Escape From Konoha

Chapter 111: 107: Missing Kazekage

Chapter 111: 107: Missing Kazekage

Each passing year brings changes of some sort. For instance, we age, growing more mature with each passing year. And then there's the tale of a man... and a woman.

When Shiraishi woke up in the morning, he felt a slight itch in his nose, and the room seemed a bit colder. He glanced outside to see something delicate falling in the outside world; it turned out to be light snow.

Despite his reluctance to leave the cozy confines of his bed, he endured the cold air and went to open the fireplace in the room, then returned to the warmth of his blankets.

Just like the previous night, Shiraishi's hands began to wander, gently caressing her.

Lying there in a deep sleep, Ruri let out a dissatisfied, soft hum, as if she didn't quite enjoy being handled by a man. She curled her body like a cat, protesting.

Ruri probably hadn't had enough sleep; Shiraishi teased her for a while and then gave up.

For some reason, whenever he held the warm body of the woman in his arms, his inner turmoil and anxiety would suddenly dissipate.

With her pressed close to his chest and his hands carefully tracing her curves, Shiraishi vowed not to let her warmth slip away.

He told himself this more than once, and then he fell asleep with Ruri again.

When he woke again, it was already noon. Shiraishi noticed that Ruri had left his embrace and now sat by the pillow.

"It's snowing." she said.

"Yes." he replied.

Outside, the wind gently tapped the falling snow. Ruri wore the same light blue kimono from the festival the previous night, and nothing else. The kimono was loosely draped over her, its straps left untied. Facing Shiraishi, she revealed her snow-white skin, tinted with a blush.

Sensing the dimness in the room, Ruri walked to the balcony, drawing back the curtains to let in the outside light. She observed the fine white snowflakes descending outside the window, like white arrows disappearing as they were carried away by the wind.

It was a world painted in silvery white. Even the trees and lanterns in the courtyard were cloaked in snow. Frost lined the edges of the windows, but the room's heater kept the cold at bay.

Shiraishi stared, captivated by this natural, dreamlike scene of the northern wind, white snow, and a girl dressed in thin clothing. It was all so enchanting and dreamy that it felt suffocating.

An artist's brush couldn't capture this extraordinary beauty.

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and Shiraishi couldn't resist saying, "Would you like some wine?"

"It must be very cold." Ruri replied.

"But it warms you up inside." Shiraishi explained, pouring them each a glass of the fine wine he had kept for a special occasion.

In this world, Shiraishi rarely consumed alcohol, and when he did, it was usually light and casual. But for some inexplicable reason, the wine felt stronger now.

Ruri didn't respond verbally, so Shiraishi assumed her silence indicated agreement. He retrieved the well-preserved wine and the necessary glasses.

As if trying to tempt Shiraishi, Ruri still hadn't fastened her kimono with any ties. Perhaps she hadn't realized how fatally attractive she had become to men in her current state.

They clinked their glasses and enjoyed their drinks, their moods lightening. The fireplace maintained a comfortable room temperature, enhancing the warm atmosphere.

The room's heater maintained a comfortable temperature, adding warmth and harmony to the atmosphere.

Ruri's slightly flushed cheeks and the fiery glint in her eyes revealed her intoxication. As Shiraishi had promised, the wine was initially chilly on the lips but warmed them from within.

After that, everything fell into place.


After the New Year's holiday, life returned to normal. Ninjas who had enjoyed their annual leave returned to work.

Late January marked the coldest time of the year. The snow had yet to stop falling. Shiraishi entered the snow-covered academy; it was the first day of class following the holiday.

Before reaching the office, Shiraishi saw Shizune standing in the corridor.

"Good afternoon, Shizune." Shiraishi greeted.

Shizune responded with a soft snort and turned her face away, as if she didn't want to engage in conversation.

Shiraishi chuckled awkwardly, understanding why Shizune was upset with him. On the night of the festival, he had completely forgotten her, leaving her to wait until midnight.

Her resentment was entirely justified.

"I'm truly sorry about last time. Here, consider this an apology." Shiraishi offered, presenting a meticulously wrapped gift box.

Accepting the gift, Shizune's expression softened. "If you do that again next time, Shiraishi-senpai, I'll be genuinely angry."

Having received the apology, Shizune's tone still carried a hint of displeasure.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Shiraishi chuckled and scratched his head.

'If there's a next time, it'd be great. But if there isn't, well, there's no harm in not conforming. After all, I am a genius.'

"Is Tsunade-sensei in there?" he asked.

"She'll be right over."

"Where did she go?"

