Escape From Konoha

Chapter 125: 121: The Slug Sage

Chapter 125: 121: The Slug Sage

Stretching as far as the eye could see were towering forest trees, rising into the sky.

These trees were unique, their bark without any leaves, adorned with branch like protrusions that resembled thorns. Their pale hue gave them an eerie, bone-like appearance.

The forest exuded a refreshing and damp atmosphere. When Tsunade arrived here, she inhaled deeply, feeling a sense of comfort permeating her limbs and bones.

This was the Shikkotsu Forest, brimming with an incredibly dense natural energy. Upon the ground and the pale tree trunks, visible to the naked eye, were blue and white slugs. These slugs secreted a slimy substance from their mouthparts, which flowed down the branches.

This was the Shikkotsu Forest, one of the three holy lands of the summoned beasts in the world.

This entire space was the home of the slugs.

From Tsunade's knowledge, the Shikkotsu Forest had existed since before the concept of ninjutsu emerged in the world.

The ruler of this realm was a huge slug with a gentle and kind temperament. The smaller slugs here were all clones of the giant slug, possessing unique abilities like splitting and releasing corrosive fluids.

"Tsunade-sama, what brings you here?" A slug emerged from the depths of the woods. Compared to the palm-sized slug nearby, the one conversing with Tsunade was as large as a hill.

Yet Tsunade knew this was still not the giant slug's true body, but rather an insignificant clone.

During their initial contract, Tsunade had been fortunate enough to witness the true form of the giant slug, a huge creature that couldn't be described with words

It was difficult to fathom such a mystical being's existence in the ninja world.

Although Tsunade, being generations younger than the slug, regarded it as her superior.

In comparison to the mysterious Mount Myoboku and the brutal Ryuuchi Cave, the slugs of the Shikkotsu Forest were the most docile of creatures.

"It's been a while. Recently, Konoha faced a crisis, and I seek information from you," Tsunade explained.

"That's correct. However, the ninja world is currently anything but peaceful. It appears that there's another war ," Katsuyu said, lowering her body slightly, her tone filled with compassion.

Having lived for millennia, the slug had witnessed the course of history. Human beings and ninjas seemed trapped in an unending cycle of curses, unbreakable karma, war and destruction that plagued the world.

Upon hearing this, Tsunade fell silent. War was indeed a painful memory. It had claimed her younger brother and lover, along with countless other young lives.

Following this war, Konoha would undoubtedly see an increase in orphaned children.

"So, what is it that Tsunade-sama wishes to ask about? While I may not possess all the answers, I do have some knowledge of various matters in the ninja world,"

Katsuyu offered in its gentle voice.

Tsunade momentarily pushed back her sadness. She raised her gaze to meet the slug's massive head, flanked by two enormous white tentacles.

"I recall you mentioning in the past that the Great Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku possesses a Sage Seal capable of resurrecting the dead," Tsunade began.

"Yes, Gamamaru indeed possesses such an object," Katsuyu replied.

Gamamaru was the true name of the Great Toad Sage. In terms of status, Katsuyu and the other leaders of the three holy places were equals, free from any hierarchical relationships.

"Is that something that would be given to humans freely?" Tsunade asked, getting to the heart of the matter.

Such a power was highly suspicious.

If it were Jiraiya, Tsunade believed it could be explained. After all, Jiraiya had formed a contract with Mount Myoboku at a very young age.

However, Minato and Mount Myoboku had only recently established their contract. Would their relationship be amicable enough for such a favor?

The Great Toad Sage's role as a summoning that had existed for years made it unlikely to intervene in matters of life and death casually.

"Guve it to humans? No, that seal consumes Gamamaru's life force and senjutsu chakra. Under normal circumstances, it remains dormant. As far as I know, Gamamaru used it on a human over a thousand years ago," Katsuyu explained with precision.

"Used over a thousand years ago? Who was it?" Tsunade asked with surprise.

This stretched far beyond her knowledge; she hadn't even been born at that time.

"It was a man named Otsutsuki Hamura, the ancestor of Konohagakure's Hyuga clan," Katsuyu revealed.

The name was unfamiliar, yet its connection to the Hyuga clan piqued Tsunade's interest. She couldn't help but reflect on the current predicament of the Hyuga clan due to the branch family that had broken away.

"In other words, unless there are extraordinary circumstances, the Great Toad Sage would not freely bestow the Sage Seal to humans?" Tsunade sought to confirm.

"That's correct. If it does, it is likely related to the Child of Prophecy foretold in Gamamaru's visions, someone who can bring peace to the ninja world."

Both leaders of the three holy places were aware of each other's details.

