiri ninja barely resisted the drowsiness induced by the genjutsu and hypnosis. But despite the struggle, his body remained immobile, as though welded in place. He could only watch as he lay helpless on the ground, unable to lift a finger.

"Correct, this is indeed a genjutsu, but no rewards for you."

A woman with black eyes and a flame fan strapped to her back spoke as she emerged from the forest, her voice cold and stern. Her meditation had been interrupted, making her rather irritated.

Moreover, the ninjas were too hostile, constantly vowing to kill someone. This didn't resemble a mission of friendly engagement between Kirigakure and the Land of Demons.

"You trash, you really all are useless! You were all put down so easily."

Seeing that his subordinates were so useless, they were all eliminated by the enemy's genjutsu at once, Jinpachi cursed angrily.

He grabbed his sword, ready to advance and confront the woman, but Kushimaru extended a hand to block him.

"Wait, don't attack just yet."

"Hey, what are you stopping me for?"

Jinpachi grumbled, clearly displeased with Kushimaru's action.

"This woman is Uchiha Ruri, an S-rank rogue from Konoha." Kushimaru spoke with a calm tone.

"Konoha's? No wonder she seemed familiar. But it's strange. How could a rogue ninja from Konoha end up in a place like this?"

Jinpachi who now recognized Ruri was confused why a rogue ninja from Konoha would be in the Land of Demons.

'Could it be for sightseeing?'

"The Land of Demons is a neutral country, so they might be seeking refuge here."

Kushimaru stated, looking directly at Ruri. His tone was relaxed, showing little concern that Ruri's power could challenge him and Jinpachi. After all, they were a ruthless duo among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and their combined strength made it easy to take down hundreds of Chunin.

"Want to have a go at her?"

Jinpachi asked with a smirk. He was eager to engage in a fight, not because Ruri was an S-rank rogue, but because he relished combat.

An Uchiha ninja with a Sharingan was no pushover.

"Of course, I stopped you to remind you to be cautious of her Sharingan Genjutsu. A woman's cry of pain is more delightful, and their blood even more delicious. Plus, a Sharingan makes for a rare collection."

Kushimaru held Nuibairi behind his back, and the eyes behind his mask showed cruelty and excitement for blood.

"I see. Sharingan Genjutsu can be troublesome, but her genjutsu are even more strange. They can be triggered by touching an object. However, I hold the Shibuki, which turns everything to dust."

Jinpachi replied, not bothering to explain his reasons for fighting. For their ruthless duo, fighting and killing required no justification. Just the immense satisfaction.

He brandished his explosive sword, circled quickly, and launched an attack on Ruri from behind.

At the same time, Kushimaru also picked up Nuibairi. Unlike Jinpachi, Kushimaru attacked from the front.

When facing a Sharingan user, the most effective strategy was to attack from both sides. This ensured that the genjutsu could only affect one person at a time, leaving the other to strike back once the genjutsu was released. Their seamless cooperation left no room for weakness, not even against a Sharingan genjutsu.

However, as Kushimaru approached Ruri, he felt something was wrong. Why hadn't she activated her Sharingan yet? Had she become too confident or arrogant? Were there any traps around them?

These thoughts raced through Kushimaru's mind, but he couldn't escape the fact that they were closing in on Ruri. Victory was within reach.

Then, suddenly, Ruri disappeared between the two ninja swordsmen. Both Kushimaru and Jinpachi widened their eyes.


The exploding sword detonated between them, sending them tumbling backward from the shockwave. They rolled on the ground, covered in dust, and landed on their backs.

Jinpachi had an explosive scar on his chest and a blood hole in his shoulder, where the needle sword had pierced him. Kushimaru fared worse, with his chest charred from a direct hit.

"Idiot!!!! What are you doing? Didn't you see it was me?" Kushimaru's voice was filled with anger and with an eerie tone as he shouted at Jinpachi.

"I should be asking you who made a blood hole here! Your coordination is terrible!" Jinpachi retorted, holding his sword, a hint of murder in his eyes.

"You dare call my coordination bad? How about experiencing the feeling of being skewered by my sword?"

The two were clearly not on the same page, and their anger boiled over.

"I wish I could, I will blow your entire body to pieces! With your feminine and weird look on those embroidery needles used by women. You're not worthy of standing side by side with me among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen!" Jinpachi's cold eyes locked onto Kushimaru.

The mutual resentment between them was evident, and both wished they could devour each other alive.

Although they were often dubbed the "ruthless duo." the trust between the two wasn't unwavering. They were more of colleagues who liked killing. When it came to personal gain, their so-called comrades could easily become expendable.

"This is the famed ruthless duo? Your friendship seems quite made of plastic." A light-hearted voice quipped from the other side of the forest.

A woman with long black hair and white pupils approached them, poking fun at the fragile bond between Kushimaru and Jinpachi.

"What did you say?!!!"

Kushimaru and Jinpachi turned their heads at the same time, and were furious at the visitor. But when they glimpsed her pure white pupils, their eyes widened, and they recognized her immediately.

Rolling their eyes, they muttered in unison, "Hyuga Ayane!"

Hyuga's Byakugan, like the Sharingan, was also present in the Land of Demons. The two ninja swordsmen struggled to catch their breath, their intuition hinting at a huge revelation: something was seriously wrong in the Land of Demons.

Without thinking too much about it, they turned and fled towards the opposite side of the forest. Facing the Sharingan alone was daunting, and having both Sharingan and the Byakugan sealed their chances of victory.

Furthermore, the presence of the two S-rank Konoha rogues in the Land of Demons was vital information that needed to be reported.


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