Escape From Konoha

Chapter 109: 105: Uchiha Sora (1)

Chapter 109: 105: Uchiha Sora (1)

After parting ways with Ayane, Shiraishi retraced his steps to the Uchiha clan compound. Along the way, he thought over the question Ayane had asked: how to explain to Ruri that he was planning to leave Konoha.

While he couldn't pinpoint the exact timing, Shiraishi knew that at the latest, next year Sunagakure would launch an attack on the Land of Fire. During that tumultuous period, Konoha would be preoccupied, and that would be his window of opportunity to depart.

He understood that this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and he was resolute in his decision to leave Konoha, with no one capable of stopping his determination.

Ruri, he was certain, was well aware of his intentions. Shiraishi had always kept his affairs discreet, whether it was the establishment of the organization or his secretive research on Chakra and natural energy. He had never disclosed any of these endeavors to Konoha's senior leadership. It was evident that he held no interest in Konoha's hierarchy, or in Konoha itself as a whole, for that matter.

Shiraishi firmly believed that Ruri understood this. Even while he had been researching the caged bird for Ayane, Ruri had been aware. She knew the significance of that caged bird, which, while a minor family matter for the Hyuga clan, had the potential to disrupt Konoha's interests on a strategic level.

Ruri, being aware of this, had likely anticipated that he would leave Konoha someday. So, how did she view his departure? Was she awaiting his confession?

Yet, honestly, Shiraishi didn't know how to talk about this subject with Ruri. He only knew that since they had begun dating, they had walked hand in hand, gone shopping together, and explored various physical intimacies at home, excluding sex. Hugging and passionate kisses had become normal expressions of their affection.

To outsiders, getting married and having children together seemed like a natural progression. But there were still aspects that he couldn't bring himself to confess, possibly because he feared her response might not align with his expectations. Ruri meant so much to him, which contributed to his indecision.

Shiraishi couldn't help but feel tangled up inside. "Ah, what a headache..."

As he wrestled with these thoughts, General Tu, in his usual strange manner, emerged from the floor, startling Shiraishi. The timing of General Tu's appearances was always unpredictable.

This time, General Tu brought scrolls with him, scrolls of various sizes, totaling more than a dozen. What caught Shiraishi's attention was that each scroll was covered in dust and showed signs of age, evidently ancient artifacts.

After delivering the scrolls, General Tu briefly looked at Shiraishi, then disappeared into the ground to play with himself. For him, the entire Uchiha clan and even Konoha's underground areas were playgrounds for his enjoyment.

Shiraishi paid no mind to General Tu's antics, instead picking up one of the dusty scrolls he had delivered. Upon openi6 it, he discovered that it contained valuable information about sealing jutsus, and it was an important ancient Fuinjutsu scroll of the Uzumaki clan.

Among the Uzumaki clan survivors being transported back to the Land Of Demons, there was an elder who had held a high rank in the clan. When the Uzumaki clan faced annihilation, many members managed to escape the battlefield with crucial Fuinjutsu scrolls in the midst of the chaos, including this elder.

To safeguard these invaluable documents from being lost, the clan's leader had sealed them in a secure location and led the clan on their journey to avoid danger.

The leader knew all too well that the Uzumaki clan had been targeted due to their coveted sealing art knowledge. For the Uzumaki clan, the research scroll containing various Fuinjutsu were more precious than their lives. These scrolls not only symbolized the clan's glory but also held deep historical significance for the Uzumaki.

Forgetting a family's history was tantamount to betraying that family.

Shiraishi roughly scanned these scrolls, and found that there were research materials about Fuinjutsu on them, with various types of them.

These scrolls delved into various aspects of Fuinjutsu, encompassing the realms of the soul, body, tailed beasts, chakra, and more. The scope was expansive, with related words in it.

"Are these scrolls records of Fuinjutsu too?"

