East Meet West

Chapter 241: Forces Move

Chapter 241: Forces Move

241- Forces Move


After landing, Orochi was expecting to feel some kind of sensation like stinging, or pain, or shock or something, but all he felt was like he made a normal jump.

He thought,

Maybe, I am much stronger than expected. And also, I underestimated my bodys endurance.

Then he looked at the leading guard in his hand, the leading guard fainted from all the series of events, and foam was formed in his mouth.

Seeing this, Orochi expressed disgust and rubbed the leading guards face against the ground.


Then thinking about it, Orochi simply broke the guards neck and threw him away after taking away the tomahawk hanging around his waist.


Host has killed a Refinement stage human.

+1520 Exp

There was a faint trace of regret when Orochi did not hear any subsequent notification sound of leveling up, which means- he still needs a lot of exp to level up.

As for killing the leading guard, Orochi planned to keep him alive for some time but seeing that a Human stage cultivator was chasing behind him, the leading guard will only be a dead weight if he kept on carrying with him, so he disposed of him immediately.

And without wasting any time, Orochi once again dashed away from the town.


While Orochi was running, once in a while he would look back towards the town wall to see the position of the human stage middle guy that attacked him, but after running for about 100 meters Orochi got confused because he still could not see the shadow of that middle aged guy.

He thought inwardly,

What happened? Why did that guy not come out yet? Did some accident happen?

Orochi was confused but he did not want to delve much because all that mattered to him was to get away as soon as possible and regroup with Armelia and June.


Orochi was actually right; an accident did indeed occur.

To catch up with Orochi, the human stage middle-aged guy followed Orochis way of climbing the wall.

Although he has the cultivation of the Human stage, he still cannot cross a wall of height 50 meters in a single jump.

So, he also made use of the two spears that Orochi shot into the wall.

The middle aged guy, slightly bent his legs and jumped into the air.


In a single jump, his height reached more than 20 meters, and he easily landed on the first spear.

And with the help of the first spear, the middle aged guy jumped towards the second spear.

But this is when the accident happened.

When Orochi used the second spear as a springboard, the spear moved a lot, so when Orochi jumped the spear got loose.

And when the middle aged guy landed on the spear, due to his body weight and due to Orochis actions, the spear immediately slipped out of the hole and the middle aged guy lost his balance.

And he fell.





The middle aged guy and the spear fell on the ground at the same time. But the middle aged guy also reacted quickly, so he was able to adjust his body before falling and landed properly on his two legs.

After he landed, anger exploded in the middle aged guys heart because he felt that falling like this was quite shameful for a distinguished Human stage cultivator like himself.

And to top it all in front of all the guards, so he immediately blamed all of this on Orochis head as he cursed,

Damn bastard, dont let me catch you, or else I will make sure to skin you alive.

With this anger, the middle aged guy moved towards the town gate as it was quite close to his location.

Within a few seconds, he came to the town gates.

After reaching, the guards tried to stop him but he showed an identification card and the guards immediately bowed and gave way to the middle aged guy.

From the looks of it, the identification card is some kind of proof with high value that is great enough to make the guards respectful.

As the gates were closed, the middle aged guy had to go through a small passage leading to outside the town.

A few seconds later after the middle aged guy went out, many other people with high cultivation gathered near the town gates.

These people are those who were alarmed due to the flare fired by the leading guard.


Orochi was now more than 600 meters away from the town of Chans.

After he landed, he increased his speed a little, such that he was able to cross 20 meters in a single second.

Of course, this might reveal his strength; but he still felt that the people chasing behind him might not pay much attention to this.

Because in front of greed, people usually get blind and start to ignore important things.

Once in a while, he looked behind but found that no one was chasing him, although confused he still kept on running.

Finally, when he was about a kilometer away from the town of Chans, Orochi changed direction and moved towards the place where he planned to regroup with Armelia and June.

And the location was a few kilometers from one of the other exits of the town, which is also the place through which Orochis group entered the town when they arrived yesterday.

Actually, the town of Chans has 4 Entry and Exit points. And these Entry and Exit points are simply named as North gate, South gate, East gate, and West gate.

And the gate which was close to the location from which Orochi escaped was the West gate.

And it was the South gate through which Orochi's group entered the town.

So, lucky for him, it was not the East gate.

And he wont have to run to the other side of the town.

But still, even if he runs around the towns edge and reaches the South Gate, the distance he needs to cover is still more than 30 kilometers.

So, he still needs to run a long distance.


Meanwhile, Elder Jit Chan also reached the West Gate with a group of Chan clans members.

After he inquired about the flare and other things, he snarled with killing intent,

Bastard, he managed to escape from the town.


Human stage aura pressure surged out from his body, as the nearby guards with weak cultivation couldnt help but back away due to suffocation and fear.


Meanwhile, in some part of the Town of Chans, Alex Xavier and his father: Jack Xavier, had been frantically searching for Armelia and June.

Jack Xavier asked his son- Alex Xavier,

Alex, you remember the faces of those two women correctly, right?

Alex Xavier replied,

Of course, father although I hate that guy, his choice of women is quite good. Not to mention, he also has a great choice when selecting the type of women- one big and one small.

Hearing Alex Xaviers words, Jack Xavier snorted,

Dont you have anything else running in your mind, you stupid son? Always, thinking about women. You should first focus on cultivation, only then you can act as you want. I cannot always look after you.

Hearing his fathers scolding, Alex Xavier lowered his head in shame.

Just as Jack Xavier was trying to continue, steward Rake came to the two, and said,

Master, I have sent a copy of pictures of those two women drawn by the young master to all our sect disciple and servants. And they are looking for them in every part of the town now.

Of course, I have told them to be careful and not to let anyone doubt them so as not to reveal our plans to others.

Hearing this Jack Xavier nodded and then asked,

Did you enquire what was that flare signal fired near the West Gate?

Steward Rake immediately replied,

Master, I have sent few Demi-Human stage men to that area to enquire the news, they should soon return with the news.

Hearing this, Jack Xavier nodded and set him away.


Meanwhile, in other parts of the town of Chans, similar scenes could be seen.

Of course, they are not looking for Armelia and June, because apart from very few people like Alex Xavier, no one has seen or knows that they are related to Orochi.

But of course, their source of news is also reliable so they know that Orochi has escaped, so many forces are also moving.

Of course, it will take some time for them to know that Orochi has escaped from the town. All they know is, he escaped from the so-called escort led by Elder Jit Chan.

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