Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 181 - 180 - Kuro Vs Lazarus(Part 4)

Chapter 181 - 180 - Kuro Vs Lazarus(Part 4)

"This has been the most exhilarating fight I have ever fought...after I defeat you and claim a genuinely hard-earned victory, I will savor your life force!" Declared Lazarus, as he swung his claws at my head, leaving a gash on my forehead as I just barely avoiding having the top of my head sliced off.

"Yeah, well, uh...right back at you!" I retorted, firing a barrage of lightning bolts at him as I narrowly evaded and struck back.

Those were mostly just empty words though, I'm in really big trouble here...I'm down to less than fifteen seconds left in this form, and he was stronger than I was right now. Earlier, when I pierced him with my claws through Lagusa, I could feel it...he has an incredibly massive amount of life force in him, it'd take me about five seconds to fully drain him, while it usually just took me a second or two at most with anyone else.

He dodged my lightning easily and swiftly closed in, I got away using Teleport, but he rapidly chased after me instantly as I reappeared...damn it, what am I doing, running away is not an option here, I need to get on the offensive...come on, think! As he neared me again, I drove my claws towards him, he deflected them away with his tail and slammed a kick onto my midsection, knocking the wind out of me.

I gritted my teeth and swung my tail up at his eyes, but he grabbed it before I could hit him, tightened his grip and spun me around before swinging me down to the ground with immense force, as I crashed down in front of the staircase leading up to where the throne used to be. I began to try and get up, but he zipped down and slammed his fist onto my abdomen, rupturing several organs as he punched a hole through my stomach.

I coughed out blood, as I gritted my teeth and desperately tried to grab hold of his arm with my claws, but with a flick of his tail, he slashed off my fingers before they could pierce through his skin. He then slammed his foot down just below the base of my neck with a triumphant look on his face, piercing his tail through to my spine and breaking it, paralyzing me while keeping the edge of his tail in place in order to prevent my Healing Factor from fixing my spine.

"By the desperation of your last few attacks, it is clear that you are almost at your limit. I commend you, for pushing me farther than anyone else ever has in a fight, Kuro, you are the first human that has earned my respect like this. Yes, you certainly did put up an excellent fight...but it is over now. I shall incapacitate you, and then I will consume your life force...I apologize for not being able to grant you a painless death, but it appears as though pain does not bother you...farewell, human..."

He formed a massive orb of Blood Magic above himself with his right hand, while using his left hand to form a blindingly bright red sphere...I see, he's preventing me from using Teleport. With my spine broken, I can't move my limbs until I heal it...crap, I think I'm fucked here...




Suddenly, a narrow, concentrated blast of fire, lightning and wind shot towards Lazarus out of nowhere, blasting off the top of his head, causing him to stumble back and collapse onto his knees. His brain was almost completely blown off and he wasn't moving at all...

"I told you, didn't I...I'm the strongest human in the world!"

Valaque? Doesn't matter, this is my last chance! I focused my Healing Factor in its entirety onto my spine and limbs, focusing my gaze and using Teleport to get near Lazarus, his head already halfway done healing, as I spotted his core inside his brain, which was rapidly reforming...I don't think so! I regained mobility in my limbs just in time, as I planted my feet firmly on the ground and drove my right fist forward, jamming into his head before it could fully heal and close up, preventing him from regaining consciousness. Most of his brain had regrown, but it looks like he'll remain immobile until it fully regenerates.

I could feel my fist getting squashed as his injury tried to forcibly heal itself...it's stuck, and in my current state, I didn't have enough strength to even open my fist inside his head, let alone find and crush his core...no matter, that's not the only way I can kill him! As my boosted Vampire Mode time limit ran out and I returned to normal, I entered Soul-Eater Mode and sunk my fangs into his neck, my heart racing as my desperation for this to work grew into a frenzied desire...

His life force was strange...it was definitely a cut above any other life force I had consumed so far, but somehow, I didn't find myself craving it at all...okay, halfway done...almost...just a little more...

Suddenly, time seemed to stop, and everything went dark...this feels familiar...it's just like that time when I first encountered him and he tried to take over my body, but failed and then gave me Vampire powers instead...I was inside my own consciousness...

"It has been a while since we met like this," His voice suddenly echoed out.

