Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 173 - 172 - Counterattack(Part 11): True Anima

Chapter 173 - 172 - Counterattack(Part 11): True Anima

Point-of-View: Ekai Zabel


This was not quite according to plan...originally, we had agreed that Kuro would fight two of the Evil Numbers, Persia and Azyl would fight the third, Instructor Tabbs would provide backup from above, while the remaining four of us, myself, Fuo, Vi and Gela, would each fight one of the Vampire Knights...however, one each of the Evil Numbers and Knights had been removed from the equation.

Currently, Kuro was going after one of the Evil Numbers, Azyl and Persia were going after the other one, and Instructor Tabbs was airborne, staying by the back corner of the room and keeping a sharp eye on proceedings and preventing the Vampires from flying up...but the rest of us, including myself, were unsure of how to proceed. We must draw the attention of the Vampire Knights before they try to assist the Evil Numbers that the others were currently fighting.

"Fuo, you and I will each take on one of them, and you two, pair up and take the remaining one," I quickly instructed, snapping them out of it.

As they each picked a target, I shot towards one of the Vampire Knights, firing a massive fireball at him as I did...if I remember right, Atticus addressed him as Asriel...unfortunately, I was not able to fully memorize the details of the Vampires, so I do not know what his Cross is, but I cannot hesitate or I will die.

He attempted to cancel out my flames with a Blood Magic blast, but did not have enough time to charge it up enough, and while he did manage to weaken my attack, he had not fully dissipated it, and my flames inflicted burns on him, eliciting a hiss of pain from him as his skin got charred.

With so many people in one room, it is difficult for me to use my flames at full capacity, and even more difficult to lock onto his scent...this space was certainly large enough for multiple battles to take place, but given the nature of my techniques, I would like hurt those on my side by accident. And at his speed, if I was not keeping track of him by scent, I will not be able to put up a fight for too long.

My best bet will be to lure him out of this room...fortunately, he was chasing after me, infuriated by my flames burning him. I shot towards the doorway we came in through, he rapidly closed in on me despite my attempts to keep him at bay with my flames.

He fired a large blast at me, I narrowly evaded it by leaping forward and rolling away...good, I am outside the hall. I was now in the corridor that leads to the north entrance of the castle, and there were several pillars on either side...this is good, I stand to have a better chance against him here. The Vampire walked towards me, looking a bit calmer, as he took his weapon into his hand, a large metal hammer covered in spikes.

"Hm, I lost my temper for a moment there, a human has never inflicted pain on me before...now that I have regained my senses, it is clear that you deliberately lured me out here, human, how arrogant of you...but it is futile, you do not stand a chance against me," He scoffed, as his eyes began glowing menacingly.

It was actually a good thing that he had calmed down instead of attacking me relentlessly...this gave me a little bit of extra time to attune my sense of smell to his scent, which I had to do if I was to stand any chance of defeating him.

"I would not be so sure, if I were you...but if you plan to underestimate me, then I insist that you do so...it will be at your own peril," I replied tauntingly, before channeling my Mana into my hands, as my nose locked onto his scent.

"Cocky little-...alright, then, let us see if you can survive this!" He exclaimed, before shooting towards me rapidly and swinging his hammer down at my head.

I swiftly ducked back to avoid it, before firing out the flames I had been charging in my hands, but he quickly flew up to avoid it, only his legs getting burnt. He then spun his hammer around a couple of times and swung it straight down at me again, I sprang back to avoid it, one of the spikes on the hammer lightly grazing my armor as I did.

As the hammer slammed onto the ground with a resounding impact, I fired a ball of flames from my mouth as I backed away, which he batted away with a swift swing of his hammer...that weapon clearly was quite heavy, it had left a deep indentation on the floor, and yet, he swung it around effortlessly, almost as if it were a twig.

If I take a direct hit from that weapon, it would severely injure, or possible even kill me. Kuro asked us to incapacitate these Vampires if possible, but I must approach this fight fully attempting to kill Asriel...to not do so would be a fatal mistake, this Vampire is much, much stronger than I am.