"Because at the end of last year, the village had some discussions with the Purple Rose Company from the Land of Demons about cooperation. They want to arrange for some students interested in medical ninjutsu to come to our academy to study."

"But, isn't that something for April?"

This matter received Tsunade's approval, and there naturally wouldn't be any objections from the Konoha's higher-ups.

After all, the Land Of Demons was a neutral country that didn't participate in the Ninja War. Moreover, the atmosphere of their commercial dealings was quite harmonious. The medicines and medical supplies produced by Purple Rose had relieved a lot of pressure on the Hospital.

However, the decision to allow people from the Land Of Demons to come to Konoha to study medical ninjutsu should begin in April.

"Yes, it was. However, preparations need to be made in advance. We have plenty of vacant classrooms, so Tsunade-sama went to arrange it when she had the chance."

"It seems like Tsunade-sensei is taking it quite seriously."

Shiraishi inquired, intentionally or not.

"Indeed, because Tsunade-sama believes that the medical research data exchanged with Konoha by Purple Rose is greatly beneficial to us. This is a way of reciprocating."

Shizune pondered and responded to Shiraishi's question. Not long after, just as Shizune had indicated, Tsunade arrived from the other end of the corridor.

"You're on time again today."

"After all, it's the first day after the New Year holiday."

"Is that so? Let me see."

Tsunade looked at Shiraishi with interest, as if she had discovered something amusing.

"What's the matter, Tsunade-sensei?"

Shiraishi asked, feeling a bit self-conscious under her scrutiny.

"The scent of a woman."

Tsunade said with certainty.


'Is she like a bloodhound or something?' Shiraishi wondered internally. During their holiday, he and Ruri had been inseparable, even engaging in quite intense activities earlier.

"And when young men and women let go, their focus isn't always on academics... "

"Cough, cough."

"There's no need to say something like that." Shiraishi stammered.

"Ah, you youngsters." Tsunade said with a teasing smile, playfully nudging Shiraishi with her elbow. "So, when are you inviting me for dinner?"

"That's still a bit down the road, Tsunade-sensei. Ruri's parents aren't home."

"Really? What a shame."

"Tsunade-sama, Shiraishi-senpai, what are you talking about? I can't understand at all." Shizune interjected, looking puzzled.

"You'll understand when the time comes." Tsunade assured her.

"Okay." Shizune replied, still somewhat confused. She followed Tsunade into the office, clutching the apology gift Shiraishi had given her.

"Getting back to the point, the delegation from the Land Of Demons will arrive in Konoha in April. To maintain the friendship between the two countries, I have already recommended you to Sarutobi-sensei as the dedicated teacher for the second Medical Training Class. Do you have any requirements to mention?"

Tsunade asked, her expression serious as she sat down.

"I'm truly grateful for your trust, Tsunade-sensei. It would be helpful to have an assistant when the time comes." Shiraishi replied.

"That's not an issue. Shizune can assist you." Tsunade said.

Both Shiraishi and Shizune agreed without reservations.

"Speaking of which, you're quite daring, aren't you? Last time, you left Shizune alone at the barbecue stand until midnight..."

Tsunade suddenly recalled something, a smile on her face.

"I already bought an expensive apology gift, but that situation caught me off guard."

Shiraishi couldn't meet Tsunade's eyes and his explanation gradually became quieter.

"Never mind, since you've recognized your mistake, I'll forgive you generously this time. But, do you need to come to class today?" Tsunade asked.

"Huh? Are you firing me?" Shiraishi was taken aback.

"It's not a dismissal. I just don't need you in class today."

"What's going on?"

Shiraishi couldn't quite grasp the situation. It didn't seem like a punishment, but it was equally puzzling to consider it a reward.

"While I was on my way here, I ran into a Minato. He mentioned he needed to talk to you about something and is waiting for you at the school gate." Tsunade explained.

"Minato?" Shiraishi was even more surprised.

Namikaze Minato? Why was he looking for Shiraishi?

While Shiraishi and Minato weren't particularly close, they had met and exchanged pleasantries as fellow students who had enrolled at the same time. Minato was also one of Jiraiya's direct disciples, one of the Sannin, so there was a sense of camaraderie. However, their conversations typically revolved around casual topics rather than profound topics.

"I don't know what he wants, but you'll find out when you see him." Tsunade advised.

"That makes sense." Shiraishi nodded.

"In that case, maybe I shouldn't attend class today."

After bidding farewell to Tsunade and Shizune, Shiraishi headed towards the gate of the academy, where he spotted Minato waiting for him.

Minato was clad in Konoha's jonin ninja attire, with his golden hair gleaming like the sun, and wore a warm smile. To many, he was the embodiment of the ideal man.