As he unrolled the largest scroll, considerably more bigger than the others and nearly the length of his arm, Shiraishi pondered if this was also a scroll concerning Fuinjutsu.

However, after opening it, he noticed that the contents of this grand scroll differed from the others. Instead of research scrolls on Fuinjutsu, it contained records of completed Fuinjutsu, along with the names of Uzumaki clan members responsible for their development. Additionally, there were brief life sketches of these individuals, as well as the time, location, and purpose behind each jutsu's creation.

One name recurred frequently: Uzumaki Ashina.

The familiarity of this name struck Shiraishi, and he swiftly recalled who this individual was.

Back in his days at the academy, while researching the early history of Konoha's establishment, he had come across the name Uzumaki Ashina. This individual had been the leader of the Uzumaki clan during the era of the First Hokage, Senju Hashirama, and had been recognized as the most formidable ninja in the world at that time.

During this period, the Uzumaki clan had forged diplomatic ties with Konoha. Uzumaki Ashina, in a display of extraordinary generosity, had imparted a lifetime's worth of Fuinjutsu knowledge to Konoha.

This selfless act had deeply moved the first Hokage who declared Konoha would forever stand as a friend to the Uzumaki Clan. As a token of their enduring friendship, the Uzumaki Clan's emblem had been inscribed onto the attire of Konoha's senior leadership and Jonin, signifying an unbreakable alliance.

Since then, Uzumaki Ashina earned the moniker "The Ancestor of Konoha's Fuinjutsu" among Konoha's ninja.

It could be said that without Uzumaki Ashina's contributions, Konoha would have struggled to develop its village's seal system.

As far as Shiraishi knew, more than 90% of Konoha's Fuinjutsu originated from the Uzumaki clan and were brought by Uzumaki Ashina.

Shiraishi couldn't help but offer a silent tribute to the Uzumaki clan's tragic fate, lamenting the unpredictable nature of life.

If the Uzumaki clan's leader, Ruka, were to see what had befallen his clan, he might even rise from the grave in anger, especially since Konoha had not taken any action to assist when the Uzumaki clan fell. After all, the Land of Whirlpools, where the Uzumaki clan resided, was the neighboring nation closest to the Land of Fire, and the Uzumaki clan had met its demise right under Konoha's nose.

Nonetheless, there might exist underlying reasons shrouded in mystery concerning this historical chapter. Shiraishi showed no interest in revealing anyone's vulnerabilities; the past was fraught with complexities.

Presently, the Uzumaki clan stood as an integral part of his organization. Shiraishi harbored no guilt over utilizing their sealing materials. In return, he had provided them with sanctuary, offering a stable living environment and education for their younger clan members, all while sharing the secrets of natural energy manipulation.

"I need to speed up my progress" Shiraishi whispered to himself as he stowed the scrolls and made his way towards the lab. He temporarily pushed aside the matter of confessing his departure to Ruri. There remained ample time in Konoha, and he could afford to proceed at a measured pace.

As for the Uzumaki Clan's Fuinjutsu scrolls, they were currently his top priority. He needed to find what he was looking for within them as soon as possible. This was crucial for their safe and successful escape from Konoha, and there could be no room for error.


Konoha, December 42, It was Winter.

Time always seemed to slip away unnoticed. Upon reflection, Shiraishi suddenly realized that nearly twelve years had passed since he arrived in Konoha.

During these twelve years, he had encountered numerous people and experienced a multitude of events. He had grown stronger, matured, and gained a deeper and more understanding understanding of the entire world.

Despite the lack of action from Suna, Shiraishi remained unfazed. A few months ago, Sunagakure had been quietly amassing supplies and had placed a substantial order with Purple Rose. In theory, several months' worth of preparations should be sufficient to mobilize for war, yet no war had erupted.

While others might feel anxiety and impatience, Shiraishi didn't share these sentiments. In fact, the more Suna's Kazekage prioritized stability, the more reassured Shiraishi felt. This demonstrated that the Third Kazekage was a cautious strategist with grand ambitions, someone Shiraishi could trust as a "comrade."