"Yeah...so, what's this about, are you trying to take over me again?" I inquired suspiciously, "Well, go ahead and do your worst, because I know I won't lose in a battle of willpower."

"No need for such apprehension...attempting such a thing would be wasted effort on my part, I learnt that the last time. It is quite simple, actually...I do not want to die, therefore, even before this fight began, I merged my consciousness to my life force as a safety precaution. Losing my chance at victory so carelessly is not exactly ideal, but I am not so prideful that I would allow myself to die simply because I lost a fight. It was a rather simple procedure, after all, I have a far better understanding and control over my spiritual attributes than other Vampires, that is why I was able to control monsters a lot better back when we were still stuck in our prison, the so-called Forbidden Zone."

Oh, right, he was the only Vampire who could talk through other monsters back then. Wait, back up a sec...

"Hold on, you merged your consciousness to your life force, I get that part...so, wait...now what? Don't tell me I'm stuck with you inside me like Atticus is with Fuo?"

"Yes, I heard about what happened with Atticus...he is almost certainly the reason why we have now been defeated...at the very least, he was a significant factor, the knowledge he would have provided you with would have been quite invaluable. And yes, I believe this will be a similar case."

Yeah, no...

"...hm, how do I kick you out? I really don't want to share my body..."

"Er, I see that you are not exactly thrilled about this...but I assure you, the benefits will outweigh the drawbacks!"

And now he sounds like he's a door-to-door salesman trying to sell me a product that I really don't want...

"I'm really not interested. And why should I listen to you, I mean, you did lose to me, regardless of whether or not I had some assistance. So, you know...get out of my body."

"Well, regarding that...I cannot actually leave until you die, and even then, I will likely die as well when that happens."

I hate to say it, but that checks out, I'm pretty sure Atticus mentioned something like that too, the main reason he was on our side at all was because he'd die if Fuo died...

"Wait, I remember Atticus saying that he wrestled for control over Fuo's body, which he lost, and that's why he's not in primary control. So, what about you? It doesn't feel like I'm at risk of losing control over my body to you, but maybe that's what you want me to think."

"You will not have to worry about that. In fact, even if you did grant me permission, I would not be able to control your body...I have just looked through your memories regarding Atticus, and it seems like he was accidentally fused to the human he is currently residing in. But in my case, it is more like I am imprisoned instead of fused, since you forcibly drained my life force, taking it and my consciousness into your own body. Therefore, my consciousness is a mere spectator in your body. I can view your past memories, but I do not share your five senses, so I cannot view or hear what is happening around you in the present until it becomes a memory. At most, I can improve the efficiency of how your Mana and Dark Magic flows through your body by a small degree, but that would only benefit you, I cannot do anything detrimental to you...and nor would I, like I said, if you die, so will I."

Hm, last time, when he tried to take control of me, it felt like his consciousness was trying to push mine off a sort of pedestal...but this time, I couldn't feel anything like that, and if I really focused...I could tell that his consciousness is trapped in me...huh, I think I can even mute him...






Huh, it's nice and quiet now. Let's unmute him...

"What was that for!? It suddenly felt as though I was blind, deaf and dumb, like I was floating in nothingness...it was not a pleasant feeling at all!"

So his consciousness has senses? Weird.

"Anyway...time is still flowing outside normally right, so how do I get out of my own consciousness and back to normal?"

"Actually, this is different to the last time...time is still flowing, yes, but it has not even been a full second since you finished draining my life force. I can return you to normal upon your request, and after that, I will only be able to pull you in like this with your permission. Though it should be unnecessary, since we will likely be able to communicate without doing this."

Well, I guess there's no point complaining, he's made it clear that he's not leaving, since he can't leave, so I might as well find out what I'm in for...

"Alright, I've got some questions. First off, and this is important, is it true that Vampires can't disobey your Cross, and that when you use it on Vampires, unlike humans, it doesn't have a limited range of twenty meters?"

"How did you-...ah, I see, Atticus, his memories must have been-...yes, my Cross, Eyes of Compulsion, has a secret extension to it, known as the King's Decree, when used on other Vampires. However, it is limited to five uses only, all of which I have already used...but do not worry, it has been reset after you consumed my life force, so you will be able to issue any five unbreakable commands to the Vampires."

Looks like I'll be able to execute things as I planned, after all...

