Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 152 152

Chapter 152 Chapter 152

"So why have you called me in here? If you want to do something improper in mind then do it by all means.

Even if I can't kill you tonight but nobody said that I cannot inflict pain unto you also, Lu Chen." Tang Xinyue said the moment the doors behind her closed on their own.

The room they were in was good but even this regal ambiance failed by a large margin in comparison to what she has come to enjoy in the Inner Disciples Court.

But the vision inside this master's bedroom though majestic on its own, still was not enough to capture the interest of Tang Xinyue.

All she could think at this precise moment was how she could erase the annoying grin off of our bored gamer's face.

"I may be gifted by the heavens but I am not that conceited yet to invite the ire of the White Haired Demon of this prestigious evil sect."

Clark replied as he laid ever comfortably on his bed once more.

"Then why have you summoned me here? Do you mean to tell me that we are just here to talk about the past?"

Tang Xinyue shook her lovely head and remained standing in apparent distaste.

"There is no more need to uncover the history between us, Lu Chen. It is already a time that's better left untouched and forgotten."

The beautiful woman had a faraway look on her eyes for a moment before she gathered herself in a flash of anger and irritation.

She most of all did not want to reminisce about the past especially with Lu Chen in her front.

"You seem too edgy for someone that has already forgotten our past, Xinyue. Why don't I remind you of it?"

Our good gamer uttered and without any warning whatsoever, the lone sexy lady inside the room was spellbound at where she stood.

And from then on, the memories that were tightly locked inside Tang Xinyue's psyche has come rushing back at her like the unstoppable flood of judgment.

* * *

"Do you promise to love me forever, Lu Chen?" the voice of a young girl echoed in the fields. She was 18 and so much in love that nothing in the world else mattered for her at this time.

"Of course I do, Xinyue! Nothing can ever separate us! That I promise you." A boy about the same age as the girl replied with heartfelt emotion.

The two of them were sleeping on the green grasses that abounded in the place as this blanketed both their love and bodies in their little romantic interlude.

"I believe you, Lu Chen." The younger version of Tang Xinyue hugged the teenage boy and they shared a hot kiss together. It began with one until it could not be anymore counted in full.

Not that it mattered in the end. Their feelings dictated their actions and Lu Chen at this time was very very creative in his advances.

He plowed two mountain peaks flat and was about to go south in order to map the terrain completely.

"NO! We should stop, Lu Chen!" Tang Xinyue exclaimed before the original Lu Chen could succeed in what he wanted to do.

The teenage girl's face was flushed red and her lips throbbed in the divine kiss she had taken and received with her dearly beloved but alas, that was not enough to make her forego her sanity entirely.

"It's getting late. We need to go back home, Lu Chen." Tang Xinyue arranged her crumpled dress and stood up before the blue balled Lu Chen could ever say a single word of protest.

'Another one of those.' Lu Chen shook his head and tried to accept the fact that Tang Xinyue just wasn't ready yet to take that last and final step.

* * *

"You should listen to me, Xinyue. Lu Chen has been lying to you all along.

While you stand there believing about his sweet words and promises, he is in the pleasure houses busy enjoying himself with the girls inside them." a young Lu Fang said to Tang Xinyue.

"Why are you doing this? I thought you and Lu Chen are best friends, Lu Fang! Why are you saying bad things about him?!" Tang Xinyue accused and got teary eyed in place.

"I'm doing this because i love you, Xinyue! Lu Chen doesn't deserve someone as pure as you.

If you don't believe me then I will gladly come with you to the whore house for you to see how Lu Chen has been deceiving you all this time!" Lu Fang suggested and the rest was history.

* * *

"How could you do that to me, Lu Chen?"

This was the last memory of Tang Xinyue before she had finally escaped the sudden sorcery that had forced her to recall what had happened some 80 long years prior today.

A vivid scene lingered of a young handsome boy that was intent on hammering his hips towards another. It was an extremely painful memory for Tang Xinyue.

The moans of pleasure she heard were like fatal daggers to her heart! And she could still remember those lewd sounds even to this very day.