Ninjas who could form contracts with Mount Myoboku were figures in the ninja world who could influence significant events.

However, should such individuals meet untimely ends, the Great Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku would never employ the Sage Seal to bring them back to life. Its use would only be associated with the Child of Prophecy.

"What exactly is the Child of Prophecy?" Tsunade inquired, confused by the mysteries surrounding Mount Myoboku.

"If I recall correctly, the one saved by Gamamaru had blue eyes, right?" Katsuyu responded with another question.

Tsunade pondered for a moment, recalling Minato's appearance and confirming that he indeed had blue eyes. She nodded in affirmation.

"Yes, Minato had blue eyes."

"Indeed. That human is the Child of Prophecy as foreseen by Gamamaru, someone capable of bringing peace to the ninja world," Katsuyu revealed.

Tsunade's eyes widened in disbelief. It was an accomplishment her grandfather, Senju Hashirama, revered as the god of ninjas, had never achieved.

The peace her grandfather had fostered during his lifetime had been short-lived. Soon after his passing, the ninja world had plunged into war, and now, this was the third war. With each passing year, the devastation wrought by ninjas only seemed to intensify.

In Tsunade's eyes, true peace seemed like an distant dream.

Minato, a young man barely twenty, what could he possibly do? Despite his undeniable genius, he remained a talented Konoha ninja. Achieving world peace was a difficult task.

"Gamamaru spoke of this in a prophecy dream long ago. He came to consult me and the White Snake Sage of Ryuuchi Cave. If the Child of Prophecy ever faced dire circumstances and needed assistance, it wished that we would be there to aid him. Unexpectedly, the so-called Child of Prophecy has indeed appeared."

To a mere blue-eyed human, this wouldn't be remarkable. However, if the Toad Sage used the Sage Seal to rescue such an individual, it confirmed their identity.

Katsuyu understood that Tsunade referred to Minato as the Son of Prophecy, the one foretold in the toad's dream, destined to bring peace to the ninja world.

"So, you mean the Great Toad Sage saved Minato solely because of his status as the Child of Prophecy?" Tsunade inquired eagerly.

"Yes, otherwise, it would be difficult to understand why Gamamaru would aid a human in this manner. Normally, a summoned creature wouldn't sacrifice its own life to save its contractor."

Clearly, Minato was an exception. Because, as the Child of Prophecy, he simply couldn't die.

"But..." Katsuyu recalled something else.

"But what?" Tsunade questioned.

"Whoever is capable of killing the Child of Prophecy is also a powerful individual. Tsunade-sama, if you encounter this person you should be careful."

Katsuyu was genuinely concerned for Tsunade's well-being. She wanted her to be wary and avoid conflict should she encounter such a dangerous enemy.

"That person has become a rogue ninja of Konoha, a former student of mine from the ninja academy," Tsunade replied with a wry smile.

"I see. Nonetheless, Tsunade-sama, please remain cautious."

"Understood. Let's set this aside for now. I want to learn more about the Child of Prophecy."

Tsunade insisted.

"I apologize, but my knowledge of the Child of Prophecy is limited. If you wish to delve deeper, you may need to travel to the Land of Demind and consult with their priestess."

"The Land of Demons?" Tsunade inquired.

"That's the birthplace of the priestess. Human women who inherit the powers of diviners possess the mystical ability to manipulate time and space and suppress demons. While their prophecy skills may not match the Grat Sage of Mount Myoboku, they have their unique strengths. Perhaps the priestess can provide you with help, Tsunade-sama."

Katsuyu explained that if Tsunade wished to explore this further, she would need to either journey to Mount Myoboku or seek the guidance of human priestesses—these were her only two avenues.

"Forget it; we're currently at war. I've taken time out of my schedule to visit here. It would be impractical to go to the Land of Demons now. There's no rush; after the war ends, I'll make my way to the Land of Demons and seek guidance from their priestess."

Tsunade shook her head. Her primary concern was to secure victory in the ongoing war. With the combined assault of Suna and Iwa, Konoha faced immense pressure. Now was not the time for complacency.

"In that case, Tsunade-sama, follow your instincts. Should you require assistance, do not hesitate to summon me."

With that, the slug wriggled its massive form and disappeared into the Shikkotsu forest's dense fog-covered depths.

"The Child of Prophecy? I recall Jiraiya once mentioned this during our drinking sessions..."

Tsunade watched the slug's departure, her brows furrowed as she contemplated.

"The Land of Demons... I'll plan a visit in the future."

Moreover, she held a keen interest in the Purple Rose Medical Company. Perhaps Konoha could forge an even stronger partnership with this company.


The Land of Demons.