He shot towards me and swung the hammer across to my right side, I sprang over it evade it, right as the edge of his tail shot up towards me chest. I swiftly blasted out flames from my mouth, as he quickly wrapped his wings around himself as a shield, letting out a stifled cry of pain as my flames roasted them.

I then leapt back while continuing to shoot out flames at him, when suddenly he spread open his wings with a fierce look in his eyes and a large mass of Blood Magic between his hands. He let out a roar as he fired it at me, I sent out a large, snaking wave of flames to counter it, but the blast just scythed through it, dissipating it rapidly...I jumped away to the side at the last moment as it scorched past me, narrowly evading getting incinerated.

I hurriedly got back on my feet as he flew up and swooped down at me, angling his hammer and swinging it down at my left shoulder. I barely avoided it, tilting my body back as it whizzed millimeters past my face and slammed onto one of the pillars, shattering it in an instant.

Before I could react, he then swung his right leg at my torso, slamming it onto my midsection just below my ribcage and sending my flying back, crashing onto the doors of the north entrance to the castle, breaking them down and skidding painfully down the stairs, before finally coming to a stop on the ground below, letting out a groan as I hit the ground with a loud thud, my arms and back covered in splinters.

That was the least of my concerns though, two of my ribs are broken and I have several fractures...that really hurt. I activated my healing spell and stood up with a grunt as I pulled out the wooden splinters piercing my skin, before my nose alerted me that Asriel was barreling towards the entrance.

Sure enough, he appeared through the opening and zipped towards me, I sprang back as he swung his hammer straight down with a fierce roar, slamming it down with a devastating amount of force and power, breaking the ground apart and sending debris flying out from the impact point along with a slight shockwave.

He then pulled on the hammer, but it appeared to be wedged in the ground, I immediately began channeling Mana into my mouth as fast as I could, charging up a massive flame attack...I cannot let this opportunity go to waste. Rai Rumel suggested this attack to me, and it was remarkably effective when I tested it while training, he also suggested a name for it, if I remember correctly it was...

"Now, take this...Breath of the Dragon."

I expelled a roaring mass of flames from my mouth, far too wide to be dodged, and as intense as I could generate...it drained Mana at an alarming rate, but it was one of my most effective attacks, I had previously never thought to use my flames like this due to the amount of Mana it costs and the fact that maintaining maximum intensity while blowing out such a wide mass of flames burnt the inside of my mouth.

The flames enveloped over and past him as I shot them forward, sweat pouring down my face profusely...while expelling flames from my mouth, I was effectively exhaling, therefore I could not inhale with my nose, meaning that my sense of smell was temporarily disabled...I could not tell for sure if I had gotten him with that attack, but dodging it would have required incredible speed, more than what he was capable of...

I let out a gasp as I ran out of breath, forcing me to cease my attack...did I get h-...I suddenly stiffened as I caught my breath, getting his scent...from behind me. Oh, no-...before I could get away, a powerful impact struck my right side, sending me violently skidding along the ground and crashing onto a pole.

I coughed out blood as my vision blurred slightly...how did he...? I lifted my gaze painstakingly as he approached me with his claws extended...his body was partially burnt, and quite severely at that, especially his arms...I do not see his hammer. I think I get it...his hammer melted, and he had gotten caught up in my attack but managed to keep his brain from getting scorched by crossing his arms defensively, and then flew out of the flames before they could kill him.

His burns were rapidly healing, the malice and rage in his expression terrifyingly intense. His desire to kill me was overwhelming, I need to heal mysel-...before I could, he shot towards me at a rapid speed without giving me a chance to rewcr, grabbed my throat and lifted me up with his right hand, and then blasted my torso with his left hand. It happened so fast that I could barely even cry out in pain as an unbearably intense, stinging pain erupted through my body.

