East Meet West

Chapter 224: Chan Clan reacts

Chapter 224: Chan Clan reacts

224- Chan Clan reacts

12,000 gold coins.

As soon as the voice fell, immediately everyones eyes moved towards the source from which the voice originated.

Alex Xaviers body jerked when he heard this voice but the next moment he sneered,

Hehe... truly something. You even dare to bid against the Chan clan. Looks like you truly are an ignorant fool.

Yes, the one who bid was none other than Orochi.

Not only did Alex Xavier feel that Orochis act is foolish, even the other people in the auction hall felt that the person [Orochi], who just made the bid is stupid.

Didn't you guy just hear that a person from the Chan clan had made a bid for the Red Bamboo water?

And you still dare to bid?

Have ever heard about the Chan clan?

Do you even know or are you even aware that the place you are in, is called the Town of Chans?

Do you even understand what that means?

It means that this whole town is the backyard of the Chan clan and you still dare to make a bid?

Are you braindead? Or do you lack that much common sense?

Although, the old man from the Golden Cloud Chamber of commerce, has warned everyone not to flaunt their strength in the auction, but it doesnt change the fact that everyone present in the auction hall is well aware that in Gold Room No. 2, the people from the Chan clan are sitting and attending the auction?

And you still dare to bid?

Should we appreciate your guts and courage or, should we appreciate your stupidity? Please clarify.

Various thoughts ran in the minds of people present in the auction hall.

Meanwhile, Orochi in his room ignored the looks received from others.

On the surface, Orochis expression is calm and collected, but only he knows that from within he is unhappy.


Because he was thinking of getting Red Bamboo water for free after Alex Xaviers group acquires it, but due to the interference of the Chan clan and the impressive price called out by them, he understood that he has to interfere or else it will in the hands of others.

And because of this, he made the bid. But internally, he is feeling very bad.

How can he not be unhappy, when he was getting expensive things for free but later only to be taken away by others. So, to prevent that, he has to spend money.

[Author: Sigh... he really is a miser...]

Orochi, also knew that by making the bid, he was going against the Chan clan, but he did not care.

Previously, due to his low strength, he wanted to remain a little Low-key and did not want to engage in a conflict with powers like the Chan clan, especially when he was on their own turf.

But since it is a matter of his interests, he can only bite the bullet and brace himself for the problems that will occur after the auction.

Actually, if he had the cultivation of the Human stage, then he wouldnt even bother to make the bid, instead, he would make a note of the people who are buying items that he is interested in, and after the auction, he would steal them with his strength.

Although, his actual strength is way too high, but he is not aware of the limits of his strength, so he wont blindly fight against any strong cultivator.

Of course, one cannot blame his new mentality because of the things he has experienced. And from his experience, he has learned the fact that- one can only believe in oneself and one must prioritize oneself before everyone else.

He is not the type of guy who will return good for evil. That is done by people who are saints.

And he is not a saint.

He is not the type of guy who will wait for others to offend him and then retaliate. That is done by people who are born stupid and are cowardly.

Instead, he will take any action necessary for his own well-being, even if it means stealing and offending others. Or worst case scenario- send them to meet their makers.

The world is like this.

People are good to you, not because of their pure heart, but because the reason for offending or being bad to you has not yet appeared and you have not touched their interests.

But once there is a reason for the people to act against you, for their interests and well being, they would take action against you.

One must remember that: if you live for yourself, then you can live a long and happy life.

But if you live for others, then you will be crowned as a saint and your statues will be erected everywhere. But... you will lead a short life.

And maybe having your statues erected everywhere might sound like a good thing and maybe it is. But the truth is- you have lived your whole life for others and now birds are shitting on your statue after your death.

With this mentality, Orochi has no qualms about being crowned as the bad guy or Evil or Selfish guy, etc. Because he wants to live for himself, not be bound by morality.


Esteemed guest from the Silver room No. 18 has made a bid of 12,000 gold coins. Is there anyone willing to increase the bid?

Liza Dohm looked at other people.

She was surprised when she heard someone dare to bid even after the Chan clan has made the bid and revealed their identity.


Inside a Gold Grade VIP room, an old man was frowning after he heard someone bid higher than him.

This old man is a member of the Chan Clan.

The old mans name is Jit Chan and he is one of the Elder in the Chan clan. And his cultivation is also high, so when he saw someone bid even after revealing his background, he became unhappy.

Elder Jit, do you want me to find the details of this bastard?

There was a young man sitting next to Jit Chan, he was also a member of the Chan clan.

And the bastard he was referring to was none other than Orochi.

Listening to the young mans words, Elder Jit Chan thought for a moment and replied,

Yes, send someone to find out the details of that person who made the bid. But Shak, remember to do it secretly because just now the old man from the Golden Cloud Chamber of commerce has indirectly warned us, so take care that nobody finds out about it. Our Chan clan cannot go against the Golden Cloud chamber of commerce...

Elder Jit Chans tone turned harsh,

But it doesnt mean that some hillbilly can challenge the authority of our Chan clan and that too in our own place.

Listening to this, the young man called as Shak Chan responded respectfully and said a few words in the ears of his personal servant.


Author's Announcement:

Let me establish few new goals: [At the First week of every month]

For 3 Ice Cola= 2 chapters mass release

For 1 slice of pizza = 3 chapters mass release

1 Inspiration capsule = 4 Chapters mass release

As for higher level gifts... if someone gifts then I am very thankful for your support and will try to mass release more than 6 chapters.


Weekly Goals: [Mass Release on Monday]

500 Power stones = 3 Chapters

600 Power stones = 4 Chapters

700 Power stones = 5 Chapters

(Only if I reach this goal, will I be Mass releasing the chapters. Because If I could see your support through this, I can reassure myself that Yeah, I can still work on this novel and can also start new works for my readers. And I am a graduate who is required to find a job; hence your support can give encouragement. I hope you people understand and continue your support.)

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