This time, the looming ninja war against Konoha would likely be even more significant than Shiraishi had anticipated.

In the afternoon, on his way to the academy, just before reaching the office door, Shiraishi noticed a young girl of about twelve standing there. She was dressed in a thick ninja outfit and wore a scarf to ward off the cold.

"Shiraishi-senpai" she called out respectfully, trotting over to him.

This girl was Shizune. Shiraishi recalled her connection to Tsunade's late boyfriend, Kato Dan. After Kato Dan's death, Tsunade had taken her under her wing, raising her.

Despite having already graduated from the academy, Shizune still frequented the academy. Presently, she held a notable position as Tsunade's assistant.

Her talent in medical ninjutsu was remarkable, and it was likely that she would become one of the foremost figures in Konoha's Medical Unit in the future.

"Is Tsunade-sensei off to drink or gamble again?" Shiraishi asked with a wry smile.

The three Sannin were indeed a unique trio.

While Shiraishi wasn't very familiar with Orochimaru, but he often saw Jiraiya causing a ruckus at the public baths in Konoha. Despite being a powerful ninja, he was consistent in his perversion.

Tsunade, on the other hand, was a gambling addict who always lost. When she did win, it usually resulted in something bad happening. She also enjoyed drinking, often to the point of being completely drunk and unable to walk.

Shizune shook her head, saying, "That's not it, Shiraishi-senpai. Just now, an Anbu came and requested Tsunade-sama's presence at the Hokage Building. It seems that the Third Hokage has something to discuss with her."

"I see" Shiraishi replied, contemplating the situation.

"Before Tsunade-sama left, she asked you to cover her in class and she said she will be back as soon as possible. That's the message I've been sent to convey. This is the topic we need to cover in today's class"

Shizune explained, handing Shiraishi a notebook that Tsunade had prepared.

Upon inspecting it, Shiroshi glanced through it briefly. It didn't seem too difficult. With his level of expertise, he could easily handle it without drawing any attention.

"Well then, I'll appreciate your assistance, Shiraishi-senpai. I'll act as your assistant until Tsunade-sama returns" Shizune said, bowing earnestly.

Shiraishi replied modestly, "No need for that. Your talent in medical ninjutsu surpasses mine by far."

He scratched his head, genuinely acknowledging Shizune's potential to excel as a medical ninja. Under the tutelage of someone like Tsunade, she was sure to shine brightly in the field of medicine.

"Tsunade-sama mentioned that your foundations are exceptionally strong, perhaps even stronger than hers" Shizune said with admiration in her eyes.

She knew that Tsunade, a medical ninja of the highest caliber, didn't require any assistance. Yet, Tsunade had chosen Shiraishi as her assistant, a testament to his exceptional abilities in a particular area.

Shiraishi, who had been instrumental in teaching the theoretical aspects of medical ninjutsu alongside Tsunade in recent years, had indeed contributed significantly. Together with Tsunade, he had trained numerous medical ninjas.

"I simply have a knack for remembering things" Shiraishi replied modestly.


After the experimental class ended, Shiraishi returned to the office, accompanied by Shizune, to find Tsunade already seated there.

Seeing the two of them enter, Tsunade set down her teacup and greeted them with a smile. "You two have had a busy day."

Shiraishi inquired, "Tsunade-sensei, when did you return?"

"Just a little while ago. I saw the class was about to end, so I didn't head to the classroom" Tsunade replied.

"Your departure was rather sudden. Did Hokage-sama have some important task for you?" Shiraishi asked further.

Curiosity also showed on Shizune's face as she wondered about the nature of Tsunade's interaction with the Third Hokage.

Tsunade noted their curiosity and sighed, "It's nothing major; it's regarding the Land Of Demons."

"The Land Of Demons?" Shiraishi and Shiraishi both expressed surprise.