Compared to him, Shiraishi couldn't help but feel plain.

Minato had achieved the rank of Jonin almost simultaneously with Ruri and Ayane, and boasted an impressive 100% mission completion rate. He was often regarded as the finest ninja of his generation. Even senior Jonin admired him, holding no jealousy for his extraordinary talents.

He had a natural aura of leadership, capable of uniting people's hearts to the fullest. On the other hand, Shiraishi, who had barely attained the rank of Chunin at the age of sixteen, fell far behind in comparison.

When people mentioned him, it was mainly because he had a highly skilled ninja lover. Besides that, his proficiency in medical ninjutsu seemed to be noteworthy. His social interactions within the academy seemed to be limited to these facets, and he couldn't help but feel lacking.

Seeing Shiraishi approach, Minato waved and greeted him with a smile.

Shiraishi returned the greeting and said, "When Tsunade-sensei mentioned that you wanted to see me, Minato, I must admit I was skeptical."

"The main reason I'm here is that I have something important to discuss with you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come all of a sudden."

Minato said smiling apologetically

"It's alright; I'm just assisting in the class Tsunade-sensei leads. I'm hardly more than a helper. So, what's this important matter you need to discuss?" Shiraishi inquired.

"Let's find a quieter place to talk." Minato suggested.

Minato led Shiraishi to a nearby dango shop next to the school. Minato treated and ordered some dango. After they had eaten for a bit, Minato began discussing the real issue, "I want to learn more about Hatake Kakashi."

"Kakashi? What's happened with him?" Shiraishi's expression shifted slightly.

Minato looked around to ensure no one was eavesdropping, then lowered his voice and said, "Over a year ago, I regret the incident involving Sakumo. Perhaps Sakumo did cause the village some loss, but the extent to which the villagers were swayed by that level of rumors was something I didn't expect."

Shiraishi remained silent.

"I'm saying this not to prove anything. It's just that this matter is in the past, but its aftermath hasn't been fully resolved. Hatake Kakashi is one of the individuals most affected by the aftermath. The Hokage recently changed the members of my team, and at the graduation ceremony this year, in addition to two graduates joining my team, Kakashi will also be one of them."

"Minato, are you concerned about something?" Shiraishi asked.

Minato nodded seriously. "Possibly due to the influence of Sakumo's suicide, many people have said that Kakashi has changed since then. Even in my department, I've heard many unfavorable rumors about him. I think, since he's about to become my subordinate, I have a responsibility to guide and protect him."

"I see. You have my appreciation for having such intentions. In fact, Ruri, Ayane, and I don't know what to do with Kakashi. After Sakumo-sensei's death, he closed himself off from others and wouldn't allow anyone to get close. If he continues like this, I'm genuinely worried about his future."

Shiraishi sighed.

"Yeah, so I wanted to ask you about Kakashi's specific situation to tailor my approach accordingly."

"You're giving me too much credit. Kakashi has always been an independent person from a young age. I'm not sure if the information I have will be of any use to you. But if it can help you, Minato, then that would be the best."

"I'm truly grateful."

Minato expressed his gratitude sincerely.

"No need to be like this; it's my duty."

Shiraishi smiled in response.

About half an hour later, after exchanging information about Kakashi with Shiraishi and discussing some other minor matters, Minato settled the bill and left the place.

Shiraishi sat in his seat, eating dango and watching Minato's departing figure.

Just as he had suspected, the Third Hokage still couldn't let go of a talented ninja like Kakashi.

Namikaze Minato ... was indeed an interesting individual.

Although he knew Minato, their interactions were not deep. Shiraishi had heard from others that Minato was a Jonin with formidable skills in the Body Flicker and Taijutsu.

As for his Ninjutsu abilities, there weren't many rumors, possibly due to his secrecy. After all, many high-ranking ninja kept their abilities secret. Generally, Jonin didn't disclose their trump cards to others, even fellow villagers.

However, if it was solely about the Body Flicker Technique, dealing with him should be manageable with his own abilities and those of the Shadow Dancer.


The Land of Wind, Sunagakure.

A grand festival had taken place in Konoha, far away in the Land of Fire. Simultaneously, a grand festival was held in Sunagakure.

As the annual festivities concluded, the Suna ninjas returned to their duties, resuming their positions with diligence.

Standing atop the Kazekage Building's roof, the Third Kazekage gazed once more upon the panoramic view of the village, deeply moved.

In comparison to the Second Ninja World War, Sunagajute now boasted numerous vital structures and facilities. The ranks of the new-generation ninjas had also grown steadily, thanks to their unwavering dedication.

