East Meet West

Chapter 237: 237- Amazing Strength and Speed of Demi-Human stage

Chapter 237: 237- Amazing Strength and Speed of Demi-Human stage

237- Amazing Strength and Speed of Demi-Human stage

After he reverted to his previous attire, he sneakily climbed onto the top of a shop and immediately hunched down to avoid being spotted by others, especially the city guards.

He was practically crawling on the shops roof.

He took a good look at the surroundings and then sneakily moved away from the town gates, but he did not go far.

It was some distance away from the town gates, that Orochis figure appeared in a dark alley.

He stopped at this location because he found that the area was mostly deserted and even the number of guards patrolling in this area was low.

After he made sure that no one was nearby, he took out 2 spears and 2 knives from his Storage Box.

Of course, Orochi did not buy these, instead, he got these from all the people who had evil ideas about him and his group.

He sheathed the two knives in his belt region and held one spear in each of his hands.

He was looking at the town wall which was at least 300 meters away from him.

Taking a deep breath, Orochis grip tightened on the two spears he was holding.

The two spears were of Normal grade Level 4 weapons and the two knives were of Normal grade level 7 and Level 8 weapons each.

The two spears did not have any remarkable design. The spears body was made of normal iron and the spearhead was made of steel, which was sharp enough to pierce a beginner stage monster skin. The spear was 2 meters long and 3 inches thick. It weighed about 80-90 kilograms at the minimum.

For an average human, holding and lifting a spear with one hand is impossible, but when ones cultivation increases, the limitations of a normal human body cannot be considered. As ones cultivation increases then there is also some increase in ones physical strength.

But it is said that, even when one has the cultivation of peak Evolver stage, ones physical strength will not cross triple digits.

But when one steps into the Demi-Human stage, there will be a drastic increase in the cultivators physical strength.

Such that, it is said that the weakest person who has just stepped into the Demi-Human stage can easily lift 100 kilograms of weight with only one arm.

So, with this, one can imagine how great the difference of physical strength is between an Evolver stage cultivator and a Demi-Human stage cultivator.

Not to mention, how great the physical strength difference between a Demi-Human stage and a Human stage cultivator would be.

It is said that a Human stage cultivator can easily lift a weight over 1 ton.

Hence, it is no joke when one tells how huge the difference between a Demi-human stage cultivator and a Human stage cultivator is.

Just the physical strength is so huge, one can only imagine how huge the difference will be when other aspects like the speed, senses, reaction ability, brain processing, etc. will be.

But of course, Orochis situation is different, because of the system, all of his aspects like strength, speed, senses, etc, can never be judged with common sense or based on realm limitations.

Orochi has never measured the upper limit of his strength, but he knows that he can lift a few tones of weight with just his arm.

So, holding and lifting two spears weighing 80-90 kilograms, is nothing to him.

He held them like normal sticks made of wood.

As for the two knives, one of them is made of Red Copper and the other is made of Purple Iron. And both of these materials are an excellent and popular choice to make weapons.

The knife made of Red Copper had a common design to that of a butchers knife. The blade was 8 inches long and 2 inches wide.

And the other knife made of Purple Iron, its design was more inclined towards its look rather its usability. The blade was 9 inches long and just 0.75 inches wide. Not to mention, it was hardly 2-3 mm thick. The blade of the knife was in purple color and that is because of its material Purple Iron. Looking at the blade, a woman would find it beautiful.

Whoever bought this knife, just wanted to show off and look cool. He didnt think about its durability. But of course, although the blade was very thin, its material is quite durable.

As Orochis gaze lingered on the city walls, his grip also tightened on the two spears he was holding, and because of this, some creaking sounds started to sound from the area where he was holding the two spears.



Due to Orochis huge gripping force, his fingers mark was getting imprinted on the spear.

Suddenly, Orochi slightly bent his legs, and then, like an arrow, he dashed towards the town wall.

His speed was very fast.

Even though he was carrying two spears each weighing 80-90 kilograms, it looked like it did not affect his speed.

Yes, Orochis speed was fast, but note that he was not running at his full speed. Since he did not want to scare his enemies and also didnt want to reveal his full strength, he is only displaying the physical abilities of a normal Demi-Human stage cultivator.

He was able to cross 12-13 meters within a single second, which is the peak speed of genius peak Demi-Human stage cultivators.

Originally, before he arrived in the town of Chans and also he did not step into the Demi-Human stage, his top speed reached 50-60 meters per second.

And now, since he has stepped into the Demi-human stage and he has also reached the Mid level of Demi-Human stage, his Agility stat has increased by a couple of 1000 points.

So, now his full speed still needs to be tested.

So, within 5 seconds, with his Demi-human stage peak speed, he quickly crossed about 70 meters, which means he crossed about 1/6th of his original total distance from the town wall.

But even though, Orochi was running at a rapid speed towards the town wall, he was still spotted by the town guards standing on the town wall and nearby areas.

Seeing Orochi running towards the town wall with two spears, the leading guard shouted to other guards,

Everyone, draw your bows and aim at that guy.

The guards were well trained, so as soon as the leading guard commanded, all the guards readied their bows and mounted the arrows, and aimed them towards Orochi, who was running towards them.

The leading guard shouted,






As soon as the leading ordered to fire, more than a dozen arrows were fired towards Orochi.

More than a dozen arrows completely covered the area above Orochi.

If it was a normal person or even a cultivator with the cultivation in lower stages of Evolver stage, they would find it difficult to escape from this small rain of arrows that completely covered their head and all the surrounding areas.

Even if they could escape, they wont escape unscathed.

But Orochi is neither a normal person nor has low cultivation, not to mention his crazy senses that are developed because of the system.

In his eyes, this small rain of arrows is nothing but a joke.

With his eyesight and reaction, he can easily dodge, this small rain of arrows.

Not to mention, he is sure that even if he stands still and lets the guards shoot him, the arrows wont even put a scratch on his skin, of course, the premise is that he deactivates the Stat Locking Function.

Actually, even with the defense developed based on his cultivation level of Mid-level of Demi-humans stage, the arrows would not be able to scratch his skin, and even if they could, it is okay unless the arrows are coated with poison. Because the cultivation methods he has practiced are all top level.

But then again, even if they are coated with poison, Orochis ability- Poison Resistance will get activated and nullify the poison.

So, from all angles, this small rain of arrows is not a threat to him.

As the small rain of arrows rapidly approached Orochi, he did not bother to dodge as it will disrupt his momentum, so he lifted the two spears, and as soon as the arrows were close enough, he used the two spears to deflect any arrow that was aimed at his body.





In this small rain of arrows, only 6 arrows would have made contact with Orochis body if he did not try to defend.


Orochi's steps did not stop, he continued running towards the town wall.

Seeing that the arrow attacks failed and Orochi was getting closer to them at a rapid speed, the leading guard, ordered,

Everyone, keep on firing at that guy. I want that guy either dead or injured.


With that order, the town guards kept on firing arrows at Orochis approaching figure.

This time, the size of the arrow rain almost doubled because the guards nearby on the wall also gathered near and started shooting arrows at Orochi.

Hence, this time, densely packed arrows were heading towards Orochi at a rapid speed.

And when the first round of arrows was fired at Orochi, the nearby patrolling guards also got alert by this, so they quickly made their way towards Orochi so as to surround and capture him.

Of course, this group of guards cannot catch up to Orochis speed, so they are a group of people who should be ignored in this action scene.





Although the number of arrows fired at him increased, Orochi still easily deflected them.

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