"I do not remember all the commands that I gave, but the first four commands were all precautions to ensure that the other Vampires would remain loyal to me. And the final command I gave was for them to forget that I had ever issued such commands without undoing the effects of the previous commands. Atticus likely remembered since he is technically no longer a Vampire, and therfore the effects were undone, restoring his suppressed memories. Oh, and as for the range, it is infinite...if you were to issue a King's Decree, even the Vampires currently in Platinberg would be vulnerable to its effects."

Well, that's convenient...so all I have to do is give the command once and this whole thing will be over...just like that...

"Huh, guess that also explains why Atticus was so easily convinced to help us win this battle, your commands to ensure loyalty were undone too. Hey, there's something else I'm curious about...check my memories, I got this overwhelming urge to consume the life forces of any Vampires I came across, the stronger the Vampire, the stronger the craving, but with you, I felt nothing at all...how come?"

"Oh, a craving? Hm, let me inspect the memories...ah, I see. How interesting, it must be an unexpected side effect, I am unsure as to why you did not feel that desire while fighting me...hm, this is only speculation, but perhaps it is because your Vampire form came into existence directly from my Dark Magic, which I converted to Vampire life force. I suppose it is like how a male will get aroused by attractive females, but regardless of how attractive their mother is, they will not be aroused by them...something like that, perhaps."

I get what he trying to say, but...of all the examples to compare it to, seriously!?

"Well, never mind, I guess. Oh, you said earlier than the benefits to you being trapped inside me outweighed the drawbacks...so, what benefits, exactly?"

"Well, first, there is my Cross, of course. I will also be able to ensure than my life force that you just consumed will spread through your body evenly, along with improving your Mana and Dark Magic flow. Your 'Vampire Mode', as you call it, is more powerful now, and...I will be able to grant you a form beyond it, one that is even more powerful."

...w-wait, so that means...I'll be able to say 'this isn't even my final form' when I'm in Vampire Mode? Maybe this isn't going to be so bad after all...

"Okay, you've got my interest...mind getting into the specifics of this new form?"

"Not yet, I will not be able to say for sure until your body finishes adjusting to the influx of my life energy. That will take a few minutes, presumably."

"Fine, I guess there's no rush to find out, especially since the battle is all but over now."

"Er, regarding that...not quite. Yes, once you use the King's Decrees, the Vampires will no longer be a threat, but that is not all you need to worry about. There is one more significant benefit I can offer you...knowledge. Specifically, regarding the past of this world, which will almost certainly be crucial going forward. The better informed you are, the better my chances of surviving for longer. But we can discuss that matter another time. For now, you should probably wrap up your victory...in the meantime, I will wallow in my defeat..."

And just like that, my consciousness was back to normal...Lazarus's body went up in red flames and disappeared, right as the life force I'd taken in began spreading out through my body...huh, looks like he's restraining it from forcibly transforming me into a boosted Vampire Mode form...I was a little curious to see how strong that would be, but I no longer needed it, this battle was over. And besides, the backlash from that might be even more than I can handle. Alright, guess I should get to issuing the King's Decree-...

"You totes stole my kill, but I guess I'll let it slide this once! I'll admit, you're pretty strong, but I could have still done this alone, no problemo," Remarked Valaque with a laugh, as he walked over.

Damn, he's annoying. What did you think of this so-called 'strongest human'?

"I agree, he is rather annoying. I am quite livid at myself for letting such a fool catch me off-guard. Simply losing to you normally would have been preferable," Sighed Lazarus from inside my head.

Yeah, I think I'd be pretty annoyed if I that happened to me, you have my sympathies...well, kinda, if it wasn't for him, I would have lost that fight. Now, then...do I kill him now? He's strong, but he's not a real threat to me...then again, looking at what he's done and what he plans to do...he made it no secret that he planned to rebuild his Empire and pick up where he left off, but...we couldn't have pulled this off without the help of him and his Empire, so...

"Hey, I know that we aren't exactly allies, but still, neither of our sides could have done this on our own, so yeah, I'm grateful to ya. But, I suppose things will be going back to the way they were before, huh?" I remarked, holding out my hand towards him, "How about we signify the end of the truce with a handshake?"

"Ooh, I like that! And yup, nothing's changed, I'm gonna be the villain and destroy the world, like I've been planning to for years!" He declared, shaking my hand, "The next time we meet, we'll be enemies...heh, I've always wanted to say that!"

