Escape From Konoha

Chapter 113: 109: War and The Mangekyou Sharingan (2)

Chapter 113: 109: War and The Mangekyou Sharingan (2)

"Mangekyou Sharingan?"

Ruri furrowed her brow in response to Elder Sora's sigh filled with regret.

"What does that have to do with the assassination of Shiraishi?"

She couldn't grasp the link between Shiraishi's assassination attempt and the Mangekyou Sharingan.

Elder Sora remained silent, simply bending down and moving toward one side. Ruri watched as he performed a sealing technique on a stone slab, causing it to lift and reveal a dark passage leading underground.

"Come with me, and I'll reveal the ultimate secret of our Uchiha clan," Elder Sora beckoned as he descended into the underground passage. Ruri hesitated for a moment, then followed him into the depths.

The underground chamber connected wasn't very deep, but Ruri could sense that the surrounding stone slabs were made of special materials with incredible pressure resistance.

On the front wall of this underground chamber, the Uchiha clan's fan symbols were inscribed at both ends, with an ancient stone tablet in the middle.

The tablet bore inscriptions of old and cryptic symbols that defied conventional reading.

"Do you recognize this place?" Elder Sora inquired.

"I've heard of it, but it's my first time here. Is there something special about this location?" Ruri scanned her surroundings carefully with her Sharingan but found nothing unusual apart from the stone tablet.

"This stone tablet contains the secrets of our Uchiha ancestors, passed down through generations. By using the Sharingan and the Mangekyou Sharingan, you can gradually decipher the forbidden knowledge inscribed here."

Elder Sora, his Sharingan activated, gazed at the stone tablet as he explained to Ruri.

"Forbidden knowledge? Mangekyou Sharingan?" Ruri questioned.

"That's correct. The Sharingan can only reveal the upper part of the content, while the lower part requires the advanced Mangekyou Sharingan to decipher. To awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan, one must commit... kill a loved one."

In that moment, Elder Sora's amiable demeanor disappeared, replaced by a sinister expression, and his eyes took on a deep and eerie color.

Upon hearing the shocking revelation about awakening the Mangekyou Sharingan, Ruri widened her eyes in disbelief. She stared at Elder Sora, her expression frozen in disbelief, as if petrified, unable to move.

"Killing... a loved ine?"

After a moment of stunned silence, Ruri hesitantly repeated the question, as if to confirm the absurdity of what she had just heard.

"That's correct, Ruri. This is the method to unlock the Mangekyou Sharingan. However, it's not limited to just loved one. Close friends, as dear as family members, can also suffice. Madara-sama and Izuna-sama once used this method to awaken their Mangekyou Sharingan."

Nostalgia seemed to fill Elder Sora's voice as he recounted this piece of history.

After hearing this, Ruri clenched her fist, and her brows furrowed. It was the first time she felt disappointed in her clan.

"You mean they used this method to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan... Are you saying that they..."

The names Uchiha Madara and his younger brother Uchiha Izuna were well-known in the clan. Izuna had been second only to Madara in terms of skill and power among the Uchiha clan during his lifetime. They were both renowned Mangekyou Sharingan users from the Warring States Era.

Elder Sora maintained eye contact with Ruri, an evil smile curling on his lips as he enunciated each word: "That's right. Madara-sama and Izunna-sama led the Uchiha clan to seek greater power. To do so, they killed their closest friends within the clan to unlock the Mangekyou Sharingan."

Ruri stared back at Elder Sora with a cold expression. For some reason, she felt a sense of disappointment in her own clan.

She was equally disappointed in the legendary power of the Mangekyou Sharingan.

"However, not everyone can unlock their Mangekyou Sharingan using this method. When Hiruzen surpassed the age for Hokage, I realized that there was an opportunity for our Uchiha clan. I aimed to have the clan members awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan using this method to regain control over Konoha, but... it failed."

Elder Sora recounted the past with deep regret.

Ruri's fists clenched even tighter. For the first time, she truly saw the man before her, the one who had always appeared kind to others.

Ruri understood what Elder Sora meant by 'failure.'

As a member of the Uchiha clan, all she felt was a deep sense of revulsion. This man must have used coercion to force clan members to unlock their Mangekyou Sharingan, leading them to kill their friends and loved ones. Yet, despite his leadership, none had succeeded in unlocking it.

"Because their aptitude was insufficient, and although they experienced the emotional stimulus of losing something dear, their own abilities were lacking. After all, Madara-sama and Izuna-sama were already renowned shinobi before unlocking the Mangekyou Sharingan. That is, until you appeared, Ruri."

Elder Sora stared at Ruri with fanatical eyes, or rather his gaze was fixed on her bright scarlet Sharingan, gleaming with a brilliant luster.

