Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 98 98

Chapter 98 Chapter 98

"What do you mean, Clark?" Wan Fei leaned forward instead of taking a step back from these ominous words coming from the mouth of a man.

If this had been a different woman like the untouched maiden Princess Ning Xi, there would have been no doubt that she would take the latter option between the two.

Alas, this was the wily fox Queen Wan Fei and that was all that mattered in the present.

'Have i already succeeded without taking any seduction art from the 369 erotic sutras of Shilan?' Wan Fei thought inside as she referred to the heavenly teachings of the Goddess of Sex and Fertility.

Clark paused for a moment or two while he inhaled deeply because of his close proximity to this absolute epitome of desire before him. He gulped once and cleared his throat before answering.

"Ehem... Nothing, Wan Fei. I just thought that tonight would be a great period to subdue a city to its knees."

Clark may have been too cryptic about his words but he did not care one bit for it at all since everything shall become clear enough when the dawn breaks into the new morn.

"Come, Wan Fei. I have more things to do this evening and I best not waste any breath by standing here no matter how spectacular the moon shines tonight."

Clark smiled and before long, he left the stunned Queen behind him. His agile shadow mixed with the dark night until only the swift wind bore witness to the passage of his great speed.

Wan Fei on the other hand could not help but sport a disappointed expression of her flawless face.

She had totally expected for something more to happen between her and Clark but truth has slapped her hard in failure.

"Hmmm... I have all the time in the world to make you mine, Clark. This is just the beginning of it all." Wan Fei muttered and followed the exact tracks of the one who left her all too quickly.

* * *

"Rest at last." Clark stretched for a couple of times on his comfortable bed and tried closing his eyes for a few minutes.

Although he was not tired in any sense but the solace of seeing nothing for a time was totally refreshing amidst a world that has always been filled with colors and beset with restless activity.

After an indeterminate time, Clark found himself looking at his chamber's ceiling. He was currently thinking of myriad ways on how to properly suppress this city of Nexus without undue bloodshed.

Although he could have used the same technique he had used back in Cresa City but it would be far too inefficient for such a strategy to be utilized again.

"Even if I somehow resurrect any slain foes through the use of my godly cheat skills but they would still be weak pawns in my collection of undead.

It would be better to summon Skeletons than having to take along a horde mindless weak puppets in my care." Clark sighed and was fully determined to enact on a better course of action than the last.

"Tan Zan." the master called for his eternal dark slave.

"I am here, master. Command me." Tan Zan's aged voice replied before his body followed to show itself amidst the dancing candles of the room.

"It seems that you are still the same assassin after hours of endless battle, Tan Zan. How do you feel?" Clark asked as he sized up the dead man standing in his front.

Tan Zan still wore the same black garb of an assassin and was now back to wearing his signature mask into the mix.

Clark knew that this same getup had been shredded time and time again, same with Tan Zan's flesh and muscles.

But it was surprising to notice that after each engagement, both physique and garments would be easily reconstructed anew back into its pristine condition.

If Tan Zan would have been a normal mortal, he would already succumb to battle fatigue or worse suffer the final taste of death.

'Having undead servants in my beck and call is really so op. Hehehe. Not only would they not need any more change of clothes after each battle, they are also almost unkillable where they stand.'

Clark grinned happily but it was also shadowed quite swiftly after he realized how unseemly his form was after every war he went unto.

'I guess i need to buy a Legendary Class Armor also so that I won't need to change clothes over and over again. I'm tired of wasting precious fabrics time and time again.'

'But that will have to wait after I get my first 1 million shop points. Soon. Very very soon.' Clark's smile reached his eyes as he truly anticipated how epic this eventual purchase would be.

He stayed there musing for greener tomorrows and his dead slave Tan Zan did not even murmur any sense of dissatisfaction whatsoever in the treatment that he got.

There were really few beings that can match the loyalty of the fallen. A few breaths passed until our bored gamer had finished delving deeper on his first huge purchase soon.

There were many top choices inside the system shop and each pick has its advantages and disadvantages against its counterparts.

If Clark would choose to be critical about it then there was no doubt that he would have spent hours and hours before reaching for a thorough decision.


"First things first. Let me take Nexus City tonight and select a good option for my 1m shop points afterwards."

"No more games for me until i finally get to determine the best thing that i could buy from the system shop later."

Clark grumbled and he could feel the rush of excitement rush from his belly. And if he was going to be frank about it, this was not a bad sensation at all.

"Tan Zan!" our good gamer called in a voice rather louder than usual.

"Your humble slave is here, master. What is your bidding?" Tan Zan who stood there like an immortal sentinel answered without even moving an inch from his position.

He was tall and immovable in his stance. It was utterly creepy for the innocent but this has not at all terrified the sole breathing occupant inside this closed chamber at the moment.

"I have one thing I need for you to accomplish for me, Tan Zan." Clark started. He slowly drifted on the air because he wanted to see eye to eye when he shared a command unto his subordinate.

This much should be given to an ally no matter dead or alive to at least set a good precedence for his followers.

He was of course pretty sure that there would be more people who would serve under him in the future. And not only undead summons in his midst.

"Tell me what needs to be done, master. And I shall be certain to finish it with alacrity." Tan Zan's voice was grave and the room's temperature seemed to even grow colder after he'd concluded his promise.

"It's nothing too hard, Tan Zan. I only want you to win this city for me but..." Clark halted here and looked deeply into the unwavering eyes of his puppet.

"...without any casualties on the other side. Can you do that for me, Tan Zan?" Clark ended with this question.

Even if he could remotely maneuver each of his summons but that would be so tedious for him to do.

Especially for a city that housed the lives of a hundred million residents, completing this task was not a simple matter at all.

It would be a tad more difficult than acquiring Cresa by leaps and bounds indeed. This was why Clark had seen to it that he would appoint a war commander in Tan Zan.

'And it isn't like the job is hard too because Tan Zan could always dictate the flow of the troops from a comfy position also. That's what the system map is for to begin with.

Any summon of mine could also take advantage of this system perk for a much larger purpose.' Clark smiled and knew the outcome of this subjugation before it had even launched its first strike.

"Consider it done, master!" Tan Zan bowed deeply in place towards his owner.

"Good, good. I await your heroic return, my good and able Assassin!" Clark nodded after the last echoes of his words faded, so did the gloomy figure of Tan Zan scattered into oblivion.

* * *

In the Yan Family Domain.

"BANG!" a body tried to defy gravity only to be chained once more from its inescapable grasp.

"THUD!" it laid there unmoving and unconscious. Sadly, this victim was not the first of its kind. All around them were the same scattered remains of totally sleeping figures.

They were already knocked out from the battle but that did not mean that the war has ended with their incapacitated states. There were more that came after and it promised a much longer fight in the end.

"Why are the League of the Shadow Assassins attacking Nexus?! Do you want to invite slaughter in your House by offending the rule of the Demonic Sword Sect?!"

The Yan Family Patriarch, Yan Rong, roared in fury. He would have utterly turned a blind eye to Yan Kun's death earlier this day in the bid for peace but this old man never considered that they would be attacked by these dark guilds next.

Not in his wildest dreams had he believed for this improbable thing to happen. And yet against all odds, it did.

'Has these killers lost their minds?' Yan Rong clenched his fists in anger.

"BOOM!" no word was given by the silent assassins but only a blatant offense to rekindle the frozen battlefield once more.

A comparable scene like this was happening all over the city of Nexus. But unbeknownst to everyone, the one who orchestrated the whole thing was very much preoccupied with something else entirely.

"Now what item or technique should i buy?"

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