Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 221 - 220 - Final(?) Clash Of Black And White(Part 1)

Chapter 221 - 220 - Final(?) Clash Of Black And White(Part 1)

Shiro glanced around at Persia and the others, a look of disdain on his face as he muttered something. I could read his lips, he said...'useless pawns'. He then turned his attention to me with a smirk.

"It looks a bit different, but that's Vampire God Mode, isn't it? You've obviously increased your time limit, but it's been well over a minute since you transformed, and...I'm willing to bet that you don't have much of your time limit left!" He declared, entering Vampire God Mode.

Just as I'd expected, he thought this form's Vampire God Mode, because it's far stronger than Vampire Mode, as well as because of the red pattern appearing on my face, arms and chest. I'll play along, his misunderstanding gives me an advantage, regardless of the fact that I don't need such an advantage anymore...

"I have more than enough time left to crush you," I responded, as I extended out the bones in the knuckles of my right hand, in the shape of a small drill.

"And another thing...what's with you, you sound so dull! Where's all that rage from before, huh?" He taunted, as he disappeared from my sight.

I spun around and drove my fist behind me, spinning the small bone drill at the top of my fist. His eyes widened in alarm as he reappeared and narrowly evaded as I left a deep gash in his side.

"I can assure you...my rage is very much intact. I've simply sealed it away, so that I make no mistakes in killing you due to emotion," I replied, as I used my left hand to fire out Repulsion.

"You did wh-...oof!" He began, before being interrupted as my attack struck his chest with immense force.

He crashed onto a building with a resounding impact, the wall severely cracking as he got embedded in it. He gritted his teeth as he broke free from the wall and used Teleport again, I swiftly fired out a blast of acid venom straight up as he reappeared. He crossed his arms in front of himself in alarm, the skin melting off with a sizzle.

"Damn it, how do you keep predicting where I reappear!?" He cried in frustration, as I fired out sharp bone spikes up at him from my forearm.

I was tracking him using my heat sense, using it, I can instantly sense where he reappears...but I have no reason to tell him that.

"Simple...you have the same mind that I do...all I need to do is predict where I would teleport if I was in your position and had my emotions unsealed," I replied, as I used Teleport to appear above him and slammed my fists down towards him.

"Tch, don't get carried away, don't act like you know me...," He growled, blocking my strike by crossing his forearms above himself, the bones slightly cracking as I made contact, before he swiftly grabbed my wrists, "You may have got more tricks up your sleeve than I do, but I can tell...you're slower and weaker than I am right now. What, did absorbing the life forces of so many monsters take its toll on you?"

Another convenient misunderstanding...he's so desperate to kill me that his sense of rationality and reasoning is starting to become unstable.

"Hm, since you have the same mind as I do, I suppose I couldn't avoid you figuring it out...but by sacrificing some power, I extended my time limit significantly, so-."

" Hah, then I'll just have to kill you quickly, it won't matter how long your time limit is if you're dead! I command you to stop moving!" He exclaimed, activating the Eyes of Compulsion and driving his claws into my shoulder, "Now, fucking finally, die!!!!!"

Time to activate it...


Point-of-View: Fuo Wesroh


H-huh? What are you doing, Kuro, why aren't you transforming, he's going to kill y-...Kuro's body then slumped and fell to the ground. Shiro descended down and kicked him a couple of times with a wide smirk, his eyes bulging wildly, as a chuckle escaped his lips. No...this can't be happening...

"He did it...Shiro won," Remarked Persia, who had regained consciousness but was still stuck in Kuro's webs and looked dazed.

Azyl broke the webs around him with steam and stood up unsteadily with a groan, as Rai and Key also regained consciousness. Shiro threw back his head, staring up at the sky with a wide, open grin, as he began laughing triumphantly, his body trembling with excitement.

"Shiro...are you okay?" Inquired Azyl, a look of concern and fear in his eyes.

The other three were also staring at him with worry and dread, as his laughing turned crazed and maniacal...it sounded purely evil.

"Sh-Shiro...?" Stuttered Persia, her eyes widening.

"I did it...I finally did it! I killed him! And now, my existence is-...!" He exclaimed, before abruptly trailing off with a confused frown, "W-wait, something's wrong...this life force isn't-!"

Suddenly, flames burst out from behind him...coming from Kuro's body. My eyes widened as I realized what it was...so that's it. He planned this out from the start...

"Hey, what's so funny? That's quite a triumphant laugh you're cackling out. Go on, tell me...what's so funny?" Inquired Kuro, standing up as the flames dissipated, his tone as emotionless as ever.

"N-no, you've gotta be fucking kidding me! How!? Why are you still alive!?" Screamed Shiro in fury and disbelief.

Kuro used...the resurrection power of the Phoenix.

"I have no reason to tell you anything. And now, your time limit with Vampire God Mode is up, it's been a minute already. You're finished...but I won't fight you in this form...no, this isn't even my final form. You haven't seen anything yet...you can't fathom what I'm truly capable of."

He then transformed into Diablo Mode, his wings growing more pointed, the skin on his forearms grew black and leathery like a reptile, his fingers extending out and pointing sharply, with curved black bone spikes protruding from each elbow, slightly curved and jagged horns on either side of his forehead, and third eye appearing on his forehead.

"Wh-what is that form!?" Stuttered Shiro, stumbling back.

"Diablo Mode...now, then, it's finally time for me to kill you, once and for all. I'll make sure not to leave so much as a trace of you left, I'll obliterate you."

"Damn it...damn it, damn it, DAMN IT! Why...why won't you just fucking die already, huh!?"