He seemed convinced that her eyes would eventually evolve into the Mangekyou Sharingan.

"I know that given your personality, making such a decision is challenging for you. So I believed that killing the man before you would be no different from killing him yourself. Unfortunately, Rindo's mission ended in failure, which was beyond my expectations."

Ignoring Elder Sora's nearly distorted words, Ruri strode directly to the front of the stone tablet and stopped.

"Indeed, you are also a member of the Uchiha clan. The pursuit of power is unrelenting. Each of us is the same. You can take a look at the content on this stone tablet"

Elder Sora said, a smile playing on his lips.

"Shut up" Ruri responded in a low voice.

Elder Sora, wearing a victorious expression, said nothing but his face betrayed his sense of triumph.

Ruri used her Sharingan to examine the tablet, scanning from the beginning. However, when she reached a quarter of the text, her progress was abruptly halted.

The remaining content required a higher level of ocular power to read further.

Ruri frowned, concentrating her Senjutsu chakra into her eyes to enhance her Sharingan's visual prowess.

Beside her, Elder Sora inexplicably sensed a considerable weight pressing down upon his body. Even his own Sharingan felt as though it was confronting a more advanced level of Sharingan – an indescribable, oppressive force.

"Indeed, much like Madara-sama, your Sharingan is already incredibly powerful with the three tomoe state. I didn't deceive you. With your ocular power, you can discern far more of the tablet's secrets than I ever could. You must have gleaned significant knowledge about forbidden techniques and the Mangekyou Sharingan," Elder Sora exclaimed, almost dancing with excitement.

He was thrilled that Ruri possessed such a formidable Sharingan.

"Now that you are aware of all this, Ruri, it's up to you to complete the task. Use your own hands to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan. Experience the pain of losing the person you hold most dear; it will increase your chances of unlocking your eyes!"

Elder Sora exclaimed excitedly, his words becoming increasingly incoherent.

"I know that you and Madara-sama are strikingly alike. Both of you pursue power at any cost. Once you achieve your goal, you care not how many lives are sacrificed or the sacrifices made. For individuals like you, power is the only eternal truth. It's for yourself, the Uchiha clan, and even the chance to seize the position of Hokage from Senju. This is the path you must follow!"

He grabbed Ruri's shoulder, becoming increasingly frenzied in his speech.


Ruri coldly shook off Elder Sora's hand from her shoulder and stated icily, "I refuse to be a pawn to someone like you."

"What...what is this?" Elder Sora gazed at Ruri in disbelief.

"You've seen the deeper secrets on the stone monument, haven't you?" He inquired.

"So what if I have?" Ruri replied.

"Impossible... You cannot possibly lose interest in this power. You are like Madara-sama. For such power, for the sake of obtaining the legendary doujutsu, you should spare no effort. How could you resist such alluring power?"

Elder Sora seemed to have lost his composure, finding it difficult to accept that Ruri was rejecting the allure of this force.

As far as he was concerned, once Ruri obtained this power, becoming Hokage would be a walk in the park.

"Power may indeed be tempting, but I refuse to be a slave to it. The power acquired through such means makes me feel disgusted" Ruri retorted.

"Evil and disgusting? That's the legendary power, Ruri. Do you know what you're saying? Don't you desire to become a ninja unrivaled like Madara-sama? The mightiest power capable of challenging the god of shinobi... Faced with such power, how can you possibly decline?"

""You've lost your mind. Calm down and don't let yourself be fooled by something like this" Ruri hoped that Elder Sora would regain his composure.

"Enough! I don't understand what's happened to you. But, Ruri, you must awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan. The Uchiha clan requires your strength now. The Third Ninja World War has begun. We must seize the opportunity to claim the position of Hokage! If you let this chance slip through your fingers, you may never have it again! Don't you understand this simple fact?"

Elder Sora bellowed hysterically, his eyes now bloodshot.

Looking at the elderly man in a state of madness, Ruri simply sighed.

It was pitiable.

Had he fallen under the spell of Uchiha Madara's Mangekyou Sharingan?

Or was he lusting after the Hokage position?

Even though it was for the Uchiha clan, pursuing power through such means would only worsen the clan's predicament.

"That's your concern. I have no desire to become Hokage. If you wish to fight for it, then fight, but don't involve me in your affairs."

For the first time, she openly expressed her disinterest in pursuing the position of Hokage.

Ruri sighed; it was truly disappointing.

As she turned to leave, Elder Sora's dark voice reached her ears from behind.

"If If you refuse to act, the assassinations will continue. Unless you kill all the Uchiha clan members who belong to my radical faction."

Ruri stopped in her tracks, her gaze now filled with a killing intent. She turned around, her icy stare piercing through Elder Sora like a blade.