"I will admit it, you inflicted a fair amount of pain on me, human, I was wrong to underestimate you...but now I will kill you, and you will experience pain hundreds of times greater than I did!" He declared furiously, before slashing my torso repeatedly with his claws, taking care not to cut too deep.

I couldn't move, his attack are too fast, I couldn't even concentrate enough to form any flames, my mind was seeing red, the intensity of the pain was too overwhelming...he then stopped and flung me away with immense force, my left shoulder crashed onto the outside of the castle, shattering the bone as I fell down onto the ground...I reached for my healing spell and activated it, a wave of nausea hitting me as a chunk of my stamina suddenly disappeared, my injuries healing.

Given the severity of my injuries, that had taken a large amount of my stamina, I felt extremely fatigued almost instantly as I activated the Healing Spell. He was approaching me with a swirling mass of Blood Magic, his eyes glowing red intensely. He's moving in to kill me. I can move again, but dodging that was going to be impossible...so instead, I shall feign injury and remain still, my palms on the ground and rapidly charging Mana into them rapidly.

"I have had enough of you, human, it is time for you to die. Do you have any last words?" He remarked coldly, stopping about five meters ahead of me and beginning to drop his arm to swing the mass of Blood Magic at me...I see, he was firing it from close so that I could not dodge...but I should thank him for coming to close

"Yeah, I have something to say...," I panted, before shifting my gaze up and gritting my teeth, "Tower...of...Flames!"

A massive towering pillar of flames burst up in front of me, swirling and roaring intensely as it blazed away, he was screaming in agony, but the noise was being drowned out by the roaring of the flames. Suddenly, something sharp burst out of the flames, driving towards my face. I narrowly evaded it, as it grazed my cheek, before I quickly leapt away and got some distance, my flames dissipating as I did.

He was still alive...his arms and wings were scorched off, the bones of his legs were showing, his torso and face were severely burnt...only his tail was intact, that was what he used to try and piece me...damn it, if only I had been able to maintain it for a little while longer. I only had about a fifth of my Mana left, and my stamina levels were dangerously low as well...I do not know if I can still defeat him...in fact, I highly doubt that I can...

"I'll kill you...I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!" He screamed furiously, his eyes bulging violently, "I despise using this power, but I do not care anymore...now face the power of my Cross; Berserker!"

He then let out a loud roar as his eyes began glowing and his fangs grew out, his arms and fingers growing slightly longer and his legs grew more limber. His expression...it was as if he had lost his mind. He let out a vicious snarl and shot towards me, I blasted out a fireball at him, fighting off a wave of dizziness as I did. Without even attempting to dodge, he fiercely batted away with his left arm, which got severely burnt, but he ignored it and didn't slow down.

I began to spring back, but he was too fast, he slammed his right fist onto my chest and drove his left claws into my abdomen, piercing it. He then planted his feet on my knees and sprang off me, before spinning himself in mid-air and slamming his foot onto my face, sending me skidding away along the ground and crashing onto the stairs by the north entrance of the castle.

I winced as a sharp pain went through my back, before hurriedly trying to get away as he shot towards me again. But I was too slow, as he grabbed my ankle and flung me straight up into the air, before flying up after me, rising above me and slamming his fists onto my torso with a wild roar.

I crashed down onto the ground with a resounding impact, coughing out blood, my bones broken and my body in severe pain...he swooped down towards me with a fierce snarl as I healed myself...but this time, my stamina was almost completely wiped out, I can't move...

He was closing in rapidly, his claws extended...if I do not move, I will die...but I cannot move...I am not strong enough...I...if only I were stronger...if only I had more power...I had never desired it before, not so desperately...but as my death loomed over me, all I focus on was the desire to get stronger, a burning desire to survive...I did not want to die...and that was spurring on my desire for power and survival...I could feel something welling up inside me, and I could not stop it from growing, the more I desired to grow stronger, the more intense this feeling grew, until...

Suddenly, it seemed like time had frozen around me...what is this...I felt warm inside...

'Do you desire power?'

A voice? Where is it coming from? The voice...it sounds familiar...

'Do you desire power?'