"What have you done to me?!" Tang Xinyue roared and the familiar shade of white embraced her voluptuous figure from head to toe.

"BANG!" A white form flashed from a static point of view until it rushed towards a solitary target nearby.

Towards a very good looking young man that still laid at ease on the comforts of his bed.

"BOOM!" A cracking sound could be heard and the explosion of shock waves was never unilateral on its way.

It scattered to all directions but after one breath, it was surprising to find out that the private chambers remained absolutely unscathed.

Myriad of different lines pervaded the scene as they formed countless symbols over and around the body of our good gamer.

If one was to look at the scene with keen eyes, one would notice soon enough that these runic forms have also engulfed the entirety of the room.

But since Tang Xinyue was also a trained cultivator that has been to many places and braved lots of tribulations to arrive in her present strength, this much mystic has not lost its meaning upon her eyes.

"A defensive array?" Tang Xinyue retreated and this unexpected change in the situation has brought her back from the recent crazy outburst that she had.

This also showed extremely clearly that this woman was indeed a seasoned cultivator right now.

She did not let her irrational emotions cloud her judgment but instead chose to listen to her brain first and foremost.

"What fortune and luck have you stumbled upon, Lu Chen?" Tang Xinyue asked in a tentative voice.

If this was the only thing that happened unto her ex fiancee then she could accept it as mere coincidence but to add everything that had mysteriously transpired since yesterday.

The advent of the Heavenly Prediction and the Demonic Swords Sect's plea to flatter Lu Chen and then Lu Chen's weird and ridiculous way of cultivating, all of these things combined could only lead her to believe that Lu Chen was most probably to blame for all of this ruckus.

"As i have said before, i will become the most awesome cultivator that this world has ever seen, Xinyue. Why don't you join me once again and together, we will rule and conquer everything!"

Clark said his piece. Although it sounded lame in his ears but that did not matter because he was willing to do anything in order to get the love and adoration of Tang Xinyue once more.

He could of course command her to do so and plant a will that was not hers to begin with inside her consciousness. A suggestion. A strong hypnosis. An irresistible whisper in the dark.

But that would very much leave a bad taste on the mouth of our bored gamer. He was not so far off yet down the pits of selfishness for him to do such a vile thing unto Tang Xinyue.

"Even if you were the son of Heaven, I will never stand beside you... Lu Chen!" Tang Xinyue stated and it would have been good if there were tears in her eyes at the moment.

Unfortunately for our avid gamer, all he could see at this very glimpse of time was the same extreme hatred that had mocked him fully in place.

"BANG!" The double doors shook and the noise has all but echoed their merciless hymn upon our bored gamer.

In all of his power, he still could not let a woman like Tang Xinyue stay on his arms for tonight. It was indeed a very sad lament. One that Clark has no regrets whatsoever also.

Since he could not take to dominate Tang Xinyue in the most unforgivable way then he could only choose another route to take the woman's heart and trust back unto his hands again.

"I guess I will have to take it the hard way then." Clark muttered and followed the path which Tang Xinyue took.

He was not disheartened at all but has instead faced the challenge with a courageous stance. Life was after all very dull if one could get anything he wanted with no effort on his part.

* * *

"What happened inside, Big Sis?" Flower Goddess Ze Min asked as she noticed that there was something very wrong in Tang Xinyue.

It did not take long for Ze Min to determine what it was also. Tang Xinyue had become even colder at the moment. Far colder than what she had seen around the woman's form.

"Nothing. Lu Chen was just as conceited as usual." Tang Xinyue replied. She was about to sit in front of Ze Min but was stopped by a voice behind her.

"Indeed I am, Xinyue. And I would remain as one for a long long time."

Our bored gamer made his presence known and Tang Xinyue also turned around to gaze at the man whom she despised more than anything in this life.

No word needed to be said between them but that did not mean that no other soul amongst them could think otherwise at this scene.

'What happened in there?' Ze Min asked inside but she knew that she would get no clear answered from these two.

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