Crimson Instinct

Chapter 236: Magic that is beyond understanding

Chapter 236: Magic that is beyond understanding

*Xin Lei*

I was staring at Bai Li, and, in turn, he was looking at me.

Did he call my name just now?

Guess we were both so shocked that we couldn't say anything for a while. He looked exactly like how maybe I might have looked when I first learned that I could talk now.

Long Hu was the only one who didn't seem surprised at all by this.

He smiled. "So, Bai Li. How is it feeling? What can you see?"

We snapped back.

See? Did I hear it right?

Bai Li's gaze shifted slowly from me, and he faced Long Hu, confusion written all over his face. "W-what is happening? I don't understand. I's not dark anymore."

I thought back to when Long Hu and I were doing the surgery, his cryptic message, and his mysterious smile.

My eyes slowly widened, realizing something, and I gasped, looking at him in shock.

"Seems like you have understood," Long Hu said.

I still couldn't say anything because the possibility of what I imagined was so thin that I could hardly believe it was true.

Words got stuck in my throat, but at the same time, my heart beat and sped like crazy. Suddenly, I had an urge to cry.

"Bai Li," Long Hu said, "Congratulations. You have regained your sight. You can see it now."


Complete silence.


That's what Bai Li's reaction was.

Long Hu nodded. "I know it's all confusing and unbelievable, but it's true. It's not less than a miracle for you. Even I, as an experienced doctor, cannot really explain it well, but the bomb blast that caused the debris to hit your eyes brought your vision back. Your friends said that you lost your sight in a bomb blast five years ago, so it's kind of like a reset that happened.

Trust me. When nature wants to do her magic, none of us humans can possibly dig the reason behind it. Your optical nerves weren't particularly damaged to that extent at that time. I just did my best to restore them in their place. But it couldn't have happened without the effect of that blast. So, I had a tiny hope that maybe, just maybe, everything would fall back to its place."

Bai Li looked stumped.

Even I held my breath. 

It is trueIt is really true.

I felt the corner of my eyes sting in tears.

Bai Li. It wouldn't be dark for you anymore. To be able to see must he be feeling right now?

The darkness was gone forever 

"There might be a little discomfort in your eyes for a few hours or even a day or two, but it won't be for that long."

"SoI can see now?"

Long Hu chuckled. "The proof is right with you. You can see us, right? This room and the two of us?"

He nodded in a daze.

"That's your answer."

"I-I still don't get it. It was supposed to be dark here. But now I see all these colors"

Long Hu said, "I know. But some things are beyond our understanding too. They just happen sometimes. Just like we cannot explain what happened to her and why."

Bai Li looked at me, and I straightened up.

I saw him all the time, but suddenly I felt so nervous knowing that he was watching me too.

His gaze was straight on me. He was really looking at me; my eyes, my face, and my entire self. 

Ugh...why am I suddenly feeling so conscious?

I clasped my palms in nervousness. My breaths became short and rapid, and I felt my cheeks flush warm. 

"Xin Lei. You are Xin Lei."

He didn't ask. He stated.

I stiffened.

Gosh, why am I so nervous? Why is this so nerve-wracking!?

"What happened to Xin Lei?"

Long Hu smiled. "I think you two should 'talk' now. Have a nice long conversation. I will be out and explain everything to your friends."

He left and closed the door behind him.

It was silent for a long time.

Then as if the spell broke, Bai Li slowly raised his hand towards me and placed his palm on my cheek.

Once again, I felt my heart race. 

Come on, I have talked to him, and we did so many things together, but why am I feeling so shy now?

"Xin LeiYou are my Xin Lei."

I trembled and felt a tear slid down. But this time, he moved his thumb and gently wiped it off my cheek.

I slowly nodded.

It was time to show him my surprise, so I slowly moved my lips. My throat didn't hurt as before.

"Yes. I am your Xin Lei"

He seemed frozen. Bai Li was rapidly blinking his eyelids at me that made me burst into a chuckle.

" spoke"

I smiled. "Yes, I did."

Bai Li leaned in towards me and held my other cheek too. "You...say that again."

I said, "Yes. I am your Xin Lei."

"How" his voice was a soft gasp.

"I don't know. Just like we don't know how you got your sight back...but you did. As Long Hu was like magic. I woke up in the hospital, and the doctor said that I could talk now. Before that... Zhang Xiulan said that she heard me talking last night for the first time."

"Last night?"

I bumped my head onto his. "Yes. Last night. All because of your reckless stupidity to push me away before the blast. I...still don't have much recollection, but they said that...I screamed your name after the building exploded. That was the first time I spoke."

I hit him on his chest and more tears rolled down my cheeks.

" are so stupid. I-I hate can you push me away like that? How can you...put yourself in danger like that? Idiot! There were hardly any more seconds you have any idea how I felt trapped there?! I-I was waiting for you to emerge from the building, but you didn't...and then everything was on fire...How could you!?"

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