Tsunade explained, "The Purple Rose Medical Company is willing to share a portion of their medical information with Konoha. In return, they want to send their young trainees to Konoha to learn medical ninjutsu."

"So that's what it's about? I don't find it particularly unusual" Shizune commented, tilting her head.

As a native medical ninja of Konoha, Shizune was well aware that Konoha had developed a relatively comprehensive framework for supporting medical ninja in recent years, making it one of the leading villages in this aspect.

For a neutral nation like the Land Of Demons to offer their people to study advanced and comprehensive medical ninjutsu in exchange for medical data was a seemingly normal business collaboration.

"Indeed, there's nothing unusual about it. If it were any other country or village, I might have refused without hesitation. However, the Land Of Demons is a neutral nation that has never participated in major shinobi wars, and based on my research into the Purple Rose Company's medical capabilities, they have some extraordinary talents in pharmaceutical development."

Tsunade explained.

"Has Tsunade-sensei agreed to it?" Shiraishi, sensing that Tsunade was inclined to accept, probed further.

In this field, Tsunade was the most authoritative figure in Konoha. Even the Third Hokage had to give in to her when it came to matters involving medical ninjutsu.

Once Tsunade agreed, everything would fall into place. Only fellow professionals could truly understand the value of the medical data provided by the Purple Rose Company.

"I couldn't find a reason to refuse. Here's the plan: since the school year is nearly over, we'll have the Land Of Demons' representatives come to Konoha to learn medical ninjutsu starting next April. So, I'm planning to start another medical training class at the academy before then. Shiraishi, you'll be the instructor for that class, teaching the students from the Land Of Demons."

Tsunade expressed her trust in Shiroshi wholeheartedly.

Shiraishi hesitated for a moment, unsure how to respond. Tsunade's level of trust was indeed quite high, and he felt he deserved it.

However, his hesitation wasn't due to doubt in his abilities. Instead, it stemmed from the uncertainty of whether he would even be in Konoha come April next year.

War could break out at any moment, and the Land of Wind might have already mobilized a large force to attack the Land of Fire. It made him question if he would still be in Konoha by then.

Tsunade, noticing his pause, asked, "Is there an issue, Shiraishi?"

Shiraishi replied, "No, it's just that I didn't expect Tsunade-sensei to have such confidence in me."

Tsunade assured him, "Don't worry. With your skills, I have every confidence that you'll do an excellent job, and you won't disappoint me."

Shiraishi sighed inwardly, thinking, "I'm sorry, Tsunade-sensei, but I might indeed disappoint you in this matter."

He wasn't certain about staying in Konoha next April. Setting aside the fact that the organization was sending members to Konoha to learn medical ninjutsu was just a minor incident. Since Tsunade had given her approval, it meant that the matter was settled, and there was no need to worry further.

As he was heading toward his residence later, he encountered an elderly man at the door. The old man was dressed in a casual black kimono, and he had a slight hunch. Accompanying him was an adult man who displayed Jonin level abilities, clearly serving as the old man's guard. Both had the Uchiha clan's logo.

Approaching calmly, Shiraishi was about to ask a question when the old man turned, revealing a kindly but aged smile.

"You are Ruri's lover, correct?" .

"Yes. And you are?" Shiraishi responded cautiously.

"I am Uchiha Sora. I once instructed Ruri in some ninja skills. You can consider me her sensei, so you may address me as Elder Sora, just as she does. No need to stand on ceremony" the old man replied.

"Very well, Elder Sora. Would you like to come in for some tea? Unfortunately, Ruri isn't home right now, but I'd be pleased to have you as a guest" Shiraishi offered politely.

He couldn't help but feel that this Uchiha elder was overly enthusiastic about him. Was it because of Ruri? Could this be the result of love within the Uchiha clan?

Elder Sora accepted the invitation with a nod, and they proceeded inside, leaving Shiraishi pondering the warmth he had encountered.


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