The forbidden military zone in Oni City, the capital, had expanded significantly. It now featured multiple specialized zones.

The administrative area handled meetings, order issuance, personnel assignments, and more. The research area was subdivided into two functions: research and development as well as manufacturing and assembly.

The former was dedicated to pioneering new technologies, while the latter focused on assembly line production and occupied the largest space.

The residential zone provided housing and entertainment facilities. The recently constructed school district was tasked with nurturing the next generation of ninjas and replenishing the organization with fresh talent.

Separate areas were designated for combat training and weapons storage.

Shiraishi typically spent his time in the administrative and research zones. The design of the administrative zone resembled an "口," featuring a wide central aisle.

The four-story building's corridors interconnected, enveloping an expansive atrium square bathed in direct sunlight. The ground was paved with durable stone slabs, surrounded by lush flora, infusing the space with a natural vibrancy.

On the fourth floor, positioned in the center, one could find Shiraishi's office.

Shiraishi currently occupied this office space, characterized by neatly arranged seats and bookshelves. Several flower pots adorned the balcony, basking in the sunlight and receiving regular watering.

In his hand, Shiraishi held an earband-style radio communication device. These devices were not foreign to him, having seen them in use in Konoha. They served as switches for communicating with teammates, sharing information, and discussing tactics.

However, due to their limited range, these devices didn't play a particularly prominent role in actual combat scenarios. Nevertheless, the timely collection and exchange of information were vital for crafting effective strategies and tactics.

The radio communication device he held was the latest model developed by the scientific research department. It boasted superior functionality compared to those available on the market and offered an extended communication range of up to five kilometers.

This distance roughly equated to the capabilities of average perception ninjas utilizing perception ninjutsu. When equipped, it conferred significant advantages in team-based battles.

Several other electronic tools were also under modification and invention at Shiraishi's request. In his view, the era was rapidly evolving, and ninja combat styles needed to adapt accordingly, lest they be left behind by the changing times.

This perspective led Shiraishi to make early efforts to scout scientific research talents within the ninja world. Recognizing the limitations of individual power, he understood the importance of fostering a collective effort to advance.

Presently, the organization had recruited dozens of scientific researchers. While they might not be top talents in every field, the combined intellect and expertise they brought to the table were not to be underestimated.

Shiraishi set aside the earband radio communicator and moved to an area filled with boxes containing books and scrolls. Many of these texts were coated in dust. The Mount Myōboku incident had stirred Shiraishi's curiosity.

It had become evident that the Three Great Sacred Lands possessed powers extending beyond mere Sage Mode. To delve deeper into the matter, Shiraishi needed to gather more intelligence and information about these sacred lands.

With purpose, he began sifting through the contents of the boxes, each filled with ancient scrolls and legends about Sages and Summoned beasts. However, some materials veered into fantastical tales rather than informative records.

"Huh? What's this?" Shiraishi retrieved a book from the bottom of one box. Its pages bore the weathered patina of age, with signs of water exposure and some pages rendered brittle.

The book's title read "Toad Immortal Hero Story." Its mention of toads and sages immediately called to mind Mount Myōboku. Shiraishi suspected this book might contain the information he sought.

After all, the association between toads and immortals wasn't something that ordinary could put together. As he delved into the content, however, Shiraishi grew increasingly uneasy.

A disconcerting revelation unfolded as the story meandered into an intricate and boldly described tale of romantic escapades, all involving the human protagonist who referred to himself as "Toad Immortal."

In essence, it was an adult themed novella, utterly unsuitable for minors. Its explicitness and immature writing style led Shiraishi to conclude that its author was likely not older than twenty.

He quickly flipped through the pages, ultimately arriving at the final page bearing a familiar signature: Jiraiya. The book was listed for sale at a price of 200 ryo.

"No wonder it involves toads and immortals," Shiraishi muttered with a wry smile. He had some knowledge of Jiraiya, one of the Sannin.

The man was infamous for his lustful tendencies and a penchant for creating adult-themed content, a fact Tsunade had confirmed.

Shiraishi reluctantly placed the book aside and turned his attention to another box, diligently inspecting the books and scrolls it contained.

Before long, his search yielded a long scroll bound with a string. To Shiraishi's surprise, he detected chakra fluctuations emanating from it. Intrigued, he opened the scroll, revealing a list of names inscribed in blood. Beneath each name lay red fingerprints.

"This is a summoning contract scroll," Shiraishi recognized. However, the scroll had exhausted its capacity to sign new contracts, serving now as a collector's item.

Nevertheless, it contained a roster of signatories that hinted at wealth and prestige among the ninja clans. The Uchiha clan, the Uzumaki clan, the Senju clan, and the Hagoromo clan, which had vanished during the Warring States Era, all has a presence on the scroll. These were once renowned and affluent ninja clans.