Elder Sora knew he had successfully provoked her, and he sneered.

"Not only that, but your parents are also part of my assassination plan. If one attempt fails, there will be a second, and if two fail, there will be a third. I'll make you awaken one way or another. Your loved ones, your partner, your friends, they will all be killed, not a single one spared."

"Shut up!"


Their confrontation reverberated through the room, the force echoing with a resounding impact.

Elder Sora coughed up blood, his aged face now unnaturally pale.

Ruri gripped his throat and forced him to the ground. Elder Sora with a smile still on his face as he locked eyes with her Sharingan.

"Are you furious? Killing me would put an end to it. Come on, if taking my life can awaken you, then that's the best outcome. You won't have to endure the pain of losing your loved ones before your eyes. Kill me if it brings you satisfaction."

Cold sweat trickled down Ruri's face. Truth be told, she was trembling a little in the presence of Elder Sora.

"Why, aren't you going to do it? You must realize that the majority of the Uchiha clan follows my orders. They won't hesitate to carry them out. You can either kill them all, eliminate me, or cut ties with them... Otherwise, the assassinations targeting your loved ones will continue endlessly."

"Don't push me!" Ruri's palm pressed on his throat grew stronger.

Elder Sora laughed, with coughs. "Haha... That's right. Even an old man like me hesitates to kill. You, Ruri, you cling too much to your emotions. Coupled with your talent, if you could just be ruthless, you'd be the perfect candidate to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan!"

Elder Sora seemed to have unraveled all of Ruri's thoughts, causing her to break out in a cold sweat. He had been deliberately provoking her from the start. He had been orchestrating this.

If she killed him herself, it was exactly what he anticipated. She would fall into darkness, just like Uchiha Madara, all for the sake of power.

"You're insane."

"Because this is the only way to save the clan... The Uchiha clan urgently needs a pair of brand new Mangekyou Sharingan to secure the position of Hokage in the village. Compared to Fugaku, you have more potential to awaken your eyes."

Elder Sora spoke casually about Ruri's worth.

Ruri fell silent, forcing herself to remain calm and unaffected by his words.

She loosened her grip on Elder Sora's neck and stood up.

Elder Sora didn't look pleased; instead, anger filled his expression.

Ruri took a deep breath of the cool air in the underground chamber and walked towards the stairs leading up.

"Have you made your decision? If you don't kill me now, the assassinations will continue indefinitely until you awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan! You're not the type to leave threats unresolved! Come on, kill me! This way, you can protect them! Why won't you kill me?"

Ruri continued up the stairs, ignoring the furious roars behind her, feeling a chill in her heart.

Exiting the chamber, she opened the door to the inner hall's meeting room.

In the shrine's square, a large group of Uchiha jonin had gathered. After Ruri emerged from the inner hall's meeting room, most of them stared at her with cold, resentful eyes.

They silently accused her of her disrespect towards Elder Sora earlier.

Without a word, they passed by her and entered the meeting room, leaving Ruri walking forward, her mind distracted.

It was a stark contrast to the solidarity she had experienced within her clan.

"Captain," several Uchiha ninjas didn't enter the meeting room. Instead, they approached Ruri, concern in their eyes. They were bewildered by the conflict between Ruri and Elder Sora.

"Don't ask; it's not good for you. I'm tired. I'll go rest, and you all should do the same."

Ruri's voice was soft as she spoke, then she continued walking down the steps of Naka Shrine.

Her direct subordinates exchanged looks of confusion. "What should we do?"

"Seeing the captain so distraught... it's unsettling. I've never seen her like this before."

"Regardless, Elder Sora is not someone to be trifled with within the clan."

These Uchiha ninjas believed deeply, and they felt a profound fear towards Elder Sora, the leader of the Radical Faction, for his ability to control those radical ninjas.

He had successfully manipulated those who were supposed to be unmanageable.


Upon returning home, Shiraishi noticed Ruri sitting in the corridor, her eyes fixed on the night outside, her expression distant. He couldn't help but feel worried.

While he wasn't sure what transpired between Ruri and Elder Sora after he had gone to meet with the elder, this was the first time he had seen her so shaken.

She had encountered countless challenges, from facing Root and a SSuna ambush to dealing with the anger and frustration stemming from Hokage's favoritism and disregard, to the loss of Sakumo. But he had never seen her so lost before.

"Get some rest" Shiraishi said.

Ruri, as if awakened from her daze, turned her head suddenly and agreed. Shiraishi seemed momentarily surprised but nodded.

As they lay down to sleep, Shiraishi held Ruri in his arms. She closed her eyes, appearing exhausted.

What had happened after her meeting with Elder Sora?

Shiraishi had no way of knowing.

However, their plan to leave Konoha was scheduled for the next day. Ruri had to confess her intentions to Ruri tonight, no matter how unsettling her mood was.