"It's simple...because I'm not going to be the one who dies here...you are..."


Point-of-View: Kuro Black


"Don't fuck with me, I won't let you kill me, I refuse to die here!" Cried Shiro with desperate rage in his eyes, as he shot towards me.

How slow...with his time limit in Vampire God Mode used up, his speed in Vampire Mode wasn't even in the same league as my current speed. Now then, I think it's time to test out my Demonic Magic...

As he finally closed in, after seeming to have been moving in slow motion in my eyes, he drew out his blades and swung them towards my neck. I caught both blades with my hands and used Alchemic Magic to decrease the density of the metal till it was brittle, shattering it with ease.

He used Teleport to quickly get away as a look of alarm appeared in his eyes, reappearing in the air ahead of me. Let's try Chaos Magic now...I followed after him and fired out blasts of combined flames and lightning, landing several strikes before he used Teleport again, his skin severely scorched off and his bones exposed. I used Teleport to appear right in front of his, as he flinched with fear in his eyes.

"You're...pitifully weak," I remarked, staring at him blankly.

"You fucking piece of sh-...!" He began, before freezing up.

Once my third eye is opened, I can use Demonic Magic...Chaos Magic uses illusions, and requires eye contact within twenty meters to be activated, though the stronger the illusion, the greater the toll it takes on the user...I can use it to make an ally look like an enemy or the other way around, along with several other illusions...but there was one illusion spell that was on a whole other level, which Diablo had taught it to me.

And I'd just used it on him. While this particular Chaos Magic spell is active, I can't move much at all or it'll break, and the longer it's active, the greater the toll it takes on me, but once my target was caught up in it, it was almost impossible to break free from...the spell was called Chamber of Excruciation, and was capable of destroying the mind of anyone ensnared in it...

Shiro then clutched his head and let on an agonizing scream of pain, blood pouring out of his nose, eyes, ears and mouth...the illusion is so realistic that the body can't tell that it isn't real...and it's so extreme that the sheer stress causes actual physical damage...and in order to prevent the caster from suffering the same, even I don't know exactly what he's seeing right now.

Impressive, he's somehow managing to stay airborne, his wings keeping him hovering...but other than that, he was a pitiful sight. His body was shaking violently, blooding pouring down from his face as he screamed in terror and pain, clawing at the skin on his face and scratching himself maniacally.

I suddenly felt a wave of pain in my head...hm, it's already taking it's toll? Time to break the spell, I shouldn't push it without knowing the full extent of the effects of the backlash toll it takes...I then swiftly used Teleport to get back to the ground, as his screams faded and he plummeted down, crashing down onto his left shoulder. He was still trembling, his face covered in claw marks and blood.

"Wh-what...what th-the h-hell was that...," He shuddered, terror in his eyes as he struggled to stand up.

My head was still in pain, and my body felt stiff...this headache, it's quite painful, even I can't fully ignore it.

"Give up, beg for forgiveness, and...I might kill you a bit more painlessly than I'd planned to."

He turned his gaze towards me with pure hatred in his eyes, his teeth grinding together as he glared at me with intense animosity and bloodlust...his desperation to kill me had grown even more than I'd anticipated.

"I command you not to move!" He suddenly exclaimed, flecks of blood spraying out of his mouth.

Futile, I can resist this in an inst-...no, he's not going after me, I realized as he turned around and locked his attention on Fuo. She stiffened and began to enter Vampire Mode, but was too slow, as Shiro used Teleport to appear in front of her and drove his tail towards her heart.

She sprang back as her wings and tail began growing out, crossing her forearms in front of herself and coating them with a layer of ice. His tailed shattered the ice and pierced through her forearms, and she let out a gasp of pain, coughing out blood as his tail pierced her chest and burst out through her back.

His claws then extended out and he drove them towards her neck...I swiftly used Teleport to intervene after breaking free of his spell, grabbing his wrist before he could pierce her. I grabbed his tail with my other hand and pulled it out of Fuo's chest, as she collapsed onto her knees, blood pouring down her chest.

"Damn you- arghhhhh!" He screamed in agony.

I ignored whatever he was going to say, instead using Corruption Magic to rapidly mutate and rot his arm and tail, inciting an excruciating cry of pain from him as his arm suddenly turn grotesque and disfigured, pus and blood oozing out all over it, both it and his tail tearing off as he tried to break free from my grip. Interesting, he screamed in pain...this must hurt quite a bit, assuming that he has my pain threshold.

I then dropped his rotting flesh and fired Repulsion straight at his torso, sending him flying back and crashing onto a building. I then quickly knelt down beside Fuo and bit into her neck...good, it was close, but he failed to scratch her heart...a few inches to the left and she would have been beyond my saving.

That being said, this was very nearly fatal...I can't stop healing her, if I do before mostly repairing the damage to her chest, she could still die. Her blood vessels had sustained heavy damage, I have to heal them quickly, or-...

Shiro then burst out from under the rubble of the building he crashed onto and shot towards me with immense rage in his eyes, and a triumphant smirk, as he charged up a concentrated mass of flames, lightning and wind in his left hand. His right arm and tail were growing back slowly...so, then the damage from Corruption Magic can be repaired using my Healing Factor.

He then used Teleport to close the gap and aimed the blast at us, right as he used Quintuple to form four copies, that eached used Teleport to surround me and then created bright flashes of blinding light using compressed lightning, blinding me...I see, they're keeping me from using Teleport to dodge.

"This time you're not getting away!" He declared, as he began to fire his blast at me with a widening grin and a crazed, triumphant look in his eyes...


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