There was Rasa, skilled in the use of Gold Dust Release. There was Pakura, a high-ranking ninja with the Kekkei Genkai Scorch Release. And the young yet accomplished puppeteer, Sasori of The Red Sand.

Not to mention countless young, outstanding ninja who emerged like mushrooms after the rain.

The two advisors, Chiyo and Ebizo, who were both active during the Suna's early days, were his most capable assistants as Kazekage.

Chiyo's expert puppetry jutsus had nurtured many puppeteer ninja in the village, forming the formidable puppeteer corps that was now feared by all nations.

Ebizo managed the village's intelligence operations. His network of spies operated in the ninja villages of the Five Great Nations. In many ninja villages, his influence extended.

Though occasional disagreements with the Kazekage arose, they always supported him in crucial matters, contributing their utmost to bolster Hidden Sunagakure's strength.

For example, the upcoming plan to attack the Land Of Fire, initiated by the Suna, was a result of discussions between him, the Kazekage, and their two advisers.

Thinking about this, the Third Kazekage was filled with determination.

It was now the end of January, and they planned to launch an attack on Konoha in the Land of Fire in February, swiftly breaching the Land Of Fire 's border.

War was imminent, a mere few days away.

The time for Sunagakure to rise had come.

"Kazekage-sama." a Sjna Anbu ninja suddenly appeared behind him, kneeling down on one knee to pay the highest respects to the th third Kazekage.

This was the Kazekage who had led them on the path to prosperity, an extraordinary and unique leader.

"Is there an issue?" inquired the Third Kazekage, slightly turning his head.

"Sasori has something to report to you."

"That boy, I remember he was on a mission at the border. Is there something new happening there?" the Third Kazekage muttered to himself and then returned to the main building, with the ANBU ninja following closely behind.


The following day.

"The Third Kazekage is missing!?"

Chiyo erupted with shock within the conference room with its massive round table.

The senior ANBU responsible for communicating with the Third Kazekage had immediately convened this emergency meeting upon losing contact with their Kazekage.

With the impending war against Konoha, the sudden disappearance of their Kazekage was nothing short of a shock.

Given their leader's typically serious demeanor, it would have seemed like a joke if they didn't know better.

"It's true. Many Jonin didn't find the Kazekage-sama in his office this morning. I secretly sent someone to locate him before this meeting, but he couldn't be found. Kazekage-sama... he's truly disappeared from the village."

The news weighed heavily on the minds of everyone present, leaving them bewildered and in despair.

This was the Kazekage, one of the five most powerful ninja leaders at the time.

He possessed incredibly fearsome abilities, such as the Iron Sand Jutsu, which allowed him to subdue even monsters like the One Tail. How could he have disappeared from the village without a trace?

Was there really such a formidable assassin in the ninja world?

After all, this ninja had silently breached Sunagakure's defenses, confronted the Kazekage, engaged in battle without a sound, and ultimately withdrew unnoticed. It was unfathomable that there were assassins of such power in the ninja world.

"Elder Chiyo, Elder Ebizo, what do we do now? Should we proceed with the plan to attack Konoha?" another senior officer asked, his tone hesitant.

Chiyo's face was a mixture of concern and contemplation. She remained silent, deep in thought.

Ebizo glanced at his sister Chiyo, then spoke up. "The plan will proceed, but this matter must remain a secret. The Jonin will be kept in the dark. Additionally, half of the Anbu will be dispatched to track down the Third Kazekage's whereabouts. To see a person, we must find a body."

"Understood!" responded all the senior ninjas solemnly.

However, some senior ninja had a glint of ambition in their eyes.

The Third Kazekage was missing. If they could earn merit in this war, securing the position of the Fourth Kazekage would be within their grasp.

Having seen through the thoughts of these senior ninja, Ebizo, who had issued the orders, fell silent after they left, just like his sister Chiyo.

Using external conflicts to divert internal conflicts was the decision made by Ebizo after the disappearance of their Kazekage.

And the external conflict was none other than Konoha.

This was the only way to avoid internal strife within the village.

Chiyo shook her head. She understood her younger brother Ebizo's intent and sighed. "Never mind, no matter what, the plan to attack Konoha must proceed, even if the Third Kazekage is missing. Rather than allowing them to fight amongst themselves here for the position of Kazekage, it's better to concentrate our forces on the war. As for the Fourth Kazekage's position, let them decide based on the number of Konoha ninja casualties."

If only the Third Kazekage had planned for his successor.

However, none of them had anticipated that the Third Kazekage, still in his prime, would inexplicably vanish from the village.

Although they still held a glimmer of hope, they also knew that the longer he remained missing without any word, the bleaker his chances of returning became.

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