Seeing Ruri's current state, was it inappropriate to suddenly discuss leaving Konoha tomorrow? If only he had intervened sooner to prevent her from becoming so entangled in this situation.

But there was no time to waste.

If they missed this opportunity, there might not be another.

Just when Shiraishi had gathered the courage to discuss a certain matter with Ruri, her voice reached him first.

"Let's leave this place" Ruri's tone carried weariness and sadness.

Eh? Shiraishi was momentarily stunned. What? What was Ruri talking about?

"Leave... leave where?" he inquired.

"Konoha," Ruri replied succinctly.

Shiraishi took a deep breath, attempting to calm himself. He had intended to broach this topic first. Why was Ruri bringing it up now?

"I don't want to stay here any longer. Whether it's this village or this clan, it's full of people who disappoint and disgust me" Ruri explained, her head lowered. At some point, she had opened her eyes, revealing the brilliant red Sharingan that glinted like jewels.

Shiraishi tightened his hold around Ruri. He could feel her deep disappointment and helplessness towards this place. This decision was a last resort, born out of desperation.

He wasn't aware of what exactly transpired between Ruri and Elder Sora during their meeting, but it had evidently led to this abrupt decision.

"Did something happen?" Shiraishi asked, but Ruri nestled into his embrace without responding.

Shiraishi patted her back but didn't press further.

Ruri's departure from Konoha, or rather, her determination to distance herself from the Uchiha clan, was palpable. Shiraishi could clearly sense it.

And it was understandable. Ruri had already been profoundly disappointed with Konoha's high-ranking officials due to the Root and Sakumo incident.

The only reason she still clung to being a Konoha ninja was the complex relationship between the Uchiha clan and the village. Her past actions had been dictated by her allegiance to the clan.

However, that patience had run its course now.

"Alright, let's go together and start afresh" Ruri whispered in the embrace, and soon, there was only the soft sound of her sleeping peacefully.

Shiraishi scratched his head, considering this a relatively happy ending, even though he felt he played no pivotal role in it. Ruri had known from the start about his determination to leave Konoha; after all, she had her informants within the organization. She must have noticed something to make such a decision without prior communication.

Forget it; he decided not to dwell on it. With Ruri's Sharingan assisting them, tomorrow night's actions would be more secure.


The next day was the day Shiraishi had planned for their escape from Konoha.

Inside a nondescript secret room in Ruri's house.

The Uchiha clan's fan logo adorned the walls, flanked by three black curved jade statues. Ruri sat at the head of the room, with twelve people sitting before her. Three of them were jounin at the front, while nine chunin sat a bit farther back.

Ruri glanced at each of them, wasting no time, and got straight to the point.

"I plan to leave Konoha. You can decide whether to stay or follow me" she said.

The twelve Uchiha ninjas exchanged uncertain glances, revealing their surprise and hesitation. This decision had come suddenly.

"Captain, can we not discuss leaving Konoha for now? If we do leave, where will we go?" one jounin asked hesitantly, voicing a concern shared by the rest.

"You don't need to worry about that. I've made proper arrangements regarding our retreat plan and future settlement. Moreover, the place we're heading to has a substantial force that I've organized. Even if all of you join us, there will still be plenty of room for everyone."

Ruri reassured them, alleviating their worries.

Seeing the struggle and uncertainty on their faces, Ruri understood their predicament. She had sprung this decision on them abruptly.

"No matter what decision you make, ensure it's one you won't regret. If you choose to follow me, report to me by three o'clock this afternoon. I'll handle all the arrangements" Ruri concluded.

"Yes, Captain," they responded.

As Ruri left, another jounin spoke up, "Captain, may I ask a question?"

"Do you want to know why I'm leaving the village and the clan?"

Ruri muttered to herself, then replied to the Jonin, "The reason is simple. I can no longer stay among the radicals. They are about to make a move to seize Konoha's position of Hokage. Either they will be reborn from the ashes, or... end up like the Senju clan. Or perhaps face an even more tragic fate."

These words sent a shiver down everyone's spine. The war had erupted suddenly, and the radicals couldn't wait any longer. They were seizing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Back in the next room, Shiraishi was waiting for her, sipping tea with a composed expression.

"Is it okay not to follow them? They might expose our plans," he inquired.

"No problem. I have faith in them. I don't recruit inept subordinates," Ruri said with confidence.

She moved to sit beside Shira

ishi, pouring herself a cup of tea and taking a sip.

"Our operation is set for eleven o'clock tonight. How are you preparing?" she asked him.

In response to Ruri's question, a deep well of determination seemed to emanate from Shiraishi, gradually coalescing.

"It's all set. This kid can't wait" he replied with a smile.


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