Entertainment From Divorce

Chapter 37: "I am a singer"

Chapter 37: "I am a singer"

Director Sun Xin then read the ratings of all the programs on the channel for the previous week.

"First place, "The Happiness of a Family"."

"Second place, "Baby Weekend at 7:30"."


"Eighteenth place, "Tree of Wisdom"."

After reading, the conference room began to discuss quietly.

The top-ranked programs are still those few, there is nothing to say, but the last one, "Tree of Wisdom", which suddenly appeared, made the chief planners and directors unresponsive.

After thinking for a while, I realized that this is the new program that took over from "Liang Liang Tells Stories".

"Interesting. Before, I was worried that "Liangliang Storytelling" would be canceled, and our show would be counting down. I didn't expect that "Tree of Wisdom" would be so powerful."

"The ratings are too low."

"It's really strange that the ratings are good during that time period."

Many people have already known the 3.3 ratings of "Tree of Wisdom". Besides, most people are looking forward. Everyone is very busy. Who would spare time to focus on the last one.

After discussing for a few words, they went back to those programs with the highest ratings.

Director Sun said a few more words. At the end of the meeting, he looked at Tan Yue and Zheng Guang and said, "Tan Yue, Zheng Guang, come to my office later."

"That's all for today's meeting, the meeting is adjourned."

After speaking, Sun Xin stood up and left.

People from other programs glanced at the two narrowly, and then dispersed.

After the others left, Tan Yue and Zheng Guang got up and went to the director's office.

"Teacher Tan, the director is watching our show's ratings are too low, so he wanted to talk to us." Zheng Guang said with a serious face.

Tan Yue pursed his lips, and said with a wry smile: "Putting out your head is a knife, and shrinking your head is also a knife. Let's go."

The director's office is also on the third floor, not far from the conference room, and the two of them arrived within a few steps.

Tan Yue raised his hand and knocked on the door, a voice came from inside, Tan Yue and Zheng Guangcai walked in one after the other.

Sun Xin, Director of Program Department of Children's Channel, was sitting behind his desk drinking tea. When he saw Tan Yue and Zheng Guang coming in, he put down his teacup, pointed to the sofa and said, "Xiao Tan, Lao Zheng, sit down."

The two walked to the sofa and sat down. Sun Xin also came over and sat across from them, and said straight to the point: "I called you two together this time because of the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom."

"The program "Tree of Wisdom" was personally interviewed by the director, and he has been watching it all the time. The director of ratings for the first episode of "Tree of Wisdom" is very dissatisfied."

"I also know that "Tree of Wisdom" is relatively tight in terms of funds, and there is little publicity, but other programs with the same time period as "Tree of Wisdom" are also the same as yours, but why are their ratings higher than yours?"

Tan Yue and Zheng Guang couldn't say a word, they could only nod their heads.

"You must hurry up and increase the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" as soon as possible. If our channel cuts two programs in a row, it will be very ugly on the station."

Sun Xin's words were not strong, but what he said made Tan Yue and Zheng Guang's faces pale and blue.


But what the director said is correct. Even if some programs in the same time period on the channel have more funding than "Tree of Wisdom", they will not be too much. How can their ratings go up? Why can't yours go up? .

This time, Sun Xin's words were rather tactful. If the ratings of the next issue of "Tree of Wisdom" are still at this level, then she can directly say that it is a problem of Tan Yue and Zheng Guang's abilities.

Then he asked about some internal affairs of the "Tree of Wisdom" program group, and Sun Xin let Tan Yue and Zheng Guang leave.



When they walked out of the director's office, Tan Yue and Zheng Guang sighed together.

"Teacher Tan, go back to our group and have a meeting to brainstorm." Zheng Guang said with a headache. He and Tan Yue have been working hard during this time, and they haven't come up with any good way to expand the publicity of "Wisdom Tree". Increase ratings.

Tan Yue nodded.

The two talked and walked in the direction of the "Tree of Wisdom" program group.

"Director Zheng."

At this time, a few staff members who carried red banners and A4 leaflets came to meet Zheng Guang and greeted him with a smile.

Zheng Guang looked over and said with a smile, "Xiao Wang, what are you doing?"

Xiao Wang said: "Isn't this show going to hold an audition? Let's go to set up the venue and test the equipment. Some are busy."

As Xiao Wang said, he took out a promotional leaflet, handed it to Zheng Guang, and said with a smile: "Director Zheng can go to see it at night if he has time, it's in People's Square."

Zheng Guang took the leaflet with a smile and said, "Okay, I'll go if I have time."

Xiao Wang nodded, and left with a few other people.

Looking at those people, Tan Yue asked curiously, "Director Zheng, what are you doing here?"

Zheng Guangdao: "That person is the coordinator of the entertainment channel "I Am a Singer". It should be a contestant for the new program."

As Zheng Guang said, he folded the promotional leaflet in his hand, UU reading www. is going to be thrown into the trash can, he is so busy with his own program now, how can he have time to watch the audition for "I Am a Singer".

After hearing Zheng Guang's words, Tan Yue was taken aback for a moment, and immediately took the leaflet that Zheng Guang was going to throw away, opened it and read it.

After reading it, Tan Yue's eyes lit up, and an idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

After returning to his work station, Tan Yue began to study the leaflet seriously.

"I Am a Singer" is a powerful program that can be ranked in the top three of the entertainment channel. It is well-known in the entire Jishui TV station, and its ratings are stable at more than 10%. Because it is relatively down-to-earth, it is popular in Jishui. quite high.

The model of "I'm a Singer" is that the audition starts from Monday to Wednesday, and then the contestants who pass the audition can participate in the recording of Friday's program and appear on TV on weekends.

The auditions in the past few years were live auditions, and the contestants for the recording were selected through the voices of the audience, but since last year, the auditions for "I Am a Singer" have been changed to live broadcasts. , the voice of the audience and the popularity of the live broadcast room each accounted for 50%.

Tan Yue once looked at the audition scene of "I am a singer" from a distance. As a show that is very popular with locals, the scene was really crowded with people, drums and gongs, and firecrackers.

In a word, there are many people and lively!

There are still two days before the second episode of "Tree of Wisdom" is broadcast, and Tan Yue feels that although the method he suddenly thought of is a bit different, it may really have a big effect.

"Director Zheng, I'm going to the recording studio. If you need anything, contact me on WeChat." Tan Yue took his notebook, got up and said to Zheng Guang, and then walked towards the recording studio.

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