Is it coming from...inside of me? Who are you?

'I am you...the part of you that slumbers deep within, and now, I am awake.'

You're...me? And what do you mean, awake? Why...were you sleeping...and...why are you...awake now?

'I have been in hibernation from the moment I came into existence, eight years ago, so I do not know why...and I am awake now because...a felt a powerful desire stirring around me, waking me up.'

Eight years ago...did something happen to me eight years ago...wait, that was when...that was when I first developed my Anima...

'I ask you again...do you desire power?'

Yes, I do...but where...where can I get the power I desire?

'It is simple...I am the power you desire. I have lay dormant for all these years, but no longer...if you accept me, the power deep within you...then it shall be yours to command. Do you accept?'

I see, now I understand why this voice was so familiar...it was my own voice. Yes, I accept without hesitation.

'Very well, then...'

And suddenly, it felt like something inside me resonated...the next thing I knew, flames burst out all around me, forcing the Vampire to back away, as I felt something inside me surging, as if a sealed power had been freed and was now spreading through my body and fusing with it...I could feel my body changing, transforming into something more powerful...

And then, deep inside my mind, while my flames roared around on the outside, I felt a sense of calm tranquility, as an instinctive understanding enveloped my mind...oh, I see...the voice that spoke to me really had been me...it was a fraction of my consciousness that had been seperated and sealed along with that power, but now that the seal was broken, that split fraction rejoined my consciousness, and as a result, I understood perfectly...this power...it is...it is the true power of my Anima...

I let out a roar as the power surged through my body, feeling incredibly powerful...my vision was amazingly sharp, my sense of smell was heightened even further, my hearing had drastically improved too...my hair had grown longer and wilder like a lion's mane, and golden-brown fur had sprouted all over me, my feline-like teeth had grown sharper, longer and more pronounced, my finger and toe nails had grown out into claws, and my body and limbs had grown a lot stronger and drastically more limber and flexible...my center of balance was different, it felt more natural to be on all fours right now...

Is this...a Retractable Anima...? No, that's not what this is...it's something completely different. Asriel then let out a growl as he shot towards me...hm, he seems to be a lot slower...no, that's not it, my eyes are simply reacting faster...

As he neared me and drove his claws towards my throat, I evaded it and slammed my fist onto his chest with all my strength, cracking his ribs and sending him flying back, skidding along and crashing onto the ground. It's not just my eyes, my physical reaction speed has also increased...as has my physical strength...

I do not think I can remain in this form for long, especially since I was already low on Mana and stamina, right now I am mostly running on nothing but adrenaline...I must finish this quickly. I sprinted after him on all fours, surprising myself with my current speed...I was faster than he was now...as I closed in on him, I leapt up snd grabbed his throat, crushing it with my grip, before tearing off his limbs one by one. He whipped his tail towards me with a pained roar, which I stopped by grabbing it with my teeth before it could slash me, before shattering the edge between my jaws.

As he let out a tortured roar, I blasted out flames from the hand I was clutching his neck with, rapidly incinerating his body as he howled in agony...and then I spotted a glint, just above his collarbone...there, his core, found it! I grabbed hold of it and began to tighten my grip around it, feeling it crack inside my fist. Right before it shattered, he seemed to come back to his senses, the effect of his Cross wearing off

"I see...I am going to die," Whispered Asriel hoarsely, blood pouring down his mouth as his body slumped in defeat, "And here's a sight I have not seen in a long time, it has been over five hundred years since I saw...a human discovering their True Anima..."

With that, he went up in red flames as I crushed his core with my fist, shattering it. I...I did it...I won...

He said 'True Anima', and that it was something that he had not seen in a long time...what did he mean-...I suddenly stumbled back as a wave of fatigue and dizziness hit me, my body rapidly returning to normal...I collapsed onto my knees as my body began sweating profusely, I felt faint and weak...my vision was starting to darken rapidly, I was just...so incredibly tired...it's not use, I cannot...stay awake...any...longer...


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