Preserved in remarkable condition for centuries, this contract scroll piqued Shiraishi's interest. He suspected it held a deeper significance.

Continuing his exploration, he unrolled more scrolls until he stumbled upon a familiar title: "Slug Sage of Shikkotsu Forest."

"Could this truly be a contract scroll from the Three Great Sacred Lands? No wonder it attracted ninjas from Uzumaki and the Senju clan to sign it."

Indeed, even before confirming the scroll's origin, Shiraishi had sensed its connection to a summoned beast with a profound heritage.

"Unfortunately, all the slots are filled, leaving no room to sign a contract," Shiraishi regretfully noted. Nonetheless, a realization struck him as he prepared to close the scroll. He had an epiphany about the significance of contracts.

Shiraishi stopped his scrolling through the scroll and shifted his attention to the final entry in the signature column. The highest signatory was a Senju Clan ninja from years ago.

On the blood inscribed name, a trace of Chakra lingered, still functional today.

"Apologies, but I've chosen you for an experiment," Shiraishi muttered. He began to gather his Chakra, forming a seal with both hands. Finally, he slapped his right hand onto the last entry.

"Contract seal!"

Visible Chakra flowed from his palm. The name of the Senju Clan ninja immediately lightened in color, and soon, both the name and the blood-written fingerprints evaporated into the air, vanishing without a trace.

"This method appears quite viable. It could swiftly reveal the secrets of the Three Great Sacred Lands," Shiraishi noted, a smile gracing his face.

Without hesitation, he bit his finger, signed his name in the now empty vertical grid, pressed his bloody fingerprint, and sealed a contract with the slug from the Shikkotsu Forest.

Now, he would summon the slug first and seek answers before going rashly to a place like the Shikkotsu Forest.

After all, Shiraishi remained uncertain about how the slugs would receive him. These summoned beasts had survived for more than a thousand years, and caution was warranted.

Summoning the slugs here offered an advantage. If the other party disapproved of his unconventional contract method, they could initiate contract cancellation.

With this in mind, Shiraishi stepped into the courtyard outside, preparing to use the summoning jutsu to summon the slugs from the Shikkotsu Forest. As he rose, a white smoke enveloped him. When it cleared, Shiraishi had vanished from his location.

About a minute later, a knock resounded on his office door, and someone entered.

Ruri entered first, her brows furrowing in irritation upon seeing the vacant office.

"Hey, where's Shiraishi-kun?"

Ayane followed closely behind Ruri, and upon seeing the empty office, her expression mirrored Ruri's confused expression.

The room's occupant had disappeared, leaving behind a contract scroll spread out on the floor. Shiraishi's signature ithe last grid.

Ruri observed the scroll with interest. "Is this a Contract Scroll?"

Ayane, inspecting the scroll carefully, confirmed, "His Chakra still remains in the name written with blood. This is indeed a scroll for signing contracts with summoned beasts."

She sighed, indicating that Shiraishi's vanishing act was likely linked to this very scroll.

On the other side of this mysterious occurrence, Shiraishi found himself within a forest shrouded in pale gloom. Dense white mist limited visibility, reducing the environment to an eerie, monochromatic world.

Surveying his surroundings, Shiraishi spotted blue and white slugs navigating the terrain, both on the ground and in the trees. These creatures secreted transparent mucus from their mouthparts, suffused with natural energy.

Shiraishi couldn't help but marvel at the richness of natural energy present in this place's humid air.

"Shikkotsu Forest? It truly lives up to its name," he mused, inhaling deeply, keenly aware of his current situation.

If things took an unfavorable turn, he would summon all his avatars to respond. However, as he assessed the atmosphere, he detected no animosity or hostility from the slugs inhabiting the forest. Engaging in combat seemed unnecessary.

According to information Tsunade had inadvertently shared, the slugs of the Shikkotsu Forest had docile temperaments and shied away from violence. Among the Three Great Sacred Lands, they showed the highest reverence for their contractor's will.

Negotiating a peaceful resolution appeared to be the most prudent course of action.

Fighting beings over a thousand years old, particularly psychic beasts, left Shiraishi filled with uncertainty. He couldn't discern a winning strategy. The power differential was too vast, rendering any stratagem ineffectual.

Suppressing the astonishment brewing within him, Shiraishi maintained a composed exterior, betraying no fear. The huge slug extended into view, emerging from the dense fog. It lowered its head, coming face-to-face with Shiraishi.

The ensuing silence enveloped the scene, leaving an eerie calm in its wake.


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