What an idiot...

"Huh, that's too bad...but you could be wrong. No, actually, you are wrong."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Oh, sorry, guess I should be more clear. What I'm trying to say is this...there won't be a next time," I stated coldly, as I tightened my grip on his hand and dug my claws into his skin, draining his life force.

"What are you-...!?" He began to exclaim in alarm, flames and lightning appearing in his left palm, before he trailed off as the light faded from his eyes, and his body lifelessly slumped to the ground.

Well, that was easy.

"If you were smart-...well, that's a really big IF, so never mind," I remarked, giving his head a light kick, before stiffening as I felt a hint of bloodlust coming from the doorway, I quickly spun around and exclaimed, "Who's there!?"

Almost immediately, the bloodlust receded away...I didn't see anyone, so...it must have been someone using a Stealth barrier. And since I felt bloodlust, it must have been someone from The Empire...definitely wasn't Lagusa, since he was in my Store spell.

And I'd seen everyone else, except...Rex...and...who else...one more wasn't here...oh, right, Hacte! Yeah, that made the most sense, that kiss-ass bitch. Hm, that must mean he saw me kill Valaque. Guess I scared him away though.

More importantly...can I use all five Elemental Magic types now!? Uh...I don't feel too different. Don't tell me it doesn't work that way, and I can only get additional Elemental Magic types if I directly take a thousand people's life forces for each type into my body?

Hey, Lazarus, I just took in some human life force, but I don't feel a thing...did you do something?

"Do not be so hasty...I am still in the process of ensuring that my life force properly melds with your body...the reason you experienced pain and damage when you consumed the life forces of my former subordinates was because you simply consumed their life forces abruptly without spreading and melding them throughout your body evenly. Once I am finished with this, the human life force you just consumed will promptly integrate into your body."

Cool, then let me know when I'm internally settled. In the meantime, I'll use the King's Decree to put my plan into motion. It's pretty convenient that I already feel like I know how to use it, it was the same with all the other Crosses I got, I could use them immediately...is that because I got my Vampire powers from you? Atticus still can't use his Cross.

"I do not know. Likely another side effect I was unaware of. I do not exactly have any similar cases to compare it to, after all. Uh...there is something I wish to address...I can sense that you feel somewhat hostile towards me."

Well, yeah...you are the one responsible for attacking my home, and some of the people I'm fond of died because of you...sure, you didn't do any of it directly, but everything that happened, happened on your command, right? But don't worry, since you're literally living inside me, I'm not going to antagonize you too much since that'd make things annoyingly awkward.

I'll probably get over this animosity eventually though, I don't feel all that much hatred towards you. At least, not as much as I should feel. It might have been different if you had ordered your subordinates to kill specific people that happened to be people I care about, but I highly doubt that's the case.

"I...suppose that is fair. I cannot say I quite understand, since the deaths of the Vampires under me have never caused me sorrow."

I'm sure they haven't...okay, time to use the Cross...I should be careful, I need to word this properly...

"I hereby decree to all Vampires...from this day onwards till the end of time, you will all live in Platinberg, never to leave the nation until or unless I say so. You will never attack a human from the Rustlands, Bronztan or Silvland, you will rule over Platinberg and sustain yourselves primarily on their nobles and religious figures. And you will also ensure that the humans of Platinberg do not ever attempt to attack another nation. And finally, you will allow the slum residents and non-religious citizens of Platinberg to live peaceful lives, while making the lives of those that are religious into living hells," I declared, before letting out a sigh of relief, "Crap, I used up three of the five Decrees with that...I was hoping that I could cover all that with just one Decree, but guess not."

"I attempted that at well, but just as you did, I found out that it does not have any such loophole. Ah, it looks like both my life force and the life force of that human have both fully finished fusing with your body. What incredible power...I am not sure you can be called a human anymore."

Then...it's really over. The Vampires will never be a threat again and The Empire was all but done for, I couldn't ask for more. This battle hadn't gone on for very long, but that doesn't take away from how dire the stakes had been...and now, it was really over.

My celebrations wouldn't last for too long though...little did I know, this was only the beginning, the Vampire threat had certainly been dealt with, but the future held many trials that were yet to come, as I'd find out soon enough...


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