Dragon Tamer

Chapter 303 - 304: Every debt has its debtor

Chapter 303: Chapter 304: Every debt has its debtor

Bei Yanshang and Trainer Wu were on the verge of collapse upon hearing these words!

The sword attack just now was truly terrifying; without so many people to block it, and in the absence of the Golden Eagle Dragon, Bei Yanshang would have been pierced through.

By now, the people of Bei Family Manor realized that the person who came looking for trouble was not some wandering knight, but a powerful Demon Lord with extraordinary strength!

“Steward, steward, give all the manor’s money to this sir,” Bei Yanshang hurriedly said.

“Young Master Bei, what are you doing? I am not a bandit. I am just the City Lord of Runyu City, enforcing the law fairly,” Zhu Minglang maintained his smile and, with his other hand, pulled out a bag of money and threw it onto the blood-stained ground.

It was another thousand gold.

This thousand gold was like an advanced payment to the young master of the manor, demanding the life of Bei Yanshang!

“May I be so bold as to ask, what crime has the Young Master of the North Mountain Manor committed?” The tall woman with the fox mask asked, her voice soft and pleasant, albeit with a slightly aloof tone.

“Where is there any crime? It’s just that several hunters from Runyu City are blind; worthless lives, they were thrown down by the Young Master Bei from the pseudo-dragon’s talons and even dared to survive. Isn’t that deliberately making our Young Master Bei lose money? Young Master Bei is benevolent and spared them a few breaths, even allowing one to live and send them back to Runyu City. They actually had the gall to complain to the City Lord; they really don’t know how to be grateful!” Zhu Minglang said indignantly.

The woman from Red Eyebrow Villa looked deeply at Bei Yanshang and questioned him: “Young Master Bei, do you really treat the lives of hunters as playthings?”

“Runyu City has been deemed the City of Sin. Who knows if they are really hunters? To me, they seem more like a gang of bandits out to rob and kill!” Bei Yanshang stammered.

“I knew that Young Master Bei was not fully entertained when I heard the surviving hunter’s account. Look at me, the City Lord, personally coming to apologize and to accompany Young Master Bei in a more thrilling game. Those of you blocking swords for the Young Master, quickly get into position. Don’t worry, I definitely won’t bypass you to directly stab your Young Master; I am a person who strictly abides by the rules of the game!” Zhu Minglang said.

They said these things only to buy time, hoping that the other experts within the manor could assemble.

Zhu Minglang didn’t mind; though he had been busy with official duties lately, such interesting matters could be dealt with slowly. Otherwise, his reputation as the City Lord of Runyu City for the last three days would not spread far.

“Red Eyebrow Villa Master, save me, save me!” Bei Yanshang was so frightened by Zhu Minglang that his soul was about to fly away, and the next sword stab was coming at any moment!

The Red Eyebrow Villa Master looked at Zhu Minglang and said, “Mr. Zhu, could you spare him this once? The Bei Family Manor also has some reputation on this land. Perhaps it’s the elders’ lack of discipline that allowed the impetuous young master to commit sins. Please consider our Red Eyebrow Villa…”

“Girl, either stand in front of him to block the sword for him or shut your mouth and go pick the beast you want. You aren’t one of those hunters, and you didn’t see them with bones crushed and bodies mangled, yet barely clinging to life. If you don’t know the facts, don’t overflow with misplaced mercy here!” Zhu Minglang retorted without any courtesy.

These few sentences made the master of Red Eyebrow Villa flush with shame, anger rising involuntarily in her eyes!

“Red Eyebrow Villa Master, you are mighty; you can surely block this man’s sword. I beg of you, you must save me. Our manor can provide you with a batch of tamed Golden Eagle Pseudo-Dragons!” Bei Yanshang pleaded.

The sword was raised once again, and the crimson blade exuded an aura akin to the Evil Qi of the Asura Field, having claimed countless lives, almost as if condensed from tens of thousands of wandering souls!

The Red Eyebrow Villa Master hesitated for a moment.

In the end, she still did not step forward to block the sword for Bei Yanshang.

To put it plainly, this affair had nothing to do with her, and she had no reason to offend such a terrifying person for the sake of Bei Yanshang!

“Why isn’t anyone blocking the sword for you, Young Master Bei? It seems your conduct really has issues. Aren’t you the master of this manor? Don’t you have a few loyal servants?” Zhu Minglang said.

A sword had pierced through so many people, leaving their fate unknown; they now realized how strong he was.

Even if they summoned all the experts in the manor, could they really stop him?

“You! You dogs, I provided you with luxurious clothes and food, yet you don’t even dare to block a sword for your Young Master Bei. You dogs, a bunch of dogs!” Bei Yanshang roared somewhat crazily.

“I have drawn my sword, Young Master Bei. Do you now feel the pain those hunters felt back then?” Zhu Minglang asked.

“I won’t dare again, have mercy, great lord, have mercy!” Bei Yanshang was now in tears, truly frightened. The previous brush with death had chilled him to the bone, and now those servile dogs had all retreated far away, leaving only Trainer Wu standing in front of him.

Was the opponent’s sword really so terrifying, a bunch of cowardly, craven dogs.

“Take my sword!” Zhu Minglang uttered these two words.

Simultaneously, Trainer Wu, who was trembling in his legs, shuffled to the side. As Zhu Minglang made his official move, Wu too lost the courage to block the sword.

Trainer Wu was well aware that if he blocked it, Bei Yanshang might possibly live, but he himself would undoubtedly die!

The sword flew swiftly, so quickly one could barely see it. One could even see the multiple layers of sword shadows stabbing at Bei Yanshang from various angles. Bei Yanshang delusionally thought to escape by riding a Golden Eagle Dragon, but the sword shadows followed, whistling sharply!!


With a scream, the Golden Eagle Dragon’s golden wings were pierced, and it fell from the sky.

Bei Yanshang also fell following suit.

Whether by coincidence or not, the Golden Eagle Dragon landed on its back, and Bei Yanshang, entangled in the saddle strap, struggled futilely in midair. As a result, upon hitting the ground, he was brutally crushed by the massive body of the Golden Eagle Dragon!!

“Ah! Ah!!!! Ah!!!!!!!”

The scream instantly echoed throughout the entire Trainer Manor, even reaching the ears of people in the town.

The trainers and the thugs within the manor didn’t even dare to save their Young Master, as a White Dragon King stood atop the roof, coldly overlooking everyone in the manor, including the City Lord of Bei Family Manor who had arrived late.

The City Lord was an elderly lady with hair of mixed black and white, and was attended by several Monarch Level Dragon Trainers. Yet, the appearance of the White Dragon seemed like an intimidation to those individuals.

The screaming had yet to stop; the old lady of the Bei family manor couldn’t bear to watch any longer.

“Please, grant him a swift end, at least spare him from such agony,” the old lady finally spoke.

“That is what Old Huang also told me,” Zhu Minglang replied indifferently.

“Our Bei family has failed in discipline, leading to such a mistake. We beg you to grant our Bei Family Manor some leniency,” the old lady said while casting another glance at the White Dragon on the roof.

This White Dragon was not much gentler than that Flying Sword.

“Each grudge has its debtor, and your Young Master has now paid the price,” Zhu Minglang said.

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